stollen things || c. stoll

By fanggq3

90.8K 2.8K 1.3K

i couldn't hold off any longer. "good gods, connor. it's because i love you. you've stollen my heart." i adde... More

1.1 ~ I Fall Off A Lava Covered Cliff
1.3 ~ I Eat Sand. Yum.
1.4~ I Give Hermes Some Waffles
1.5~ Pro Tip: Don't Acquire Any Head Injuries At Summer Camp
1.6 ~ Tree Nymphs Can Be Really Stubborn Sometimes
1.7~ A Narrow Miss From Scarring The Pre-Teen
1.8~ Why Are Fireworks Such A Big Deal? And Other Unnecessary Questions
1.9 ~ The Fourth Of July
1.10 ~ Cleaning Harpies Really Need To Look Into Dishwashers
1.11 ~ The Last Day Of Summer
2.1~ From Horse To Prisoner: Our Activities Director
2.2~ A Cow Crashes My Birthday Party
2.3 ~ Demon Pigeons Attack
2.3~ Well, Shit
2.4 ~ Let's Be Honest, I'm A Capture The Flag God
2.5~ I Am Confused
2.6~ Don't Pray To Aphrodite For Help
2.7 ~ First Name Basis
2.8~ I Fight Scooby Doo Behind The Popcorn Stand
2.9~ Ring In The School Year With A Bang!
2.10 ~ I Jump Out Of A Moving Car
2.12 ~ I Am Not A Happy Camper
3.1 ~ Dead Girl Walking
3.2 ~ After This Chapter, I Am Probably On Zeus's Hitlist
3.3~ Here, Kitty Kitty!
3.3~ Cross-Country Pig
3.4 ~ The Land Without Rain
3.5~ I Eat A Dam Good Taco
3.6 ~ Percy Wrestles Ancient Santa Claus
3.7~ My Camp Director Probably Breaks The Law
3.8~ I Ride A Cow To Olympus
3.9~ Family Reunion
3.10~ This Party Is Godly
3.11 ~ NOT Cupid's Bow
4.1~ Silver Foxes and Sword Fighting
4.2 ~ My Dinner Takes A Very Unexpected Turn
4.3 ~ We Play Tag With Scorpions
4.4 ~ War Council
4.5 ~ I Make A Contract
4.6 ~Spy Kids In Real Life
4.7 ~ You've Heard Of Party Centaurs, Get Ready For Therapy Centaurs
4.8 ~ The Battle Of The Labyrinth
4.9 ~ I Overwork My Broken Leg For The Hell Of It
5.1 ~ Charlie Beckendorf
5.2 ~ We Should Get Some Vans That Have Real Seating
5.3 ~ Meet The Parents
authors note
5.4 ~ A Visit To The Pharmacist
5.5 ~ Hey, Where Did The Sun Go?
5.6 ~ Spy Kids But Actually This Time
5.7 ~ Fin
E ~ Dionysus's Warning

1.2 ~ A 12-year-old Kicks My Ass

3.4K 92 51
By fanggq3

Sitting with my cabin at breakfast, I was still half-asleep. Harper, a girl a couple years younger than me, was very excited about this Ares boy and talked about him all of the night before. It was funny, because I'd never really had any of that to discuss. I'd dated boys back in Vermont during the school year, but it was never something that lasted. I was always too invested in other things and didn't have enough time to give anyone the attention they needed. It didn't sit well with them, so we always broke it off. Anyways, Harper and her friend Julie were still talking about him. I acted interested, but I was thinking more about winning at Capture The Flag. I was always competitive due to my backgroundin track and field, but Capture just sets something off inside me. Demeter cabin was with the Ares and Aphrodite group against Athena and Hermes. Not all of the Aphrodite kids played, and not all of the Demeter kids played, so I didn't have a set role. I bounced around each time from scout to guard to offense.

