Five x Reader ~ The Umbrella...

By Im_obsessed_sometime

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Y/N was one of the children of the 43 woman who gave birth unexpectedly, but her birth mother set her up for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 19

1K 26 14
By Im_obsessed_sometime

Throughout the night I kept on dreaming the same thing over and over again. Dot's words from the other day was haunting me. "Well it can hurt a lot, causing loads of exhaustion and potential death..." I still haven't figured out what Dot meant by this and it was starting to get to my head. Five seemed to have already gone to sleep. I looked over to see the time, it was about 8 so I got up. Luther was sleeping on the couch so I quietly walked past him.

Five suddenly came out of the bathroom as he zipped up his pants, he was rushing over to the kitchen so I followed him.

"Five? Five?" I repeated. "Everything alright?"

Still no answer. He opened the refrigerator and made rattling noises.

"Five?" Luther shouted from the other room. "Y/N?"

Five got out a huge jug of water. Luther walked in to kitchen, standing next to me.

"Shit. Five? Five, what... you okay?" Luther asked.

Five slowly turned to look at stare at us. We both gave him a questionable look as he continued to slurp down his water. He gasped heavily as he lowered the jug. 

"I'm gonna need to be hydrated." Five suddenly said as he put away the jug of water.

"Hydrated?" Luther and I questioned.

Five walked over to the table and grabbed baby powder and started to put in through the sleeves of his shirt. I squinted my eyes at the weird things Five was doing.

"What's with the baby powder?" Luther asked.

"It'll help with the itching." Five responded.

"What itching? There's itching? What the hell is going on here?" Luther questioned.

Five continued to put his down his pants. My eyes widened.

"Five, love. Uh.. you sure you're alright?" I asked.

"You do have a plan." Luther assumed.

Five stopped putting on baby powder and jumped a little, trying to get used to the powder.

"Well, it's a desperation move, but... since out brain-dead siblings are incapable of meeting a simple deadline, I got no choice." Five said as he moved over to the table with his jacket.

"No choice about what?" Luther asked.

"I have to find myself." Five said.

This was the moment where I finally remembered. His younger self was here a while ago to make sure that the president was going to get assassinated.

Maybe that was the reason he was sent for this mission. I thought to myself.

"Oh, shit. It all makes sense now." I said.

Luther gave me and confused look, still not knowing what the hell was going on. Five gave me a smirk before he opened his watch to check the time.

"I just arrived in Dallas 15 minutes ago." Five said.

"Should I be worried about you?" Luther asked.

"Luther, if you recall, I was sent to 1963 on a job by the Commission to make sure the president was assassinated." Five said.

"Oh! So, wait, your old self is out there."

"Precisely." Five exhaled.

"Well, his younger self." I added.

"What, just walking around Dallas?" Luther asked.

"Walking around Dallas with a briefcase that can get us home." Five said.

"Oh my god. Five, you're a genius."  Luther proclaimed.

"However, there are two significant problems with this plan." Five said.

I knew exactly what is was. Commission Handbook Chapter 27, subsection 3b, the seven stages in paradox psychosis.

"Problem number one: I am a trained assassin, arguable the most dangerous assassin in the space-time continuum." Five started. "If I know me, I'm not going to react kindly to bumping into myself. Problem number two, and this is the real fly in the ointment here: you're not supposed to exist in close proximity to yourself  in the same timeline. The side effects can be disastrous."

"Side effects? What sort of side effects?" Luther asked.

Five looked over at me.

"Do you want to take this one over?" Five asked me, knowing I would know about it.

"Nope, you're time to shine darling."

"Well, according to Commission Handbook Chapter 27, subsection 3b, the seven stages in paradox psychosis are..."

"stage one: denial,

two: itching,

three: extreme thirst, and urination,

four: excessive gas,

five: acute paranoia,

six: uncontrolled perspiration,

and seven: homicidal rage."

"Homicidal rage?" Luther questioned.

"Yeah." Me and Five responded.

"Jeez, I don't know. This maybe isn't such a good idea." Luther said.

"It's a Hail Mary. But what choice do we got, Luther?" Five questioned.

