Oath |H.S|

By missluckycharmss

469K 11.8K 29.3K

[COMPLETED] *STORY CONTAINS MATURE AND EXPLICIT CONTENT* !! Disclaimer: Harry Styles is used as a face and n... More

Track 1. | Wasteland, Baby!
Track 2. | Good- Old Fashioned Loverboy
Track 3. | Sunlight
Track 4. | Talk
Track 5. | Bohemian Rhapsody.
Track 6. | Smells Like Teen Spirit
Track 7. | We Will Rock You
Track 8. | I Want To Break Free
Track 9. | Heroes
Track 10. | Let's Dance
Track 11. | Sweet Child O' Mine
Track 12. | Livin' On A Prayer
Track 13. | Do I Wanna Know?
Track 15. | 505
Track 16. | Yellow
Track 17. | Human
Track 18. | Sledgehammer
Track 19. | November Rain
Track 20. | Somebody To Love
Track 21. | R U Mine?
Track 22. | Like Real People Do
Track 23. | Sedated
Track 24. | I Wanna Be Yours
Track 25. | One For The Road
Track 26. | Walk This Way
Track 27. | Mount Everest
Track 28. | Highway To Hell
Track 29. | I'm Still Standing
Track 30. | Arabella
Track 31. | I Want It All
Track 32. | Tiny Dancer
Track 33. | Cherry Wine
Track 34. | Almost (Sweet Music)
Track 35. | Hungry Eyes
Track 36. | Never Can Tell
Track 37. | My Life
Track 38. | Better Love
Track 39. | Purple Rain
Track 40. | Work Song
Track 41. | Can't Help Falling In Love
Track 42. | Your Song
Track 43. | Linger
Track 44. | Pony
Track 45. | Crack The Shutters
Track 46. | Girl Crush
Track 47. | Hold on
Track 48. | Wonderwall
Track 49. | More Than A Feeling
Track 50. | My Girl
Track 51. | Daddy Issues
Track 52. | Old Time Rock And Roll
Track 53. | Always Remember Us This Way
Track 54. | Fat Bottomed Girls
Track 55. | Be My Baby
Track 56. | Home
Track 57. | Jessie's Girl
Track 58. | Chasing Cars
Track 59. | The Time Of My Life
Track 60. | All I Want
Epilogue | They Loved The Stars.
Epilogue | Chicago Motherfuckers!

Track 14. | Dreams

7.7K 228 315
By missluckycharmss

"Oh, thunder, only happens when it's raining
Players, only love you when they're playing
They say women, they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know
You'll know"

Song: Dreams - Fleetwood Mac.

* * *


"Welcome to our recent humble abode lawyer chick!" Louis says as we all walk into the same house I met Liam in that one night.

I look around at the house, it still looks the same from when I last saw it. The hallways covered in carpet with many paintings being illuminated on the walls by small lights, the house itself was dark inside apart from a few candles and lamps being lit here and there.

"Looks kinda creepy" I say looking up at a painting in the living room of a random man from the 1800s who looks like a right prick.

"We won't be here long, we leave Wednesday" Liam says as he closes the curtains in the living room behind the sofa where Zayn and Louis sat by the fireplace which Niall was trying to light.

"Why? Where do you all go on Wednesday?" I ask sitting down in an arm chair next to the fireplace also watching Niall failing at lighting the fire many times.

"Not we, us" Louis says looking at me on the sofa with a small smile.

"No, I'm going home, they don't know it was me I had a mask on!" I shout annoyed at them all who look calm and collected at this whole situation.

"Bowie, you can't go home, you can't live here in New York anymore, someone is going to find out you were involved especially that they now know Stevie was involved and you were working with her in there" Liam says pouring himself a glass of whiskey at a small bar at the other side of the room.

"I have a dog at home who is waiting for me to come home at any minute! If I leave him home alone with no food he will die you idiots!" I shout standing up looking at them all furiously.

"What is she shouting for now?" Harry says walking back into the living room dressed in his usual black attire.

