「 Girls' Frontline 」Nikolay's...

By Dualpen

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After several years of living off his survival skills and scavenger instincts to come around trouble, weather... More

Attention all readers, new and old, before you read!
Ch. 1: Keep it Going
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: First contract
Chapter 6: New faces on sight
Chapter 7: Fallen falcons
Chapter 8: Hunt
Chapter 9: Liberation
Chapter 10: Frozen Journey
Chapter 11: Snowy Relaxation
Chapter 12: Cry of the eyass
Chapter 13: Old time jabs
Chapter 14: New year, new life
Chapter 15: Settling down
Chapter 16: A calm day
Chapter 17: Preparations for the play
Chapter 18: Starring the puppeteer
Chapter 19: Start of the red show
Chapter 20: Introduction
Chapter 21: Crux
Chapter 22: Denouement
Chapter 23: Good morning
Chapter 24: Daily life continues
Chapter 25: Springs notice
Chapter 27: Getting back on track
Chapter 28: Old but gold
Chapter 29: Lockdown shenanigans
Chapter 30: Talkful day
Chapter 31: A hint of distrust
Chapter 32: New thinking
Chapter 33: Paperwork
Chapter 34: Bitter memories
Chapter 35: Working day
Chapter 36: Cloudy
Chapter 37: Recruting
Chapter 38: Little tour
Chapter 39: Arrival
Chapter 40: Release

Chapter 26: A timely arrival

166 9 1
By Dualpen

Raisa: Hm... *Sigh* Today is quite boring for some reason...

Said the doll setting her book down on her lap and looking around, although she finally relaxed from that little heated exchange of strikes with Nadya she couldn't help but notice how plain the day was, not to mention the high temperature of the heatwave didn't leave her much breathing room too to think straight. And then as she wanted to resume her reading session to keep herself entertained and her thoughts away from current events she heard footsteps and then her name being yelled out.

Sveta: Yo Raisa

Raisa: Huh?

Sveta: We got new recruits

Raisa: What?

Raisa looked behind Sveta as she entered the cafeteria, behind her approaching figure there were three more dolls, that made Raisa display a face of confusion, weren't they supposed to arrive by evening and not, well now by midday.

???: Cześć! (Hello!)

Said the redhead, Raisa got up from the table and walked up to them leaving the book on top of said table, more focused on getting info on what's happening now really.

Raisa: I guess they asked you to bring them to me?

Sveta: Eh yeah they did, I didn't know we got new people tho

Raisa: Neither did I until yesterday afternoon...

Sveta: Huh...

???: Nie martw się, nie martw się (Don't worry, don't worry) things like this happen

Raisa: You were supposed to arrive by evening, what happened now?

Said Raisa quickly dismissing Sveta and getting sight of the three dolls behind her.

???: Evening? We reported afternoon though

Raisa: ... I... *Inhale* I swear if Nikolay messed up the documents I will be really angry at him when he wakes up...

???: Hm?

Raisa: Nothing... Nothing... *Sigh* What's your name?

MSBS: Names MSBS, that one is PR-15

She said signaling to her right at the small doll that wore a green beret with an insignia of an eagle grabbed onto a semi-circle. Her quite lengthy hair stored inside a ponytail also, and then MSBS signaled to her left.

MSBS: And she is WIST-94

The doll wearing a green side cap with similar insignia nodded at the statement her short dark hair reached maybe no further than just cover her ears.

As per their clothes, they were simple uniforms, well not even uniforms, just civilian clothes combined with some military or police gear. The three wore jean shorts, although of different brands they were still shorts. White shirts accompanied their looks, those shirts being under either a jacket or some webbing gear, as per their weapons they apparently didn't bring them, though their codenames already state them and their polish origin, most importantly they were probably taken by whoever is doing guard duty right now by the main gate, just in case.

Raisa: Nice to meet you

MSBS: The pleasure is ours

Said MSBS as she smiled her brown a bit yellowish eyes staring at Raisa waiting for her to accept the handshake she offered as a courtesy. Raisa accepted the handshake and after finishing analyzed the other two dolls humming acknowledgment as she then walked back to the table and picked up her book.

Raisa: *Sigh* Let's see where are your weapons?

MSBS: The guard ceased them, as well as our motorbike

Raisa: Had to gues--... Motorbike?

