Avengers Oneshots

By Fried_Radish

27.9K 392 260

This is going to be a variety of different ships, but also the avengers just hanging out together and doing a... More

Bleeding Magic #Ironstrange
Redheaded Theif #Natasha
Flower Shop AU #Stucky
Pancakes #Ironstrange
Starry Skies #Frostsilver
Electric Love #Ironstrange
It's A Trip! #Avengers
It's A Trip! P2 #Avengers
It's A Trip! P3 #Avengers
It's A Trip! P4 #Avengers
It's A Trip P5 #Avengers
Boredom #Sam and Bucky
Magical University AU #Spideypool
Solsbury Hill #Stucky
Stealth #IronStrange
Manic Depressive #Natasha
Talking Helps #Ironstrange
Art #Avengers
The Science Museum #Ironstrange
The Science Museum P2 #Ironstrange
Eventually #FrostSilver
A/N - Sorry
Poison #ScarlettWidow
Bohemian Like You #Stucky
I Smell Secrets #FrostSilver
The Necromantica (AU) #Ironstrange

Magical University AU #Shorts

416 5 2
By Fried_Radish

A/N I found a few headcanons on Pinterest that I wanted to use, but they're not quite full stories. The shorts are set in the same universe as the other magical university oneshot. I hope they're ok :)

First one SPOILER ALERT! there's a Hunger Games spoiler, so if you haven't seen it/read it, don't read this. This is all Natasha X Wanda. I didn't expect to like this ship, but I now think it's really cute, so have some fluff...


Oh, God. Prim died. I can't believe Prim died.

The words had been tattooed on Natasha's arms since she before she could remember. She'd often stared at them wondering what they meant. Was it some kind of cryptic message? Were they a future friend?

Then she read the Hunger Games. It was her favourite book when it came out and she was so immersed in the story she forgot all about her arm. For a bit. Then she realised. Prim dies.

~~~~    ~~~~    ~~~~

She'd been working at S.H.I.E.L.D university for 4 years. She loved teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts. There was something beautiful in the destructive magic: the way you could take out a threat elegantly. No punches thrown, no thighs of death, just a strong will and precise, careful hand movements. Well, sort of. There was an art to it too - being able to predict your enemy's next move and counter it with your own. There was something satisfying in watching someone unravel with a well placed curse, or trapping them in a different dimension. It was like a dance.

Nathaniel  Barton was a fast learner too. He quickly mastered opening new dimensions, using his astral form to affect the real world, and energy draining. Clint had started coming to the classes every so often to help train him with fighting. Nathaniel was memorising his Dad's techniques quickly. He hadn't managed to beat him yet, but was getting close, tripping Clint up with dimensional portals. They were dizzying to look at and were a nightmare trying to dodge. Fractals folding in on themselves are bad enough, but making them move through the world around - or at least appear to - was crazy. They were like an optical illusion, never moving but appearing to jump, so you could never be entirely sure of one's location.

~~~~    ~~~~    ~~~~

As a reward for their endurance of such trials, every Saturday night the professors at the university had a movie night. Although it had started as Tony and Bruce just wanting an excuse to binge watch The Umbrella Academy, it was something of a tradition now. Everyone got together in the staff room with snacks and blankets to watch a movie. Someone was randomly selected and they got to pick the movie of the week.

Today was Wanda's first movie night. She'd only started on the Monday, but was coming to grips with everything and as the newest teacher, she got to pick the movie.

"Can we watch the Hunger Games? I keep meaning to, but other stuff always gets in the way," Wanda asked.

"Sure," Bruce replied, "the DVDs are somewhere over there on the shelves."


"Yeah, it's a trilogy," Bruce said.

"Oh. How many can we watch?"

"It's a Saturday, we've got nowhere else to be..." Bruce glanced around.

"Yes! Binge watching!" Steve grinned. He loved the extra long movie nights. He got to spend hours cuddling Bucky with food and a movie. Literally nothing was better after a week of Cooper Barton driving him nuts with questions. Clint's kids were lovely, but had way too much energy.

