TenTen's High-school Life (Ne...

By EllaCherryLover

14K 325 137

Tenten goes to Konoha High-school. Her dormate is Temari. She was doing well in classes and sports especially... More

-Information (Looks)-
-Chapter 1- Beginning
-Chapter 2- Beats
-Extra- Band Forms!
-Chapter 3- Broken
-Chapter 4- Threathened
-Chapter 5- Sleepover
-Chapter 6- Bullies
-Chapter 7- Secret Gift
-Chapter 8- Pumpkin Contest
-Chapter 9- Halloween
-Chapter 10- Haunted House
-Chapter 11- Spooky Sleepover
-Chapter 12- Loud Shots
-Chapter 13- Childhood (Part 1)
-Chapter 13- Childhood (Part 2)
-Chapter 13- Childhood (Part 3)
-Chapter 14- Love Makes Everything Better
-Chapter 14- Lemon Time-
-Chapter 15- Sickness
-Chapter 16- This Can't Be Real
-Chapter 17- Runaway
-Chapter 19- Pregnancy
-Chapter 20- Soon
-Chapter 21- Birth
What is New?
-Chapter 22- Return
-Chapter 23- Protection
Changed the Cover!!!
-Chapter 24- More..?
-Chapter 25- Graduation
-Chapter 26- Don't Go
-Chapter 27- (Final) Happy Ending
-Chapter 27- (Final) Bad Ending
Should I Continue?
-Chapter 28- Reunion
I need help!!!
Happy Halloween!!

-Chapter 18- Far Away

388 6 4
By EllaCherryLover

I woke up due to the bright light. It was morning. I was still in the bus moving. I was in a new place. I had no idea where I was. I checked my phone. I had so many missed calls from Neji and Temari. I then grabbed my stuff and got off the bus. I looked around. Where do I go..?

My phone began buzzing. Temari was calling me. Should I answer it...

I answered it.

Neji: TENTEN?!

Temari: Tenten! Please. Stop. Come back! Why are you doing this! Its a horrible idea!!

Temari's voice broke. She had been crying a lot. I just stayed silent.

Temari: Please say something...

"I... I'm so sorry... I- I felt so overwhelmed I... had to get away. I didn't want to deal with anyone. I was sick and tired of people talking shit about me..." My voice broke.

Temari started to cry.

Temari: where are you?...

"I... I don't know..." I said.

I then noticed some shady guys coming towards me. They had a smirk.

"Will you guys back off? Your making me uncomfortable..." I said.

"What's wrong? We were just looking at how sexy you look." The shady guy said.

Neji: Hey FUCK OFF!!!

"Please stop. I-I'm already in a relationship..." I said. Then one of them grabbed my hand. I screamed.

Neji and Temari: TENTEN?!

The shady guys made me drop my phone and pushed me against the fence. I pulled out a dagger and swung it around. They all back off. They started to fight me. I fought back. I won but I got a bunch of bruises. The shady guys left me alone. I picked up my phone. The call ended. My phone screen was cracked. I sighed.

I felt dizzy. I held my stomach as I groaned. I walked to an ally where nobody could bug me. I sat down. I began to sob.

I'm so stupid. Why did I think running away was a good idea.

I called Neji.


"Yeah... I'm fine. I'm okay... ngh... I'm okay... please... I'm done... I want to go home... I'm stupid and I'm sorry..." I said.

Neji: your not stupid. I understand why you did it. Please tell me your location.

"I don't know where I am... Will sending pictures help?" I asked.

Neji: maybe...

I sent him pictures of my surroundings

Neji: I know where that is... damn you went so far... I'm on my way.

Neji ended the call. I was getting tired. My stomach hurted. I was feeling sick. I sighed. I ended up falling asleep... god I put myself in danger...

5 hours later...

I was awoken by something touching me. It was Neji. I bawled and hugged him. He hugged me for a long time. I kept repeating his name. My voices got quieter at each name I said. I was still feeling tired and sick. I leaned against him.

"Tenten... kami... Don't scare me like that ever again.." Neji said. He then picked me up and placed me in the front seat in the grey car. He put my backpack in the backseat. Neji snap the seat belt on for me. I wanted to sleep. I was dozing off. Neji turned on the music. It played calming music.

"Neji..." I said. Neji looks at me before driving.

"I'm... Sorry..." I got teary. Neji then rubbed my cheeks.

"It's okay... you should sleep..." Neji smiled. I smiled as well and dozed off to sleep. Neji reached in the backseat and grabbed a neck pillow. He then puts it on me. I felt a lot comfortable. He then turned on the heater.

Neji is so nice god...

He then hit the petal and drove off. The ride was really nice. It was calming. The ride was peaceful so far.