"You, are taking me back to my house, these idiots won't drive me there!" I say pushing him towards the front door quickly.

"Hey hey, why should I? You tried to shoot me multiple times today!" Harry says grabbing my arm and walking me back into the living room.

"Excuse me? Why should you bring me home?oh yeah maybe because I saved your fucking life you dick head!" I shout punching him in the arm.

He grabs his arm in pain and looks at me with anger in his face.

"You fucking threw me out a twelve story building window!" He shouted walking past me to sit down in the arm chair that I was sitting in two minutes ago.

"Because you were such a little bitch to jump!" I shout turning around and walking out the living room door.

"Where are you going now?" Harry calls after me as the rest of the guys look on.

"Home! I'll drive myself!" I say walking to the front door and swinging it open.

"Are you being serious? You're going to drive a get away car home? To your house? Where the cops will be?" Harry asks following me huffing as he talks.

"Yep! Watch me!" I shout getting in the car and closing the driver door.

I look out the window at Harry who's holding the car keys with a smile.

I'm going to run this son of a bitch over.

I open the door and he jumps out of the way to avoid being hit.

"Give me the fucking keys!" I say reaching up to grab them from his grip.

"Nope, as much as I want you to leave sunshine, you gotta stay here you're one of us now" he says with a sarcastic smile before walking back into the house.

I watch him walk in and look at the car behind me and huff and scream quietly in annoyance before walking back in after him making sure I slam the door as hard as I could.

"Dude! You'll take the door off the fucking hinges!" Niall shouts still at the fireplace.

"Oh and how's that fire coming along Einstein?" I say looking at him with narrow eyes.

"Someone get her tampons or something she's giving me a headache" Jesse says with his eyes closed on the sofa a cigarette in one hand a glass of whiskey in the other.

I glare at him and he opens his eyes immediately when he realises he said that out loud.

"Please don't shoot me" he says quickly holding his hands up in surrender.

I roll my eyes and turn back to the rest of them who seem unfazed by my anger.

"Stevie, can you drive me home? I just need to get my dog and maybe Will, they can't live without me" I say in a calmly my voice getting more scratchy the more I think about leaving Elton home alone and Will at home wondering where I am.

Stevie looks at Harry who's still holding the keys.

"You have one hour, you get the dog and your little friend and straight back here, your friend can't leave once he's here, he's one of us then" Harry says looking at me with a serious tone.

I look at him and at the rest of the boys. How am I going to explain this to Will? What if he runs and tells the cops where we are? The one thing he told me to do was to not get myself in trouble and now look where I am.

"Fine, but can you all tell him why he's here, I'm not being the one who tells him his best friend got angry and accidentally got herself stuck in a gang" I say rolling my eyes and walking out of the living room towards the front door.

Stevie follows behind me quickly smiling at me as we sit into the car.

"I'm sorry about all this Bowie" she says as she starts the car up.

"It's not your fault, I got angry, it's my own fault I'm stuck in this mess" I say with a huff and look out at the now darkening sky.

"It's not that bad once you get used to it, we're like one big family...who do crime and shit" she says her voice getting lower after realising how fucked it actually is.

"How long have you been a part of this? What did you do to get yourself into this mess?" I ask turning to face her.

Her dark brown almost black curly hair frames her face as she keeps her head turned to look at the road. A small smile plays on her lips before she speaks again.

"I grew up this way" she says shortly not elaborating on it.

I look at her with a confused expression and turned back to look at the road ahead of us being illuminated by the headlights of the car.

The car falls silent as we both watch ahead of us, our minds taking over our ability to talk. Stevie breaks the silence by talking again.

"Harry's my brother, you probably realised we had the same last name" she says looking at me from the side of her eye and then back at the road.

I laugh a little "either you were related or married, god knows that prick wouldn't marry anyone" I say rolling my eyes at the thought of Harry.

Stevie laughs as she turns a corner and we head into the city again.

"He isn't that bad once you get to know him, he's probably pissed at you because you scared him today by nearly killing him, he hates feeling weak, especially against women" Stevie says chuckling to herself.