MSBS: Motorbike

PR-15: A Ural M72 motorcycle painted with green olive and modified with the original sidecar to be exact

Sveta: Ey that thing is cool! I saw some photos!

Raisa quickly darted a stare at Sveta who quickly shut up and whistled out of the situation, Raisa sighed and looked back at them.

Sveta: At least now we got a vehicle... Hm, you will get your belongings afterward in the armory, let's get you three to your dorm and organize some documents yes?

MSBS: Sounds good, chodźmy (let's go)


R4: Two pistols... An assault rifle... a motorcycle helmet modified with... LEDs? Okay then...

Said R4 noting down everything she ceased from the newer dolls, making sure they aren't bringing anything strange or dangerous inside the base that could cause problems.

R4: No chips or electronic devices so that's good

She muttered signing one of the boxes in the report she needs to fill every time someone decides to stay in the base for a period of time or well forever.

R4: Clothes and documents... That's pretty much everything they brought with the two cases... Apart from the guns, everything seems in order...

R1: *Bzzz* R4 you copy?

R4 quickly looked up from the table to the other smaller table behind her, her comms device bursting into her sister's voice, she quickly picked up the transmission and answered, leaving the inspecting for later.

R4: *Bzzz* Loud and clear, something wrong up there?

R1: Movement ahead in the forest, undefined figures moving 10 km/hour through the bushes southwards

R4: Friendlys? Spies from Kryuger? Enemies?

R1: Unarmed for the looks of it, I can distinguish red and other colors so they are not wearing any sort of uniform that could distinguish them from military or civilian

R4: If they stop too near give them a warning shot

R1: Copied...

R1 then closed comms and went back to aiming her sniper rifle, keeping her sights on top of the moving targets, magnifying her scope she adjusted it to 800 meters, a bit closer than the 600 meters of before.

Although the branches, trees, bushes, and vegetation made it hard for her to see them she tracked the figures via their modifications on the surroundings, such as leaving a bush slightly squashed, grass taking the form of their steps, and the birds that displayed alert as the figures passed by. Then the movement suddenly stopped, magnifying her scope yet again she got a much more zoomed view of where they stopped, they seemed to be a group of 3 dolls, strangely she couldn't distinguish any G&K badges or insignia that could notify her if they were friendlies.

R1: Hm...

Readjusting her scope to 700 meters she aimed her rifle by the boot of one of the dolls, their faces and upper bodies were being covered up by the branch of a tree, however, the same wasn't applied to their lower part of their body, their legs being exposed as well as their feet. Waiting for about 2 minutes and not seeing movement she decided to take action, lowering her rifle slightly she aimed for the closest point by their feet, a safe yet close distance to make sure they noticed the shot but as well that it doesn't harm them, inhaling and holding her breath she slowly started to pull the trigger back, and in a matter of a second, bam, a loud, heavy bang and flash exited her rifle as well as the bullet, the recoil was soft but it still pulled R1 slightly back as it hit her shoulder. Through the scope, she saw how the shot landed where she wanted, near the feet of one of the intruders, who quickly scrambled away as they saw what happened and heard the distant bang from the watchtower. Reloading she pulled the carrying bolt up and back, the empty casing springing from the chamber and pushing up a new round, which was after quickly loaded by ramming the bolt carrier forward and down, sealing the chamber yet again for another shot, the characteristic sound of the Kar98 system swelling her ears as she followed the now running intruders with her scope.

R1: Hm... Maybe stray dolls?... Or Scavs...

She said as she finally lost track of them because the figures run too deep into the forest making her stop looking through her scope and picking up her comms yet again to inform what happened with the intruders.

R1: *Bzzz* They ran off

R4: *Bzzz* Did you see anything that could disclose their faction?

R1: Negative, I would say to reinforce guard duties this week just in case they return

R4: Hm... I will inform Raisa after I finish with my turn here

R1: Alright then

Said R1 before closing her comms entirely and sitting down on the floor, hugging her rifle as she looked at the ceiling of the guard tower.

R1: *Inhale* ... *Exhale* Everyone probably heard my shot already... Wonder if someone will ask me what happened

She thought, a memory of R1s popping up, she quickly dismissed the first option her brain gave her by shaking her head violently from left to right and looked back at the ceiling.

R1: *Sigh* Maybe those Americans were right and I should get into drinking...

