A Kiss is still a Kiss

ladycrookshanks által

231K 8.7K 1.3K

[COMPLETED] BoyxBoy On his graduation day, New mustered all his remaining courage to confess his feelings to... Több



7.8K 273 72
ladycrookshanks által

If the muscles of New's eyes could only speak, they would have already shouted out their sentiments as New threw several eyerolls at Tay who was greeting everybody with a huge smile. He was greeted by literally everyone in the room with the ladies giggling at the back as Tay flashed his usual big smile. Well, who wouldn't be charmed by him? He was sunshine and god disguised as a human being. That was why he was head over heels with him during uni days. But when he remembered what happened days before, he couldn't help but scoff and threw daggers at him.

"Tay, this is New Thitipoom Techaapaikhun. New this is Tay Tawan Vihokratana. Tay, New will be guiding you until you get familiar with everything. New, Tay's father also specifically asked for reports on his progress during his time here and I'm counting on you."

New plastered the fakest smile he could ever give as he greeted Tay.

"Welcome Mr. Vihokratana."

"Thank you Mr. Techaapaikhun. I hope you take good care of me."

"Sure thing."

"So New, kindly lead Mr Vihokratana to his area. I've got a meeting to attend to. Again, welcome to the company Tay."

"Thank you, Sir," Tay replied with a smile.

New felt a nudge on his back. He ignored it but the nudging didn't stop. He already had an idea who was at his back but he tried to dismiss the thought. But as he was about to lead Tay to his assigned table, an arm snaked around his waist and he felt a hot breath on his right ear.

"I know he's your first love but I was the one who received your confession poem so basically you're mine," Earth whispered before placing a loud smack on his cheek while letting go of his waist to follow his grandpa.

"Grandpa! I'll start working tomorrow!"


Tay mentally cursed as he watched the guy kissed New on the cheeks. Hell, he shouldn't be affected by that but seeing them getting that close just made him wanna smack the guy straight on the face. He even looked familiar like he had already seen him somewhere but he couldn't point it out. But what puzzled him the most was the fact that his chest started clenching as he looked at New who stood there stunned, obviously surprised of what just happened.

"So are you just gonna stand there or what?" Tay snapped at New. Okay, he was jealous. He was becoming possessive of New and he didn't even know why. All he knew was that he didn't want to see New being close to someone else especially after that kiss.

"Please follow me."

New led Tay to his table while orienting him of his job.

"So, are you gonna be with me the whole time?" Tay asked as he placed his bag on the table and sat on the chair.

"No. You'll serve as an assistant of Ms Lapisara Intarasut, our marketing analyst."

A woman who seemed to be around his age approached them. She was smiling from ear to ear as she reached out a hand. She was wearing a red fitted dress that emphasized her bossom. Tay's eyebrows furrowed wondering why such attire was allowed in the workplace.

"Hi! I heard you'll be my new assistant. I'm Lapisara Intarasut but just call me Apple," she excitedly reached out a hand but Tay just turned to New leaving her hand in midair.

"But I specifically asked for you," Tay furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at New, obviously pleading for the latter to accept his sentiments.

"I'm tasked to only watch over you Sir but you'll still be assigned to a senior member of the company. Now I have to go. I need to finish some reports."

Tay felt his heart drop for a second as he watched New leave. He was about to follow him when he felt a hand on his arm.

"So Mr Tay, these will be the things that you have to learn under my care."

Tay could only shout in silence as he was dragged by Apple to god-knows-where.


"The photocopying machine's not working."

New sighed for the nth time as he glared at Tay who had his head peeking in his office's door. During his three days in the company, he couldn't even count the times Tay barged into his office asking for help for nonsensical things such as paper getting stuck in the printer, coffee machine not functioning, stapler not stapling properly, and even the faucet not giving out water. He even almost killed him when he barged into his office for the first time asking for help on how to turn on the computer. The only consolation he had was the fact that Earth hadn't been to his office for days or he would have lost his mind if the two of them barged his office all at the same time.

"What is it this time?" New grunted in protest. He had enough of his shenanigans that sometimes he just wanted to push him down the stairs. And he had been there for just three days. New couldn't imagine what tricks he had under his sleeves for his entire duration.

"The machine's not photocopying. I need your help. Please?" Tay put on pleading expression on his face, blinking multiple times as he pouted his lips.

"If this one of your antics Tay, I swear I'm gonna push your face on the machine," New surrendered as he pushed his chair  back and stood up to help Tay with his problem.

New glared at Tay as the document went out of the photocopying machine. The machine was working fine; it was even working more properly than Tay's brain.

"There's nothing wrong with the machine. Have you ever used one before?"

"Hmmm. Yes? I photocopied some documents yesterday."

"Then what's wrong with you today?"

"Uhhm can you teach me again? I may have forgotten some steps," Tay flashed an earful smile.

New took a deep breath to calm himself and lengthen his patience. He then performed the procedures on how to photocopy documents.

"See. It's just easy."

"Ahhhh. That's why. I forgot to press the copy button," Tay chuckled as he pointed at the button that would make copies of the documents.

But New wasn't amused. He knew Tay was not dumb. He may be the clumsiest person on earth but New was sure he was wise.

"Can you stop your antics? I know you Tay. I just give in to your shenanigans because I hoped you'd stop eventually. But I didn't expect you to be a hopeless case."

