Longinus 14 Th : Declare Of W...

By AlvarezRbk

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Summary: Declare of The War, the forgotten Longinus. Longinus who is at the Top - Tier Longinus level and alw... More

Chapter 1: Me, The Queen of Agares Seekvaira
Chapter 2: My Previous Story
Chapter 3: Me, The Student of Ajuka Beelzebub and Serafall Leviathan
Chapter 4: Me, The Possesor of Declare of War
Chapter 5: Lavinia Revi and Le Fay Pendragon, My Contracted Magician Part 1
Chapter 6: Lavinia Revi and Le Fay Pendragon, My Contracted Magician Part 2
Chapter 7: Lavinia Revi and Le Fay Pendragon, My Contracted Magician Part 3
Chapter 8: Ravel Phenex and Kunou, My Cute F ****** e.
Chapter 10: Ravel Phenex and Kunou, My Cute Fiancee
Chapter 11: Raiser Phenex, My Future Brother - In - Law
Chapter 12: Raiser Phenex, My Future Brother - In - Law
Chapter 13: Raiser Phenex, My Future Brother - In - Law
Chapter 14: Sona Sitri, My First Female Friend (New Threat)
Chapter15:Sona Sitri, My First Female Friend (Peace Treaty, Leviathan Student
Chapter 17

Chapter 9: Ravel Phenex and Kunou, My Cute F ****** e (Coup).

122 3 0
By AlvarezRbk

Place of Negotiation, Kyoto Southern Border

The negotiations between the Youkai and Uchiha were held on the southern border of Kyoto to be precise at one of the territorial border guard posts of the Youkai nation. At first, the negotiations were planned to be held in the palace but the Uchiha side were against it and that's why the negotiations ended up in this room.

The guards from the Youkai nation were seen lined up neatly to welcome Kunou who was accompanied by Tengu, while several other troops who seemed to be samurai were sentries of guards who had been hired by the Uchiha. The two sides are indirectly ready to go to war by simply showing how many guards the two sides have for negotiation. A quarter of the Kyoto guard battalion was concentrated at the negotiation site, a quarter at the palace to protect His Highness Yasaka who was critical and the rest guarded Kyoto's borders as usual.

Seekvaira, Ravel and Reni had entered the room first. Seekvaira asked for an explanation from Uchiha Sasuke who was accompanied by a foreign youth who covered his face with a white cloth. This is natural for her to do because the devil is appointed as the mediator, even though against her natural instincts, Seekvaira can play the role of mediator nicely considering her position as the heir of Agares who holds the Archduke, one level below Great King Bael.

Reni is in charge of forming a defensive magic formula in anticipation of outside intervention while Ravel has no duty because she came here on the wish of her father, she is not a member of the team appointed by Serafall. So, he can only be silent and observe and study because this is the first time he is faced with a real political situation.

Kunou and Sasuke simultaneously entered a room lit by only one light from the opposite direction. 5 meters behind them each stood their bodyguard, Tengu and an unidentified bodyguard, possibly a samurai who was also hired by Sasuke. They stopped simultaneously as soon as 1 meter away from Seekvaira. From nothing, an elegant chair complete with a desk appeared before Kunou and Sasuke.

"Okay, let's just start this negotiation. Both parties are expected to sit down and I invite Lavinia Reni - san to start forming kekkai" Kunou and Sasuke sat together and after that Reni stepped forward, her five small magic circles circled around the area where the negotiations formed a kekkai. half a ball with a rainbow glow covering only those involved in the negotiations.

"Very well ... I am Seekvaira Agares, the heir of the Archduke class Agares family in control of this negotiation. Let's begin"


Naruto blinked a few times, trying to adapt his gaze to the dark room. And when he finally gathered consciousness he gasped and immediately took a sitting position while massaging his head which was still aching.

"Kurama ... how long have I been unconscious?"