Bucky laughed. He loved movie nights too - they always made Steve smile, and Steve's smile a possibly the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

"I'll get the popcorn," he said.

Natasha and Clint were the only people left to arrive. When they got there Bruce started the movie.

~~~~    ~~~~    ~~~~

It was late in the evening and Natasha had migrated from one of the sofas to the floor. The TV was blaring in the background and, besides Wanda, she was the only one still awake. Wanda was sitting next to her, wrapped in a blanket and hugging a pillow. She was staring at the screen intensly as the third movie came to a close. Verging on the edge of consciousness Nat heard an explosion on the TV. Then a voice rang out over background noise.

"Oh God. Prim died. I can't believe Prim died."


Shooting up to stand over Wanda, Nat half yelled, " You!! You're the one!!"

Staring at her arm, then looking up, "that's not how I imagined that," Wanda whispered.

Nat was glad the others were out cold.

"You ruined my favourite series for me for years!! Before the books were even written!!"

"I didn't know!!"

Regaining her composure and rendering to breathe, "Sorry, it's just a bit of a shock," Nat said. A smile pulling at the corners of her mouth.

They sat in silence for while. Nat stared firmly at the screen, concentrating on what to do next. Now that everything was quiet Wanda had slowly turned pink, grinning a little, and sneaking glances at Natasha.

"So what now?" Wanda asked.

"Well," Natasha pauses, "I know a little café near here. It's run by some friends and it's still open. Wanna get some coffee?"

Neither of them were sleeping tonight, that was for sure. Wanda was spilling over with happiness, and it's was infectious.

"I'd love to."

Standing up Nat offered Wanda a hand, pulling her up and into her arms. Locking eyes Natasha gave her a gentle kiss before dragging her out of the silent staff room. Neither could stop smiling.


Everyone loved Tony's astrology classes. 90% Of it was probably mythology and legends, but no one was completely sure, and it was amazing how differently it could change your impression of the night sky. Comets became nymphs dancing across the inky back sky, and Saturn's rings the home of icy-tailed mermaids. God's battled demons in black holes and their stormy love burned in supernovas. Angels guarded nebulae, their firey wings lightyears wide, saints guarded starships, and ancient spirits dwelt in the desolate, endless void.

On Tuesday evenings Tony would hold lectures in the conservatory. The herbology students used it to house the plants, however in the centre was a huge telescope. It was centuries old, but was kept in pristine condition by Scott and the other groundskeepers. The roof of the conservatory would fold back, offering a clear view of the sky without all the light pollution common in big cities.

Today Lila Barton, Morgan, Groot, Cassie and MJ were at his lecture about ghost starships and space pirates. Morgan and Cassie were sitting cross-legged in front of the telescope, which Tony was leaning on. MJ was at the back of the conservatory. She loved Tony's lectures because they were great for drawing inspiration, but she didn't want to draw too much attention to herself. She was between two creeping plants, that were slowly slipping down the glass as they grew, the leaves covered her shoulders so she merged with the scenery. She was sketching a sky ship and pirates in ink pen. Groot had slipped in next to her. He loved the conservatory, and the lectures made him sleepy. He'd come and listen to Tony's mythology lectures whenever he had trouble sleeping.

Lila, as Tony's student, had to be there. Not that she minded at all - she was scribbling down notes as fast as possible on the ghost ships Tony was talking about and was perched on the edge of a flower bed. Her hand was starting to ache, but she wanted every detail. She loved the legends of pirates that tampered with rocket engines and sabotaged cruisers. No one knew if the battles between the crew members and the phantoms were ever true or not. She liked the idea of misty, white galleys soaring through the stars though, and the raggedy men and women aboard them.


Natasha and Wanda were walking together though the school grounds. They'd come back from their weekly coffee date and we're still slightly wired on caffeine. Wanda had had a tonn of marking to do so it had been late in the evening before they could go to the café, and it was even later when they got back. They were currently holding hands and swinging their arms back and forth in time to the tune of Buzzcut Season by Lorde, which Natasha was humming.

