Atonement [Bakugo Katsuki]

By SlytherinScum

638K 28.3K 11K

Kuroyanagi Kimitsuki has always held Heroes in great regard, and has always believed she would never become a... More

🤍 Prologue 🤍
🤍 Information 🤍
🤍 Chapter 1 🤍
🤍 Chapter 2 🤍
🤍 Chapter 3 🤍
🤍 Chapter 4 🤍
🤍 Chapter 5 🤍
🤍 Chapter 6 🤍
🤍 Chapter 7 🤍
🤍 Chapter 8 🤍
🤍 Chapter 9 🤍
🤍 Chapter 10 🤍
🤍 Chapter 11 🤍
🤍 Chapter 12 🤍
🤍 Chapter 13 🤍
🤍 Chapter 14 🤍
🤍 Chapter 15 🤍
🤍 Chapter 16 🤍
🤍 Chapter 17 🤍
🤍 Chapter 18 🤍
🤍 Chapter 19 🤍
🤍 Chapter 20 🤍
🤍 Chapter 21 🤍
🤍 Chapter 22 🤍
🤍 Chapter 23 🤍
🤍 Chapter 24 🤍
🤍 Chapter 26 🤍
🤍 Chapter 27 🤍
🤍 Chapter 28 🤍
🤍 Chapter 29 🤍
🤍 Chapter 30 🤍
🤍 Chapter 31 🤍
🤍 Chapter 32 🤍
🤍 Chapter 33 🤍
🤍 Chapter 34 🤍
🤍 Chapter 35 🤍
🤍 Chapter 36 🤍
🤍 Chapter 37 🤍
🤍 Chapter 38 🤍
🤍 Chapter 39 🤍
🤍 Chapter 40 🤍
🤍 Chapter 41 🤍
🤍 Chapter 42 🤍
🤍 Chapter 43 🤍
🤍 Chapter 44 🤍
🤍 Chapter 45 🤍
🤍 Chapter 46 🤍
🤍 Chapter 47 🤍
🤍 Two Heroes - 1 🤍
🤍 Two Heroes - 2 🤍
🤍 Two Heroes - 3 🤍
🤍 Two Heroes - 4 🤍
🤍 Two Heroes - 5 🤍
🤍 Chapter 48 🤍
🤍 Chapter 49 🤍
🤍 Chapter 50 🤍
🤍 Chapter 51 🤍
🤍 Chapter 52 🤍
🤍 Chapter 53 🤍
🤍 Chapter 54 🤍
🤍 Chapter 55 🤍
🤍 Chapter 56 🤍
🤍 Chapter 57 🤍
🤍 Chapter 58 🤍
🤍 Chapter 59 🤍
🤍 Chapter 60 🤍
🤍 Chapter 61 🤍
🤍 Chapter 62 🤍
🤍 Chapter 63 🤍
🤍 Chapter 64 🤍
🤍 Chapter 65 🤍
🤍 Chapter 66 🤍
🤍 Chapter 67 🤍
🤍 Chapter 68 🤍
🤍 Chapter 69 🤍
🤍 Chapter 70 🤍
🤍 Chapter 71 🤍
🤍 Chapter 72 🤍
🤍 Chapter 73 🤍
🤍 Chapter 74 🤍
🤍 Chapter 75 🤍
🤍 Chapter 76 🤍
🤍 Chapter 77 🤍
🤍 Chapter 78 🤍
🤍 Chapter 79 🤍
🤍 Chapter 80 🤍
🤍 Chapter 81 🤍
🤍 Chapter 82 🤍
🤍 Chapter 83 🤍
🤍 Heroes Rising - 1 🤍
🤍 Heroes Rising - 2 🤍
🤍 Heroes Rising - 3 🤍
🤍 Heroes Rising - 4 🤍
🤍 Chapter 84 🤍
🤍 Chapter 85 🤍
🤍 Chapter 86 🤍
🤍 Chapter 87 🤍
🤍 Chapter 88 🤍
🤍 Chapter 89 🤍
🤍 Chapter 90 🤍
🤍 Chapter 91 🤍
🤍 Chapter 92 🤍
🤍 Chapter 93 🤍
🤍 Chapter 94 🤍
🤍 Chapter 95 🤍
🤍 World Heroes' Mission - 1 🤍
🤍 World Heroes' Mission - 2 🤍
🤍 World Heroes' Mission - 3 🤍
🤍 World Heroes' Mission - 4 🤍
🤍 Chapter 96 🤍
🤍 Chapter 97 🤍
🤍 Chapter 98 🤍
🤍 Chapter 99 🤍
🤍 Chapter 100 🤍
🤍 Chapter 101 🤍
🤍 Chapter 102 🤍
🤍 Chapter 103 🤍
🤍 Chapter 104 🤍
🤍 Chapter 105 🤍

