The Last Moon (destined seque...

By Little_Freesia

60.4K 2.5K 562

Losing two of his important persons, made pharms life changed. his once loving mother becomes distant to him... More

Author's Note:


958 45 11
By Little_Freesia

Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.

"Two many sacrifices and deaths, too many hearts cried in pain and sorrow just to obtain the peace".


Moon goddess diana, was standing in front of the silvermoon pack, her white long hair flowing beautifully behind her, she wore an elegant white dress, silver accesories hang on her neck, ears and wrist, a bright silver moon crown lay on top of her head.

"Momma diana!!!", pharm, Intouch and rome all exclaimed and they run straight into dianas waiting arms.

The moon goddess happily recieved her children, tears starts to fall from her eyes as she hugs her three sons. The triplets smiled happily as they tightly embraced their mother.

"Atlast, I finally embraced the three of you, I'm sorry if I'm late this time!", diana sadly exclaimed to her sons, she lifted her head and starred at apollos dead body.

"Apollo", diana faintly whispered, the triplets seperate themselves from their mother, diana slowly walks to where apollo is, she kneel and holds apollos hand.

"I'm sorry momma we didn't protect him", pharm exclaimed to his mother, diana shakes her head.

"No my pharm, it will never be ypur fault or your brothers fault, he's your father and he will just did whats right, he protected the three of you", diana informed the triplets, diana lifted her hand and starts to carress apollos cheeks lovingly.

"I never thought that I will see you again like this, I'm sorry my prince, your princess arrived late, I'm really sorry I love you!", diana muttered, she lowered her head and kissed apollos lips.

Diana stand up and walks in the middle, she clasped her hands together and closed her eyes, droplets of water starts to surrounds her, a bluish circle appears below her.

"Rebuilt!!!!!", diana exclaimed, the waters starts to flow on the ground, the fields and the surroundings starts to heal and go back to it's original state.

"Now you need to revive your father", diana informed Intouch, who's eyes widens in shock.

"But momma, I can't do that without his consent, what if I revived him and the darkness also live?!!!", Intouch exclaimed back to his mother.

"The darkness was already vanished from this place, I already cleared the whole land from the tainted, you can now revive him!", diana informed his son, she kneel infront of apollo and she put his head on her lap.

"If I do that, he will never see you again momma, what if he died because he wants to be with you?", Intouch asked to his mother, diana smiled happily to her second son.

"He will be fine with the three of you, I'm willing let him stay in this place, maybe it's not the right time for me to be with him", diana sweetly exclaimed to her son, Intouch nodded sadly to his mother, he stood up and starred at his mate.

"Can I have revieval now p'korn", Intouch said to his mate, korn nods to him, purple mist come out from his body and enters Intouch body, after that he looks straight to his althair.

"Revive!!!!", Intouch exclaimed, apollos body shine in purple while his wounds starts to heal.

"Haaaaa!!!!!!!", apollo abruptly sat up while gasping for his breath, the prince of light holds his abdomen, his eyes widens when he nowhere found the wound.

"Intouch why did you revived me?!!!", apollo asked his second son, Intouch kneel down in front of apollo.

"Althair, I'm sorry but-------",

"I'm already on my way to where my diana is but you revived me all of a sudden!!!", apollo yelled to his son, Intouch flinched due to the high voice.

"Don't scream to our son like that apollo, you're getting old if you always do that", apollos eyes widens when he heard a familiar voice beside him, he shufted his gaze and he saw his princess, he saw his lover diana sweetly smiling to him.

"Diana?!!!", apollo muttered in disbelief.

"You looks like you saw a ghost?, do I look like a ghost ahh-----", diana exclaimed when apollo suddenly pulled her on his arms, the prince of light cried on dianas shoulder, the moon goddess starts to rubs apollos back with a content and happy smile drawn to her lips.

"Diana, my diana!!!!", apollo repeatedly muttered as his tears keeps streaming down his cheeks. The triplets and the other just watch silently.

"I'm sorry I'm really sorry, if I arrived earlier that day, our children will never die, if I think twice before doing something you will never be killed, and I will never devours by the darkness inside me, I'm really sorry!!!!", apollo exclaimed in so much guilt, diana seperate herself from apollo, she happily wipes her lovers cheeks, she holds apollos cheeks lovingly.

"Don't blame yourself my prince, I already forgiven you, our children was safe they're here in this land with you, and ypu already paid for your sins, the darkness are now gone", diana sincerely muttered to apollo.

"Why.......I can sensed that you're the reason behind my revival, why did you asked our In to do that?, I'm ready to be with you!!!", apollo asked diana.

"It's not your time my prince, you didn't have a chance to be with our children that's why I'm giving you a chance to be with them, in every moment of their life until you die, I can wait my prince I will wait for you from the above, I will guide the four of you now matter what happens", diana sincerely muttered to her prince, she looks at her sons and signal them to go to her, the triplets also sat down and the family hugs each other.

"Finally I got my boys now in my arms, I'm really happy!!!", diana muttered in so much happiness.

"Goddess diana, what about our parents?", dean asked the goddess, korn, pete and tin was beside him, diana lifted her head and look at kongpop and forths body.

"I'm sorry but In can't revive them", diana exclaimed, korn frowned his brows to that.

"But goddess diana, In already revive prince apollo so why can't he do that to our parents?", korn asked.

"Because they're already at my place right now, they arrived there before I went here, I asked them if they want In to revive them and they told me not to do that, they said that they're already happy and contented to where they are right now, I'm sorry but I can't do anything about their decision", diana sadly informed the family, In, pharm, ae and can went to their mates to embraced them and to calm them down.


The whole area was quite no one really wants to talk, korn and dean placed their fathers beside each other, diana and apollo was watching silently.

"I'm so sorry p'korn, if I can just really revive him----", In was cutoff when his mate suddenly hug him tight.

"Shhh, it's alright I don't blame you In, I will never blamed you my luna, I know that my parents and deans parents are now happy to the soul garden, maybe it's their time to rest now", korn muttered softly yet full of pain to In.

"Ming!!!!", a sudden yell catch their attention, ming and phana saw their luna, korn and dean eyes was fixed to the lifeless body of beam and arthit whose in the arms of kao and type.





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