Approximately half an hour. The fox and the bat and the Magician have gone into negotiations." Kurama replied flatly. From that tone, Naruto could tell that his partner was thinking, just like him.

Are you going to catch up with them?" Kurama began to chatter, he already knew exactly what Naruto's answer was.

"No, Seekvaira can handle that. There's also Reni - san, she can be counted on to look after Ravel." And, she was right for the umpteenth time. Naruto is a genius boy but compared to himself who is an extension of time and space Naruto's thoughts he can guess even though in some cases he can't guess where his current host's thoughts are, and that's what makes him interested.

So, what are you going to do?"

"First, I will return to Yasaka-sama's room, there are still some odd things. Second, I will communicate with the Youkai higher ups, well I know they are very old-fashioned, but I will try to dig information from them. And lastly, I want to find out. someone who plays behind this negotiation "

Kheh, so from the start you realized it huh?"

"Yep, Serafall - sama has provided a hint of his words before our departure. However, I still want to find out what his purpose is." Naruto stood up slowly, a large amount of gold aura accumulated in his body and immediately enveloped him, he entered his balance breaker subspecies. .

Multiple Clon: Activation

4 beams of golden aura formed around him forming 4 clones which resembled him but not in any subspecies.

"You all go around Kyoto, look for information or strange things and immediately execute if the odd thing is dangerous." Naruto commanded in response to the disappearance of the four clones, they teleported according to Naruto's orders.

The golden aura returned from Naruto's body to form a thin golden mist that immediately spread throughout the palace. This is the highest development in the sensor technique, by shaping it into a thin mist, there will be no gaps missed in the sensor and this saves energy expenditure even though it requires high concentration to assemble the material but training from Ajuka makes it possible to do this.

Normally, this technique is very risky because any information will enter the user's brain quickly, those who do not have high intelligence will definitely feel tremendous pain because their brain is unable to accommodate as detailed information as possible which continues to arrive at high speed. That is what makes Naruto special, his brainpower after being opened by Kurama's barrier formula is so high, in just a week, he can prove that his intelligence is comparable to that of a final year undergraduate student and therefore he achieved a government-funded acceleration program.

Naruto's eyebrows furrowed as soon as he didn't feel the many guards in the palace, his thin mist headed for Yasaka's room, after a little effort he managed to get through the kekkai and his eyes immediately widened feeling so much negative energy surrounding the room, plus information coming from the clones and The thin mist that was inside the higher-ups' room made him flabbergasted. In just half an hour, Kyoto was on the verge of collapse.


Before that ...

Yasaka Palace functions not only as his residence, but also as a workplace for high-ranking youkai. These Youkai officers acted as supervisors of the governance run by Yasaka. They are youkai who are competent in both the political and military fields. Normally, high-ranking officials rarely work considering that Shinto belief in Japan has begun to fade due to the Bibble invasion, so that the trust of the faithful is not as much as they had in the past, but this is where they all come together to discuss one important agenda, namely the candidate to replace Yasaka, they have started. Desperate for the condition of the Youkai queen, considering the many doctors they had deployed to restore her, but nothing worked.In anticipation, they began to gather to determine a certain candidate if something bad happened. Of course, the first thought of ordinary people pointed to Kunou as Yasaka's only child, but considering his age who had not even reached the head of two and remembering that Kunou didn't even have a companion made the Youkai officials doubt. Queen, not only a symbol of power to the inhabitants of Youkai but also to other worlds, other mythologies. Of course, the presence of Kunou who replaced Yasaka would bring Youkai a negative opinion and was underestimated by other mythologies.However, considering his age which had not even reached the head of two and considering that Kunou didn't even have a companion made the Youkai higher ups doubt. Queen, not only a symbol of power to the inhabitants of the Youkai but also to other worlds, other mythologies. Of course, the presence of Kunou who replaced Yasaka would bring Youkai a negative opinion and was underestimated by other mythologies.However, considering his age which had not even reached the head of two and considering that Kunou didn't even have a companion made the Youkai higher ups doubt. Queen, not only a symbol of power to the inhabitants of the Youkai but also to other worlds, other mythologies. Of course, the presence of Kunou who replaced Yasaka would bring Youkai a negative opinion and was underestimated by other mythologies.