🤍 Chapter 25 🤍

6.4K 314 118
By SlytherinScum

Kimitsuki kept running but her jaw was hanging open, trying to wrap her mind around what Izuku was doing. It seemed like he had taken a piece of the inferno robots from earlier, gathered landmines and then flung himself onto them with the metal to make them explode and help him fly over the field right to the edge, just like how Katsuki usually did. They were both inspired by him.

Izuku was now practically surfboarding right over the heads of all the people in the landmine region and Kimitsuki could see that he had a big chance of surpassing her and getting the first position. She tried to speed up even more but she knew that she was at a limit with her strength, now, too.

Katsuki and Shoto were still fighting over their second position rather than coming after her first position and Kimitsuki didn't know whether to be amused or annoyed by their behaviour.

Were they not taking her seriously?

"Actually, Midoriya has taken over the second position!" Present Mic shouted. "He's now in hot pursuit for Kuroyanagi's position! Run, Kuroyanagi, run!"

"Deku!" Katsuki growled angrily as he finally let go of fighting with Shoto and used his Explosive Quirk to fly into the air, chasing behind Izuku to pass him. "Don't go ahead of me!"

Shoto also decided to give up playing around and froze the ground beneath him to give him a safe pathway toward the other side, not quite caring if it also made it easier for those who were coming after them. Kimitsuki let out a yelp when she realised that they were no longer that far from her.

"Todoroki and Bakugo have stopped trying to slow each other down and are chasing Midoriya!" Present Mic announced. "Now that they have a common enemy, they've stopped fighting! The fight's not over yet, though!"

"What are you saying?" Aizawa muttered. "There's still Kuroyanagi in the lead,"

"Both of them need to be impartial," Kimitsuki mumbled to herself as she clutched her hands into fists and tried to keep running. "This is going to hurt a lot tomorrow..."

When Kimitsuki looked back over her shoulder, she saw that Izuku's trajectory was slowing down while Katsuki and Shoto were back to being shoulder-to-shoulder on the ground. Izuku was about to crash into the ground but spun around in the air and swung the metallic shield down.

It slammed onto the ground and blew up even more landmines, causing another great pink blast that sent both Katsuki and Shoto askew while Izuku flew and landed on the ground ahead of her.

Kimitsuki was shocked as she whipped around to look ahead and saw Izuku about a yard ahead.

"Midoriya swiftly blocks those behind him!" Present Mic exclaimed. "Would you believe it? He cleared the minefield in an instant! He has even surpassed Kuroyanagi to take the lead!"

With Izuku in the lead, Kimitsuki knew she wouldn't able to speed herself further and decided to preserve herself in the second place. There was no way she was going to lose this to either Katsuki or Shoto. She could hear them chasing after her and Izuku, and she held on as she continued on.

"Midoriya in the lead and Kuroyanagi now in second!" Present Mic announced. "Todoroki and Bakugo aren't that far behind! Eraser Head, your class is amazing! What're you teaching them?!"

"I didn't do anything," Aizawa replied calmly. "They got each other fired up on their own,"

Finally – Izuku, Kimitsuki, Katsuki and Shoto broke out of the landmine region, and Kimitsuki vanished her shield and sped up once the pain dissipated. She chased after Izuku as the four of them entered the corridor that would lead them back into the Sports Festival arena.

"U. A. sports festival, first-year stage!" Present Mic shouted. "Not listening?! Who could've predicted the developments at the beginning, or this conclusion? Right now, the first person back in the stadium is that man Midoriya Izuku!"

And Izuku really manage to get into the first position as he came out of the corridor, and the entire stadium burst into applause for him. Kimitsuki followed right behind him, almost crashing into him.

"Tsuki-Chan!" Izuku exclaimed, catching Kimitsuki before she could smack into him and straightening her up. "Are you okay? You're hot!"

"I-I'm fine," Kimitsuki replied, giving him a weak smile. She took in a few deep breaths to calm herself down. "I think I ran a lot... but... congratulations, Izu-Chan!"

"Tsuki-Chan, you're too hot!" Izuku gasped as she hugged him, and he blushed as he felt her press against him. "... thank you! You did really well, too! Look at All Might!"

