The Story of Us (Fili/The Hob...

Por Bilbos_Acorn

327K 9.3K 2.5K

Every story has an end, but in life every ending is just a new beginning. Más

1. The Wizard's Request
2. An Unexpected Party
3. Fili And Kili
4. The Quest Begins
5. Three Trolls
6. Holy Ground
7. Orcs and Wargs
8. Rivendell
9. A Thunder Battle and Goblins
11. The Defiler
12. His Name is Beorn
13. Revelations
14. Mirkwood
15. Spiders and Elves
16. The ElvenKing
17. Bilbo's Plan
18. The Orcs and the Bowman
19. Lake Town
20. The Bowman's Home
21. The Master
22. Splitting Up
23. Healing Kili
24. The Orcs Are Back
25. The Dragon
26. Journey To The Mountain
27. Arkenstone
28. Greed
29. He Will Have War
30. Pretend It's Okay
31. Bad Blood
32. The Battle Begins
33. Ravenhill
34. Sweet Despair
35. One Last Time
36. The Final Showdown
37. If I Die Young
38. Nightingale
39. Bilbo's Departure
40. Distant Relation
41. The Great Feast

10. Goblin Town

10.3K 292 18
Por Bilbos_Acorn

The whole horde of Goblins came running towards us, each goblin grabbing us as they led us onto the bridge. It made me sick that these pieces of filth laid their hands on me. I struggled and squirmed under their grips, the result was only them tightening their claws into my flesh.

I looked back as I saw Bilbo being pulled away by them. I glanced back but I failed to see him again. I mentally curse myself and continued to do so until we reached the place where the throne of the Goblin King sat. I grimaced as my eyes laid upon who sat on it. I couldn't look at him for more than five seconds.

He got down from his throne, crushing and squishing goblins that were at his feet. I silently prayed that he wouldn't notice me. Who knows what he would do knowing that I managed to escape this place.

"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies? Thieves? Assassins?" He exclaimed.

"Dwarves, your malevolence." A goblin nearest to him answered.

"Dwarves?" Said the Goblin King curiously.

"Found them on the front porch." Informed the goblin.

"Well don't just stand there! Search them! Every crack! Every crevice!" He instructed. The goblins began to circle us again and grab our weapons and throw them off to the side. Then they were putting their grubby hands all over me. One of them put their hands on a place I would not want to be touched. I had enough! I kicked the goblin in the face. The others began to drag me, bringing me closer to the king.

"Who is this? This can't be the Night Rider, can it?" He began, talking in a sarcastic tone. "You may have gotten out of here the first time but I can assure you it won't happen again. Tie her up immediately!"

Three Goblins came up to me and grabbed me, pulling me near this wooden post, tying up my hands behind it.

"Let her go!" Shouted Fili. But nothing stopped them.

"You seem awfully quiet, Rider. Do you have anything to say?" He asked me. I thought for a moment if I should say anything at all. This filth doesn't deserve a single thing from me or anyone else. Suddenly, my blood boiled with rage. Slowly raising my head up to meet his gaze, I responded to him.
"Go die in a hole, scum."

"Oooh, she's a feisty one! I hope you enjoyed your freedom because now, you are going back to your cell. But not just yet." The Goblin King nodded to one, it came close to me with a knife raised. From the corner of my eye, I saw Fili trying to make his way over me, but Thorin stopped him.
My attention went back to the goblin. With one swift movement, I kicked it out of his grasp. Becoming frustrated, the goblin managed to land a punch on me. On my wound. I cried out in pain as the goblin was about to deliver another one.

"Wait!" I heard someone shout. It was Thorin.

"Well, look who it is! Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror. King under the mountain." He announced while mockingly bowing to him.

"Oh but I'm forgetting you don't have a mountain! And you're not a king. Which makes you nobody, really. I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. For both of yours." For the both of our heads. Why am I not surprised?

"Just the heads, nothing attached."

"Yes, we know. We don't need any clarification thank you very much." I said while rolling my eyes.

"Perhaps you both know whom I speak of. The Pale Orc. Astride a white warg."

"Azog the Defiler was destroyed. He was slain in battle long ago." Thorin answered quite angrily.

"So you think his defiling days are done, eh?" He began to chuckle.
"Send word to The Pale Orc. Tell him I have both his prizes." He instructed a tiny goblin.

