𝐴𝐷𝐻𝐷 || 𝑛. 𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑝...

By -schnapplejuice-

7.7K 108 79

Book #2 of the Mental Awareness Series {Noah Schnapp x other character (female)} Attention Deficit Hyperactiv... More

☆Chapter One☆
☆Chapter Two☆
☆Chapter Three☆
☆Chapter Four☆
☆Chapter Five☆
☆Chapter Six☆
☆Chapter Seven☆
☆Chapter Eight☆
☆Chapter Ten☆
☆Chapter Eleven☆
☆Chapter Twelve☆
☆Chapter Thirteen☆
☆Chapter Fourteen☆
☆Chapter Fifteen☆
☆Chapter Sixteen☆
☆Chapter Seventeen☆
☆Chapter Eighteen☆
☆Chapter Nineteen☆
☆Chapter Twenty☆
☆Chapter TwentyOne☆
☆Chapter TwentyTwo☆
☆Chapter TwentyThree☆
☆Chapter TwentyFour☆
☆Chapter TwentyFive☆
☆Chapter TwentySix☆
☆Chapter TwentySeven☆
☆Chapter TwentyEight☆
☆Chapter TwentyNine☆
☆Chapter Thirty☆
☆Chapter ThirtyOne☆
☆Chapter ThirtyTwo☆
☆Chapter ThirtyThree☆
☆Chapter ThirtyFour☆
☆Chapter ThirtyFive☆

☆Chapter Nine☆

224 4 0
By -schnapplejuice-

Chapter Nine
New Girl

Saturday, September 16th, 2017
Narrators POV

Stella woke up to Millie shaking her to wake up. It was 12pm. Stella had fell asleep almost as soon as she laid down. She was exhausted from the flight that night and could barely keep her eyes open.

"Stella. Finn told me to come wake you up. He doesn't want you to sleep in all day and miss having fun with us. We have a new cast member coming today and we don't want you to miss her arrival." Millie said as Stella sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"When did I fall asleep? I remember me and you sitting in Noah and Finn's room to watch a movie but I don't remember the movie." Stella said groggily.

"You fell asleep five minutes into the movie. Noah was playing with your hair and you just passed out. Finn carried you in her last night when I came in here to sleep." Millie giggled.

"Oh ok." Stella said and got up. She walked to the bathroom that she shared with Millie. She brushed her teeth and hair before changing into shorts and an oversized t-shirt. Afterwards she headed downstairs to see everyone in the living room except for Finn and Noah.

"Good morning sunshine." Caleb said as Stella sat on one of the couches.

"Good morning." Stella smiled. "Wait where's Finn and Noah?"

"Oh yea! Finn told me to tell you to head to his room when you were ready." Millie said. Stella nodded before heading back upstairs. She walked to Finn's door and knocked before getting the ok to come in.

"Good morning Stell." Finn whispered as he let Stella into the room. "I'll let you do the honors of waking Noah up."

"Noah!! Wake up!" Stella giggled as she jumped up and down on his bed.

"Is the house on fire??" Noah said as he shot up from his sleep.

"No but I'm bored." Stella giggled. Noah rolled his eyes and smiled at the girl.

"No but seriously you need to wake up because Sadie will be here in about two hours." Finn said.

"Is that the new girl?" Stella asked. Finn nodded while Noah walked to the bathroom to get ready.

"Wait where is she going to sleep? You and Noah share a room, me and millie, and caleb and gaten. There's no more rooms for the kids." Stella questioned.

"About that. They added a new space in Caleb and Gaten's room so me or Noah are going in there. You're moving in here with whoever you feel more comfortable with or if that matters. I think the directors want me to move in with Caleb and Gaten since I'm older than Noah but they said it was up to you." Finn said.

"I'm fine with either. Noah's my best friend and you're my brother so it doesn't matter to me." Stella answered. "If the directors want you to move in there, go ahead. I'm sure Noah would be fine with it too."

"Be fine with what?" Noah asked as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Room situations." Finn and Stella said in sync.

"Oh, yea I'd be fine with either." Noah said, sitting down at the edge of his bed.

"Ok well I guess I'm moving out, roomie." Finn said before walking out of the room and downstairs.

"Hey roomieee" I smiled.

"Someone's happy today." Noah laughed as stood up to go downstairs.

"I'm just glad to be here with my best friends." Stella said as she followed him down the stairs.

"Guys do you remember when we all met for the first time and we literally predicted that Noah and Stella would be best friends?" Millie asked.

"That day was so fun. I love how we predicted their friendship." Gaten laughed. Stella and Noah hid at the top of the steps to ease drop on their conversation.

"Don't say you heard it from me but Stella
said-" Finn started but got interrupted by Stella.

"I said what Finn?" Stella said sternly, after bolting down the stairs. She knew exactly what Finn was going to say and it wouldn't have ended well.

"You didn't say anything at all." Finn said shocked that she heard him and terrified that she would beat the living crap out of him. Stella might have been tiny but ever since she was 4, she had wrestled with Finn. When she was about 7 or 8, she had to stop because she had been doing it so long that she eventually started leaving bruises on Finn.

"That's what I thought." Stella responded as she plopped onto a couch. Noah sat beside Stella before everyone got a notification on their phone.

"Omg guys. Sadie just texted saying she's on her way! She's about 15 minutes away right now!" Millie squealed.

"Wait really?!" Stella asked excitedly. Millie nodded and the 6 of them ran outside to wait for the girl. They all talked about how excited they were to meet Sadie.

"Look!!" Stella yelled as a car pulled into the driveway.

"It's Sadie!" Millie squealed as the car came to a stop. Sadie immediately got out of the car and ran to them.

"Sadie!!" Millie, Gaten, Caleb, Noah, and Finn all squealed at the same and ran towards her. Well except for Noah. He stayed back with Stella for a few seconds.

"Aren't you coming?" Noah asked.

"No. I feel like this ones for you guys. I'm not apart of the cast." Stella said, adding a slight laugh. Noah nodded and walked off to join their group hug.

Stella stood there watching her five friends and Sadie hugging and laughing. Of course she felt a little left out but she thought that they should get to have that special moment with Sadie since they would be working together for a few years. Sadie seemed nice from what she had heard from Finn and the rest of the cast but Stella hadn't formally talked to Sadie yet. Maybe just a hi or a wave while Finn was on FaceTime with the cast.

"Don't worry. They won't abandon you." Half of Stella's brain fought.

"Oh but they will. They never cared about you. It was just an act because your Finn's sister." The other half argued

"They all love you. Especially Noah. He's your best friend."

"Noah hates you. Might as well just give up."

"Finn would never leave you. He's your big brother."

"Just because Finn's your brother doesn't mean he won't abandon you. Family can be toxic too."

"Sadie's going to hate you. You're such a bad person."

"Sadie will love you for who you are."

Stella took deep breaths as she tried to calm down her thoughts. She didn't want to overthink this. They were just hugging. Nothing bad could happen from hugs. They just symbolize friendship. Stella got millions of hugs from her friends a day.

I guess she's just caught up by the new girl.

a/n: how are you guys? :)

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