They were sitting on the grass behind a giant daisy bush went Natasha pointed out the lights on in the conservatory.

"Tony must be doing one of his lectures," she said, "have you ever been to one?"

"No, why?" Wanda asked.

"Oh they're great. The things he talks about might all just be myths, but the thing is, no one's entirely sure. They're also just really imaginative, and you can tell he loves the subject."

"Can we go?"

Natasha stood up, pulling Wanda after her. "Whatever you want, honey," she grinned, making Wanda blush.


They snuck in through an open door near the side of the glass house. Both sat on the floor with their backs against the floor-to-ceiling windows. Wanda was still buzzing from the coffee, but Nat was starting to get sleepy and had her head rested against Wanda's shoulder. They could hear Tony's clear and animated voice talking about the Centauri Express - one of the trains linking the nearest star systems together.

"You can now get between the Solar system, the Proxima Centauri system, the Lalande 21185 system, and the Sirius system (Canis Majoris) in just a few days. A few years ago an entire carriage went missing, but turned up at the Lalande system before the original train arrived. No one knew were it went or what happened to it's contents - it had been completely cleared out, even the fittings, and was barely a shell when it got back to the station. It was almost universally agreed to have been sabotaged by the legendary ghost crew of the USS Apollo.

The USS Apollo was a mission to try and get out of the galaxy that had gone horribly wrong. A crew member had messed up the decimal places in some coordinates, resulting in the ship getting sucked into a neutron star. The ship was ripped apart by the gravity of the star, before any remains were pulled in and crushed until only the neutrons in the atoms were left.

However, a part of the hard drive of the on aboard computer was rumoured to have escaped. It was supposed to have tried to use the data left over to rebuild the ship and crew. The data was incomplete though, so all that could be recovered was a ghostly shell of what it used to be. The true crew of course were all dead, but the AI pieces left over in the hard drive had created phantoms of who they thought the crew should be. These phantoms evolved from the AI with their own personalities and images. The ghost ship and it's crew now sail around the galaxy collecting pieces of ships from willing or unwilling donators, attempting to fully rebuild the old ship." Tony spoke softly about the tragedy, but he couldn't contain his excitement about the theory. It was crazy, really, but held just enough science to be possible... and no one had ever managed to disprove it.

Wanda could feel Natasha drifting to sleep next to her so she poked her in the ribs. Nat jumped and let out a small squeak, before glaring at her girlfriend.

"What?! You were falling asleep," Wanda play-whispered.

"You didn't have to poke me!"

"How else do you suggest I keep you awake?" Wanda rolled her eyes.

Natasha gave a smug grin at that and Wanda knew immediately what she was thinking. Before she could reply though, soft lips pressed against her cheek and trailed down her jaw.

"N-not here," she whispered, inhaling sharply as Natasha found her pulse point on her neck.

"Why?" Nat mumbled into her neck before kissing it again. She took Wanda's silence as acceptance of her fate, and moved back up to kiss her lips. It was soft and slow, mostly. Wanda was enjoying the warmth of their bodies pushed together, and the slow heat of the kiss. Nat was rubbing circles into Wanda's thigh, and occasionally nipped her bottom lip. Neither noticed when Tony stopped talking.

Eventually Wanda gave in, letting Nat in when she ran her tongue over her lip for maybe the 4th time. Natasha swung one leg over Wanda to straddle her hips, cupping her face with one hand, the other running through Wanda's hair. Wand had her hands firmly gripping Nat's waist, occasionally slipping under the hem of her t-shirt.

They froze as someone cleared their throat.

"I hope this wasn't the only reason you were here," Tony grinned.

"We were apreciating the lecture," Wanda replied very seriously, while Natasha gave Tony the finger.

"Just don't make this a regular occurrence," Tony said, still smirking slightly, " think of the kids..." He gathered up his notes again before walking out.

"Jack ass," Nat muttered before getting up and offering Wanda a hand. "Bedtime," she said, kissing Wanda's cheek, "I've got a full day of classes tomorrow."

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