"I don't know, you already seem a bit squirrelly if I'm being honest." Luther admitted.

"He's not wrong." I added.

"Look, Luther, Y/N, I'm gonna need you to help me get through this one, all right? I... I need a spotter."  Five said as he got closer to us.

"A spotted?" Luther questioned.


"What is that? Like, a wingman?" Luther asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"In case the paradox psychosis gets too severe, I need you to help me stay on task, all right? So, whatever happens, whatever I say, we need to get that briefcase. Okay?" Five asked.

"Okay." Me and Luther responded.


Five and I walked away. Once we got to the stairs we turned back, Luther was standing in the exact same spot as he was in before.

"Luther, come on." I yelled.

"Right." Luther got out of his phase and walked out with us.

We got into the car, Luther was driving as Five sat in the passengers seat giving him directions. I sat in the back, chewing on my nails. I was worried to what was going to happen with this. I didn't want Five to be in pain but I knew that I had to push through it. I knew that it would be what Five would want me to do. But the much less concern was seeing Five as an old man.

We finally got to our location which was a bar. Inside, there was an Irish jig playing and people chattering. I followed behind Five, knowing that it would be weird for people to see "kids" in a bar.

"Well, there I am." Five said, pointing over to the bar.

We looked over to see Five's older self with the suitcase.

"Why don't we just grab the briefcase and run?" Luther asked.

I rolled my eyes at his question.

"Luther, I would never let that happen. We're trained to guard these briefcases wit our lives." Five responded.

"We'd be dead in less than a minute." I said.


"Plus, it's the inherent paradox where this gets tricky. I'm endangering my existence just being in the room with myself." Five said.

"Huh-- What do you mean?"

"Luther, try to keep up." Five said.

"Yeah, come on dude! This is serious." I said.

"If old me doesn't travel back to 2019 like he's supposed to, the whole thing unravels itself. I cease to exist. You got me?" Five asked.

"I get you."

"So our best chance is to talk with him, to reason with him."


"He'll understand. Trust me. I know myself better than, uh... better than I know myself. Five said.

Five scratched his neck.

"You just itched your neck." Luther exclaimed, pointing at Five. "That's stage two of paradox psychosis."

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, yes you did." I said.

I could feel the palm of my hands start to sweat. I knew this wasn't going to go well.

Five looked over at me and back at Luther again.

"I didn't itch my neck." Five said, like he was trying to get both me and Luther to calm down.

"Denial is stage one." Luther simply reminded.

Five looked at Luther with a glare but quickly turned back to me, almost as if looking at me relaxed himself.

"I am fine, okay?" Five assured us. "Let's stay on task, shall we?"

I knew Five wasn't okay, he was sounding harsh with his words like he normally is but, in this situation I thought he would know better not to.

Five walked away but was quickly brought back by Luther's long arm.



"Maybe I should go first." Luther said.

"Why?" Five questioned.

"Well, you'll freak him out. Bumping into your own tiny doppelganger?  He will lose his shit." Luther explained.

"He has a point, Five." I confessed, trying to reassure him like he always does for me.

"Just let me break the ice." Luther said.

Five thought for a couple of seconds. Me and Luther looked at him with our eyebrows raised, waiting for an answer.



Five took a deep breath, I rubbed his arm, letting him know that I was going to be with him this whole time... except for now.

"Luther!" I suddenly said. "I'm coming with you."

Five grabbed my arm as I tried to follow Luther. Luther stopped in his tracks. Five looked at me with question in his eyes. Our hand were in each other's as I spoke.

"I promise it's going to be alright, trust me. I will make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." I said with a smirk.

Five had a smirk on his face also. He trusted me with my common sense of what's stupid or not. Especially with being with Luther in this situation was a good way to show my worthiness with these types of things.

 I slowly stepped away from Five, as our hands slowly came apart from each other. Five looked down at our hands slowly falling apart. There was a tint of sadness as we let each other go, even when we knew it wasn't going to be long. The sense of security I felt in him was remarkable for the small amount of time we have been apart. I felt foolish and childish for feeling this way but there was a part of me that knew Five felt the same way.