"Dick head had it coming! He shouldn't of manipulated me, I was the wrong person to mess with" I say leaning my head against the window.

"Trust me, I think we all seen that today, even Jesse is scared shitless of you, the only person he was scared of before you was me" she says as we pull into my apartment block's car park.

"Do you need any help getting stuff?" Stevie asks turning to face me after she turns off the engine.

"Yeah, I might need back up in case anyone is waiting for me up there" I say with a laugh knowing no one would be there, Harry was just trying to scare me.

"Come on, let's go get your pup and then we'll grab Will, we'll figure out a way to get him into the car when we get there" she says stepping out of the car and I follow suit shutting my door and walking into the building.

We quickly walk up to the floor my apartment is on, well my old one now since I've no choice.

I unlock the door and Elton immediately runs towards me whining and wagging his tail showing he's happy I'm home.

"I know buddy I know, I'm sorry for being gone for so long" I say crouching down to him which lets him lick my face as I laugh.

"He's adorable!" Stevie says crouching down next to me our backs now towards the opened front door.

"What's his name?" She asks as Elton runs over to her and sniffs her hands and feet and then snuggles up against her happily.

"Elton, he's quite a hand full, never a dull moment with him though" I say laughing as I pat him on the back.

"Bowie? Jesus fucking Christ! Where have you been? Have you seen the news! Why are you here! I told you not to get in trouble!" Will says as he stands behind us at the front door anger written all over his face.

"Will, look calm down just come back with some and Stevie and we'll tell you what's going on" I say calmly standing up to face him while Stevie sits on the floor with Elton.

"Come back? Where? Fucking jail?! Because that's where your heading Bowie! They called here earlier I was sat in the parking lot when I seen them walking out from here!" Will says slapping my arm.

"Just calm down! Fuck sakes! We're all headed back to the guys place, where we had the party? Remember?" I say grabbing his shoulders to calm him down.

Will looks at me and his eyes soften.

"I was worried sick about you, why didn't you call?" Will says now talking at a normal volume looking more sad than annoyed.

"My phone must of fell out when I jumped out the window earlier" I say calmly as I've only realised now I've no phone or bag.

Will's eyes widen "you jumped out a fucking window?!" He shouted looking at me with his mouth wide open.

"Twice" Stevie chimes in with a grin as she plays with Elton.

Will turns to face me again and slaps my arms repeatedly.

"Why" slap "did" slap "you" slap "jump" slap "out a" slap "fucking" slap "window!" slap.

"Jesus fucking Christ! Stop slapping me!" I say moving away from him.

"I'll explain it all later, I just need to pack up a few things and grab Eltons stuff" I say as I walk towards my bedroom to find a suitcase of some sort.

"Excuse me? Why are you packing? Are you running?!" He asks following me and watching my every move.

"I've no choice Will! I'll end up in jail for the rest of my life if I don't!" I say stuffing clothes into a suitcase along with underwear and a few of my other things not knowing what I'd need.

"I want you to come with me" I say as I turn to look at him with hope in my eyes.

He looks at me and laughs loudly and then stops when he releases I'm being serious.

"Oh, you're being serious" he says as I roll my eyes and zip up my suitcase walking out of my bedroom as he followed me into the kitchen as I continued to pack more stuff into another bag including Eltons food toys blankets and doggy hair brush.

"Yes I'm serious Will! If they find out I'm gone on the run they might figure out you know me and hound you every day and you will crack and tell them where I am, I'm trying to protect us two and Elton" I say looking at him as I finish packing.

Will looks at me and closes his eyes trying to comprehend what's going on.

"Bowie, I can't just leave my whole life" he says seriously looking at me with sadness in his eyes.

"I know, but look at it this way, us on the run the dynamic duo! We will be unstoppable!" I say trying to sound happy about this whole situation.

He looks at me as tears begin to fill his eyes.

"I can't Bowie, you can't, we just tell the cops that you were made to do this, we'll figure all this out" he says quietly.