"Please Shukaku - sama" each small glass that was filled with wine started the meeting, the most respected official who was the brother of Yasaka got the last part of the banquet. Shukaku, he was the earliest to form this government, he who initiated the current form of Youkai government and his title as Absolute Defense earned him a reputation. The raccoon youkai who is said to always look down on the Kyuubi surprisingly chose to accompany Yasaka to help the government, he put aside his personal hatred for the welfare of his nation, Youkai first.

"The only choice, of course, falls on Tengu, right? His ability is almost equal to that of Yasaka and his integrity in both the Youkai population and other mythologies tends to be high." One of the top brass who is a bison Youkai conveyed his thoughts. Shukaku was still silent since the meeting began, his yellow shuriken slices ran through the room, his trained instincts continued to shout vigilantly but he couldn't find anything that proved his instincts right. Embarrassed by his thoughts, the old raccoon took a sip of his wine, his brows began to knit together as he felt the few Youkai guards in the room slowly reduce and peak ..


The tail one body suddenly stiffened, his gaze fixed on the higher ups who one by one fell down with their bodies starting to become petrified. He recognized this, the same thing that happened to Yasaka, it meant ...

“Ah… looks like your title isn't just a joke huh… Raccoon?” Still in his seat, Shukaku's gaze shifted to the maid who grinned at him, the maid's air suddenly increased drastically as her body began to peel off and turned into a pile of ashes. , from the pile of ashes slithering quickly the white snake that immediately wrapped its body around Shukaku's body, his head was transformed into a human head with pale skin, long black mane and not forgetting the iris that resembled a snake.

"O - Orochimaru ?!" said Shukaku, exhausted due to being out of breath and his body began to petrify.

"Well, it's me brother. I'm back"


With the power of its entanglement, Shukaku's petrified body shattered into useless sand fragments. Unwinding the sand, Orochimaru crept into the middle of the room while tilting his head up to form a human body.

"Huh, not as complicated as I thought." Her snake iris scanned the entire room and grin widened to find that she was the only conscious extension while the others were lying helplessly. Or so he thought ...


A giant astral arrow came from the direction of 12 o'clock and with his index finger, Orochimaru pushed the arrow away so that it made a giant hole in the palace wall. He didn't have to worry about the guards because they were all struggling against the Chimera troops in the middle of the city.

"Sasuke - kun huh? I never thought you could run away from Jirobo and Kimimaru, what did you do to my two cecungutku" asked Orochimaru playfully, even when mentioning the name of his subordinate he did not let out any emotion.

"They are all dead. And the same thing will happen to you now" replied Sasuke who had been wrapped in his Susanoo, one astral arrow was shot again and still easily pushed over by Orochimaru.

Realize, long range attacks don't work. Sasuke formed a giant sword from both hands of his Susanoo and approached Orochimaru blindly slashing his sword and it was avoided by Orochimaru without trying too much.

Orochimaru's left hand shot up and immediately thousands of snakes shot towards Sasuke as if the snake was a missile. Sasuke took no defensive action, believing in the ability of his Susanoo.

"You have so much energy Sasuke - kun, why don't you join me? Aren't you disappointed in the Youkai?" Orochimaru began his play on words.

"Don't joke. I can't possibly join the person who killed my clan" Well, Sasuke finally realized who the mastermind behind the massacre of his clan, namely the eight tails Yamata No Orochi or now he calls him Orochimaru. The reason is still unknown and that's why he came here to find the answer and execute Orochimaru.