I finally got to Luther as we walked over to the older... I mean younger Five. Once we got to the table, Luther looked at me, questioning whether or not I was going to talk first. But I knew that Luther should be talking first because the younger Five hasn't met me yet.

"Five." Luther simply said.

Oh my fucking god.

"What'd you call me, big man?" The younger Five asked threateningly. 

"It's me." Luther said.

I tried my best not to cringe but in my head, I was screaming.

"Number one?"

There was awkward silence.

"Luther." The younger Five said, surprised, yet terrified and confused. "How did you...?"

"It's okay. Everything is fine. I can explain." Luther tried to relax Five but I knew it wasn't working.

I saw him reaching for his suitcase so I knew I had to do something.

"Hi, my name's Y/N." I interrupted.

Five looked over at me, he has barely no idea I was here. He was too busy worrying about Luther.

"Who's this? Your kid?" Five asked Luther, turning his head away from me.


"Yes!" I said. "Yeah, I'm his kid."

Luther jerked his head over at me, confused as to why I said that. I smiled and made my eyes go wide, to continue with the conversation.

Me and Luther turned back to Five.

"But first, I need to introduce you to somebody." Luther said. "Just... promise me you won't freak out."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Five questioned.

"Uh! Don't freak out. No freak-outs." Luther continued to say.

Five looked even more worried then he would have otherwise. Sometimes I feel the need to question, did they all grow up in the same family?

I knew that Five has dealt with a lot more than everyone else and is older then the rest of his siblings but wouldn't at least one of them grow up to be a little respectable. I will always question if Ben was similar in that aspect.

"All right." Luther said.

Luther and I looked over to were the wall was. The older Five started to come out from behind the wall. I looked over at the younger Five to make sure that he was alright. It was insane seeing two of the same person and it was even crazier that I was seeing the older LOOKING Five, knowing it's actually the younger Five and the younger LOOKING Five, knowing it's actually the older Five. The Five that I fell in love with...

"Hey there, stranger." The older Five said.

They all continued to stare at each other. I think we all found it a little bit disturbing, knowing that there was two Five's in the room, staring at each other. All I could hope for was this would go successfully and the Seven Stages, weren't as bad as I thought they would. But little did I know that this was going to be worse then I thought. 

"Should we get a table?" I asked.

Both of the Five's nodded their heads. Luther went over to find a waiter or waitress so we could all sit. We all stood there in silence, waiting for Luther and our table. I didn't know what to say and I knew Five well enough that they weren't going to start the conversation as well. The best decision was to wait for Luther. For once, I actually wanted Luther to be here.

It thankfully didn't take too long for Luther to get a table. The table was right in the middle of the room, which made us all feel like everyone was watching us. We were all on edge. But I couldn't imagine how both of the Five's were feeling.

The waitress came over to our table.

"Hello everybody! Are you guys having a nice day?" The waitress said as she began to take out her notepad and pen.

None of responded, I just nodded my head.

"You all look like you're having a nice family meal." The waitress said.

"Yeah." I simply said with a fainted smile.

"What can I get you lovely people today?"

I look over at Luther, and he shrugged his shoulders, not knowing what to get.

"We'll get four pints of Guinness." I said.

The waitress wrote it down her notepad.

"Alrighty! Will that be all?"

I look over at both of the Five's to see if they wanted anything but they looked to busy having a staring contest.

"Yes, that will be all!" I said happily, trying to get her to go away as quickly as possible.

The waitress finally went away, leaving us alone.

I felt a sudden uneasiness as I did earlier. It didn't help that both of the Five's were staring at each other. It very intimidating and very odd. Both me and Luther had no idea what to say. I felt as if I should keep my attention on Luther and Luther only, because looking at both of the Five's made me anxious and worried.

Older Five was making me worry more and more as time went on, I'm pretty sure he didn't blink for about thirty seconds. I look down at the floor and tried to read what was on older Five's mind. I didn't want younger Five to see my purple eyes and freak out because of it so I made sure that he couldn't see.

