By chimmiiechimchim1013

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Fanfiction it's my first ever story that i would be making so please bear with me. Everything that i will wr... More



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By chimmiiechimchim1013

Sammie's POV:

We finish practice after 5 hours we are all drench in sweat and is literally bone tired. I am thankful that my members didn't say anything when I join them on stage after talking to Jacob. I saw that they look at me questioningly but never said anything.

It's already 11:00pm we haven't have dinner but in all honesty eating is the last thing on my mind right now. I wanted to take a shower so badly and lay in my bed to rest my sore muscles.

We all headed back to our hotel. None of us are talking it seems the guys are equally tired as I am that I don't even have the energy to speak. Good thing that the practice turned out well and we are prepared for tomorrows concert.

As we reach our hotel everyone drag themselves to our respected rooms the minute that the elevator opened.

As I entered my room I went straight to my bathroom and fill the tub with warm water. I took all my clothes off and shove it inside my laundry bag. There were some bath bombs in the hotel so I put in my tub and some lavander bubble bath. I light some scented candles and turn the lights off to create a relaxing ambiance.

I ease my way in the water that feels so good as the warm water ease my sore muscles. The tub is full off foam and bubbles and it makes rainbow colors against the candlelight.

I heard my door open and someone calling for me. "SAMMIE~AHHH" I heard Suga calling me out. How did he even enter my room without a keycard. "I am in the bathroom!" I shouted.

"I wanted to talk to you!! Make it fast!" He shouted. "You can come in here!!!" I said I am covered in bubbles anyway he wouldn't see a thing.

"WHAT!!!No!! Are you naked?!!!" he shouted his voice in disbelief " Oppa I am naked but I am covered you would not see a thing so come here and talk to me!!" I shouted I can't help but to giggle how awkward he sounded.

"I'll just wait for you here!" he said again. "Okay I'll be out after an hour or two I wanted to enjoy my bubble bath!" I told him I know how much he hates waiting. "Dammit make sure I wouldn't see a thing Sammie I am telling you!" He shouted and I laugh I am the girl here and he is more conservative than  I am.

He came in the bathroom not looking at me and went straight to the covered toilet bowl and sit there. "Oppa you can look at me you wouldn't see anything!" I told him trying to hold my laugh. He slowly look towards my direction when he saw that I am submerge in the tub full of bubbles he can literally just see my head from where he is.

S: "So what do you want to talk to me about?"

Y: "So other members send me here to talk to you about earlier!"

S: " What do you mean?"

Y: " Who is that guy that you were talking with in the dark?"

S: "That's Jacob he is a part of our stage design team. He is also a part of our Army!"

Y: " You see I know you don't have much experience on dating and having a boyfriend but a guy who will bring you in the dark to talk to you is a bug warning sign that he is up to no good!"

S: "Hahahaha Oppa you are being funny. He didn't bring me there I was there first and he just approached me."

Y: "What?! so all the more that he is not good for you. See he went to you when you are all vulnerable and alone. He looks like a predator so never ever talk to him again Sammie!"

S: "Oppa Jacob is okay I like him he makes me laugh and he is fun to be with!"

Y: "Like??? You talk to him just this once and you already like him? Princess don't be to naive!! I know that you are heartbroken with Jimin but don't jump to another one that easy!"

S: " So are you telling me I am being easy?"

Y: " No of course not that's not what I meant. What I really wanted to say is that we don't want you talking to any other man most specially in the dark and most specially if we are not with you!"

S: "Oh yeah because I am not capable of protecting myself. And I don't judge people that well. Am I right?"

Y: " Sammie please don't get offended. We just worry about you. You know how protective we are when you are involve with any other guys!"

S: " Thank you for wanting to protect me Oppa. But I am already an adult I could make friends with the opposite sex if I wanted to. And I know how to protect myself from people who have intentions of taking advantage of me. I have learned to be more careful because you guys thought me how too! And Jacob is harmless he is a fan who is excited to meet his idol and he is very sweet and funny he is in no way dangerous Oppa!"

Y: "Don't be too sure about him you don't know him that well!"

S: " I know Jimin for years but he still manage to hurt me a dozen times! Does knowing the person for a really long time really prevents that person from hurting you?"

Y: "Your relationship with Jimin is different you love him that's why it is inevitable that you get hurt!"

S: " Regardless Oppa. Hurting me unintentionally, that I can understand. But deliberately flirting with someone else infront me after I confess my feelings for him is totally and deliberately intentional and the worst Jerk move he has ever done to me!"

Y: "Jimin is not the point of the conversation here. The point is you being comfortable with a total stranger!"

S: " I don't want to talk about this as we can't see eye to eye right now. I just want to finish my bath and rest. Can you give me some privacy!"

Y: " Sammie don't be like this. Please just listen okay!"

S: " I am going to stand up now I am getting a little cold. If you don't want to see me naked you can leave!"

Y: "We haven't finish talking yet!"

I attempted to stand up from the tub and Suga immediately covered his eyes " Okay okay jeez I am leaving. This conversation is not yet over!" He said as he walks out of the bathroom and out of the door.

I stayed in the bath after Suga left. I don't want to listen to what he has to say. I get the point that they are looking out for me. But they don't really have to they should trust me more. And they should allow me to be happy with other people's company instead of sulking on one side and getting hurt over and over again by a Jerk of a man.

I am still mad at Jimin. I know I don't have the right to because I don't have any claim on him. I just thought that him knowing my feelings he could be a little considerate and watch his actions around me. I have taken all the verbal abuse that he had given me from the past but I wouldn't tolerate him deliberately hurting me like this.

I didn't do anything wrong or bad to him to the extent that he will make me feel this way. He makes me feel insecure and not capable of being loved. He make me feel worthless and I am truthfully tired. I am so tired to get hurt over and over again.

I made a promise to myself that I would never make anyone make me feel this way anymore. I would not tolerate it anymore I am so done.

I am tired


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