She muttered closing her eyes and letting the little air up in the guard tower enter her lungs, which exited them as quickly with every deep breath and sharp exhale her lips silently let out.


Alyona: ... Hm... Probably some bear getting too close to the base...

Muttered Alyona as she dismissed the sniper shot she heard, her concentration going back to adjusting and checking the dresses she had stockpiled for so long, be it handmade, scavenged ones, or even bought ones, the collection that laid on her bed was truly quite an impressive sight of colors, forms, and combinations, yet it lacked something for her tastes.

Alyona: Maybe some accessories wouldn't do me much harm...

She thought looking at herself in the mirror, sighing at her plain looks and face, she didn't have anything that could standout about her unlike her sisters, and just the dresses she collected wouldn't do the full job.

Alyona: Maybe I should start with my hair...

She said leaving a dress back on the bed and adjusting her hair to lay forward on her shoulder, looking at it from different angles and trying to find a way to make it a bit prettier.

Alyona: A braided crown doesn't look so pretty with dark hair huh...

She said caressing it a bit and moving it around lightly to see it from some new angles, letting her arms go limp she then quickly raised them back to hold her chin and hummed still staring at herself in the mirror.

Alyona: Maybe pigtails? Hm... A ponytail is also too plain... Perhaps I should dye it? Ghmmm... But what color?... Maybe blond ends... and leave my hair long... Oh right

She let out suddenly hitting her open hand with her fist as if she remembered something important out of a sudden. Moving quickly towards the dresser she opened the first drawer and searched around for something, finding a small wooden comb with hand-painted red berries and strawberry bushes, sitting down on her bedside she undid her braided crown and with a brush, she had on top of the nightstand she straightened her hair afterward with care and patience she stored all her hair in a bun, locking it in place after with the wooden comb, getting up again she walked up to the mirror and looked at herself from different angles as she put the dresses in front of herself and tried to find one that suited her hair and comb, deciding to go with a one-piece casual dress of a blue color with white decorations.

Alyona: *Smiling* Looks good, hmm yet... My hair is too dark... I really should dye it huh...

She thought facing her head to the side to get a look at the comb and bun behind her head, although it looked nice it indeed fell off place with her coal-like hair shadowing the comb and dress quite greatly. Sighing she sat down and took out her phone, going to google and typing hair dye's and looking through it trying to find one that would actually go well with her.


Nikolay: Ghm... Что случилось... Бля, все болит... (What happend?... Fuck, everything hurts...)

Nikolay's vision was a bit blurry but he felt stinging itchiness around his body, more importantly, he didn't feel his legs yet he could move his fingers indicating that they were still there, he blinked thrice to regain a bit of vision from the heavily lit room he was in, the last thing he remembers is seeing black and the R sisters voice screaming at each other as well as tending to him, trying to mitigate the light and adjust his eyes to the lights he tried to rub his eyes with his hand, remembering something, he didn't have one arm now, the feeling of moving that just right now went through his nervous system was nothing more than a ghost from the past. He however recomposed quickly, not bothered or shocked by his lost extremity, rather just awkward about moving that missing part of his body, and as he wanted to use his other hand he noticed how it was grabbing to something, seeing Nadya sleeping peacefully by him, both her hands holding dearly to his, neither the room nor his surroundings seemed familiar yet seeing her face eased him a bit from the burden he was carrying around with his soul now.

Nikolay: I'm gonna consider that I entered into a coma, would make sense why I could still think while knocked out...

After a short while, his eyes finally adjusted, making him wonder if this room was inside his base, but seeing Nadya sleeping beside him made him accept that it should be making his thoughts jump to something else now.

Nikolay: Then the base is finished... Probably the company already took their bill from my bank... Hmm... Goddamn it I wake up and I'm already thinking about work...

Dissiming his thoughts entirely he tried to sit down on the bed, with some difficulties he wiggled his way up from the blanket and sat there looking aimlessly at everything, wondering for how long has he been dormant. He passed out of blood loss most probably, so his guesses rounded around a month at least, he did bleed a lot before getting to safety where they could tend him properly and not the rough first aid he did on himself. At least the pain that he felt while waking up dissipated now, leaving him as always, just, lighter he had to guess, probably the missing arm giving some inbalance to him.

Nikolay: ... *Inhale* ... Oh... I'm on a breathing device... Huh, the air was too toxic around there?...

