TenTen's High-school Life (Ne...

By EllaCherryLover

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Tenten goes to Konoha High-school. Her dormate is Temari. She was doing well in classes and sports especially... More

-Information (Looks)-
-Chapter 1- Beginning
-Chapter 2- Beats
-Extra- Band Forms!
-Chapter 3- Broken
-Chapter 4- Threathened
-Chapter 5- Sleepover
-Chapter 6- Bullies
-Chapter 7- Secret Gift
-Chapter 8- Pumpkin Contest
-Chapter 9- Halloween
-Chapter 10- Haunted House
-Chapter 12- Loud Shots
-Chapter 13- Childhood (Part 1)
-Chapter 13- Childhood (Part 2)
-Chapter 13- Childhood (Part 3)
-Chapter 14- Love Makes Everything Better
-Chapter 14- Lemon Time-
-Chapter 15- Sickness
-Chapter 16- This Can't Be Real
-Chapter 17- Runaway
-Chapter 18- Far Away
-Chapter 19- Pregnancy
-Chapter 20- Soon
-Chapter 21- Birth
What is New?
-Chapter 22- Return
-Chapter 23- Protection
Changed the Cover!!!
-Chapter 24- More..?
-Chapter 25- Graduation
-Chapter 26- Don't Go
-Chapter 27- (Final) Happy Ending
-Chapter 27- (Final) Bad Ending
Should I Continue?
-Chapter 28- Reunion
I need help!!!
Happy Halloween!!

-Chapter 11- Spooky Sleepover

275 9 0
By EllaCherryLover

We all arrived at my dorm and I took off my costume. I decided to wear something comfortable but still Halloween like. I worn my panda pajamas.

Ino was a ghost.
Hinata still a cat.
Sakura was a bunny.
Temari was a angel.

"So you left the dark side?" I said.

"Tch! Seems like it! I guess you could say the haunted house made my soul leave my body." Temari said. I chuckled.

"Awwww SAKURA SO CUTE!!!" Ino hugged Sakura.

"Ino PIG! YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN A PIG ISNTEAD!" Sakura pushed Ino's face away.

"Tenten did you make this?" Hinata asked. She saw the macarons.

"Yep. They were for Neji. He loved it!" I said smiling.

"I knew it was Neji!" Hinata said.

"You all can have some!" I smiled. They got into it and ate it.

"YOUR SO GOOD AT MAKING IT!!" Ino yelled. I felt flattered. Sakura noticed something on my neck.

"Did you bump your neck on something?" Sakura said. I was confused for a moment and then realized what she was talking about. I covered it with my shirt blushing.

"Wait- ○_○" Sakura realized what it was.

"OOOOHHHH!!! was it Neji?" Ino teased. My face turned red.

"It is!! Your blushing so much!!" Ino said.

"Sorry about the other day Hinata." I said.

"E-Er? I-its alright. I'm glad my cousin is happy spending time with you..." Hinata said.

"So tell me Tenny." Ino rested her head on her hand.

"Did you guys do it?" Ino smirked. My face was like a tomato.

"N-NO!" I yelled throwing my pillow at Ino. We all eventually laughed. Suddenly the lights went out. I i screamed. Yes the Haunted house was pitch black but I had my glowstick. This was pitch black with no way of finding any lights. I was horrified of the dark. I know I know shush.

"What happened?!" Ino said.

"I can't see anything- GAH!" Temari yelled.

"Would you get off of me!" Sakura yelled.

"Oh hey I found you." Temari got off.

"I hate the dark!" I sobbed.

"This has to be a prank from a student." Sakura said.

"I-I-I'm s-s-s-scared." Hinata said.

"Would you quit it dobe!" Someone yelled.

"Sorry geez." Someone said.

"Lets go check on the girls." Someone said. They opened the door and shined their flashlights on us. It was the boys.

"NEJI!" I ran at him hugging.

"Aw is my panda scared?" Neji teased.

"You all alright?" Shikamaru asked.

"Yep. Did the power go out or something?" Ino asked.

"Seems like it. The lights outside are out too. Geez on a Halloween night..." Sasuke sighed. Suddenly there was a scream. We all ran to that scream. It was Karin who had tripped over something. She looks at us with a pissed face. Sakura sighed. She held out her hand to Karin. She looks at Sakura with confusion. Sakura helped Karin get up.

"Er... thanks.." Karin said looking away. I turned around and noticed a scary figure behind me. I was frozen in fear.

"W-W-W-W-What is that?!" I pointed. Everyone looked at what I was pointing at. There was nothing.

" I see darkness." Temari said.

"No shit Tem. I saw a person." I said.

"You sure your not seeing stuff?" Shikamaru asked. I sighed. Suddenly Karin screamed and she was gone.

"What the hell?! Where did she go?!" Naruto said.

"Okay we are done. We are going back to our dorm." Sakura said. Then something ran to us all the Suddenly. We all screamed. The girls ran away. The boys were protecting us.

"Oh what the hell what the hell!!" Ino yelled. We then stopped running. We were in the cafeteria.

"Why is this happening?!" I said. I then felt something grab onto my leg and screamed when it pulled me. I was long gone.

"TENTEN?!?" Neji yelled.

"SAKURA HUG ME I'M SCARED!" Naruto yelled.

"BAKA GO HUG HINATA!" Sakura pushed Naruto. I was free then. I quickly got up and ran at Neji sobbing.

"SOMETHING GRABBED MY LEG AND PULLED ME!!" I sobbed. Then there it was. A glowing clear ish person appeared. We all screamed. I hugged Neji as I stuffed my face on his chest. Not looking at all. Suddenly the lights went back.

"S-SAI?!" Ino yelled. It was Sai who pranked us. Ino was about to slap Sai but she couldn't. She ended up slapping him very lightly as she blushed.

"Did I scare you all?" Sai smiled. I was crying. It had definitely scared the shit out of me.

"Yep. I think you went a bit to far with Tenten though." Neji said hugging me.

"Sorry." Sai still smiled.

"Its alright..." I mumbled.

"Good lord... I'm going back to my dorm." Sasuke said. We all returned to our dorm. The girls and I ended up cuddling together since we all were definitely scared.

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