"It's too late Will, I have to go wether you come with me or not, I'm leaving" I say as I gather my bags and head towards the front door trying to hold back my tears.

Will follows me silently as Stevie waits by the front door holding Elton in her hands.

"Ready?" She asks with a small smile her green eyes piercing into mine full of kindness and sympathy.

I turn to look at Will who now has tears streaming down his face.

I drop my bags and run to him wrapping my arms around him tightly.

"Please come with me, I can't do this without you" I plead into his ear as he hugs me back and sniffles into my shoulder.

"You'll be fine by yourself, you're Bowie Anderson you're a bad ass bitch" he says laughing a bit through sniffles.

"What are you going to do?" I ask as we stay hugging, keeping each other close for as long as we can.

"I'll go back to my parents for awhile until it all blows over, when this all dies down, I'll come see you don't worry" he says letting me go to look at me with his eyes full of tears and his nose running like a tap.

I wipe my own tears and smile at him as much as I can.

"I'll send you a post card" I say laughing while sniffling.

Will laughs and wipes his eyes again "and I'll be so proud of my bad ass best friend" he says with a small smile.

I look at him again and my eyes well up once more.

"Promise you'll call and visit me" I say as I collect my bags up in my hands once again.

"Pinky" he says with a toothy grin with tears still burning his eyes.

"Hey! If you ever travel abroad make sure you ring me first I'll be on that plane like a rocket" he says laughing looking at me and then at Stevie who laughs also and nods her head.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't dream of flying anywhere without you" I say hugging him once again with one arm while the other holds my bags.

"If you are ever in trouble or want to leave just call me" he whispers in my ear I nod my head against his shoulder and thank him.

We pull apart and smile at each other.

"So long partner" he says while tipping an imaginary cowboy hat.

"See you on the flip side homie" I say which causes us both to erupt into laughter. It's always been an inside joke, I can't even remember where it came from.

"We better get going, Harry said to be back in an hour, it's nearly 10" Stevie said smiling at us both.

"Tell that curly haired smirky bastard to take care of her, she needs it sometimes" Will says looking at Stevie.

"Don't worry, if he doesn't me and the other guys will" she says reassuring Will who then nods and smiles at us.

"I'll leave you three get back to your little hide out" Will says smiling at me and waving before blowing me a kiss and opening the door.

"Bye El, it was a pleasure seeing you grow up, even if you shit on me sometimes" Will says petting Elton who then licks his hand.

"Love you too buddy" Will laughs wiping his hand on his trousers.

"Take care of yourself Bowie, I love you" Will says and I say it back before he leaves with more tears streaming down his face.

When the door shuts I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"The hard parts over, you'll be okay babe" Stevie says as she hugs me from my side Elton cuddling into me as she does so.

I laugh and nod my head before we leave and head back to the car.

We put my bags into the trunk and I leave Elton lay on my lap the whole way home while Stevie lets me sit in silence knowing I needed to be alone right now.

"Ah short cake! You're back!" Niall says sitting on the sofa looking at me then back at the fire proudly.

"Good job Niall, how long did that take?" I say sniffling looking around at everyone.

"He only lit it five minutes ago" Louis says taking a drag of a cigarette beside Niall who now looks annoyed that Louis told me how long it took.

I laugh quietly and let Elton down to sniff around the place.

"Hey bud! You came back to me!" Louis says happily as Elton jumps up onto his lap wagging his nail which is hitting Niall's leg.

I look around and see Harry isn't where he was sitting when we left Zayn who is holding a glass of whiskey has taken his place.

"I'm heading out for a cigarette" I say grabbing my cigarettes from my bra and zipping back up the jumpsuit once again.

"You can smoke in here" Liam says smiling at me smoking one of his own.

"I just need to breathe and be alone for a minute" I smile weakly at him he nods understanding why I need to be.

I walk out towards the kitchen to find the back door. I slide open the door that's connected to the kitchen that leads out to a back garden with a decking.

A light comes on as I step out illuminating a figure who is sat in a chair on the decking in front of a table, it was Harry.