 As I was trying to read his mind, Older Five put his hand on my upper thigh, signally me to stop. I immediately stopped and looked up to see him looking at me, I couldn't help to see such distortion in his beautiful, big, green eyes that were slightly hard to see due to his dark brown hair being in the way. It was frightening but yet comforting to make eye-contact with him. 

The waitress came back with a tray that held our drinks. Five hadn't removed his hand from my thigh which took me by surprise. A slight blush took to my face that I hoped no one noticed but as I turned my head from the waitress, I saw a smirk on his face which only made me smirk also.

"Here you go." The waitress sat down my Guinness next to me.

She then handed them to Younger Five, then Luther, then Older Five. Five used his other hand to pick up the Guinness.

"Thank you." I said as the waitress left with the tray.

Both of the Five's had started to stare at each other again, making it feel awkward for all of us yet again.

Young Five started to chug down his Guinness as he kept on staring at the Older Five. I drank a couple of sips also.

"Well... this is nice, isn't it?" Luther asked. "The four of us, together like this."

"No." Both of the Five's said.

Five's hand was still rested on my thigh, not going to lie, making the situation not as bad...

"Somebody explain to me how it is I'm having a pint of Guinness with my younger self." Younger Five questioned.

"Older." I blurted out.

Both of the Five's look at me in sync with the same angry faces as Luther looked at me with a surprised, scared face. I immediately regretted my decision.

"Older, actually." Older Five confirmed my response, making them both stare at each other again. "I'm you, just 14 days older."

"I have pubic hair smarter than you." Younger Five randomly said.

My eyebrows furrowed. Me and Luther stared at him, questioning what the hell was going on.

"How's that possible?" Five moved straight back to the point, catching himself from having an argument with well... himself. "I can explain. You see, one hour from now, on the grassy knoll,  before the president is killed, you break your contract with the commission."

As he continue to speak, Five didn't realize that his grip was getting more and more intense as he talked. It didn't bring any pain, it was just barely noticeable.

"I already know you're thinking about it. All those years in the apocalypse, we never stopped worrying about our family. Well, today, you are going to do something about it. Today, you are going to attempt to time travel forward to 2019. However, you are going to screw up the jump and end up in this twip of a body, trapped forever, small, pubescent."

"Okay." Younger Five finally said.

A small fart came out of him.

My eyes went wide. Forgetting that this was one of the Seven Stages.

"Even if I was to believe you, what am I supposed to do about it, not jump?" Younger Five asked.

"No, no. I need you to jump. If you don't jump, I cease to exist." Five said.

My heart dropped, thinking about him not even existing.

"What I need from you is to jump correctly." Older Five said.

"I'm listening."

"The first time through, I got the calculation wrong. That's how I ended up in this body. But now, I know the correct calculation." The Older Five confessed.

"What is it?" The Young Five deprived of the answer.

"I'll be glad to tell you... in exchange for that briefcase you're holding under the table." The Older Five said.

I smirked internally, I loved how intimidating he was.

"Yeah, yeah, so you go back to 2019, as planned, but this time with the right math, so you remain a full-grown man.  In exchange, we get that briefcase that you no longer need." Luther said.

"Timeline restored, paradox resolved. Everyone goes on existing happily ever after. That's quite a bit to take in." Younger Five said.

"What do you think?" Older Five asked.

There was a long amount of silence. I was on my edge of my seat, waiting for an answer. It felt as if everyone in the room, was silent and all I could hear was all of our breathing.

"I think... I need to piss."

Young Five stood up and grabbed the suitcase, walking over to the bathroom. Me and Luther stared at Older Five to stop him if he was going to make any wrong moves.

"Oh. Well, besides the flop sweat," Luther continued to say as he whipped down Five's face with a napkin. "I think that went pretty well, am I right?" 

I then grabbed the napkin from Luther and whipped down some more sweat on his neck. Five took his hand off my thigh and used it to get me to stop whipping his face.

"No, no, there's something... Something doesn't feel right about this." Five said as he finally stopped looking over to were Younger Five was.

"Love, what do you mean?" I asked.