Kimitsuki let go of Izuku and looked up at the cheering crowd to spot All Might in his real form, grinning down at the two of them and giving them great big thumbs-up. She smiled bashfully back and nodded at him, holding up a thumbs-up as well. All Might must be glad they were top two.

And as she looked away from All Might to look for Aizawa, Kimitsuki's eyes fell on Shoto as he got out of the corridor first, and followed closely by Katsuki – who looked absolutely furious at them.

"What do you think?"

"First of all, Midoriya's stock will climb fast,"

"However, he still has not shown his Quirk yet, so it's hard to predict what will happen,"

"If you took on management of an agency, how would you market him? Opinions? What do you think?"

"His appearance is out,"

"If he were particular about his abilities or aesthetics, we could highlight those parts, but without the raw material to work with,"

Both Kimitsuki and Izuku stared at the three boys who were discussing and dissing Izuku rather savagely. They didn't seem to be seniors – so they must be their year fellows from 1st year, too.

"In contrast, Second Place Kuroyanagi seems to be more publicly friendly – as far as appearance goes, of course. Beyond that..."

"Yeah, her track record in media isn't the cleanest, and her Quirk is all over the place,"

"Still, she belongs to prestigious Hero families – Kuroyanagi and Mushanokouji – how much better can you get than that? Her name would look beautiful on a roster,"

"You'll still have to worry about her past coming back up. PR team would have nightmare,"

"All Might praised her,"

"What are they talking about?" Izuku questioned as he glanced at the frowning white-haired girl next to him. "Who are these people? Do you have any idea, Tsuki-Chan?"

"Um, I think that's the business department," Kimitsuki answered curiously. "I have heard they can be quite candid and straightforward with their words, but this is a bit..."

"And now, they're finishing one after another!" Present Mic announced, and Kimitsuki looked up to see everyone coming out. "We'll make a list of the results later, but for now, good work!"

One by one, the rest of their classmates by and Kimitsuki noted a few of the other students, too.

"I can't believe I fell behind with this Quirk," Tenya was muttering in the distance and Kimitsuki suddenly recalled that he should've done better than all of them with his speed-based Quirk.

Did Todoroki-Kun's Ice Quirk slow him down?

"Deku-Kun!" Ochaco shouted as she came heaving over to where Kimitsuki and Izuku were. "Kimitsuki-Chan! You were both amazing! Especially you, Deku-Kun!"

"Uraraka-San!" Izuku exclaimed, blushing as he turned to face the brunette.

"First and second places are amazing!" Ochaco said as she looked at the two childhood friends.

Izuku thanked her bashfully but didn't look much impressed himself, and Kimitsuki looked off to watch the people make their way out of the corridor. She noticed Momo come out, heaving, too.

"This isn't how it was supposed to be..."

For a moment, Kimitsuki was confused why she was muttering stuff like that but then the white-haired girl saw Minoru attached to the back of the black-haired girl and she frowned.

"I killed two birds with one stone!" Minoru was gloating while also supporting a nose bleed. "I'm a genius!" Kimitsuki pursed her lips at these actions.

However, before Kimitsuki could scold him for doing this, Minoru noticed her and her open shirt – and shamelessly began to ogle at her, too. Kimitsuki calmed herself down, her emotions already agitated from how heated up her body was, and turned away to button up her shirt first and –

"Get off of her back right now," Kimitsuki ordered Minoru, her eyes flashing warningly at him. "There's a difference between wanting to win and to harass someone. I'll lodge a complaint,"

Minoru hurriedly took off the sticky balls he had attached on Momo's back and fled the scene.

"The first game of the first-year stage is finally over," Midnight announced to the students and audience, motioning to the large screen behind her. "Now, take a look at the results!"