The day rolled by quickly. I failed at Sword and Shield again. Archery was fun, but Connor kept distracting me and it got frustrating. We were on our way to lunch when we heard a commotion. I looked up to where the noise was coming from; The Big House. A figure stumbled past Thalias Tree and fell onto the ground. I wasn't sure what I'd seen, but when I noticed people going up to retrieve the person, I knew that they would survive, and I went on to my lunch. I was too hungry to even pay attention, and soon I was too busy chatting with my cabin that I dismissed the whole experience. I headed off to Climbing Wall and prepared myself for what would come next. I hadn't even tried to use my chlorokinesis since the last time, hoping I wouldn't get tired out. I promised myself that I would only use vines if I absolutely needed to.
One the satyr blew the whistle signifying that it was my turn, I took off towards the wall. I flew across the stepping stones and pushed off the ground onto the cold rock. I scampered up the side of it. With plenty of trouble, I made it past level one. I was standing on a ledge, taking a breath in between the levels. I started up again, this time almost jumping from each foothold to another. Once I passed that level, I started onto the next. This one had the falling rocks. I climbed up, rocks tumbling towards my head as I went up. I dodged most of them, and as for the ones I almost collided with, I called upon vines to swing around them.
Final level. Taking a deep breath, I assessed what was before me. More lava, larger rocks, and fewer footholds.

Damn, it's a wonder that this thing is even legal. Actually, it probably wasn't. I scanned for the nearest foothold and jumped up to it. Scaling almost all of the level, I was faced with just a few feet left, and no footholds. I knew that I had to get to the top. I'd already come this far, but I didn't have much energy left and probably only had one or two more pushes for plants. I reached up, summoning a vine and wrapped it around my wrist, hauling myself up. I slapped my hand against the top of the wall, holding it up to signify that I had reached the top. With one last pull, I got up and sat on the wall. I almost didn't dare look down at the group. Not that I'm afraid of heights, because I'm not. However, a fall from up here is not one I'd like to be a part of. The satyr nodded to me, marking something down on his sheet. Once I'd made it back to the ground, I walked over to Madge, grinning.
"Hey! You did it!" She congratulated, pulling me into a hug. I laughed, still ecstatic from the adrenaline. Both of the Stoll brothers came over to us, one leaning his elbow on my shoulder. I assumed it was Connor, but I wasn't sure. I studied them for a bit and discovered that my assumption was correct. Travis was taller.
"So, Callaghan. You finally did it. And you didn't even need my help," He teased. I reached back to my braid, trying to make sure it was still in, but he grabbed my hand.
"Oh, no," He tisked. "Too late!" He turned to me, holding out my hairtie.
"Looking for this?" He dipped into a low bow, his hand outstretched as if he were holding a platter. I tried to grab it but he took his hand away before I could get it.
"What now?" I crossed my arms.
"Oh, you'll have to try harder to get this one back. You didn't really think I'd just hand it over, did you?" They walked away, giving each other a high-five. He turned back, still walking.
"Oh, by the way, can't wait to win capture tonight!" He called, giving a me a little mocking salute before running back to his place in line with Travis.


I strapped on my armor, put on my helmet, and armed myself with a bow. Clarisse made me take a sword as a back-up.
"Really, I don't see why this is necessary. We all know I can't use this."
"Hey, you never know if you'll be ambushed," Clarisse pressed. "Besides, you're on border duty this time." I suppresed a groan. Of course. I hated border patrol; It was my least favorite job. I'd much rather be defending the flag. But it's always best not to upset Clarisse. I nodded, and grabbed a sword as well. Once I was sure everything was in place and secure, I went to join the rest of my team. Once Clarisse had debriefed us on the plan, Chiron called for everyone to head into the woods. I ran to the river, setting myself up behind a small hill, out of sight from the other team's side. I waited for maybe an hour before a kid, no more than 13 years old, wandered onto the other side of the beach. I squinted at him. It was the same kid from earlier, the one that had barely made it into camp. He was from the Hermes cabin, and he was scrawny, even for such a young kid. He had black hair that stuck out in all directions and striking sea-green eyes. His armor didn't fit him correctly and his helmet was in front of his eyes. It would be easy to take him down, but I wanted to see what his plan was.

Turns out, he had no plan. He just stood there for quite a while, looking after the border. He wasn't doing a very good job because I noticed a few Ares kids slip by through the trees. I was bored, so I wanted to fight him. I wouldn't kill him, because that was against the rules. And my sword-fighting skills weren't good anyway, but I was going to give it a go. Besides, I had powers. I wasn't sure if he did, but he probably had something up his sleeve. Annabeth, the captain of the Athena team, wouldn't send him out here with nothing but an oversized sword. Actually, scratch that. She would.