As he wanted to turn around to look at the door he got hugged all of a sudden, looking down at who hugged him he saw Nadya probably woken up by his movement from before. She stayed silent, her arms tightly wrapped around him her hands behind him digging into his back as they grabbed onto the shirt. Nikolay froze for a second before using his arm to gently grab her by the back of her head, burying her face onto his shoulder as he also still silent let his chin rest on hers.

Nadya: I'm so angry at you that I can't even think about where to start...

She whispered with watery eyes, the guilty quickly raised from down his heart making him instinctively pat the back of her head now, his eye also becoming a bit watery.

Nikolay: There is no need to start anywhere now that I'm awake...

He whispered back, getting shut by her rather quickly as she called him an idiot and many other insults, unleashing her built-up anger and worry on his shoulder, the whispers that he received being the shrapnel of the words she semi yelled at his shoulder.

Nikolay: *Sigh* ... How long have I been dormant?...

Nadya: Around a month... We transferred you to this medical room inside the new building of the base after it got finished, you stayed at Julian's base for a while...

Nikolay: I guess they were the ones to tend to me?...

Nadya: After R3 stabilized you... Yeah, a bunch of medics from griffin tended to you and gave us the procedures to how to maintain you in this state...

Nikolay: Hmm... I see... *Sigh* I hope nothing went butt wild without me around...

Nadya: ... You could say so I guess... 

She said not so sure to tell him or rather let him see for himself, preferring the latter option as to not bother him right now that he just woke up.


Raisa: This will be your room, you can leave your thing wherever you would like to, keep in mind you have to share wardrobe and dresser, nightstands are however personal

MSBS: Hmhmhm... Kitchen and living room for the three of us... I'm guessing that other is to the bathroom and the balcony is just accessed from this room

Raisa: Every dorm got a balcony, you can smoke and do whatever in it, care for personal plants also if you so desire

MSBS: *Sigh* Shame I gotta buy a new pack of smokes...

Raisa: Hm?

Pr-15: She lost it while driving, fell off her pocket when we were going 70km/h on the road

Raisa: Huh... Uhm well, settle down and go retrieve your belongings by the main gate again, after that you are free to do whatever as we start your documentation tomorrow

MSBS: Sounds alright to me, we will go for our things right away then

WIST-94: Wow, wait a sec, one more thing, what about our motorcycle? Is there somewhere we can park it?

Raisa: Oh right, from the main gate, the path to the right, passing by the armory and guard tower, ask someone to open the checkpoint for you and you will be able to drive straight into the hangar area, there is a small unused warehouse, for now, you can use it to store your bike there and do whatever with it from repairs to revisions I guess

WIST-94: Sounds nice indeed, we will be on our way then

Said WIST-94 lifting her sidecap slightly as a sign of courtesy and the three went out of the dorm and directed themselves towards the main gate, Raisa however just exited the dorm and closed the door, looking how the three dolls walked away talking with each other about something, sighing she decided to go the opposite way, towards the medical building, she had to inform Nadya of the new recruits arriving sooner than expected.


Alisa: Ey looks nice on you Alyona!

Alyona: Thank you but can you not yell, please?...

She said feeling a bit too conscious about the new look of her hair, the bun, although wasn't much, was a really significant change from her normal looks, not to mention that comb that she got gifted by Nikolay but really didn't use as it well, didn't suit her hairstyle from before.

Alisa: But you look cute!

Said Alisa now walking backwards through the corridor to keep looking at Alyona who blushed a bit and looked away from her gaze. Although the compliments were appreciated she would die if someone came through the hall and heard Alisa's statements. As they turned around however Alyona's gaze meet with some really familiar eyes. She froze in place, Alisa noticing this looked to her side and also looked at what Alyona looked.

Nikolay: Well look who it is huh

Nadya: Careful with your steps idiot...

Nikolay: I know, I know

Alyona gulped down some saliva as she looked at the scene of Nadya helping Nikolay walk as she also dragged around with him his IV drip.

Alyona: When... When did he...

Nadya: Just 20 minutes ago

Alisa quickly ran to him slamming herself at him with a hug, burying her face on his chest as she started crying. Nikolay resisted the impact thanks to Nadya's help and tried to calm her down. The little doll trying to talk between sobs and tears to express her feelings to him, it was a shame he couldn't use another arm to hug her back right now and had to use his hand to rely on Nadya to walk.

