Courier Six Wild Adventures I...

By epicscott1

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Courier Six gets transported to the DC Universe by an experiment that went wrong from the Think Tank. Now Six... More

Old Courier Six
Wasteland No more
The scene of the crime
Come fly with me
Your A Dummy
New ID
A Red hood and A Bat
Royal Blood
Royal Blood Part 2
Back To Gotham
A chaotic night
Seeing more of the world
A Golden Hero
UFO and More Lizards
Relaxing in Texas
Blackbeard Sword
Red Hood vs. Courier Six Round 2
A New Job
Good cop and Bad cop
Magic and a whole lots of bullets part 2
Magic and a whole lots of bullets part 3
Happy 10th Anniversary Fallout New Vegas
Blood, Snow, and tests
Blood, Snow, and tests part 2
Final Author Note
It's here

Magic and a whole lots of bullets

2K 46 3
By epicscott1

Author note (It's a Halloween special enjoy)

On a misty night with the fall has set in with leaves beginning to fall off the branches and fall to the ground. There is a town called Willards, Massachusetts, where it's usually a lively town during the fall, but suddenly the town is now quiet and seems like a ghost town with no life in it. A yellow taxi drives down a road toward the town and stops a few miles away from the town. Inside the cab and in the back of the taxi is Courier Six in his Gecko-backed leather armor and 1st Recon beret.

"Hey, why did you stop the car?" said Six

"Because this is about far I can go," said the cab driver

"Why's that?"

"I heard strange things going on in that town, and some people never come back from it,"

"Are you serious?"

"For real, and I'm not going to risk my life in that spook town,"

"Well, you're not the one getting paid to deliver these book pages, so I'm going," Six open the cab door and left the vehicle.

The cab driver rolled down the window, "Hey, what about my money?"

Six reaches down to his pocket hands the cab driver about two twenty-dollar bills "there you go,"

"Thanks," the cab driver quickly rolled up the window, and he quickly turned the cab around and drove away from the town, leaving the Courier all alone.

"This is starting off great already," Six thought sarcastically as he headed toward the town.

Then Six look at the town sign with red words written at the bottom of the town name "If you go in the town you'll die,"

"Right, this is getting weird by the second, better stay on my feet," Six thought.

Six made into town to see no people or even anything moving and the wind blowing hard. Six looks at his Pip-boy to find where he is supposed to deliver the books.

"It says I'm supposed to arrive at the town library, but that's at the other end of the town; hopefully, there is some life in this town," Six thought.

Six kept walking, but he has the feeling like something or someone is watching him. Then Six sees something in the alleyway, and he goes to the alleyway to see a fresh corpse with an Axe in its head.

"What the hell happened to you?" Six thought

Then Six hears noises behind him, and he turns to see what looks like to be four zombies and two of them holding hatchets. Before Six could get a weapon out, someone started to shoot, and the four zombies fell to the ground with bullet holes in their head; and Six looked up to see a cop on the roof of a diner with a hunting rifle.

"If you don't want to die, get your ass here, boy," the cop shouted.

Six quickly get to the dinner and see several more zombies coming up behind him and diving into the diner with several people in it. A fisherman quickly put a barricade on the diner door, and Six got off the floor. Then he heard the cop shoot a couple of times until he stops and sees the cop coming down a ladder from the roof to the diner's ground floor.

"Are they dead outside," said one of the people in the diner

"Yes, they are dead. We're safe for now," the cop went to Six "now mind telling who are you, son, and what are you doing in this town?"

"Well, the name is Six, Courier Six, and I'm here for a delivery job, but more importantly, what were those things outside?"

"There is no sugar coating this. Those were zombies,"


"Yes, zombies. I know it's ridiculous, but that's all that most of us think in here,"

"And why are there zombies in this town?"

"We don't know yet,"

" I DO!" Six and the cop turned to see a bald old man wearing church clothes and holding a bible "these are end times,"

"I doubt seeing how outside of this town everything normal," said Six

"Well, that's another problem," said the cop.


"We can't leave this town,"


"There some kinda forcefield around the whole town we tried to leave from cars to a boat and nothing works,"

"Listen, what's your name?"

"I'm Deputy Wendall,"

"Wendall, I'm going to finish the job I took while solving your town zombie problems,"

"And how are you going to do that if you don't have a gun?"

"Trust me," Six looks at his Pip-boy and undigitized the Riot shotgun. "I got tons,"

Deputy Wendall took a step back and said, "alright, good luck, Six, and there are other things out there that are more dangerous than the zombies," Wendall made a nod to the fisherman. He removed the barricade from the door.

Six leaves the diner and dead zombies on the ground, and Six heard toward the library. Six is cautious and tries not to get any zombie attention, but two zombies come out of the building and see Six and attack him. Six quickly blew the two zombies' heads off, but the noise caught the attention of other zombies around the area and swarmed Six.

