All or Nothing (August Alsina...

By RockofAges

1.3M 58.5K 19.5K

Fresh out of high school Kashmere has everything figured out for the most part, until she meets August and de... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 (Short)
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 (Bonus)
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 3

33.6K 1.3K 509
By RockofAges

I had nothing to do the next morning so I spent the whole morning doing nothing in particular trying not to think about what the night held. Until he called me and reminded me of our outing tonight. I said yes and then he said he had to go and we hung up to go our separate ways. He even sounded good on the phone. 

After I hung up with him I called the girls and then focused on the night ahead. We were meeting them at seven so around five I decided to get ready. First focus of business was finding something to wear. I didnt want to throw on just anything but at the same time I didnt want to try to hard. 

I picked out a black v-neck t-shirt, some cut off jean shorts and my black Nike Dunks. It wasn't the cutest thing I could have picked out but it was good enough, we were just going to the mall. 

After I picked out my outfit I took a shower and did everything I needed before the girls got here around 6:30. Once I was done showering I didnt know whether to leave my hair up or down so I decided to keep it down in it's natural state and finished getting ready.

By the time I got the text telling me they were outside, I checked myself out in the mirror one more time, fluffed my hair, and grabbed my bag stuffing everything I needed inside such as my phone, keys and rushed out the house. My mom already knew I was going out so after I told her I was leaving I left and jogged down the steps and over to Danielle's car getting in the back. 

We all greeted each other and soon we were on our way to our destination.

"So are you ready for your date," Julianna asked.

"It's not a date."

They each had there own opinions on it, both Julianna and Danielle thought it was a date but Crystal like me was skeptical. I was skeptical because it was me, and she was skeptical because she claimed August didnt date. The whole car ride we chit chatted but the closer we got to the mall the more nervous I became. 

Once we pulled up and parked we all got out of the car and as we walked up to the entrance where we were supposed to be meeting him I trailed behind them. Even though I wasn't meeting up with August by myself I couldn't help but feel nervous. Wondering why I even agreed to go out with him. What would we talk about, what would we do? 

I glanced down at my outfit one last time, I looked so basic and boring. Compared to Crystal who was dressed in a red low cut skin tight crop top, red wedges, and a jean mini skirt.  Once we got to the front I looked down at my outfit once more. 

"Do I look okay," I asked them all. 

"You look fine," Danielle tried to reassure me but that didnt stop me from feeling nervous. Especially when I saw four figures approaching. The closer they got the more nervous I got. 

"Breathe Kashmere," I heard Julianna say and I let out the breath I was holding in. 

I kind of blended in behind the girls and once they got to us Crystal was the first to step up and greet them. I was glad that she was doing the talking because I don't think I could take if i could.

August greeted all of us girls as a whole and then introduced us to his friends. There was the boy I always say him with almost every time I seen him, his name was D and then there was Mike and lastly Bryant. 

They were all sort of cute but it was hard to even look at anybody else for to long when August was right in front of me staring me down. 

We all walked in the the mall and not even five minutes in I noticed how each girl had latched on to a particular guy.  Julianna and D, Danielle and Bryant, Mike and Crystal. It wasn't that much longer before Crystal and Mike disappeared on us. Soon enough our large group dwindled down until it was just me and August.

I didn't want to be left alone with him but I guess I had no choice now. So I decided to play it cool and be cordial to see what his real intentions were. 

We walked in silence. I wouldn't say I was shy but he just made me nervous for some reason. 

"So, you don't feel like talking today," he asked. 

"I don't know what to say," I admitted.

"Well I guess I should just be glad you aint cussing me out."

I smiled at that. 

"I'm not always like that," I told him. I don't know why but I suddenly felt bad about being so mean to him, not that he didnt deserve it.

"I'm sure you aint but I cant blame you wit the way I came at you."

I nodded and he stopped walking and stood in front of me.

"Lets start over," he held out his hand, "I"m August and you are?"

I looked at his hand and smiled, "Kashmere."

He nodded and licked his lips, "Unique name."

"I could say the same thing about you, I don't know know other boys named August."

"It's cause I'm one of a kind," he smirked and I smiled. 

We walked and small talked until we reached the Nike Outlet. As soon as we walked in a girl who I assumed worked here made her way over to us eyes focused in on August.

"Hi, I'm Brianna. Do you need any help finding what your looking for," she asked him as if I wasn't standing right next to him. 

"No, we got it," he assured her and he maneuvered around her taking my hand. That gesture  completely caught me off guard and he must of did the same with the girl. She looked down at our hands and frowned. 