Nikolay: I'm back yeah, no need to wait for me to wake up again


R2s: Hm... Do you need anything?

R6: I... I actually do

R2s: Go ahead then

R6: Where's R1s?

R2s: R1s?... Why you need her?

R6: Nikolay woke up

R2s eyes widened greatly as they stared at R6, her sister now resembling the same face an owl would have, quite clearly the news getting her by surprise.

R2s: What... No, since when?

R6: Apparently not for longer than an hour

R2s: ... I, I don't know where R1s really is being honest with you... Doesn't she frequent the gardens now?

R6: I searched there but haven't found anyone, asked R3 who was on guard duty this morning and said she saw her going back to the main building, haven't found her, asked R4 who was on guard duty right now and said that hasn't seen her at all

R2s: ... Have you checked the hangar's area?

R6: No... Actually, she may be there, thanks for the info!

Said R6 realizing a possible location in which her sister could be, however, R2s wanted to stop her for a second to ask whys she needed R1s but before she could stop her she already run off, not really feeling like chasing her she just looked. A sigh escaped her lips as her eyes rolled around and then started heading back to the main building.

R2s: So he is awake now... *Inhale* Finally


MSBS: Thank ya for opening it up for us

R1s: No problem really...

Responded the doll looking at the trio pushing their motorcycle around towards the warehouse she opened for them, R1s stared at the three new faces, interested in since when were they part of the base personnel, yet those thoughts could be answered later, for now, she just had to hold the door open for them to roll the motorcycle inside the small warehouse, the vehicle wheels kept rolling directing the bike inside the hangar at a medium pace as the three dolls kept pushing, in a matter of just minutes they finally got it under the roof of the warehouse, the three girls sat down on the floor and rubbed the sweat of their face, the two wearing berets getting them off their head also, the heat seemingly unbearable after pushing such a heavy thing around while the sun blazed upon them.

R1s: How heavy it is?

MSBS: Around 350 kg with the sidecar

Said MSBS giving a side look at the doll asking, who leaned against the frame of the auxiliary door looking at the trio from there. The other two nodded at MSBS statement as they put their beret and cap on their lap, adjusting their shirts a bit so they don't glue to their skin.

Pr-15: We added some things to it so maybe 370kg tops

R1s: Sounds like a burden to keep moving if the gasoline runs out

WIST-94: We carry an extra jerry can just in case so it doesn't happen often, however, we didn't want to waste gas in just parking it right now, kinda regretting this decision at this point

MSBS hummed in response and got up looking around the warehouse.

MSBS: You don't have mechanic equipment?

Asked the doll still looking around seeing the entire building however just empty, only the lights were installed which made her wonder.

R1s: We had this area of the base build recently, we still need to resupply but our commander is... He isn't in conditions to be carrying out negotiations at the moment, so these zones are abandoned for the moment, besides the... Hmm, 18? Yes 18 of us have to take care of the entire base until our commander gets personnel for trivial things such as maintenance and such

MSBS: Huh sounds like a really rough season for us to enter, what happened to your commander now for him to be unable to be well... carrying out his commander duty I guess

R1s: Long story, let's say he just resting from an illness... Yeah... Illness...

Pr-15: Hmm... Alright then...


Sveta: Hmm, what the hell I wanted to do here

She muttered her thoughts quite hazy as she just stood inside her dorm, not really remembering what she wanted to do after helping the new dolls to orientate themselves inside the base.

Sveta: Hmm... maybe a nap then will do me fine!

She said with a smile remembering she was falling asleep before getting interrupted, deciding what do now she quickly went to the door and closed with lock so nobody could enter apart from Raisa, who well had the key to it as they shared dorm. Then her whole body turned around yet again directing her towards the bedroom, where she let herself drop to the lower bed of the bunk bed, the comfiness of the cold sheets and pillow compared to the outside temperature making her let out a pleased sharp exhale.

Sveta: This is the shit... Fucking heatwave and Alisa making me run under the sun all day... Hmm...

Closing her eyes she rolled over and adjusted her body a bit more into a more suited and definitely comfier position to fall asleep quickly.

It took her a bit of time to fall into a deep slumber but she achieved it in the end, now peacefully dreaming as her whole body laid relaxed on top of the bed, the sheets however not covering her just acting as a cold mantle for her to sleep.