A car was on the wrong lane. It was coming towards us. Neji quickly turned the steering wheel. He had one arm across me protecting me. Making me wake up. My eyes widen as I saw the car go by us. We barely avoided it. The driver crashed into a tree.

"N-Neji?!" I yelled.

"Are you okay?" Neji asked. I nodded.

"Stay here." He said. He got out of the car and checked the driver. He then called 9-1-1. I looked at him.

Few minutes later

The ambulance came and so did the police. Neji had explained what had happened. They had it in control. Neji then got back in the car.

"Everything alright?" I asked.

"Yep. They got it in control." Neji said. I sighed. I didn't feel like falling asleep anymore. Neji was back on the road.

"Any idea for the baby..?" I asked as I repositioned my neck pillow.

"What do you mean by that?" Neji asked.

"Like... where will the baby sleep? How are we going to raise it if we are at school? What's... going to happen to me..?" I asked. Neji stayed silent.

"You are only 2 month pregnant. We still have a long way to go. I promise we will figure this out." Neji said. I smiled. I rubbed my small baby bump. You could kinda tell I had one. I felt happy. I had another life in me.

"How's the baby doing?" Neji smiled.

"Good. It's been craving for Nutella banana split." I said.

"That sounds yummy. We can stop by Dairy Queens and get you a banana split. I have Nutella in my dorm." Neji said. I lit up in happiness.

"That would be awesome! Thank you so much! You hear that little one?" I talked to my belly. Neji chucked.

"This is nice... just us....going on a car ride... its really relaxing..." I said.

"It is. I like it too. It's nice to not have the boys bickering at each other." Neji said.

"And its nice to not have the girls tease me nonstop." I smiled. We both laughed.

"Hey... Tenten?" Neji said.

"When Highschool is over... do you want to run away with me? Get a house... Continue our lives with our child?" Neji asked.

"I would love too." I said. Neji smiled. Then my favorite music came on.

"Oh turn that shit up!!! WOOHOO!!" I yelled. Neji turned it up. I was banging to that music.

3 hours later...

I was sleeping. It was getting dark. I then felt the car stop. I slowly woke up wondering what was happening. We were at a drive thru Dairy Queen. I then got excited. Neji ordered the banana split. Once he got it, he gave it to me. I didn't care about the Nutella anymore. I dug into it, and boy was I happy, so was my kid.

"You happy?" Neji asked.

"Yus. I um huppy." I said with food in my mouth. I haven't had a banana split since I was a kid. Neji chuckled.

"Alright 2 more hours go." Neji said. I was about to eat my last piece. Then I held my fork by his mouth. He ate it.

"Thanks love." Neji said.

"Aw you don't call me Panda anymore." I said.

"Ah Yes sorry. Thanks Panda." Neji said.

"You are welcome Hyuga." I smiled. I then yawned. I slowly dozed off.

2 hours later...

We had finally returned to the Highschool. It was probably like 11 pm. Neji parked his car. He then gently woke me up. I woke up with tired eyes. I yawned. I then realized we made it back. Neji grabbed my backpack. We both walked inside. I was nervous. How was Temari going to react...?

We made it to my door. I took a deep breath. I used my key and opened the door. Temari was sleeping. She had her face stuffed into her pillow. When she heard the door open, she sat up rubbing her eyes. When she saw me, she turned on the lamp, her face then got all overwhelmed. She got up and ran to me hugging. She sobbed so much.

"Oh kami oh kami! Tenten!" Temari cried.

"I'm so sorry..." I said hugging her back. Neji was putting away my stuff for me.

"Well... I'll head back to my dorm.." Neji said. I grabbed his shirt.

"Can... we sleep together...?" I asked blushing. Neji sighs with a smile.

"Sure. Let me go get my pajamas first." Neji said. I took off my clothes and as I getting my pajamas on... Temari had suddenly gasped.

"You have bruises all over you body. Let me put some medicine on..." Temari said. She wiped her tears.

"W-Wait it's fine..." I sighed.

"Sit down and pull your shirt up." Temari said. I sat on the bed and had my shirt go up. Temari went behind me and applied the cream to my bruises on my back. I flinched because it was so cold.

"C-cold!" I shivered. Temari sighed. She then did my arms.

"You don't have to do it. I can do it." I said. Temari ignored me.

"Sorry..." I looked away feeling guilty.

"It's fine. All I care right now is that your safe now." Temari said. Neji then returned.

"What happened?" Neji noticed my bruises.

"Remember on the call I screamed..?" I said. Temari then looks at me as she closed the lid.

"I fought them with my dagger. They fought back as well, but I scared them away." I smiled.

Neji sighed and he lay in my bed. I joined him. He cuddled with me.

"Goodnight Love birds." Temari teased. She turned off the lamp.

(My god... this story is so wholesome)

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