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Like usual I had enjoyed my week in Chicago it was always nice seeing my dad and spending some proper time with him. A part of me however was ready to get home and back to Fin- I hadn't missed him as much as I thought I did but that was probably because I was so busy this week. My dad did not waste any moment this week, he even let me go on a little shopping spree yesterday.

Today was my last day in Chicago, I would be going home in a few hours, my dad gave me this time to pack what I needed and get organised. Right now, I was working on my English project, everything was pretty much done I just had to write the actual poem now which was proving more difficult than I thought. Creative writing was my passion but right now it was my enemy. Placing my laptop down I felt my phone vibrate next to me, a cheeky photo flashed on my screen and I knew exactly who it was.

"I hate you." I mutter answering the phone.

"What a nice way to greet your boyfriend."

"I am not pissed at my boyfriend; I am pissed at my English teacher." I explain.

"I feel bad for your English teacher." He laughs and in response I stick the finger at him. "You are just a ray of sunshine today."

"I will be in a few hours when I am home and can actually see you." My mom had a last-minute business trip so I had the house to myself and I told the two idiots to stay away- this time Fin was coming to my house.

"can't wait and I'll bring your favourite food." He assures.

"God yes, I'll definitely be a ray of sunshine then."

"Your bed better be comfortable." He jokes.

"I'll let you know my bed is more comfortable than yours." I joke back.

"It better be, I like my beauty sleep."

"Oh, I don't think you will be sleeping much tonight." I tease

"Someone needs to go take a cold shower."

"Only if you join me."

"You know I thought this would be a nice chat with my girlfriend but nope."

"Oh, hush you."

"I mean you're the one who will be paying for the teasing later."

"Now who needs a cold shower." We continue teasing each other until my dad shouts me and tells me it was time to go.

The drive home was good, my dad just kept reminding me what to do to please my mom and to stop her being suspicious. "Your mom has you for thanksgiving and Christmas this year, doesn't she?" he asks.

"Yep." A sad look flashes over his face as he realises something.

"I won't see you now for a good couple months, what am I going to do all on my lonesome?"

"Get a dog." I suggest.


"I might have to come up to Chicago next month for my interview so depending on when that is we might be able to see each other."

"You know I forgot you still had to do that."

"One step closer to the dream."

"One step closer to being by your dad." He jokes pulling up to the house.

"I'll see you next month then maybe?" I ask.

"You can count on it." He says as I exit the car and walk up my driveway- my dad didn't drive away until I was safely in the house.

Opening the door, I carefully drop my bags and sit myself on the couch for a second, after a little while I decide, I should go freshen up. Can't see my boyfriend after a week looking like a mess, I won't however dress up for him- he can learn to take me how I am. Can't wait for a bath after suffering through showers all week, just a nice soak with some bubbles; I'll be smelling good and feeling good.

Getting out the bath it turns out I have impeccable timing as my phone pings- it's Fin texting to say he's almost here. That gives me enough time to put some clothes on and go meet him.

"Hello handsome."

"Hello beautiful." We greet as he walks through the door and into the living room.

"Something smells good." I comment,

"Oh yes I bring dinner." He replies holding up several bags of food, "and snacks for later."

"a man prepared I like that." I respond taking him down into the basement.

"You know I'm feeling kidnapper vibes right now." Fin jokes walking downstairs, all I could do was laugh.

We both take a seat on the couch and dig into the food he brought whilst also catching up- turns out Fin did more than boring teacher stuff this week. Surprisingly, we haven't torn each other's clothes off yet- we have a lot more restraint than I thought. For now, though it feels nice spending some quality time together and having this alone time together because we don't know when we will get this opportunity again. Between us we manage to put a big dent in the pile of snacks fin bought along with him and due to this we are now just flopped on the couch like absolute slobs; I swear my sweats feel a little snugger than they did.

It gets later and later but we don't bother moving, we watch countless movies and Fin introduced me to his favourite show- which may be just the tiniest bit addictive. At some point we decided to head up to my room as we needed to at least attempt to get some sleep. "I do apologise for the mess." I comment as we walk in.

"What mess." He scoffs, his eyes wondering around the room and taking in everything. One thing catches his attention and I wish it didn't, an array of photos of me from childhood to now- including my awkward phase. Picking up one of the photos he does a double take, "this was you?" he laughs looking at my braced self in some camp uniform.

"Yep, summer before sophomore year- it wasn't a great time for me." I explain.

"could've been worse."

"How does it get worse than this?" I ask pointing at the photo.

"Summer before sophomore year I was lanky nerd with zero self-confidence."

"Well, it looks like our younger selves would have gotten along well." I joke placing the photo back in its place- Fin just keeps looking through and occasionally laughing at some.

"This one is recent, isn't it?" he asks picking up a newer frame that held a picture of me, Jules, and Taylor.

"Yep, that was taken on homecoming before we got all dolled up." I explain taking the picture.

"you three seem really close."

"It ever used to be like that, me and Jules were friends first and when Taylor started in 7th grade, we didn't like her all that much but our teacher grouped together on a project and the rest is history."

"Do they know about us?" he asks seriously taking a seat on the bed.

"They were the ones who told me to go for it, I'm telling you now they would never spill. They know if they did, I would rain hell on the both of them" I answer sitting next to him on the bed.

We both lie back with a moan and it just sets us off into a fit of laughter- safe to say my bed is the comfiest. Fin rolls on top of me and just stares at me for a little while before leaning forward and kissing me. The kiss brings me back to homecoming and everything that happened that night. This kiss wasn't going to lead other things it was just one of those where were we remind each other how much we do like each other- a nice reminder that we were finally together after another week apart. Not many words were shared between us, I just laid in his arms and smiled.

"Tomorrow we will have dinner- just me, you and some candles. I'll even cook for you, make you one of my favourite dishes." Fin whispers in my ear.

"Sounds lovely." I mumble.

"I'll even wear something smart." He adds.

"Then I will also dress smart." I state kissing him and resting my head on his chest.

"Sounds like a plan."

I'm sure this will be our first date and so far, it sounds alright, Fin is a decent cook after all so it's not like the food will be bad. With my head on his chest, I could hear his heartbeat which was calming to say the least- it is certainly sending me to sleep.

Me and Mr Henryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें