TenTen's High-school Life (Ne...

By EllaCherryLover

14.7K 334 142

Tenten goes to Konoha High-school. Her dormate is Temari. She was doing well in classes and sports especially... More

-Information (Looks)-
-Chapter 1- Beginning
-Chapter 2- Beats
-Extra- Band Forms!
-Chapter 3- Broken
-Chapter 4- Threathened
-Chapter 5- Sleepover
-Chapter 6- Bullies
-Chapter 8- Pumpkin Contest
-Chapter 9- Halloween
-Chapter 10- Haunted House
-Chapter 11- Spooky Sleepover
-Chapter 12- Loud Shots
-Chapter 13- Childhood (Part 1)
-Chapter 13- Childhood (Part 2)
-Chapter 13- Childhood (Part 3)
-Chapter 14- Love Makes Everything Better
-Chapter 14- Lemon Time-
-Chapter 15- Sickness
-Chapter 16- This Can't Be Real
-Chapter 17- Runaway
-Chapter 18- Far Away
-Chapter 19- Pregnancy
-Chapter 20- Soon
-Chapter 21- Birth
What is New?
-Chapter 22- Return
-Chapter 23- Protection
Changed the Cover!!!
-Chapter 24- More..?
-Chapter 25- Graduation
-Chapter 26- Don't Go
-Chapter 27- (Final) Happy Ending
-Chapter 27- (Final) Bad Ending
Should I Continue?
-Chapter 28- Reunion
I need help!!!
Happy Halloween!!

-Chapter 7- Secret Gift

340 9 0
By EllaCherryLover

I was in class bored. I was ahead of everyone so I just looked around. The outside was pretty. I loved autumn. The leaves changes to so many colors. Red, Orange, Yellow, green, purple, brown. Its interesting.

"Alright Alright Class. Before you guys head to the next class, I have an announcement. We all have a project to do. The Halloween Party is on Halloween. We will have Haunted house, candies, treats, dinner, dance, plus, you all get to wear costume at school for the rest of the day. The project is, You all will pick one person and think of something to make for that person. Plus the student council decided that there will be a Pumpkin contest. You can have as much as people you want in a a group but you cannot be alone. That is all! Now you all can leave." The teacher said.

I was excited. I loved Halloween. I mean, Free Candies? Yes please!! Plus dressing is a lot fun and scaring other. I already know I'm going to be with my friends for the pumpkin contest. The project though...

Anything... you can make as a gift for one person...?

I wanted to get Neji something, but what does he want..? I could make something for him... It can't be anything pumpkin though.. He doesn't like pumpkin... which I find it a shame. Yeah. I'll make him sweets, a card, and uh.. a item gift?. But what...?

I thought about it hard. During Lunch I was still thinking about it.

"Oi! Tenten!" Temari waved at my face.

"A-Ah! Sorry~" I said.

"You look like your thinking about something hard. Mind telling us?" Temari smiled.

"er.....Its about the project.." I said.

"Oh yeah that. I'm struggling with that too. I mean.. What does that lazyass even want?" Temari sighed.

"Speaking of that, We all should be in the group for the Pumpkin Contest!" Sakura said. We all agreed.

"Should we invite the boys too?" Ino asked.

"Yeah. It would be nice!" Temari said. I sighed.

I should ask Neji what he likes... but not make it suspicious.

After School

Once class ended, I ran to Neji.

"Hey Neji!" I smiled. He pats my head.

"What's my Panda up to?" Neji said.

"Not much. I'm curious... What kind of treats do you like?" I asked. Neji thought about it.

"mm... Well obviously chocolate... I like... macarons... I like a lot of treats." Neji said. I could make him macarons and chocolate! Perfect!

"What about you?" Neji said.

"Well... Hm... I like reeses... pumpkin pie!! Those are the best ahh~! fudge too!" I was drooling. Neji sighed.

"Oh yeah. I need to do something! Well see you around Neji!" I yelled. I left the highschool to go shopping.


I was at the store. I looked at my phone for the ingredients for all the treats Neji liked.

powered sugar... almond flour... chocolate chips... butter... etc... Okay... I got all of those... what else do I need..? Oh yeah.. paper and craft stuff for the card... I struggled with the gift though. I didn't know what to get him.


"someone looks busy.." Temari said. She was on her bed on her phone.

"Aren't you going to make something for Shikamaru?" I asked.

"I do want to but I really don't know what he likes." Temari sighed.

"Boys are hard.." Temari groaned. She noticed at how much I had bought.

"Good lord what are you making?" Temari asked.

"Macarons and Chocolate." I said.

"Ooooh... Interesting... Well good luck! Do ask for help if needed!" Temari said. I smiled.

I started making the Macarons. I used the ingredients and did some mixing etc. I was making 3 different flavors, Chocolate and Strawberry, Lemon and Chocolate and Peanut butter chocolate. I then piped it on a sheet of parchment paper. Once I was finished, I grabbed the tray and put it in the oven. Now I needed to make the cream. I made a strawberry, chocolate, and lemon flavors. After a while, the macarons was ready. I took the hot tray out and it looked like I did a good job. I was happy that it worked.

I then piped the cream on the cookies and now it was time for decorating. For the Chocolate strawberry, I dipped it in green melted chocolate then added a face. It was a zombie. For the peanut butter chocolate, I made it a pumpkin. Last but not least, the lemon chocolate was a spider web. It almost took me the entire day but I managed to finish.

"It really smells good! You never told me you were good at cooking!" Temari said.

"I made so much gosh.. Do you wanna try it..?" I asked. Temari quickly ran to me.

"mmm.. I'll try the zombie." Temari took a bite. Her face lit up.

"ITS SO GOOD!!!" Temari was in love.

"I'm Glad you like it!" I was happy that it tasted good. I tried it as well. It was really good. I was shocked at how well I did. I gathered all of the Macarons and carefully put them in a gift box in a bag. I left the extras out for Temari and I to munch on. Temari already grabbed 5. She walked back to her bed and munch on them as she turns on T.V. I walked to the desk and sat down. I pulled out papers and coloring pencils. I worked on it for hours. The coloring and decorating was done. It was the paragraph I had left. I thought hard about one till it lit up. I wrote it with a smile. I was finished... But I still had no idea what to get him...

Neji's POV

Alright. I know what Tenny likes. I'll... make her a pumpkin cake pop and a card. Gift..Hmm.... I saw something that I think TenTen would like!

Back to Tenten's POV

"So Tenny. What are you gonna dress up like?" Temari asked.

"I'm thinking about doing a Mummy. What about you?" I asked.

"A demon. Speaking of that, let me figure out how I want to do my makeup for the demon. I got fake demon teeth and eye contacts too." Temari was in the bathroom trying out the makeup. After a while...

"Good god I already look so different." Temari said.

"Hmm?" I mumbled as I munched on a macaron. Temari peeked out of the bathroom doorway. I almost choked on my food. Temari did look different and scary.

"Dang You already look scary!" I said.

"Thanks. Sweet I'll do this then." Temari said as she cleaned her face.

"I'm excited for Halloween!" I said.

"Who doesn't like free candies anyways!" Temari said.

"Exactly!" I said.

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