From Prat to Husband, how the...

By Kili-Loverxx

108K 2.7K 241

Summary: When Merlyn first came to Camelot and had to be a maidservant and silent protector to the prat Princ... More

Chapter One, Arthur Finds Out
Chapter Two, Tears of Uther Pendragon Part 1
Chapter Four,Tears of Uther Pendragon Part 3
Chapter Five, Meeting Kilgharrah
Chapter Six, Goblin's Gold Part 1
Chapter Seven, Goblin's Gold Part 2
Chapter Eight, Gaius the Goblin
Chapter Nine, Capturing the Goblin
Chapter Ten, Day out gone wrong
Chapter Eleven, Gwaine
Chapter Twelve, Trouble Stirring
Chapter Thirteen, Gwaine to the Rescue
Chapter Fourteen, Gwaine is a What?
Chapter Fifteen, Earthen Magic
Chapter Sixteen, The Mele
Chapter Seventeen, Sir Gwaine, Knight of Camelot
Chapter Eighteen, The Valley of the Fallen Kings
Chapter Nineteen, The Crystal Cave
Chapter Twenty, The Damage of the Crystal
Chapter Twenty-One, Morgana's Birthday
Chapter Twenty-Two, Dangerous Waters
Chapter Twenty-Three, Eye of the Phoenix
Chapter Twenty-Four, Courage, Strength, Magic
Chapter Twenty-Five, The Fisher King
Chapter Twenty-Six, Water of Avalon
Chapter Twenty-Seven, Queen of Hearts
Chapter Twenty-Eight, Plans Gone Awry
Chapter Twenty-Nine, Dragra the Great
Chapter Thirty, Another Stupid Tournament
Chapter Thirty-One, Epilogue

Chapter Three, Tears of Uther Pendragon Part 2

4.6K 122 2
By Kili-Loverxx

Chapter Three, Tears of Uther Pendragon Part 2

Gaius and Arthur were beside themselves with worry. Unfortunately only Gaius could show it out in public unless Arthur wanted Merlyn banished from Camelot. Which he didn't. He not only had Merlyn's disappearance to worry about, but his father's illness too. Hatred had started to boil within him every time he saw Morgana now, it was her fault his father was ill he just knew it, and the reason he had to assume control before he was meant to, and now Merlyn was missing and he had a feeling she had something to do with it.


In a deep cave in the mountains was where Merlyn lied, being watched over by Kilgharrah. Slowly Merlyn started coming round, first it started with a twitch of her fingers, then with a soft groan. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light she spotted Kilgharrah watching her intently.
"Thank you." Merlyn said weakly. "But I didn't think you'd answer my call."
"Merlyn, I could not resist a DragonLord even if I wanted to." Kilgharrah's deep timbered voice soothed the young Mage.
"I'm grateful. Thank you, Kilgharrah." Merlyn said as she tried to sit up only to groan in agony. "Ow. My head."

"Lie still." Kilgharrah commanded. "The Serkets' poison is powerful. I have given you an enchantment to help you heal, but it will take time." Kilgharrah explained looking concerned, as much as a dragon could, as Merlyn succumbed to unconsciousness once more.

Back in Camelot, Gaius was trying to distract himself by busying himself with his work when Arthur came into his chambers.
"Is there any sign?" Gaius asked hopefully. Arthur froze, not wanting to diminish the hope in Gaius' eyes but he also didn't want to give him false hope either.
"I'm sorry Gaius." Arthur apologised. "I'll keep looking, I promise." Arthur swore when Gaius slumped down into his chair.
"If only I could arrest Morgana and question her, but we have no proof." Arthur groaned as he sat at the table opposite Gaius.
"She's probably left Merlyn at the mercy of her sister." Gaius sighed, not relishing that thought.
"Don't worry Gaius, I'll find Merlyn." Arthur swore before he left the chamber to go to his archery session and send men to find Merlyn. For now he'll just have to put up with George.

Later that night, Morgana dressed in blood red clothes, which weren't very inconspicuous, was trying to get into Uther's chambers to put a fresh mandrake in there but Sir Leon and some other Knights were guarding his chambers. Grasping some weeds from inside her cloak Morgana lit them with the nearest torch bracket. Once she'd stuffed the smoking weeds into a vent, she quickly hid in the stairwell to watch her plan unfold. It was a moment later when Sir Leon noticed the smoke filling the corridor and gathered his men to investigate, leaving the path to Uther unobstructed for Morgana.

Smirking, Morgana made her way into Uther's chambers where the King was laying in bed, his eyes open but they were glassy and vacant as he stared at nothing. Waving her hand in front of his face, a wide malicious smirk spread across Morgana's face when she got no response from the mentally ill King. Reaching inside her cloak once more she brought out the Mandrake root wrapped in a cloth, setting the cloth aside Morgana wrapped one of the longer roots around it her eyes fixed on Uther and pulled. The Mandrake screamed, making Uther's eyes sudden in fear. She did it again, and again. Each time Uther became more terrified the more malicious Morgana became.


Back up in the mountains late the next morning Merlyn awoke from her long sleep, feeling slightly better than the day before.
"You shouldn't have let me sleep." Merlyn said sternly when she noticed how high the sun was in the sky, even if she knew she had needed it.
"I had no choice, young Mage. The venom was too strong even for your great powers." Kilgharrah told her.
"I don't have time." Merlyn argued as she stumbled to her feet. "I have to get back to Camelot. The kingdom is in danger's my fault. I should've listened to you. About Morgana. I never should have trusted her."
"You did what you felt was right and that shows great courage. But trust is a double-edged sword." Kilgharrah said wisely.

