Changed Since Texas / Post Ma...

By postylove74

33K 795 407

Charlotte (Charlie) Roman and Austin Post have always been great friends, but will his fame change who he is... More

Authors Note


700 13 2
By postylove74

June 2013- Charlie's POV

"Tell Austin we said hi Charlotte" my Mom said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek outside of the Syracuse International Airport.

"I will Mom" I smiled, readjusting my carry on on my shoulder.

"Don't get too drunk this weekend" my Dad laughed wrapping me in a hug.

"Dad, come on you know I don't drink" I said as I lit a cigarette, blowing out the smoke.

"Yeah, you don't drink just like you told us you don't smoke" my Mom laughed shaking her head.

"I'll be fine, I promise. Okay I have a layover in Chicago and then I land in Dallas at 11:30. I'll call as soon as I get off and get my bag" I said, butting out my cigarette without even getting halfway through it.

"Okay, sounds good honey. Did you text Austin to let him know that your on your way?" my Mom asked hugging me again.

"It's 4:30 in the morning, I highly doubt Austin is going to be up" I laughed, remembering how even at a young age he was never really a morning person. He was typically a night owl and I would assume that hasn't changed.

"Okay, well safe travels honey. Make sure you tell Rich and Jodie thank you for letting you stay at their house" my Dad said.

"Yes yes okay. I'm going now alright" I laughed as I started walking towards the airport to check-in to my flight.

I stood in line with the several other passengers who were on my flight as I waited to check-in. I pulled out my phone thinking my Mom had a point. I should let him know that I was on my way. I took a picture of the United check-in area and attached it to a message.

hey sleepy head! guess who is on their way!?

I was pleasantly surprised when he sent a text back almost instantly.

i am so fucking excited! i can't wait to see you Charlie.

you must be excited. you are never awake this early haha

what can i say, im seeing my best friend that i haven't seen in 9 years

hey you've seen me. what do you call those talks that we have every night. do you have your camera off or something haha

seeing you on camera is definitely not the same as seeing you in person love.

I felt my heart catch in my throat  when I read the simple word he included in his text. I never got the guts to tell Austin that I've had a huge crush on him since I was 16, so hearing him use that small term of endearment with me was enough to make my heart soar.

yeah i guess your right, i can't wait to see your baby face either

listen here missy, just because you are a month and a half older than me doesn't mean that i'm a baby

yea yea whatever. i'm next. see you in a few hours! love you!

thank god, i was wondering when you were going to stop talking i'm so tired.... just kidding Charlie. i'll be at the airport at 11. travel safe, love u

"Next!" the attendant at the desk yelled out. 

I walked up and handed her my boarding information, throwing my bag onto the scale.

"Charlotte Roman?" she asked me.

"Yes ma'am" I responded pulling out my ID to show her.

"May 15, 1995?" she said not even making eye contact with me or my ID.

"Yes ma'am" I said getting slightly annoyed.

"Flying to Dallas Texas with a layover in Chicago?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am" I said again feeling like I was becoming a broken record.

She printed out my boarding pass and handed it to me with a smile as I grabbed it from her.

"Safe travels" she smiled before calling next.

Once I passed through security I started becoming nervous. What was I doing? I was traveling to see my friend that I haven't seen in 9 years. Sure we kept in contact every single day, but what if things were awkward when we saw each other. What if all we have become were text and skype friends.

He also said he had some big news to tell me when I got there. Part of me was hoping that he was going to confess his love to me and tell me that he has liked me since he was 16 years old too. But, I knew that that was never going to happen. Neither of us had dated, we hung out a lot and went on dates but we never had a serious relationship. For me, it was because I felt like I would hurt Austin if he ever found out, but really I knew that I would only be hurting myself if I dated anyone else.

I went to the a coffee shop in the airport and got myself a coffee and a bagel as I waited the 45 minutes for my flight to board, reading Game of Thrones and trying to calm my nerves down as I was anxiously waiting to get to Dallas.


I got off the plane in Dallas and immediately went to the bathroom. I had left Syracuse with a pair of capris leggings and a baggy sweatshirt, and that was definitely not how I wanted Austin to see me for the first time in 9 years. I went into the handi-cap stall and pulled out a pair of black jean shorts and a white crop top with sunflowers. I pulled my long hair down out of it's messy bun and let it fall over my shoulders and slid into a pair of black flip flops.

I walked out and looked at myself in the mirror as I applied a thin coat of baby pink lip gloss and sprayed on a small amount of perfume. My cheeks were starting to turn red from my anxiety that I was undoubtedly causing myself. He was going to be the same Austin that I talked to everyday, I don't know why I thought today was going to be any different.

I left the bathroom and grabbed my bag off of the luggage carousel. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and quickly called my parents letting them know that I was here and walked to find Austin who should've been waiting for me for a half hour already. They told me to have fun and make smart decisions and most importantly to enjoy my time with Austin.

