The Empathetic Eraserhead

By PBUnicorn

5.1K 143 21

This story takes place in the My Hero Academia universe and after Eri gets rescued. Yukina Fujita is the newe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chatper 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note

Chapter 4

285 7 0
By PBUnicorn

The night played over in Yukina's head as she got ready for bed. Mostly it was where her and Shouta almost kissed. She got comfy in her bed, was she overthinking it, she wasn't sure but the one thing she knew was she liked him. He seemed so laid back, it reminded her of a cat, aloof but also loving, like she saw with his two friends. As she got her alarms ready for the morning, she was thankful it was Friday, she didn't want to rush getting up, due to her late night out, and leave a bad impression on the young girl.

In the morning, around eleven in the morning, Yukina got up and got ready for the day. She decided to make a small shopping list, as she cooked what she had left from the move, and she wanted to go explore her new home a bit. After she headed out of her dorm, and she saw Kayama headed out, deciding whether or not to bother her, she caught up to the elder woman, slightly scaring her.

"Fujita-chan, it's you," she said after she jumped a little as she giggled.

"I'm sorry Nemuri-chan, I didn't mean to, I was going out to do some light shopping, wanna join me?"

"Sure, let me go head and call my agency, that I won't be in," she rushed to get her purple covered phone from her back pocket, "Good day to play hookie," she giggled.

"It does have its advantages," Yukina added, giggling as well.

"Sorry for Yamada last night, he tends to get flirty when he drinks," she said as she hooked her arm with the shorter woman.

"It's alright, I've been feeling a bit down about how I look, too many bad dates or too many cancelled dates," Yukina sighed at her failing love life, or lack of.

"You're kidding right? You're a babe!" Kayama was amazed to learn that tad bit of info from her newest friend.

"Of course, I think I'm adorable, but I guess the guys that asked me out, thought otherwise," she sounded so defeated on the dating front.

"Well, you are, but you might look even better if you want some of my help," Kayama suggested. As the two women started to walk towards the mall, Nemuri was thinking of a handful of ways to increase Yuknina's chances with a better man, or men if she was interested.

"What are you thinking about doing to me Kayama-chan," Yukina asked as the taller woman was softly giggling.

"How attached to your hair are you," she asked as she led her to her favorite salon, "Yuki-chan you can just call me Nemuri."

"Alright, and I was already thinking about cutting it, but nothing too wild," Yukina said as she watched Nemuri talk to the front desk lady.

"Want any color? This is one of my favorite salons, they can do anything!" she asked Yuki.

"I'm not sure, since I work with kids, maybe something bright and colorful, or a fun pink color," Yuki was thinking out loud.

"How about a fun light pink, almost metallic purple," Nemuri suggested, looking at her, picturing her with shorter, pinker hair. As she turned to the hair stylist, she whispered her idea into her ear.

"Sure, we can do that," the stylist said nodding, "I think that would suit her better. She'll rock it, with the right tips and tricks."

As the stylist started, Yuki was excited to see what Neguri had planned for her. Yukina was planning on changing her hair, but she was too scared to try, let alone with a fun new color.

"Since your hair is virgin, I'm assuming the bleaching should be easy and take," the stylist said, guessing at her hair color. "It shouldn't take too long either, maybe around two to three hours, Neguri if you want to go do some shopping," Amelia said to the other excited woman.

"No, not this time, I want to see how this works out, I'm too excited to wait," she said almost bouncing up and down from the excitement. Almost after the three hours of dying hair, and styling it on Yukina, finally got a chance to see Amelia's work.

"Oh goodness!! I love it!" Yukina exclaimed as she saw her handiwork. Excited seeing the short metallic color and her shorter hair framing her cute face slightly. Her waist length hair was cut into a short pixie cut with a side swept bang, and dyed to a beautiful dusty purpley-pink color.

"Alright, just a few tips, for your bangs, just use a round brush, on low heat to style it. If you use any product, always under style it with gel or pomade, less is always more. Also if you do use pomade, make sure its lightweight, if you don't feel comfortable with pomade, use some moose. And if you want, you can change your part, I made sure both sides would look nice either way," she explained to Yuki.

"Thank you so much, Amelia," Yukina thanked the woman full heartfully, almost crying from joy.

"Any time hon," she said sweetly as Nemuri handed her her credit card.

"It looks so good Yuki," Nemuri said, almost ready to head out to get some new outfits for Yuki.

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