"I thought...because she has magic. I thought we were the same. I guess I just wanted someone like me so I wasn't so alone." Merlyn sighed.
"In some ways you are." Kilgharrah replied.
"No!" denied Merlyn. "I will never be like her."
"You have learnt an important lesson, Merlyn. Your determination to see goodness in people will be your undoing." warned Kilgharrah. "But, I fear that your futures are now joined forever. She is the darkness to your light, the hatred to your love."
"I need to get back to Camelot." Merlin pressed once more after digesting all that her friend had told her.
"You're not yet fully recovered, Merlyn. And it's more than three days' walk." Kilgharrah argued.
"I've no intention of walking." Merlyn said mischievously, her eyes twinkling as she coaxed her friend to give her a ride back to Camelot.

In the end they had made a compromise. Kilgharrah had promised to give her a ride back to Camelot this evening when it was dark if Merlyn rested for the rest of the day. As soon as night fell Merlyn climbed onto Kilgharrah's back before he took off into the skies. Merlyn didn't even feel afraid, it was wonderful. Cries of enjoyment and excitement tumbled from her lips as they flew across Albion, her arms spread wide. She wondered if her father ever did this? Because she felt closer to him now more than ever.

Soon like all things; it must come to an end. What would have been over three days' journey on foot or horse was reduced to mere hours in the air, and Merlyn had enjoyed every moment of it. They soon landed in the little clearing where they had faced off against each other a year ago. Once Kilgharrah had landed Merlyn wasted no time in climbing from the Great Dragon's back, landing slightly unsteadily on her feet.
"This is as far as I go." Kilgharrah warned her.
"Thank you, dear friend." Merlyn said gratefully. "I won't forget this."
"Be careful, young Mage. Arthur may accept and know of your magic, but The Great Battle for Camelot has begun. You must be strong; for Arthur's and your destiny, and the future of Albion lies in your hands." Kilgharrah warned cautiously.

Kilgharrah and Merlyn shared a nod of comadory and Kinship before Kilgharrah took off back into the skies and Merlyn raced towards Camelot, trying not to trip over her dress in her hurry. By the time Merlyn reached her chambers she was panting a little as she felt her magic still fighting off the last of the venom. Entering the chambers she saw Gaius fast asleep, but it wasn't peaceful. He had a frown on his face and was mumbling in his sleep.
"Gaius. Gaius. Gaius, you need to wake up." Merlyn said urgently as she gently shook him awake.
"Merlyn?" Gaius said relieved and somewhat confused when he saw his Ward leaning over him as he awoke.

"Where have you been?" He asked worriedly as he got up and Merlyn helped him into his robe.
"I don't have time to explain." Merlyn replied hurriedly.
"Are you alright?" Gaius insisted.
"I am now thanks to Kilgharrah." Merlyn replied vaguely. "Morgana is in league with Morgause." Merlyn said urgently, wanting to get to the heart of the matter. "She's plotting against Uther."
"What!" Gaius exclaimed, feeling rather startled.

Merlyn sighed and gave her father figure a look. "She's responsible for his visions. Come on, there's something I need to show you." Merlyn said, walking towards the door. Once Gaius had finished dressing the two hurried to the other side of the castle where Uther's chambers lay. As they reached the chambers they found there were no guards outside and rushed into the room, only to find it half destroyed. There were vases, plates, and goblets strewn all over the floor, there was no bedding left on the bed except for the sheet covering the mattress and one pillow. Further within the room there were candelabras strewn on the floor - thankfully with no candles in them- and chairs upended. It looked like there had been a massive struggle.

At the back of the room Gaius spotted Uther sat on the floor in a window alcove whimpering in fear. Seeing him like this Merlyn didn't fear him as she usually did, she felt sorry for him.
"Uther." Gaius sighed as he crouched down before him, but it seemed the King didn't hear him. "Uther?" Gaius tried again, placing a hand in his arm. It got a reaction, just not one that they were expecting. Uther started to fight against Gaius trying to get away from something. Gaius and Merlyn looked over at the corner Uther was staring at but they couldn't see anything. Feeling sorry for him Merlyn raced towards his bed snatching the mandrake from underneath it and threw it into the fire. 

As soon as the flames touched the root it let out a piercing scream that had Merlyn covering her ears to block against the noise. Once the root had finally burned into nothing, the enchantment lifted causing Uther to slump against the wall no longer tense or fighting against Gaius but he was still afraid and greatly upset.
"It was an enchantment, Sire." Gaius soothed. "You need to rest." He said sternly.
"Yes." Uther gasped, his expression still rather wild. Merlyn quickly remade Uther's bed and helped her uncle get the King back into his bed.

"Please drink this, Sire." Gaius said, pouring a potion into a goblet. "It will help you to sleep." He assured as he helped the King to drink it. Once the King was finally asleep Gaius and Merlyn went back to their own chambers feeling rather exhausted.
"We need to tell Uther what Morgana has done." Merlyn said firmly. "Or at least Arthur."
"Are you mad?" Gaius asked incredulously. "He'd have both our heads if we made such accusations. He'd look on it as treason. But we can inform Arthur at the very least."
"We can't just let her get away with it, Gaius. She and Morgause tried to kill me. If it wasn't for Kilgharrah I'd be dead, and Uther would've gotten worse." Merlyn argued.

"I know, my dear girl. I know." Gaius said wearily. "But Uther dotes on her every word and you know how blind he is to her faults." Gaius argued. "But I'm just glad you are safe." He said as he pulled Merlyn into a tight hug. "The root is gone now, it can do no more harm."
"No, you don't understand." Merlyn said as she pulled herself free from his arms. "I followed Morgana, I heard her and Morgause. There is more to their plan. I'm sure of it. Besides, Kilgharrah warned me he said, 'The Great Battle for Camelot has begun'. What do you think that means, Gaius?" Merlyn asked worriedly.
"I dread to think." Gaius muttered worriedly.

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