"I don't trust him." Five said.

I looked at him puzzled.

"But he's you." Luther said.


Luther looked over at me, we both had the same puzzled faces. 


Diego continued to walk through the halls, trying to find the Infinite Switchboard. Once he finally got there, he slowly opened the door and walked in, slowly closing the door behind him. It was a room filled with screens and other machinery.

"Bingo, the Infinite Switchboard." Diego talked to himself.

Diego was a little stressed because he had no idea what he was doing or where he was. He just saw a little clip, explaining what this place was and only watched the first minute of the video.

He pulled out the chair and sat down.

"All right." Diego said as he cracked his knuckles. "How hard can this be?"

He very quickly learned that he was pretty hard to do when got shocked for putting wires in the wrong part of the console.

He shouted in pain as the console beeped. As he finally contained himself from screaming out in pain, a hand was suddenly on his shoulder. Diego immediately put his knife to the mystery person.

"Oh! Please don't hurt me." Herb said as he panted.

Diego had no idea who he was so he immediately thought he was a threat. Herb was a very small person with some big black glasses. 

"Who the hell are you?" Diego asked.

"I'm Herb, I'm an analyst."

"I'm Diego. I have a knife."

"Yes, I can see." Herb gulped loudly. "It's very shiny.

Diego, debated on letting him stay alive or not. But then decided that Herb might be able to help him with the Infinite Switchboard.

"Oh." Herb inhaled sharply after Diego put away his knife.

"Breathe." Diego reminded Herb.

Herb took a deep breath and nodded his head. He was still panting softly.

"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Hargreeves." Herb said with a smile.

"You know me?"

"Everybody knows you. I mean, you're Number Two. You're a legend." Herb exclaimed.

Diego felt a little confidence boost over him, knowing that he was well known here.

"Really?" Diego questioned.

"Mr. Hargreeves, you can't be in here." Herb said.

"Herb, is that any way to talk to a legend?" Diego asked, Herb nodded his head with a little fear. "You know how to work this puppy?" He referred to the Switchboard.

"I'm certified to operate the ISB, yes." Herb proudly said.

"Good. I need you to look up a date: November 22, 1963, the assassination of John F. Kennedy." Diego said.

"Unauthorized use of the Infinite Switchboard is a clear violation of company protocol 67D."  Herb explained.

"Don't be such a tight-ass."

"You don't understand. There's been a coup d'etat."

"What's that? Cadillac?" Diego questioned.

"No. The Handler has taken over the Commission. The whole place has gone to heck in a handbasket, and people are disappearing. They would kill us both if they caught us in here." Herb continued to say.

"Well you better get started before they come get us." Diego said.

"One quick look, and then you gotta go." Herb said.

"My man." Diego said.

Diego swiveled back over in his chair as Herb looked over to see what Diego had done to the switchboard.

"Okay... Oh, no." One look at the switchboard and Herb realized how horrible of an attempt he made. "Why would you... No, no. Bad." Herb started to mess around with the wires as Diego sat there, watching. "Don't hurt the timeline. That's a rule...  that I intend to follow." The Switchboard started to start up. "This one connects to that one..." Herb muttered as he continued to do things to the Switchboard. "Okay. Here we go." The screen started to play a clip. "Dallas. November 22, 1963."

"This is it. This is right before the assassination." Diego said.

"Assassination?" Herb questioned.

"Pay attention. The president is about to turn into Dealey Plaza. One more turn into Elm and they're gonna start shooting." But then in the distance of the footage, a blue explosion popped from the building far in the distance. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the hell is that?"

"That's the FBI building." Herb said.

"Yeah, but why the hell did it just blow up?" Diego asked concerningly.

"That's not supposed to happen?" Herb asked.

"No, that's not sup- He's driving away. They didn't kill him? Holy shit."

"Oh... Oy, that's no bueno."

"It wasn't a gunshot, it was an explosion we heard on the Frankel footage.

The reporter on the tape started to speak about a Nuclear War.

"That's what Hazel was trying to tell us." Diego said.

"Hazel?" Herb questioned.

