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After spending the two days I had been back with Fin, I decided I should go see the girls. Jules had offered to host as we haven't really been to hers much lately and we had been splitting time between mine and Taylor's. Fin offered to drop me off at Jules' but I had told him I'll just walk as its not far.

Walking up to Jules' door, I notice that Taylor's car is parked out front meaning she is already inside, I may be just the tiniest bit late. I spot the two of them on Jules' couch with snacks piled around them, "yep I am here and yes I am late." I announce walking into the living room.

"This is it we are losing her for good dick." Taylor dramatically complains with a laugh.

"Oh, shut up you clown." I reply hitting her with a cushion. The two of them burst into a fit of laughter while I sit there silently judging them. It takes them a while to contain themselves which is not surprising with these two.

"So, films and food?" Jules asks and we both nod- this is usually the plan for us. Another thing that usually happens is that I'm first to snacks, snacks are just that good. Throughout the film I ask them about their time in California and what they got up to apart from touring campuses.

"I lost Taylor for a good couple days, we went to a bar and then she was gone for three days. She texts me the day after saying she's met some people and will be back at some point."

"Sounds like Taylor." I laugh.

"I have a good explanation." She offers.

"Go on then because you still haven't given me one." Jules says.

"At the club I met this girl and she was giving me the look, you know like her and teach do." She points at me and continues to explain, "so you know we are kissing and then her partner comes up to us."

"Partner!" me and Jules both gasp.

"Yep partner, I was expecting them to kick up a fuss but this girl just continues kissing me while they watch. I noticed he was staring at me and so did she, so broke our kiss and passed me to him. At the end of the night, I went back with them and it turns out they were polyamorous."

"Really?" I ask.

"Yep, they want me to join the relationship once I turn 18. Those three days I was gone I was with them discussing how it would work and just building up a connection."

"So how is it going to work?" Jules asks, "you don't have to answer but I'm curious."

"The two of them are nineteen and while the gap is only 2 years, we still want to be careful and legal so we are kind of in a relationship but not officially until my birthday next month. The three of us are doing long distance until I move up there in August and whenever we can we'll see each other." She explains.

"Wow, so I'm the last one standing- the last single one." Jules concludes.

"You actually are." I realise.

"I'll be the sixth wheel then?" she asks.

"Fourth, I can't really go out with my boyfriend or tell anyone." I remind her.

"We need to get you someone then." Taylor suggests.

"Do we, can't I just be a free agent?" she asks.

"Only if we can't find anyone good enough." Taylor promises.

After that little catch up, we finish up the first film and continue to watch a few others. "I need to do some spending." I think aloud and they both just laugh- I pull out my phone and start scrolling through multiple sights.

"Get this." Jules suggests sending me a link and I instantly regret opening it.

"Oh my god you are disgusting." I react.

Me and Mr HenryWhere stories live. Discover now