I sighed and he looked up to see me, a cigarette in one hand a glass of tequila in the other.

We looked at each other before he looked back down at his glass.

"Can I sit here?" I ask nodding to the chair across from him.

He scoots the chair out from under the table with his foot allowing me to sit down.

I sit down with a sigh and take one cigarette from the packet.

"Marlboro Reds" Harry says looking at me placing the closed packet back onto the table with a cigarette in my hand.

"Yeah" I say with a small smile before reaching into my bra to get my lighter, which isn't there. Fuck sake.

"You got a lighter?" I ask Harry he looks up at me again and reaches into his pocket pulling out a black lighter.

He slides it towards me on the table with his ring clad hands once again.

I light up my cigarette and take a drag before sliding the lighter back over to him.

He looks at it and puts it back into his pocket.

I exhale the smoke and lean back in my chair closing my eyes letting the cold air calm down my red hot face from all the crying I done.

"Why were you crying?" Harry asks slowly as he notices my eyes when I open them again.

"I wasn't" I say quickly looking away from him and out at the garden in front of us.

Harry chuckles and flicks away his burnt out cigarette into the grass and leans forward on his elbows on the table holding his glass.

"Did you bring your dog and friend?" He asks coldly still looking at me while I avoid eye contact with him.

"Just my dog" I say before taking another drag of my cigarette.

He laughs which causes me to snap my head to look at him with an annoyed face.

"What the fuck are you laughing at? You got me into this mess!" I shout now smoking my cigarette annoyed.

"Calm down don't pull out the gun again!" He says with a chuckle as he leans back in his chair still looking at me.

I roll my eyes and turn my head again to look at the sky.

"You cold?" He asks as he watches me clearly shivering in the seat.

"No" I say quickly not wanting to give in to him.

"Get in by the fire you're freezing" he says warmly as he continues to watch me as I watch the stars in the sky.

"Why do you care" I say taking another drag of my cigarette.

"Because your part of my gang now, I care for my people" he says calmly taking a sip of his drink.

"Pack it up Charles Manson, I'm not one of your members or people I am my own person, always have, always will be" I say before putting out my cigarette and tossing it away and standing up to walk back inside.

He laughs at my comment and I close the door leaving him alone outside.

What a prick. He can't just call us his people, we got that dick head out of jail for fucks sake! He should be thanking us!

I walk back into the living room seeing only Niall Louis and Liam sat around the fire on the sofa.

"Where's the rest?" I ask as I sit in between Louis and Niall on the sofa to get some warmth by the fire.

"Stevie headed up to bed, Jesse and Zayn are outside somewhere smoking a joint" Niall says rolling his eyes before taking a sip of his drink.

"You want some?" He asks holding out his glass of whiskey with a smile "think you earned it" he adds with a laugh.

I laugh and take the glass off him taking a sip and handing it back to him. It burns my throat as it goes down but relaxing me as it does.

I look at Elton who's asleep on the rug in front of the fire with one of his toys next to him, the guys must of got it for him from his little bag I packed.

I smile at him and lean back into the sofa closing my eyes for a few seconds.

The room is in complete darkness apart from the light of the fireplace which is illuminating everyone around it and the door leading to the hallway.

"Here" a voice says and I open my eyes to see Niall stood in front of me holding a glass of whiskey for me.

"Thanks" I smile taking it off him before he sits back down next to me with a full glass of his own.

"So, where do I sleep?" I ask taking a sip of my drink looking around at the guys who look half asleep around me.

"There's a spare room next to the bathroom it's across the hall from Stevie's, she'll show you once you're ready to go up" Liam says looking at me with tired eyes and a smile.

I nod my head and take another sip of my drink.

"Think I'll head to bed myself, this day has tired me out, feel like I haven't slept in two fucking years" Louis says getting up and placing his empty glass on the coffee table.

We all say goodbye as he leaves to head upstairs.

"Think I'll head too, I'm falling asleep here" Liam says chuckling before following Louis' movements and heads upstairs also.

