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Time was passing quickly; it was now nearing thanksgiving and I honestly had no idea where the time had gone. Over the last few weeks, me and Fin had gotten into a routine of making Friday our designated night with each other- this meant no other plans were to be made on a Friday and that we would always have one night alone together. After school I would make my way over to Fin's as leaving together would eventually look suspicious, his spare key was always under the mat.

Fin would usually be about ten minutes behind me which gave me enough time to change and get comfortable. Also gave me time to look over dinner and film options. Hearing the door open and close I get off the couch and go to greet Fin, "hello Finny boy." I smirk bringing him into a hug.

"Hello pigtails." He greets back.

"So, dinner?" I ask.

"Dinner in a minute, shower now." He answers putting his bag on the floor and taking his shoes off.

"Can I join you in this shower?"

"Oh, you very much can."

The two of us walk down to his ensuite, losing clothes as we go so by the time we get to the shower we are both naked. Turning on the shower I push Fin under the water and he shivers- guess I didn't give it time to warm up.

"I hope you know I don't have anything remotely feminine in here."

"Smelling like you won't be the worst thing." I smirk.

"Good job I smell nice." He laughs.

"Plus, I didn't come here with the intention of getting clean." I tease.

"Oh, is that right?" He asks.

"I planned on getting very dirty." I say winking at him.

Fin seems to ignore my previous statement and picks up his shampoo, at least one of us wants to get clean. Picking up his shower gel I squeeze a dollop in my hand. Rubbing it on his chest I shoot him a mischievous smirk, my hands go lower and lower but go back up before they go too far. Trying to be sexy I slowly crouch down but don't make it all the way before falling on my arse.

"Well don't think that was as sexy as I wanted it to be." I laugh but Fin's face only shows concern.

"Are you okay?" He asks helping me up.

"I think, I didn't hear anything snap or crack." I lie.

"You better be telling the truth." I mean I wasn't but how could he know that.

"Just get clean." I instruct him trying to put weight on my ankle, me must've hear my hiss as next thing I know I'm being carried out of the shower.

"We should probably take you to the ER." He suggests.

"Yeah and end up on sex sent me to the ER." I try and joke.

"I'm serious, you could've broken your ankle- it looks pretty swollen."

"I'm sure it's fine."

"Okay then try walk." He challenges letting me go. When I do try to walk it's painful and I can't help wincing with every step. "That's it I'm taking you to the ER."

"No let's give it half an hour with ice, then we'll go." I compromise.

"Fine." He agrees placing me on the bed.

"I need clothes." I shout to him.

For a few minutes I am just left sat there naked and just the tiniest bit cold. After what feels like forever fin returns with everything I need, I'm just grateful for the clothes. Getting dressed I remind myself to be careful of my ankle, which I'm sure isn't as bad as Fin thinks it is. Fin was also clever enough to get food when he was getting everything else.

The two of us sit in his bed going over thanksgiving and what our plans are for that-I already know he is away for actual thanksgiving but turns out he is going away until Sunday. it seems it'll just be me and Taylor that weekend, we probably won't see Jules at all. If my ankle is bad, I'll have to deal with it over thanksgiving and explain it to my mom- see there's a week before thanksgiving and my mom works more now so she can have thanksgiving off. She won't notice anything different until thanksgiving so I'll have a good week to come up with something.

Half an hour quickly passes and fin picks me up off the bed and tells me to walk. Putting my god foot down first I attempt to the walk the short distance to the bedroom door. Fin stays behind me just in case I do fall, which was good because I hardly took one step without falling. "ER for you then." He states taking me out the apartment. I did try to argue this but apparently, I did not really have a choice in the matter. Doctors have never been my thing, don't know why just never liked them and right now is not an exception.

The closest emergency room was just out of town which meant a long-ish drive until we got there. Signing myself in, I knew I would be here for a while as the waiting room looked full. My assumption was proven to be correct as after an hour and a half I was finally seen to, now I need this part to go quick- get in and get out nothing fancy I'm hoping. The doctor comes in and checked everything over before sending me off for x-ray. The x-ray showed that my ankle was in fact broken which meant it needed a cast and that I would have to use crutches. Kind of glad I let Fin convince me to go now.

Once I'm casted up me and fin are free to leave, he does have to help me out as I'm not really steady on my crutches. "So that was an eventful night." I laugh when we get in the car.

"at least you're laughing about it." He comments.

"I am now maybe give it a few days and I won't be." I reply.

"Thanksgiving on crutches, you'll always remember this one."

"Oh yeah thanksgiving that's going to be fun."

Driving back, I notice a small gas station and ask Fin to pull in so I can get some snacks- gas station food is the best food and this particular gas station has the best donuts. Walking through the aisles I pick up all the snacks I wanted and pass them to Fin who is holding a full a basket. As we near the checkout I spot the donuts and pick a dozen off them. Fin offered to pay for all the stuff I had bought but I insisted since it was all mine that I will pay- he didn't like this but he knew I would get my way so gave in.

Arriving back at the apartment he carried me up the stairs and placed me into his bed. With my mom being away that meant I could stay here the whole weekend and not be questioned about who I was with it also meant that I could heal without being pestered. Fin snuggled up next to me and passed me the remote so I could choose what we watch tonight. This rarely happens as Fin hates my choice in movies apparently musicals aren't his thing but that's honestly ridiculous to me, how can someone not enjoy musicals. Seeing as I'm a good girlfriend I will pick something I know he will like.

The rest of the night is spent in bed watching crappy films. In fact, the whole weekend is spent like this, just the two of us in bed watching bad films and eating our body weight in bad food.

Me and Mr HenryWhere stories live. Discover now