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Fin has now been awake for three days and I am pretty sure he is being released this afternoon, we haven't been able to talk much since I was grounded as I couldn't visit him as much and he has yet to get a new phone. The nurse mentioned it when he woke up that Fin would be released at the start of next week- which today is. My mom however is leaving tonight for a few days so I might get the opportunity to see him later. I had missed spending time with him, Friday was the first Friday we weren't together in months. Also, I still need to ask about him coming with me to Chicago, I hope he says yes as it will mean being together every day for a week which sounds great.

I'll have to remember to ask him later but first I have to finish this school day.

"Fin should be coming home today." I say to the girls as we head to our third period lessons.

"Are you going to be able to see him?"

"You are grounded remember." Taylor reminds.

"My mom is leaving for a few days so I'm officially ungrounded." I exclaim.

"Everything works out for Bella." Taylor sarcastically exclaims.

"Someday everything will work out for you too."

"It was until I broke it." She says as we turn to the corner down to the corridor we needed.

"I'm sure everything will work out at some point."

"Fine." She says walking into our English room. Turning to Jules I tell her goodbye before she leaves to go to her classroom.

English is yet another lazy substitute who has no clue what is going on; turns out the English department do not know how to communicate well. Surprisingly, Taylor wants to talk about me and Fin which is weird because that has been a sore subject since her breakup. I fill Taylor in on some things but I am interrupted by her repeatedly poking me before I can tell everything.

"you two are sure made for each other." Her comment takes me by surprise as it seems unwarranted. The reason behind her comments becomes evident as I hear someone enter the classroom "you both know how to lie easily." She concludes when I look up.

"Hey just came to check in on my favourite class."

"Well, hello there Mr Henry, glad to see your well."

"It was a minor accident so I'm all good now." He explains, minor also is no way to describe that crash- his side of the car was completely crushed and he was in a coma for three days. I tune out for a bit not wanting to hear him explain what is wrong with him and when he'll be back to teaching us. I'm sure I'll hear all about it later when I see him. A few girls in the class ask to sign his cast which just brings a smile to my face.

At lunch on Friday, I got Jules to take me to the hospital just so I could explain to him why I wasn't going to be able to visit. He had his cast on and was asleep when I went in so decided to sign his cast, I'm not sure if he knows I signed it. Anyway, he didn't wake up the whole time I was there so I just left him a note. I'm just glad I didn't put anything too graphic on his cast because that could be awkward if any of the girls saw, a lot of questions would come from it also.

Once a few people sign his cast I decide to go sign it too, you know just put something generic. When I do go up to sign someone points out the obvious, "hey look sir and Bella have matching injuries." I fain shock and laugh.

"Oh yeah we do."

"I wish I went for a blue cast, green just isn't my colour." He laughs as I go back to my seat- he may not like green but I did, in fact it's my favourite colour in general and my favourite colour on him. Funnily enough our casts were each other's favourite colours, my cast was blue which was is favourite colour.

Me and Mr HenryWhere stories live. Discover now