Me and Niall stay in silence in the living room sipping on our drinks every now and then. The fireplace crackling while Elton snores lightly on the floor in front of us.

"Where's your friend?" Niall asks as he takes another sip of his drink leaning his head back on the sofa watching the flames of the fire dance around.

"He didn't want to come, said he'd leave New York and go to his parents back in England" I say watching the flames also.

"Why didn't you do the same? Move back to England I mean, first thing I noticed was your strong British accent" he says laughing lightly.

"Wasn't an option, my aunt lives in Carolina, but that's too obvious it's the first place they would look for me after my apartment" I say finishing off my drink and leaving it down on the coffee table next to Liam and Louis' empty ones.

Niall nods his head not wanting to press me any further about England.

"Why didn't you go back to Ireland? You must of had a choice? Why did you pick this life style?" I ask turning to face him.

He scoffs and sits up putting his glass on the coffee table and then faces me.

"Wasn't an option" he says repeating my words from a few seconds ago.

I nod and didn't ask him any more questions understanding that he didn't want to talk any more about it.

"It isn't so bad once you get used to it, it actually becomes quite fun, the thrill of being on the run keeps you some what sane" he laughs looking at me and then back at the fire.

"Remind me to ask you all about how this all came about some day when I don't have a thousand thoughts running through my mind" I say with a laugh resting my head on the back of the sofa.

"Will do short cake" Niall says patting my thigh before he stands up from the sofa.

"I should get going to bed, today has been long, you should try sleep too, I know it'll be hard but if you need to talk I'm just two doors down from yours, it's on the left side" he says with a smile.

"Thanks Niall" I say with a wide smile at his kindness.

"You done the wolf pack proud today short cake, welcome to the pack" he says and with that he leaves and heads up to his room.

I sigh and look at Elton who's passed out asleep on the floor, at least one of us can sleep.

I close my eyes for a few minutes until I feel the sofa dip next to me. I keep my eyes closed as I try figure out who it is.

"Angel?" A deep voice mumbles next to me.

"Not your angel Harry" I mumble back half asleep at him next to me.

"You're tired, go to bed" he says still sitting next to me. I can feel his eyes watching me as I keep mine closed fighting off sleep.

"M'fine I'll sleep here with Elton" I mumble sleepily.

"This sofa gets uncomfortable after awhile Bowie, go to bed" Harry says still sitting next to me not moving a muscle.

I groan and stay where I am my head falling onto what I think is the sofa arm.

A sigh comes from Harry before he wraps an arm around my half asleep body and that's when I realise I'm leaning on his shoulder.

I move my head back to where it was slowly "M'sorry" I mumble keeping my eyes closed as his arm loosens around me but stays wrapped around my waist as I lean my head on the sofa while I curl my legs up to my chest.

"You still have heels on" Harry mumbles again from beside me.

I nod my head slowly and stay where I am.

I hear another huff and his body shifts from beside me and I feel his hands reach for my feet unstrapping my heels.

"Such a diva" Harry mumbles under his breathe which causes me to leave out a sleepy laugh at his comment.

He takes off my heels and leaves them beside the sofa.

He walks to where my head is and gently tilts my shoulders back to help me lie down flat on the sofa.

"I know you can still hear and feel me, your just being a lazy lump of shit" harry says trying to sound annoyed but I can hear him trying to hold back a laugh as he lays my head on the end of the sofa on a pillow and lifts my legs up on the sofa so I'm completely lying on my back.

He laughs as he sees that my feet don't touch the end of the sofa.

"Fuck off" I mumble turning into the sofa so my face is mushed up against the back of it.

"I didn't say anything" he says with a small laugh still towering over my half asleep body.

"I still don't like you" I say as I begin to drift off asleep.

"I know, good night angel" he says and with that he walks quietly out of the living room leaving me and Elton to sleep peacefully.


Pumping out as much chapters as I can before I loose motivation again!

Hope you're liking this so far!

Love and appreciate you all

*tired squishy hugs*

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