"Kheh, you haven't realized yet." 8 snakes sticking out from behind Orochimaru's body. Each of the snakes fired fire, water, earth, air, and lightning alternately. The senjutsu he released was unbelievable, Sasuke's Susano'o defense even suffered a crack and made the technique owner have to concentrate fully on maintaining his technique.

Susano'o's aura which had been in the form of half a samurai's body changed only into a pair of ribs that wrapped Sasuke's body. Don't get me wrong, Sasuke is strong but after the previous fight against Orochimaru's subordinates who cannot be underestimated he will certainly be exhausted, not to mention that his opponent is the second strongest beast.

"So you can die in peace. Then I will reveal something important to you Sasuke - kun. Itachi and the whole Uchiha afflicted with misfortune is all part of your fault. Well, you are at fault hahaha" Sasuke gritted his teeth at that, but he was confused. of the meaning of Orochimaru's words but circumstances made him think that his Susanoo had begun to crack, but Orochimaru's attacks continued.

Just before Susano'o was destroyed, Orochimaru's attacks stopped. This attracted the attention of the two different creatures.

"Oi oi do you guys realize that you guys have ruined someone else's palace?" The question that was spoken in an innocent tone came from Naruto, at the tip of his right index finger, Fuin spun fast. Yes, he was the one who stopped Orochimaru's attack.

"Hmm, it turns out that there is a small bat that got lost. And stupidly again ... you entered the cave that was inhabited by the king of snakes" said Orochimaru while licking his tongue making Naruto instantly disgusted.

"Etto, I'm normal Ojii - san. If you don't mind I can leave here, I don't want to disturb you." Sasuke and Orochimaru sweatdropped suddenly heard Naruto's reply which was uttered in that innocent tone.

"Dobe" whispered small Sasuke because he saw the stupid look from Naruto. Orochimaru laughed briefly, a sarcastic laugh before finally giving Naruto a deadly look.

"You're pretty strong boy. And I never thought that thing existed, Declare of War huh?"

"Oh, you recognize it. Now can you tell what you mean Yamata No Orochi, as long as you know the entire coup in the city center is currently being handled, and I'm sure that in just a few minutes this will be over. Give it up" Naruto folded his arms across his chest. and lifted his chin up showing his arrogance.

"Tch, you think my weapon is just that huh?" Orochimaru grinned wider and found a confused look on Naruto's face who was serious.

"This is my real weapon." Orochimaru bit his finger and immediately formed an insou.

Summoning No Jutsu: Kyuubi

From this ritual, Yasaka's body, which had been covered in black spots while lying down, was there. Naruto with his sensor can feel so high the aura that Yasaka has now, on the same level as Serafall and Falbium.

"In fact, I want to use this last. But, I never thought the presence of a small bat like you makes me quite a hassle."


Orochimaru snapped his fingers and in an instant the enormous amount of senjutsu aura brought down the Youkai castle. Naruto quickly grabbed Sasuke's body with his teleportation technique and landed not far from the Youkai castle. There the Youkai guards, Youkai residents and their 4 clones took a watchful stance. The dust from the ruins began to fade and the appearance in front of them was so surprising, under the full moon the figure of the Kyuubi with terrible red eyes and not forgetting the figure of Orochimaru sitting relaxed on the head.

"This is my weapon. How do you guys deal with your own leader huh? Hahahaha"



Negotiation Place

Kunou widened his eyes when he heard that loud roar. He immediately stood up from his seat as well as the representative of the devil, with just one glint of an eye, Tengu understood what Kunou meant. Well, she herself knew that the roar came from Kunou's mother, Yasaka herself.

"Kaa - sama, finally he realized. B - but -"

"Well it looks like Orochimaru - sama has given us a sign" Kunou's words were cut off by Sasuke who now his face has turned pale, his black iris has also turned white and the figure of his bodyguard has opened the cloth on his face showing a wrinkled face with his right eye bandaged.

