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Being back at school didn't feel like anything special after all I was only off for a day. I was however learning that an arm cast felt heavier than a leg cast, six weeks of dragging it around will surely be the death of me. The cast was a serious hindrance, I can't even carry all my textbooks; I was totally wrong about being able to cope with an arm cast.

English was definitely the strangest thing about today, for some reason I still had expected to see Fin in his usual seat so I was disappointed when I walked in and he wasn't there. The supply was just a bit useless; no one had told him what we were supposed to do so he was making it up as he was going along. I may or may not have fallen asleep during the lesson, personally I blame it on the medication. Lunch was dreadful too; Taylor was going through something and wouldn't tell me or Jules what it was. We both assumed it had something to do with the phone call last night, that left us with a few possibilities as to what had made her mood even worse.

"Hey Taylor, you want to try eat something?" Jules suggests.

"What's the point in doing anything anymore?"

"So, we really aren't doing well are we?" I joke.

"Heartbreak is no joke Bella." She states and we finally know what is going on.

"I know it isn't, I'm sorry." I sympathise.

"You don't know though; you're loved up and happy."

"No one said anything about love." I interject.

"Oh, it is so obvious." Taylor states. "Anyway, you don't know heartbreak so there's no way you understand what I'm going through."

"I know heartbreak is tough so I'm here for you if you need it." Taylor leaves the conversation alone and I take that as a massive hint that she wants to leave the subject well alone.

The rest of the day Taylor spends sulking about the school, me and Jules do try to get her to talk but it's useless; I guess the one conversation we barely had was all we are going to get. At the end of the day my dad comes to take me to the hospital, the nurses told me he could wake up today or tomorrow so I want to try to be there when he does.

My dad drops me off and I make my own way to Fin's room where he is still out cold, most of the machines were now disconnected and his injuries now looked less serious. Today I will talk to him again, it just feels nice getting things off my chest knowing he can't really say anything.

"Hi me again, still don't know if you can actually here me but I thought while you can't say anything I'll get this off my chest. This has been on my mind since valentine's day, a week of this constantly on my mind. I am pretty sure I love you; I know that might sound crazy because you know I'm not really a romantic and don't do romance but something about you and us has made me start thinking about it. I hope you love me too. I am so glad you probably can't hear me or reply because I would never say this to you while you could. I mean that's all I have to say for today, so I'm just going to sit here and pretend I said none of this." I vent.

I'm sat in the silence just going over what I said and I can't believe I actually admitted it, I mean there is nothing I can do about it now.

"I love you too." Echoes around the quiet room and I know there was only one person that voice could belong to. But it wasn't possible unless- my eyes snap towards the bed where Fin is sat up with his eyes open. My first response is to jump out my seat and go be near him; I pulled him in a tight hug and kissed him. I was relieved that he was finally awake, so relieved that some tears may have escaped.

"I was so worried for you, they had you hooked up to all these machines and you were in surgery for hours and then I wasn't able to see you for hours and no one was telling me how you really were, it was horrible and I never want to ever go through that ever again." I rush out and Fin laughs.

Me and Mr HenryWhere stories live. Discover now