I walked out towards the exit and sat down on a bench of seats looking around for him. I was just about to pull out my phone to text him when I heard a voice say my name.


I turned around, a huge smile forming on my face as I saw Austin standing a few feet away from me. His hands were in the pockets of his shorts and he was wearing a black Nirvana t-shirt, his hair pulled back into a ponytail. He looked so cute, even more than he did when I talked to him every night.

"Austin?" I asked with a smile as I grabbed my bags and walked over towards him.

"Hi Charlie, I missed you so much" he said as he wrapped me in a hug, his hands resting low on my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck, my heart beating quickly at how close we were.

"I missed you so much too Austin" I said as I just enjoyed his closeness to me.

"You look great by the way" he smiled as he pulled away from me looking me up and down.

"Thanks Austin" I said shyly, pushing some hair behind my ear putting my left hand in my back pocket.

"Uh come on, lets get back to the house" he said grabbing my bag as he walked me out to his car. He put my bag in the trunk and came around and opened the passenger door for me before walking around the front of the car and getting in the drivers side.

"So how is life in Texas?" I asked as he pulled out of the parking lot and headed for the highway that would take us to his home in Grapevine.

"It's not Syracuse, but it's still cool. There are a lot more things to do here than back home" he said pulling out a cigarette.

"Can I have one of those?" I asked looking over at his pack of cigarettes.

"Uh yeah sure" he said holding it out to me. I grabbed one and quickly lit it and blew out the smoke.

"What are our plans for the weekend?" I asked him with a smile.

"Parties Charlie. Lots of parties" he laughed.

"Oh boy, you've never seen drunk Charlie before. Your in for a treat my friend" I smiled at him as I finished my cigarette and threw the butt out the window.

"Are you sure about that Charlie, I think I've talked to you a few times where you've been drunk" he laughed looking over at me as he turned onto a side road.

"Yeah, your probably right" I laughed as he pulled into his parents driveway.

"I think my parents are more excited to see you then I am" he laughed as he looked over at me.

My eyes met with his as I felt myself getting lost in his crystal blue irises, not even registering what was happening.

"Charlie?" he asked with a laugh.

"Oh, I uhm sorry. I just never noticed your eyes before" I laughed nervously pushing hair behind my ear.

"It's okay, they've gotten a lot of attention over the years. I'm used to it" he said chuckling, making the situation a little less awkward.

We both got out of the car and headed towards the front door of his parents house. We didn't even have a chance to turn the doorknob when Rich appeared at the door.

"Charlie honey! How are you!?" he said as he wrapped me in a hug.

"I'm good Mr. Post" I laughed as I wrapped my one arm around him returning the hug.

"Rich, Charlie please" he laughed as he walked into the house, Austin and I following him in.

"Dad, I'm going to go show Charlie her room" Austin said as he put his hand on my lower back leading me towards the stairs.

We walked into a small room with a day bed and a desk over in the corner. The windows over looked their spacious backyard and the bathroom was right across the hall.

"I hope this is okay for you" he said as he leaned on the door frame with his hands in his pockets.

"It's perfect Austin, plus by the sounds of it, it doesn't sound like we will be staying here much" I laughed as I sat down on the bed.

"Your right, my parents won't let me drive home if I'm drinking" he laughed as he walked over to the bed and sat next to me.

"Your different Charlie" he said as he sat down next to me.

"What do you mean Austin? You talk to me every night, how can I be different" I laughed.

"I'm not sure, but it's a good different. I like it" he smiled at me.

"Austin, I have to tell you something" I said looking over at him nervously.

"Wait, me first. You know how I told you I wanted to be a musician since I was like 12 right?" he smiled.

"Of course, you have always had the rock star mentality Austin" I laughed.

"Well, a few days after you leave... I'm moving out to California with my friend" he said looking over at me. A look of excitement taking over his entire face.

I swallowed hard. There was no use in telling him that I liked him now. Now he was going to be over 2,000 miles away. I would just have to live with this in my heart and figure out a way to move on with Austin just as my friend. I took a deep breath as I mustered up the best smile I could as I picked my head up to look at him.

"That's great Austin! I am so happy for you!" I said wrapping him in a hug.

"Thanks Charlie, that means so much to me" he said.

"Your going to do it Austin. If anyone is going to do it, it's going to be you" I said.

"Now your turn, what did you have to tell me?" he asked me with a smile.

"Oh its nothing, don't worry about it" I said laughing as I stood up.

"Charlie? You okay?" he asked.

"I'm great Austin. I'm with my best friend again and nothing can be better than this" I said as I grabbed his hand, something I haven't done since I was 9, and headed downstairs to catch up with his parents.

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