1st – Midoriya Izuku [Class A] ------ 2nd – Kuroyanagi Kimitsuki [Class A]
3rd – Todoroki Shoto [Class A] ------------- 4th – Bakugo Katsuko [Class A]
5th – Shiozaki Ibara [Class B] ----------------- 6th – Honenuki Juzo [Class B]
7th – Iida Tenya [Class A] --------------- 8th – Tokoyami Fumikage [Class A]
9th – Sero Hanta [Class A] ----------------- 10th – Kirishima Eijirou [Class A]
11th – Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu [Class B] --- 12th – Ojiro Mashirao [Class A]
13th – Awase Yosetsu [Class B] ------------------ 14th – Asui Tsuyu [Class A]
15th – Shouji Mezo [Class A] --------------------- 16th – Sato Rikido [Class A]
17th – Uraraka Ochaco [Class A] ------- 18th – Yaoyorozu Momo [Class A]
19th – Mineta Minoru [Class A] --------------- 20th – Ashido Mina [Class A]
21st – Koda Koji [Class A] ------------------------- 22nd – Jiro Kyoka [Class A]
23rd – Kaibara Sen [Class B] -------------- 24th – Tsuburaba Kosei [Class B]
25th – Kaminari Denki [Class A] ------------- 26th – Bondo Kojiro [Class B]
27th – Yanagi Reiko [Class B] -------------- 28th – Shinso Hitoshi [Class C]
29th – Kendo Itsuka [Class B] -------------- 30th Shishida Jurota [Class B]
31st – Kuroiro Shihai [Class B] -------------------- 32nd Kodai Yui [Class B]
33rd Rin Hiryu [Class B] ------------------- 34th Shoda Nirengeki [Class B]
35th Komori Kinoko [Class B] ------------ 36th Kamakiri Togaru [Class B]
37th Monoma Neito [Class B] ------------ 38th Tsunotori Pony [Class B]
39th Hagakure Toru [Class A] ----------- 40th Tokage Setsuna [Class B]
41st Fukidashi Manga [Class B] ------------- 42nd Hatsume Mei [Class H]
43rd Aoyama Yuga [Class A]

The entirety of Class 1-A and 1-B, the Hero course classes, had passed through the first round. And beside only Toru and Yuga, everyone had been in the top twenty-five positions. Only two people were courses other than Hero. Hatsume Mei from Class 1-H of Support Department and –

Shinsou Hitoshi from Class 1-C of General Studies Department.

"The top 43 made it through to the next round," Midnight announced. "It's unfortunate, but don't worry even if you didn't make it! We've prepared other chances for you to shine. The real competition begins next! The press cavalry will be all over it! Give it your all! Now then, here is the second game. I already know what it is, but what could it be? What could it be? I just said it, and now here it is...!"

Midnight brought their attention back to the wheel of fortune as it began to spin, and stopped at –

Cavalry Battle

"A cavalry battle...?" Denki questioned as everyone stared at the screen with wonder. "I'm bad at those..." Kimitsuki glanced over to Izuku, remembering how they paired up together often.

"It's not an individual event, so I wonder how it'll work," Tsuyu spoke up thoughtfully.

"Let me explain," Midnight said to them all. "The participants can form teams of two to four people as they wish. It's basically the same as a regular cavalry battle, but the one thing that's different... is based on the results of the last game, each person has been assigned a point value,"

"A point-based system like the entrance exam, huh?" Rikido inquired. "That's easy to understand,"

"In other words, each team is worth different points depending on who's on the team!" Ochaco pointed out loud for everyone to hear in.

"I see!" Mina exclaimed.

"You guys don't hold back even though I'm talking, huh?!" Midnight interjected with a shout. "Yes, that's right! And the points assigned go up by five starting from the bottom. So, 43rd place gets five points, and 42nd gets ten points! And the point value assigned to first place is ... ten million!"

"What?" Izuku stammered, feeling everyone's eyes turn toward him. "T-Ten million, huh...?"

"In other words, if you take down the first-place player's team you can stand at the top no matter what place you're in!" Midnight told them. "That's right. It's survival of the fittest, with a chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top!"

"It'll be okay, Izu-Chan..." Kimitsuki said quietly as Izuku hurried to hide behind her, everyone staring at him hungrily. "Though, I'm not quite sure about that now..."

Strangely, I'm glad that I didn't get the first position...

"Now then, I will explain the rules of the cavalry battle," Midnight said. "The time limit is fifteen minutes. Each team is worth the total of its members' points, and the riders will wear a headband with that number on their foreheads. Teams will try to grab each other's headbands until time runs out, and try to keep as many points as they can.

"Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So, the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them! And the most important thing is that even if your headband gets stolen, or if your team falls, you're not out!"

"Which means..." Momo started, and Kimitsuki ended, "... since there are 42 people, there will be ten or twelve teams on the field the whole time?"

"That's tough," Yuga said, appearing out of seemingly nowhere next to the two females and winking at the two of them. Kimitsuki just stared at him.

"One strategy could be to let someone take your points first so you'll be freer," Mina pointed out and Kimitsuki turned to look at her next.

"It's hard to say without seeing how all the points end up getting split up, Mina-Chan," Tsuyu pitched up.