He sat back down on his throne and stared at Thorin with a wicked smile. I glanced over at Fili and Kili who were looking at me with worried expressions.

I'm okay, I mouthed to the both of them. I forced a small smile in their direction before we all diverted our attention to a screaming goblin who picked up Thorin's sword and quickly dropped it while shrieking and stumbling backwards.

I looked to the Goblin King who also looked terrified by the blade.
"I know that sword! It's the Goblin Cleaver! The Biter! The blade that sliced a thousand necks!" He yelled before pointing at the dwarves and shouting, "Kill them! Kill them all!"

Chaos broke out between the goblins as they began whipping the dwarves with ropes. I saw a group of them jump on Thorin, attempting to bring him down. Fili and Kili attacked the goblins but were tackled to the ground. My gazed was forced away as a goblin came running towards me. With being tied up and no weapons to defend myself, I began kicking away the goblins. It was a lot harder than I thought!

"Cut of their heads!" The Goblin King ordered.

Suddenly, a bright light shot throughout Goblin Town. The force of the light knocked everyone backwards, I winced as it threw me further into the wooden post. I blink rapidly from the brightness of the light. Soon enough, my vision focused on a man with a grey beard and pointed hat. It was Gandalf! I knew he'd come eventually.

"Take up arms. Fight. Fight!" Gandalf shouted as the others scrambled to get their weapons.

"He wields the Foe Hammer! The Beater! Bright as daylight!" Shrieked the Goblin King as he pointed to Gandalf's sword.

Looking to my left, I saw Fili making his way to me, slashing and stabbing goblins with his sword. That still didn't stop the fact that they were still near me. I was growing tired having to kick them out of my way. I could tell he was trying to get to me as fast as he could.

"Are you okay?" He asked me as he cradled my face in his hands.
"I'm fine! I'm fine!" I said, smiling at him. "Now come on and untie me!"

He grinned at me before pulling out a dagger that I recognized was mine and easily cut the ropes from my wrists. He handed me my dagger, sword, and my quiver of arrows, along with my bow. I'm strapped the quiver and the bow on to my back but kept my sword out. I thanked him before we joined the others in the fight. I stabbed the first goblin in it's back, clashing swords with another before slicing it.

"Follow me! Quick!" Shouted Gandalf.

We all followed Gandalf, Fili on one side and Kili on the other as we ran down a long platform. The goblins never ending, it seemed as they come out of nowhere. Dwalin was in front, lifted a long wooden beam, with the help of Nori, Bifur and Gloin, using it to knock off groups of goblins off the platform. After they dropped the beam, we used our weapons to fight the rest of them off. One Goblin swung his rusty sword towards my head, I was fast enough to duck the blow and stab it in its chest and kicking it off the platform.

Running to another platform, we were faced with archer Goblins.
"Look out!" Fili shouted as he pulled me out of the way of an oncoming arrow. It slightly flew past my side.
"Thank you." I said to him.

"Get down!" Kili yelled as he grabbed a wooden ladder, shielding all of us. Following his orders, Fili and I ducked down and heard the sounds of arrows shooting in to something. I silently pray to myself that none have hit Kili. I looked up and sighed in relief that he was okay.
I saw that the goblins were getting closer and I whipped out my bow, nocked an arrow and released it, shooting it straight at the goblin's head. I nocked another arrow and shot it at another goblin's chest. I continued shooting at the oncoming goblins. With the help of others, Kili picked up another ladder and used it to push of groups of goblins off the path.

We continued to run along the paths, slicing and stabbing any goblins that came our way. We were all on one section so Fili and Nori cut the suspending ropes, allowing the bridge that we were stood on to sway and fall away, cutting off any goblins that were chasing us. As that section swung towards the ground, I and a few others jumped off from the platform. I watched in horror as the platform swayed back to where it originally was, causing to a whole group of goblins to leap on there. I began to worry as Fili was among the others still on it. I watched as the other members of the company fought them off and leaped onto the ground. It was finally cut free and fell into the abyss by Fili as he safely jump back onto the ground. Seeing that he was okay, we continued on killing more goblins. Gandalf used his staff to strike a rock above him, causing it to roll down the path, crushing goblins on the way down.

