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After only a few short weeks back at school we were already being let out for spring break. Fin and I had to get our casts of though before we go anywhere, our appointments after school and I have planned for us to leave pretty much straight away. Luckily Fin now had a car (and could drive safely with a cast) or the birthday plans would be ruined. Fin was also back teaching so we were back to sneaking out of the school together without being caught. He would always leave his classroom a few minutes before the bell and I would pretend to catch up with him to ask a question about English- this had become a routine for us when we needed to leave together. However, since I had a key we were limiting how many times this would happen and the two of us would meet at his apartment.

As we were leaving straight from the doctor's office Fin had put our bags in his trunk- it just saved us time as wouldn't have to go out of our way to get them when we could be on the road. So far Fin had no clue what I had planned for us, I booked everything and even packed our bags; he wouldn't be getting the directions until we hit the road. This was his birthday trip so it was his gift from me, no matter how much he hated I did all of it.

The visit to the doctor's office was quicker than I thought it was going to be, well for me anyway. Fin was in there for what felt like forever, though I do think he was getting a check-up for his surgery scars and how they were healing.

"Right then let's get this party started then." He laughs getting into the car.

"The address is in so you all you have to do is listen and drive." I tell him as he pulls out of the parking lot. The drive should take us almost three hours but I've seen pictures of this place and it is 100% worth it. During the drive me mainly talk about my graduation as it is now only a few months away, we were making summer plans but avoiding the whole telling people part as neither of us really wanted to think about it.

Prom was another topic on our minds, we couldn't go together for obvious reasons so I had assured Fin I would be going with the girls and no one else. Like homecoming my dress would be a surprise, I told him the colour so he could get a little something to match- he wasn't surprised by my colour choice stating that 'he liked blue on me a lot'. Blue was his favourite colour on me apart from green, because green always reminded him I was his in some way. My homecoming dress was green and I typically don't like doing the same colour for both. I did promise him that the dress would be like my homecoming dress is one way, that one way being it knocked him off his seat.

All the talking made the trip go fast and we were nearing the location. The road was getting bumpier as we started going uphill. Once uphill the most beautiful views were exposed to us, there were trees and blue sky for miles- we were definitely out of the city. Fin pulled up to our lodge, it was rustic and frankly very adorable, it was the perfect place for a romantic getaway.

"Happy birthday." I wish as he parks.

"Woah, this is just, this is just great."

"I remember once you told me about these cabin holiday you took every summer and thought I would recreate that tradition."

"This is perfect, this already shaping up to be the best birthday I've had." He compliments pulling me in for a hug.

"Let's stop standing around and start exploring." I say grabbing his hand and leading him into the cabin.

The inside of the cabin matched the outside perfectly; it was just stunning. Inside was homely and made you never want to leave; it may have been small but it had everything. Fin looked around in awe, he pulls me into him and rests his chin on my head.

"I am letting you plan surprises more often." He smiles.

"I'm glad you like it; it took me a while to find this place."

Me and Mr HenryWhere stories live. Discover now