I stood, looking down at him. I was about to jump down and take him, when Clarisse and 4 other Ares kids charged for him. Dammit. There goes my last chance at actual fun tonight. Once it was clear that Clarisse was planning on killing the boy, I whipped my head around to look for a way across the border. I didn't need to patrol it, Clarisse was there. I set off to go and get the other team's flag. I glanced over, and the Ares kids had pushed the boy into the river. Even from this distance, I saw something change in him. His facial expression turned from tired and scared to confused and energized. I wasn't sure what was going to happen until three out of the four were on the ground, beaten by the kid.
"What in the..." I whispered to myself. Without thinking, I launched myself down to help the last one standing.

We were taking the kid together, but suddenly I was alone. He'd run off, the damn coward. I huffed, still fighting the kid with my sword. I wasn't the greatest, but his blue-plumed helmet was falling in his eyes and he'd had zero training with a sword. Before I knew it, I was on the ground, muscles aching, with his sword to my chest. I sighed. Beaten by a pre-teen. He groaned, suddenly twitching. Clarisse had hit him with her electric spear. He was actually taking her on quite well, so I dragged myself away, back towards our flag. Only, I ran into it halfway there. Luke was carrying it, bolting back to his side. Competitive as I was, I was too tired to try and stop him. Clarisse would eventually beat the kid and stop Luke. I turned back, trying to find somewhere to sit down when I walked straight into someone. Well, more like they ran straight into me.
"Oh! I'm so sorry, I wasn't-" The person grabbed my arms, making sure I was steady.
"Don't worry about it, it was my fault," A familiar voice said. I could practically hear the smirk on Connor Stoll's face. His hands lingered, not quite letting go, before he dropped them to his sides and patted me on the head.
"Alright, Callaghan. I've gotta get moving if I'm going to win this game."
"Not if I have anything to do with it," I retorted, gritting my teeth. I tried to pull out my sword but realized I'd left it at the river.
He chuckled. "Well, looks like I'm getting away. See you around." He turned to run away when we heard shouting, then a loud growl. We looked at each other. My eyes had adjusted more to the dark and I saw the fear in his eyes that he was desperately trying to hide. I pushed him along, starting to run towards it.
"Come on!" I whispered. He quickly passed me, grabbing my hand and leading me towards the river.
"You don't need to hold my hand!" I hissed. But he didn't let go. And for some reason, I didn't mind. In fact, deep down, I didn't want him to let go. We ran through the woods together, finally reaching the river. I gasped, stepping closer to Connor. A hellhound was approaching the kid from before.
"Percy, run!" Annabeth yelled to him. Percy. That's his name. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. I pulled a large knife from my belt, ready to throw it at the hound, when I felt a hand lower my hand.
"This is Percy's fight for now." Connor whispered to me. Something about his low whisper made my heart flutter. "Maddy, what the hell? This boy is not your friend." I thought, angry. I decided to keep it to myself, not even Katie could know.
Chirom didn't seem to agree. He sent an arrow flying into the beast, killing it and saving Percy. He started apologizing awkwardly, and almost fainted. Annabeth said something to him and he stepped into the water. A glowing blue-green light floated above his head. Upon further inspection, my eyes focused on a trident. I gasped.
"No way."


After the Hermes-Athena team had won, and we'd all grieved enough, everyone went to bed. I, however, laid awake, thinking of my encounter with Connor. Why was I feeling this way, and what would happen if I explored it? I conjured a little succulent and played with it until I fell asleep.

I woke up with the little cactus still clutched in my hand. It was crushed by now, and broken. I concentrated and brought it back to its previously perfect state. I decided that I'd keep it on my nightstand. Maybe I'd make something to give to Connor. I cursed myself as soon as I thought of it. This boy was manipulating my thoughts, and I was not happy about it.

heyo guys its authors note time. the chapters havent been very long so like,,, im really sorry. ive enjoyed writing this and i hope that you guys enjoy reading it. dont forget to comment CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and let me know what you think! thanks! i love you, dont forget it <3

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