"Danzo ..." Tengu immediately stood in front of Kunou, protecting the girl. Seeing Tengu's attitude, Seekvaira immediately prepared her magic circle as did Ravel and Reni.

"Oi oi do you guys intend to attack? I think you should see this first" Danzo opened the bandage on his right eye showing a reddish iris.

"Sharinggan ... I thought it was" Kunou gripped his own hand

"You are not mistaken, spoiled princess. I only took advantage of the massacre to reach one Sharinggan who was so pure. This is all a plan from Yamata No Orochi" explained Danzo.

"Orochi? Don't joke. He was killed by Susano'o no Kami and his soul was sealed." Tengu hissed, his sword was drawn forward in anticipation of an attack from Danzo, with his sharinggan Danzo could not be underestimated, one move that was unplanned would be fatal, After all, in the city center there are higher-ups who can handle Yasaka's affairs, he must focus more on Kunou's safety.

"Oh, then what if I remove the seal. I made a contract with him, he wants Kusanagi No Tsurugi to kill him, and the way to get it is by collecting shards of Susano'o no Kami's power"

"Shards? What do you mean? And what does it have to do with the Uchiha?" Kunou asked, not understanding. The representatives of the devils could only keep quiet watching how it went, after all they were outsiders.

"We all think that the Uchiha are descended from Susano'o no Kami, but it is all wrong in fact that they are shards of his power. After killing Yamata No Orochi, Susano'o no Kami, his presence in Tashigahara was not accepted, and it caused the three brothers to fight, At the last moment Susano'o we had time to drink blood from Amaterasu and Tsukoyomi - us before finally he melted himself into shards of power because he was unable to match his two sisters. It was kept covered by Tashigahara. Call it a plan of revenge , bah but I don't care about that old snake. What I want is Kyoto's reins of power. After you guys are busy fighting and getting weaker I'll be there killing all those who have weakened in front of the Youkai inhabitants.before that of course I have to eliminate my competition right? Tengu and Kunou - hime hahaha "

"Huh? Do you think you can kill me Danzo ... I swear allegiance to Yasaka - sama will continue to look after Kunou - hime ... and you know my vow is absolute" Tengu moved quickly slashing the figure disguised as Sasuke, the figure could not do anything. - is it too shock to find Tengu's speed.

Danzo grinned slightly.

"Hahaha ... it turns out that time doesn't make you rust. Tengu. Good, okay let's have fun"


With just one snap, a large amount of senjutsu accumulated in Danzō's body. A reddish aura began to form the upper half of a samurai but with 2 pairs of hands and each of them holding an energy sword covered in black flames.

"This is my strongest ability right now." Black spots began to trace the Susano'o and with just one slash on the empty wind the Kekkai Reni broke, even though the Kekkai was able to withstand the attack of a Phoenix.

"You devils, take Kunou - Hime to a safe place. Danzo let me take care of it ..." Tengu ordered with his katana straight at Danzo who smiled belittlingly.

"You guys think you can come out alive after I reveal all my plans" Hardik Danzo while holding Katana Tengu with his Susanoo.


The door to the room was slammed hard by a group of people. There are at least 10 people with black spots covering their bodies. Their senjutsu aura was also high, on par with High Class Devil. The group is a hired bodyguard belonging to fake Sasuke, they must have clashed first with the Youkai guards after seeing the situation of Kyoto. Their presence here implied that the Youkai guards had lost.

"Kill ... kill ... KILL ALL THAT STANDS" the screams came from the group of people, their eyes also erratically showing their brains that had gone mad with power.

Reni took a step forward, her 5 small magic circles rotating rapidly firing each magic material to open a path. Ravel had spread her wings of fire and was floating in the air shooting flames in various forms. The two combinations of attacks could easily be pushed over by a group of rebels. Seekvaira just stood silently in front of Kunou analyzing the situation. His right hand reached into one of his pants, grabbed Naruto's three-pronged kunai. Kunai that Naruto gave as a media teleport if things happened - things that are not desired. He tightened his grip on the kunai. The choice is quite easy, he can grab Reni and Ravel to teleport now but it will overwhelm Tengu. So he chose something else.