"Hey. I was just kidding."

New went back to his office leaving Tay standing beside the machine.


Tay's glare followed Earth's back as the latter went inside New's office. He was typing fast on his computer that he didn't even notice Apple at his back.

"Theahtrmedjdh id jdueuejthr acklskd new new new new new new new new?! What the hell are you typing Mr?!"

Tay jumped out of his seat as Apple shouted behind him.

"Mr, I told you to create a proposal on how to sell our newly released product not type nonsensical words. Are you aspiring to be a minion?"

"I'll make it right away, Ms."

"Well as you should," Apple left him, her hips swaying and her heels clicking on the tiled floor.

"Nyenyenye," Tay rolled his eyes as he deleted the entire document to start typing a proposal but his mind was troubled, thinking about what that guy was doing at New's office.


New threw the cap of his pen at Earth who yet again barged into his office.

"Woah! Is that how you welcome your soon-to-be boss?"

"As if you wanna tied to a place," New scoffed as he continued typing his report.

"Well I don't really wanna but since another competitor is in my arena, I have to secure my throne."

"What the heck are you talking about?"

"Nevermind. So are you free tonight?"

"I don't do dinner dates with my boss."

"Oh come on New. For the sake of our friendship, well for now."

"Fiinne. But just this once."

"Great! Then I'll fetch you here later. I still have to talk to grandpa. See you later, babe!"

"Babe my ass."


Tay straightened his suit after fixing his things on the table. He planned to invite New to dinner as an apology for all the troubles he caused the past days. But when he was about to go to his office, he saw New and that guy leaving together. He still didn't know that guy's name and he'd been itching to, so that he'd know what name to send to that rumored witch he knew.

He silently followed them making sure not to create a sound, but when it was time to ride the elevator, he had no choice but to reveal himself.

"Oh New. You're going home already? I brought my car with me. I can send you home," Tay beamed as they went inside slightly pushing the guy away so he'd be between them.

"I brought my own car. I can send myself home," New answered nonchalantly.

Tay was about to answer when someone grabbed his head and pushed him to the side.

"I'll drive you home New since we'll be eating first. It would be convenient if we ride the same car. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning so you don't have to worry about going to work."

"But, Earth-"

"No buts okay. It's a done deal."

Tay was about to say something when the elevator stopped indicating that they have already arrived. New and that guy Earth stepped out of the elevator first leaving Tay behind while murmuring something.

"Huh, so Earth's your name. Just wait until I send your name to that witch. Let's see if you can still do your moves."

"What witch?"

Tay clutched his chest as he was startled by Apple who came out of nowhere.

"Why do you always have to appear out of nowhere??"

"Hey I'm still your boss so speak to me nicely," Apple complained.

"You don't own the company where I'm working and besides it's past work hours."

Apple rolled her eyes and crossed her arms across her chest.

"I didn't know you're-hey where are you taking me??"

"Let's eat dinner," Tay said as he dragged Apple to his car while his eyes never left the car New and Earth rode.


New and Earth went inside an Italian restaurant. They were then guided to a table which turned out to be reserved by Earth.

"I specifically picked this restaurant since I know this is your favorite," Earth said as they were handed menu by the waiter. He opted to have tortellini with shrimps and tomatoes while Earth ordered dark pasta with mussels.

"By the way, why did you want to start working in the company all of a sudden?" New asked while they waited for their food to be served.

"As I've said to you, someone has invaded my territory and I wanna protect what's mine."

"Can you stop talking in codes and just tell me what you really mean?"

New was taken aback when Earth held his hand that was resting on the table. He tried to get away from his grasp but Earth was holding his hand tightly.

"New I was serious when I-"


The both of them turned their heads to the table next to them and saw Tay and Apple. New mentally facepalmed himself as he watched Tay look at them with a grinning face which eventually disappeared when his eyes landed on Earth's hand that was still holding his.

"Oh, you're also here Earth and New?" Apple beamed at them. "So are you two dating or what?"


Apple looked at Tay who was glaring at Earth's hand on New's.

"What no, Tay? I'm not talking to you."


Tay munched on his food, gritting his teeth along the way as he stole glances at Earth and New who were laughing about something. He tried listening to their conversation but they were purposely talking in low voices. He almost flipped the table when he saw their hands earlier. Like he didn't even understand himself for feeling that way but when he saw them holding hands, he just wanted to grab New away from Earth and bring him home.

"Hmmm. This is great and the wine's spectacular," Apple exclaimed as they finished their wine.

"I'm glad you like it," he commented nonchalantly. He was still stealing glances at the next table. Minutes later the two then made their way out. He really wanted to follow them but the waiter came to their table to hand him the bill.

Tay looked at the value. Well it was a huge amount of bill since they ordered the most expensive meal and wine but he didn't really care. He fumbled for his wallet in his pocket but didn't find it there. He then opened his bag and rummaged through it but he only saw his phone, perfume and some supplements he always carried with him.

He nervously looked at Apple who was scrolling through her phone.

"Uhhmm.. Ms. Lapisara Intarasut, I uh forgot my wallet. Can you pay?"

"Are you for real!" Apple exclaimed as she dropped her phone on the table while Tay gestured a peace sign and plastered a nervous smile.

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