"I mean, this is what causes doomsday. Do you have another angle on the FBI building?"

"Watch this." Herb says as he moves more things around on the Switchboard. "And..."

The footage started to show Vanya, using her powers as he hovered over the building.


Past memories from Diego mind started to play in his head.

Five saying Vanya is the bomb.

"Vanya is the bomb." Diego repeated. "She will always be the bomb. I need to get back to Dallas. Now."

"We need La Resistance." Herb said.

Herb lead Diego to his trusted coworkers. Herb wanted to have a conversation about Y/N, but didn't entirely know if it was a good time to bring it up just yet. So he decided to keep quiet until there was for certain a good time. 

Once Herb opened the door to his coworkers, they all stared at the two. Diego took one glance at the crew and was slightly disappointed.

"You gotta be kidding me." Diego said.

"I know we don't look like much, but we're resourceful." Herb said.

"Don't mess with case management." Dot said suddenly.

"Stand down, Dot." Herb said.

During this time, Diego couldn't keep his eyes off of the suitcase.

*Y/N's Point Of View*

We sat there, just waiting for Young Five to come back to the table. But we all had the same thought in the back of our mind.

"Hey Luther, maybe you should go in there to make sure he doesn't jump out the window or anything." I suggested.

"You know, this isn't like a bad date or something." Luther said.

I looked at Five to see what he thought.

Five shrugged his shoulders. "You might as well."

Luther sighed deeply and glared at me. I smiled at him with a mischievous glare.

Luther stood up, and started to walk to the bathrooms.

"Good luck! Have fun... well not too much fun!" I said, loud enough so he could hear me.

I laughed a little to myself and look over at Five, he didn't seem too pleased with me. I sort of forgot that I was referring to him boning his younger self. I stopped laughing and just sipped on my drink.

Five sighed heavily, his leg started to bounce up and down, staring down at the table.

"Hey, hey." I got his attention. "You alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Five simply said.

I didn't believe him one bit but decided to let it go.

"You seemed to have trouble focusing with my hand on your thigh." Five said.

"Uh, what? I didn't have a hard time focusing." I said, sounding a little bit too offended.

I was telling the truth though, the only reason why I became a little unfocused was because I was worried about both Five's.

"You sure about that?" Five asked.

I blushed slightly and a small smirk came upon my face like earlier.

"Yes. I'm sure." I said sternly. "I should be more or less questioning why you were doing that in the first place, and then the light squeeze later on." I was slightly proud of what I just said so I took a rewarding sip.

Five slid his tongue over his top teeth with a smirk.

"At least I didn't go lower." Five simply said.

I started to choke on my Guinness due to his words. I could feel my face getting more red by the second. As I coughed I used my arm to try not to let him see my face.

Five looked back up to were the bathrooms were. His smirk, turned into a slight frown. He stood up straighter and looked down at his drink. That's how I could tell, Luther and Young Five were coming back from there playdate in the bathroom.

"You good?" Older Five asked.

Young Five didn't respond so Luther responded for him.

"We're good." Luther said.

"You got a deal." Young Five said. "We gotta hurry. Kennedy's en route. Less than an hour until showtime."

"Why are you so anxious to get going all the sudden?" Older Five questioned.

"Relax. You're getting paranoid." Young Five said.

Older Five scoffed. "Oh, am I?"

They both than started to fart. I looked at Luther, disturbed. I know it was apart of nature but we were in a public place and we knew they just couldn't control it.

"Okay, let's roll." Luther said.

I nodded my head as I set down a 5 dollar bill. Young Five followed right behind Luther, out the door, while I stayed back with the Older Five.

Five glared at his younger self out the door.

"Come on." I said, nudging his shoulder away from the table.

Five finally started to walk out of the door.


Herb explained everything about Five to Diego. Five working at commission and everything that was necessary for Diego to know.

"There is another thing I would like to explain." Herb said.

"That is?" Diego asked.

"Don't be alarmed but, I'm technically Y/N's Father." Herb said.

Diego's eyes went wide.

"Just please, if you could, try to protect her if anything bad happens when we get back." Herb requested.