"Ravel - san, Reni - san. I have a plan ..." Ravel and Reni simultaneously stopped their attacks. Before the rebels had time to make a move, Seekvaira first activated her magic ability making the rebels unable to move.

"Reni - san freeze them with your longinus and Ravel - san destroy them in one hit with your most powerful magic" Ravel and Reni immediately carried out the instructions, a chill started to run through the whole room and within seconds the rebels and the whole room had changed. into a field of ice.

In contrast to the cold bottom of the room, the ceiling of the room turned extremely hot, some of the charred building materials fell and when all the attention was focused upward they could only widen their eyes. Ravel stood up gracefully, one hand above forming a giant fireball that made Ravel's figure so small compared to her attacks.

"Reni - san, Seekvaira - san I'm ready" Ravel said. The fireball forms flames like the sun but in a mini version. One word if the ball lands, the negotiating room will only turn to ashes.

Tengu grinned at the fireball. He did not think that the young devils who were appointed to help them had such good abilities, Naruto alone had helped to restore Yasaka, that he got from Kunou, now this young Phenex can form a giant fireball equal to that of Kunou, the heir to the throne of Kyoto.

With a fast movement, Tengu held one slash of Danzo's sword towards Ravel. Danzo certainly wouldn't allow such a high scale attack to hit his subordinates. He had to hold Tengu and Kunou in this place as long as possible.

“Now, young Phenex.” Tengu covered himself with senjutsu on a high scale. Reni had returned to Seekvaira and Kunou's side, together with Kunou she formed a kekkai to withstand the effects of Ravel's explosion.

"Okay, take this." The giant fireball shot out quickly and hit the rebels who couldn't move at all because Reni had frozen them. The thin ice that froze the room immediately melted and as soon as the fireball came into contact with the ground ...


A big explosion occurred. Taking advantage of the smoke from the combination of the attacks, Seekvaira summoned Ravel and immediately used Naruto's kunai to teleport them to the team leader, Naruto himself.


Danzo chuckled with displeasure after confirming from his weapon that Kunou had escaped. A single slash from his Susanoo sword erased all of the dust and smoke covering the battle area. 10 meters away from him, the Tengu in the clothes most of which had been burnt by the explosion was still standing proudly, his crow's wings spread wide with each hand gripping a black katana.

"Alright, let's start this duel ..." Tengu said as he relaxed his shoulders.


Central Kyoto, ruins of Yasaka castle

"Naruto - sama ... what exactly happened?" One of the youkai guards approached Naruto who had been with 4 other clones. The youkai was a tiger type, from his clothes he could see that he held a high position in the Kyoto military.

He got to know Naruto after the Naruto clones were there to provide assistance to block the Chimera troops who were present to slaughter the Youkai troops.

"It's a long story. Better, you guys evacuate the inhabitants to a safe place first. For this, let us delay time" replied Naruto, each of his clones gripped a kunai tightly, and he re-entered his balance breaker subspecies.


One yellow flash was present beside Naruto and without having to see Naruto knew who was coming. His comrades were with Kunou.

"OKAA - Same" Kunou shouted. The girl intended to approach her mother but Naruto was in front of her blocking her way.

"What's wrong Naruto - san? Why are you blocking me?" Kunou asked a little annoyed at Naruto's actions.

"Sorry, Kunou - hime, you better stay away from here. Yasaka - sama is now in full control. We beg you to evacuate like us" The tiger youkai who previously talked to Naruto pleaded while forming a kneeling attitude.

"Don't joke around, Taiga - san. My mother is here, and all I have to do is fight on behalf of the Youkai nation." Kunou sternly refused. He immediately gave orders to evacuate the population to a shelter and Taiga quickly obeyed it, making Naruto sweatdrop immediately.