A sense of relief washed over me as we entered an outstretched pathway, completely goblin-free.

For a second there, I thought we were safe until we all turned our attention to the Goblin King as he made his way up the pathway. His lips were pulled into a snarl as anger filled his eyes. I looked back as Goblins surrounded us so we couldn't escape.

"You thought you could escape me?" He yelled as he swung at Gandalf with a wooden staff.
"What are you gonna do now, wizard?"

Gandalf reacted quickly, poking the eye of the goblin as he sliced his stomach.
The Goblin King cried out in pain as he fell back onto his knees.

"That'll do it." The goblin said. Gandalf sliced his stomach as he fell forward. The goblin's weight falling down on the pathway resulted in our side to break off and plunge down into the darkness below. I screamed in fright and grabbed the first thing nearest to me, which thankfully was Fili. He held on to me just as tight as we kept on falling.

Landing on the floor was the worst part. Pained groans filled the air as we had landed on the hard surface with the heavy wood on us. I looked to my right as I saw Gandalf pull himself out of the wooden rubble.

"Are you okay?" Fili asked me. Before I could answer, Bofur said "Well that could've been worse.

Remember how I said landing on the cold, hard ground was the worse part? Scratch that. Down came the Goblin King, his extra weight putting more pressure on us than there already was.

"To answer your question, no. Not anymore." I groaned to Fili.

"You've got to be joking!" Dwalin shouted.

"Gandalf!" We heard Kili shout. Our attention diverted to a multitude of Goblins quickly coming our way. My eyes went wide at the amount there was. There was no way we could kill them all.

Fili swiftly pulled himself out of the rubble and offering me his hand, helping me up. The others began to get up quickly, helping each other on their feet.

"There's too many! We can't fight them." Dwalin told Gandalf.

"There's only one thing that could save us. Daylight!"

"On your feet, all of you. Run!" The wizard shouted as he lit his staff, pointing at a darken passageway.

I immediately followed the others as fast as my sore limbs and tired feet would allow me so until we made it to the end where I saw the sun shining at the end of the passage.

We continued running, going straight through a forest until we finally stopped at a clearing to catch our breaths. Relief washed over me as I realized we were very well away from that foul place.

I stopped at a tree, trying to even out my breathing as Fili did the same. I looked up at him and smiled as he brought me into a tight embrace.

"Six, seven, eight...Bifur, Bofur, that makes ten, Kili, Fili, Eleanor, that's thirteen, and Bombur, that makes fourteen." Gandalf said as he counted all of us.

"Wait, where is our hobbit?" Gandalf asked. No one replied to him. For goodness sake! I remembered he was left behind, I couldn't reach him. The goblins had a strong grip on me. I felt awful, it was my duty to keep him safe.

"Where is out hobbit!" Gandalf said angrily.

"I thought he was with Dori!" Dwalin exclaimed.

"Don't blame me!" Replied Dori.

"I remember seeing him slip away when they first caught us." Nori answered.

Well where did you last see him? Tell me!"

"I'll tell you what, Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it! He has thought nothing but his soft bed and his warm half since the first time stepping out his door. We will not be seeing our burglar anymore. He is long gone." Thorin said, sounding sure of himself.

"No, he is not." We all spun around, hearing the voice of the hobbit. I heard gasps from the dwarves as they saw Bilbo standing next to a tree. I couldn't believe my eyes! Bilbo was here!

"How on Earth did you get past the goblins?" Fili asked him.
"Yes, how did you?" Thorin curiously inquired.

"Well what does it matter? He's back." Gandalf replied. I sensed he was hiding something but I didn't think much of it.

"It matters. I want to know, why did you come back?" Asked Thorin.

"Look, I know you've doubted me. You always had. And you're right. I often think of Bag End. I miss my books, and my armchair, and my garden. You see, that's where I belong. That's home. And that's why I came back...because you don't have one. A home. It was taken from you. And I will help you take it back if I can." Said Bilbo which made everyone smile and even a grateful look from Thorin.

Suddenly, we all heard a loud howl not too far from us. Wargs.

"Out of the frying pan..." Said Thorin.

"...and into the fire! Run!" Shouted Gandalf.

Thanks for reading ya lovely people!☺️ remember to vote if you'd like to! ^.^

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