The whole facility was dark as night, the heavy sound of the breeze carrying a snowstorm echoed through into the compound, these little holes on the unmaintained roof also being the only sources of light as the electricity in this place run off long ago, her eyes kept fixated on the nothingness, waiting and waiting perhaps for eternity, the cables, machinery, and high tech electronic devices, all dormant under a thin layer of snow from the punctured roof. Then the metal tiles started resonating along with the crunch of snow being hardly stepped on, the eyes of the restrained figure unmoving from their position as she couldn't afford to actually move, just think, talk and maybe stare. The shadow of a figure finally emerged from the dark long and wide corridor in front of her, the pale-skinned figure, with knight-like armor and claw hands walked up to the light to be seen completely by the restrained figure. The restrained figure widened her eyes a bit, the cold snow and ice that stayed on her eyebrows and nose falling as she moved her head slightly up to get even a better look.

Hadel: I'm back my dear sisters

Said the figure, extending her arms and hands in a splendorous manner such as if a great gladiator returns from the coliseum by her side two armed figures stepped forward and removed the snow from the devices underneath the restrained figure, they wore highly advanced white blueish armor, their helmets covering their mechanical features entirely, instead of displaying only one ELD line across the whole helmet that acted as their eyes, the Polaris logo imprinted on them across shoulders, helmet, and chest. The entire facility quickly became alive as the two Polaris mechanoids connected Hadel to the main system of the base. Everything shined blue and white, the lights and devices bursting quickly and rebooting, the snow around the whole facility melting away in seconds displaying the abandoned state of the facility as the heaters did their job in raising the temperature above 100 degrees celcius getting rid of the snow and water, the steam quickly being pulled off the room and cooled outside, restarting the sub-zero energy core below the restrained figure all the cooling tubes, cables, and transparent tubes starting to work again, the sub-zero cooler going back into active stasis, freezing the whole facility back to a chilling -20 degrees, the walls now shinning blue, white and sky blue because of the blue liquid coming from the energy core that powered the base back to live.

"Warning, protocol Prometheus is being deactivated, warning, protocol Prometheus is being deactivated"

The sound of the AI that managed the place before resonated around the whole area, however, she quickly was cut off as a new owner entered the system.

"Project Hades going online, all personnel be advised, Project Hades going online"

Hadel's voice now resonated across the whole facility now, the rightful owner that was the key to this project was finally back to its missing place.

"Project Hades is now online, all human personnel is forbidden for entering further down than sector-9..."

"... Releasing test subjects from energy lockdown..."

"... Overwriting protocols, cores loading... "

"... Releasing the banes from their locks..."

"... Project Hades completed"

As soon as Hadel's voice said that the restrained figure suddenly dropped to the floor as her locks were unlocked. The energy surge she got injected through a cable prior release finally kicking in and making her mechanical parts and bio-engineered ones go back to their normal color from the frozen blue her skin acquired from sitting in this cold place for so many years, steam being released through her skin as the snow along her body melted on her, and so did the water that was left behind, evaporating instantly also, the figure rose up and looked around, before setting her gaze ontop of Hadel.

Hadel: And so I shall release you 12 from your slumberous prison, oh sisters of mine...

She said almost as she started to direct a new play, the figure looked down at her hands and opened them and closed them slowly adjusting to not moving for about more than 12 years. Then lifting her head back she readjusted her really long hair around, her nude body turning around to face Hadel directly.

???: I thought I would become stardust before you returned

Hadel: Oh my how indecent to think your lovely key and guide would let you down Porphyrion

Said Hadel staring back and seeing how she activated her eyes, which went from total blankness to a dark intense green pupil, her entire body then starting to materialize the hologram of her uniform to cover her naked body, now her human parts were totally covered except the face and neck which remained uncloaked from the illusion.

Porphyrion: I think I told you this unfitting codenames had to be replaced didn't I Fomalhaut?

Fomalhaut: Oh my, oh my, silly me, sorry for forgetting Vega our main star of the show

Said Fomalhaut with a shining yet psychotic smile appearing across her face.

Fomalhaut: I hope you thought about our next actions these years you have been put into stasis

Vega's blank face suddenly dissipated replacing it with a sadistic sly smile and shining green eyes.

Vega: Absolutely not...

"It's for the sake of Polaris after all"

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