'when I ordered him, he still had time to refuse. The charisma of an heir is different '.

“Oi, Dobe.” An intersection formed at Naruto's temple hearing the rude call.

"Don't call me stupid, Uchiha - Teme. Remember without me, you died there" snapped Naruto.

"No, in fact you are stupid. Never mind, do you have a plan to deal with that ..." Sasuke pointed lazily at Yasaka who continued to roar, as if the Youkai leader was still trying to fight his complete control over him.

"No, I don't have any ideas right now. But ... maybe we can rely on your longinus" Naruto replied as he put his finger on his chin.

“My Longinus?” Sasuke repeated, he was sure he'd heard Naruto's wrong words. Seekvaira and others are silent.

"Wait, you are Uchiha Sasuke right? How did you get here? Shouldn't you negotiate with me?" Kunou just realized Sasuke was with them after a brief conversation with Naruto, he was too focused on his mother.

"Well, on the way I was intercepted by the old snake, and held captive. But, I managed to escape and go after him because I have found the fact that is behind my family slaughter," Sasuke replied.

"About that ..." Naruto swallowed a little before looking at Sasuke. "Orochimaru's words, there is a point ... your presence indirectly brings bad luck to those around you" Sasuke narrowed his eyes at Naruto's words.

" What do you mean ? "

"That's your Longinus ability, Telos Karma. He took all the luck of others and gave it to you which in the end brings bad luck to everyone whose luck you took. You must not realize it, Itachi or your brother is the person closest to you right? continues to absorb his luck to lead him to unlucky fate. The proof of your luck is that you are able to reach your current stage at a young age. Besides, I heard that you awakened one Sharinggan level without going through another Uchiha stage. It's all Telos Karma's doing "

"Lies, I'm a god. There's no way I have sacred gear." Sasuke refused in a cold tone.

"That's a unique case that happened to you." Naruto shrugged his shoulders coolly. His eyes began to turn gold.

"The concept of space from my Longinus is never wrong. I can see for myself the aura of Telos Karma flowing into you. And maybe you don't realize it, but please hit me" Sasuke obeyed the order without two orders, and he was surprised when his fist just passed Naruto.

"I have changed myself and the people around me to be in the fourth dimension as long as we are close together. You still haven't mastered your ability so if I and the others are still in the third dimension then you will absorb all of our luck. This is also what makes you safe from attacks. Orochimaru, because you unconsciously absorbed Orochimaru's luck. "Naruto continued his explanation again.


One snake missile pierced Naruto's body just like that. Making their attention returned to focus on Orochimaru who had succeeded in taming Yasaka completely.

"Huh Longinus you are so attractive to a small bat. After all this is over I will take your body for inspection hahahaa" Ctak

A magic circle on a large scale enveloped the city of Kyoto. From the bright Kyoto sky also appeared a black record, from which fell the Chimeras.

"There is no longer a way out for you. Have a good party with my pets -" Orochimaru's words were interrupted because in an instant his body was thrown several hundred meters, shocked by the sudden attack, Naruto focused his gaze on the top of the Kyuubi's head and he smiled broadly at the sight. that figure.

"You all take care of the Kyuubi. I will deal with Orochimaru" said the figure.

"I'm coming with you. I will kill him for what he did to my family" replied Sasuke.

"Well, it's up to you. I'm sure the combination between Uchiha and Great Victory Buddha, Sun Wukong will be very impressive. I will come to help you when my business with the Kyuubi has been completed. Seekvaira and Reni can you help the youkai guards take care of the Chimeras?" Naruto took the lead. , well because he was appointed as the leader of the mission. Seekvaira and Reni simultaneously nodded their heads and headed towards the place where the residents were taking shelter.

"Kunou - sama and Ravel are waiting for my cue. The fight will start now" Naruto said when he saw Yasaka forming a dense black ball.


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