"C'mon you, undead morons. I got tons of bullets to take all of you out!" said Six shooting a couple of zombies

Six undigitized Plasma grenades and throws it at the swarm of zombies, reducing into puddles of green goo. There are no zombies left.

Six looks at his Pip-boy and see he is getting closer to the library "good; I can drop these pages off,"

However, when Six go to the library, he sees more zombies surrounding the library's front.

"I guess I have to find another way in?"

Six looks up in the air for the moment and then sees a woman with jet black hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a buttoned-down white shirt, black tight shorts, tail tuxedo jacket, tuxedo vest, tuxedo hat, a bow-tie, thigh-high boots, and white gloves.

"Alright, I must be seeing things now," Six thought.

The woman pulled out a wand and saw a word backward, then huge lighting shocked the zombies, and the women landed in the center.

"That's what I call an entrance," said the women

Six slowly approach the women, and she turns to Six "okay, who are you and how did you fly and shoot lighting,"

The woman smiled, "what have you never heard of me?"


"I'm the world-famous magician Zatanna and also part of the justice league,"

Six holsters his shotgun. "Well, at least you're with the good guys, I guess,"

"From the look of you and that device on your arm, your Courier Six,"

"Yes, how do you know that,"

"Eh, your name has been spreading around," Zatanna put away her wand.

"You still didn't answer my question about the flying and lighting shooting?"

"It's pretty obvious magic,"

"No, seriously, how did you do that,"

"I told you magic,"

Six chuckles "there no such things as magic. I'm going to assume you have superpowers,"

"Magic is real, and I'm the living proof,"

"Sure, you are. What next you're going pull a rabbit and make a quarter disappear behind my ear,"

Zatanna groans, "why are you here Six in the first place?"

"Delivering some pages to someone and I'm supposed to meet the person inside of the library, now what are you doing here?

"I felt some strange black magic in this town while I am traveling to my one of my magic show on the east coast and when I got into this town there is a magical force field surrounding the town, and I can't seem to break it,"

"You still going on about this magic, are you,"

"Oh, then explain to me what's going on here, jerk,"

"Someone brought the dead back to life in science gone wrong and trying to cover this up,"

"That sound far-fetch,"

"Eh, better than someone making a curse," Six claps his hands. "Now excuse me, magical girl. I'm going to go inside the library,"

"I'm going with you,"

"Can I ask why?"

"Because I sense there is something in the library that has the same dark magic as the forefield,"

"Fine, but please keep the made-up bullshit to yourself,"

"Dnuorg eht no eci tup,"

Suddenly ice is placed near Six feet, and he slips on the ground and falls on his butt; and Six looks at Zatanna, who smiles at him.

"You should watch where you're going, Six," said Zatanna, who walk inside of the library

"I'll get you for that," said Six, getting up and digitizing the riot shotgun, and he follows Zatanna into the library.

Six and Zatanna look around to see the library is a total mess with books everywhere, notes on the ground, and food scattered around a table.

"What a mess," said Zatanna

"Seem someone is living here?" said Six

Then heard a noise behind a bookshelf, and Zatanna took out her wand, and Six quickly undigitized That gun.

"Wait, don't shoot," coming behind the bookshelf is a skinny young man wearing circular glasses, a blue turtleneck, black jeans, white socks, and white shoes.

"Who are you," said Zatanna

"My name is Sam Cliff, and oh my god, your Zatanna,"

"The one and only," making Six roll his eyes.

"This is great you can help, and won't I have to fix this mess alone,"

"Wait, you mean you know something about these zombies?" said Six

"Yes, I want to try to stop this before things get worse,"

"Tell us, how did this happen?" said Zatanna

"It's best I show you guys follow me,"

Six and Zatanna follow Sam to the break room where there is a large purple book with a demonic face on the cover, and Zatanna is shocked.

"I can't be.." said Zatanna

"What?" said Six

"This is the Book of Rivkak. I thought this thing was lost forever,"

"What so important about this book,"

"This book is supposed to hold a powerful witch that goes by the book name," Zatanna turns to Sam, "how did you get your hand on this?"

"I didn't. My professor found the book."

"Where is your professor?" said Six

Before Sam could say anything, that was a large rumble that shakes the ground "oh no, it's back,"

"What's back?"

"The monster he been trying to get the book from me and he found me,"

"Don't worry, we'll take care of this monster, and you'll answer our questions," said Zatanna

Six and Zatanna go outside the library to see a large monster with one eye, yellow skin, wearing nothing but torn shorts, sharp razor teethes, and holding a club.

"I think I need a bigger gun for this?" said Six as felt a fight going to happen

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