"During the game, it'll be a cruel fight where you can use your Quirks," Midnight told them. "But it is still a cavalry battle. You'll get a red card for attacks that are trying to make people fall on purpose! You'll be removed immediately!"

"Damn," Katsuki muttered. KImitsuki sweat-dropped at his expression and nonchalant response.

"Now, you have fifteen minutes to build your teams," Midnight announced as she snapped her flogger-like whip around at them. "Start!"

Looking around, Kimitsuki quickly tried to think of a good team. She knew that picking up Izuku would put her at a risk, too, but if he sat atop... if she used her shield and black flames, as well as anticipate others... Ochaco helping them get out of the way by flying... Tenya's mobility...


The sudden, borderline unfamiliar voice interrupted Kimitsuki's thoughts and she turned around to see that it was Shinsou Hitoshi who had approached her, rubbing the back of his neck as he stood.

"Kuroyanagi, right?" Hitoshi asked as he looked at her, a small smirk on the corner of his lips, and Kimitsuki looked back at him in wonder. "Shinsou Hitoshi from General Studies, nice to meet you,"

"Uh, nice to meet you, Shinsou-Kun," Kimitsuki replied, bowing her head in greeting. "Yes, my name's Kuroyanagi Kimitsuki. Is there something I can help you with?"

Kimitsuki looked up at him in hopes of giving him a smile, regardless of how bashful she was, but an intense pain ran through her head, making her recoil back as she clutched at her head. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt her Quirk activate itself and she felt as if she had suffered a brain trauma.

"I-I'm sorry, Shinsou-Kun, I'll talk to you later," Kimitsuki spluttered out as she moved away from him, still clenching onto her head until she ran smack into someone.

"Watch where you're going!" Katsuki growled as he turned around to see what was going on and raised his eyebrows when he noticed Kimitsuki's expression twisted in pain. "What the hell is –?!"

"Sorry about that, Ka-Chan," Kimitsuki muttered as she moved away from him, too. She didn't want to deal with his loud voice when her head was already killing her.

At this point, Kimitsuki didn't even care about the fact that she wasting time with her headache but before she could move away from the chatter completely, she was approached by another boy yet again and squinted her eyes to see Tenya, Shoto and Denki all staring at her actions in confusion.

"I want you on my team," Shoto told Kimitsuki, and before she could look around, continued, "You don't have a lot of choices remaining. You should join our team,"

"Huh?" Kimitsuki asked, confused at the people that were flocking toward her. "Right... okay, I'll do that, thank you," She bowed her head slightly, more to hide her pained expression.

"I chose you three because I thought it would be the most stable formation," Shoto told them. "Kaminari, you'll be the left wing, keeping the enemy away with your electricity. Iida, you'll be in front as the main source of mobility and physical defence. Kuroyanagi, you have to do the most,"

"Which is?" Kimitsuki inquired, already knowing what he wanted her to do.

"Keep an eye on opponents with your Quirk and rely information to Iida," Shoto laid out to her. "Use your shield to protect Iida, me and yourself from Kaminari's electricity, and use your flames to help me on my right Ice side – if need be, use your Genjutsu on opponents,"

"Alright," Kimitsuki answered, having figured that this is what he wanted from her anyhow – but she was rather confused why he wanted her to warm up his right side when he had Fire, too.

"So, you will attack and create diversions with ice and fire, then, Todoroki?" Tenya questioned.

"No," Shoto responded. "In battle I will never use my left..." He turned to look away from them and Kimitsuki curiously followed his gaze to see that he was glaring at his father.

What's going on between his father and him?

Is Endeavor as unapproachable at home as on duty?

But before Kimitsuki couldn't quite linger on the thought for long because the pain in her head was increasing and decreasing suddenly. She glanced around; a bit concerned that it might impact her performance with the cavalry team. She couldn't figure out why her head was aching so suddenly.

"Now then, it's about time to get started!" Midnight called out to all of the students when the time was finally up, whipping around her flogger-like whip.

"After fifteen minutes to form teams and talk strategy," Present Mic announced to the crowd. "Twelve cavalry teams are lined up on the field!"

"There are some interesting teams out there," Aizawa commented, who wanted to be impartial but his eyes reached Kimitsuki first to see what she had done of herself.

"Now, raise those battle cries!" Present Mic shouted. "It's time for U. A.'s bloody battle! Light the signal fire! You've made your teams, right? I'm not gonna ask if you're ready or not! Now, let's go! Counting down to the brutal battle royal! Three! Two! One!"



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