"Uh, yeah, yeah. Just surprised that you, such a positive person could raise such an..." Diego realized what he was saying in that moment. "...interesting daughter."

"Ouch. But is that not too much to ask?" Herb asked.

"Yeah, I mean you're helping me a lot right now, I guess I couldn't say no." Diego said.

Herb unexpectedly hugged Diego.

"Thank you!" Herb exclaimed.

Dot and the rest of the coworkers, smiled in awe of the cute moment. All of them wishing that they could hug, such an amazing person. Herb let go of Diego.

"Alright, I guess this means, time to go?" Herb asked.

Diego nodded his head. Herb grabbed the suitcase and brought it over to the two of them. Herb grabbed onto Diego's arm and opened the suitcase.

They ended up in Allison's and Ray's living room. Allison and Ray were both screaming by the strange people showing up in their house.

"Oh, good. All right, you're both here. All right, we gotta go." Diego said.

"Diego, Jesus!" Allison yelled.

Herb chuckled. "Wow. Number Two, Three, and Four. We almost have an Umbrella straight flush here."

"Ray, this is my other brother, Diego." Allison introduced them.

Diego walked over to Ray.

"Hey, man. Sorry to crash in here like this." Diego and Ray shook hands.

Ray was just confused and scared about what the hell was going on, they were just picking up a dead body and now a midget and a dude with a beard randomly teleported into his own living room.

"Hey, who is this guy?" Klaus asked, pointing at Herb.

"Herb. He worked with Five at the Commission." Diego answered for Herb.

"The Commission?" Klaus questioned.

"We monitor and maintain the time-space continuum." Herb responded.


"No, for real. I was just there. It's awesome. Okay, I got to look at the timeline. I know what causes doomsday." Diego said. "It's Vanya."

Allison looked confused. 

"Wait, what?"


"She's gonna blow up the federal building at Dealey Plaza just as the president's passing through in less than one hour. We gotta find her and stop her, now."

"Wait, Vanya kills the president?" Allison asked.

"No, no, no." Diego responded. "See, the explosion causes the motorcade to drive off. Kennedy lives. Everybody thinks Russia's behind it, including the president. He strikes back, they strike back. Before you know it, it's raining nukes."

"Okay, um..."

"Holy shit."

"Ray? Ray, baby. Are... Are you okay? Okay." Allison asked Ray, Ray was having a little bit of panic. 

"No, I'm not okay." Ray responded. "First of all, this son of bitch beams into our living room with yet another one of your brothers, and he's talking about stopping one of your sisters from blowing up some buildings, and I got a dead an wrapped up in my best rug, babe."

"Okay. Okay, okay. Can we... Can we... Raymond. Ray. Ray." Ray continued to freak out.

"Or we can have that shampooed." Herb said. "We also provide body removal serviced." Herb chuckled yet again. 

Allison, finally got Ray to calm down. She rubbed her fingers on his face, soothing him.

"I love you, Raymond Chestnut... and I really wish I had time for the nervous breakdown you so deserve." Allison said.

There's was a moment of silence for them to look deep into each other's eyes.

"But you have to go." Raymond says.

"I have to go."

They then reached in for a deep, sorrowing kiss goodbye. Both of them not knowing where that would leave them.

Allison took a deep breath and walked away, leaving out the door. The only two people who were now in the house were Ray and Herb.

(AU: Well then... It's been a while... haha... :/ I'm sorry about this wait. I really didn't think school was going to take over my whole life. I barely have time to do personal things anymore which isn't helping my mental state. But that isn't important right now! I shall explain what I just did. I decided to make a Narrator's POV because of Herb, I wanted to get the point across that he is involved and is worried about Y/N. Also I felt like as if adding some spice to Five and Y/N was a good idea for this chapter, I'm sorry if you didn't like that part, I promise that I wont be going into too much description with that sort of thing. This was 5768 words, and I hope you enjoyed it! I hopefully will be making the last and final chapter tomorrow for the end of the year or I might just post it whenever. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the holidays! I personally celebrate Christmas and I enjoyed it. Happy New Year! :).

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