Once we were away from her I pulled my hand out of his grasp and he looked back at me with a slight smirk.

"C'mon," I followed behind him until we got to the mans section, "I want to see if you got good taste." 

"With what," I asked and he motioned over the shoes and I smiled. I had a bit of a shoe collection myself, mainly sneakers. Different colors, different brands. I couldn't tell you what the sneakers were called but I think I had good taste. 

Browsing through the aisles we looked over the shoes but to my surprise he told me he had just about every pair. Not finding anything we left that store and continued to walk the mall.  I wasn't much of a shopper so nothing caught my eye even though he kept asking if I saw something I liked. 

It got to the point where neither one of us felt like shopping so we agreed to walk to the food court and find someplace to sit. Once we got there we sat down and continued to talk.

"What are you studyin'?"

"Business," I told him and his eyes widened, "What?"

"I don't know, guess I figured you were gon' say somethin' else."

"Something like," I asked.

"I don't know," he shrugged.

"My turn," I smiled, so far he's been asking the questions but I had yet to ask any of him.

"How old are you," I asked him.

"19, I'll be 20 in September."

I frowned, "Your name is August but you were born in September?"

He smiled, "August was my dads name, I guess you could say I inherited it."

"Oh," I nodded hoping I didnt ruin the mood because I knew his dad was dead. 

"So what do ya' parents do?"

I bit my lip before answering, "My mother is a nurse, retired for the most part father is dead. I'm an only child."

"My bad," he apologized and I just shrugged. 

"Its fine."

"My mom is retired as well, she used to be a accountant and my dad is dead to and I'm an only child to"

I nodded not knowing what to say but thankful he changed the subject. 

"So how long you been dancin'?"

At the mention of dance my mood immediately changed and I perked up. 

"Pretty much all my life. When I was like 6 I started doing ballet, even did gymnastics and in once I moved here I started getting into hip hop." 

"Where you from," he asked.


He looked at me confused and I giggled at his facial expression, "Kent, its a part of Washington D.C., I'm from D.C."

"Cool," he nodded.  

We sat in silence for a little while longer, this time I couldn't stand it.

"Why am I really here," I asked him. 

"What you mean?"

"Why did you ask me to come out with you, what do you want?"

"I don't want nothin', I told ya I wanted to get to know ya better."

"Really," I was skeptical. 

"Why is that so hard to believe?"

I wasn't going to tell him the reason was because I was nothing special. Instead I blurted out something else completely. 

"I'm not going to have sex with you."

"I know and besides it aint even like that."

"Last weekend it was though."

"I was high," he admitted, "And tipsy, two bad combinations."

"Lame ass excuse but whatever you say," I shrugged smirking. 

"Man whatever," he waved me off, "You aint all that."

"Then how come last weekend you couldn't take your eyes off of me?"

He opened his mouth to say something but closed and sucked his teeth. 

"Well If you say this isn't about sex then good because many boys have tried and they all have failed." 

"That's cause you been fuckin' wit boys."

"And what are you then?"

"Whatever you need me to be," he looked right at me when he said it and licked his lips. He was trouble and if I was smart I would stay away but instead I kept on going. 

"I never really so called fucked with anyone actually," I admitted. 

"What," he said to me as if I was speaking in a different language.

"You heard me." 

"So what you sayin' you a virgin?"

"Is it that surprising?"

"I mean this day and age its rare but its nothin' you should be embarrassed bout. If anything you should be proud." 

What he said threw me for a loop, I thought he was going to say something smart or make fun of me. What he said actually made me feel good about myself because even though 18 was still young, I knew kids who were having sex by the time they reached middle school.  Most kids my age were pro's at it by now and most I've done is made out with a guy.

"So I'm guessin' ya boyfriends never got far wit you then?"

"I've never had a...boyfriend before."

His eyes widened and I shrugged. 

"I mean when I was in like third grade yeah, but I don't think that counts," I smiled. 

We shared a light laugh and shrugged, "It don't make sense you tellin' not one boy was good enough for you?"

"It's not about someone being good for me. Boys were the last thing on my mind while I was in school. I was just focused on getting good grades and graduating."

He nodded, "Good for you I know I didnt take school seriously but I wish I did. But now that you out of school," he trailed off and I knew exactly what he was asking so I just shrugged. 

To be honest I didn't know. I focused all my attention my school work and dancing and now that I didn't have to worry about school for the summer I had some free time. 

"So let me guess all of that attitude is like a defense mechanism to drive nigga's away?"

"Something like that," I nodded, "But it didn't work on you so I might need to switch things up."

"I'm persistent," he smirked, "I'm glad I was, who knew you would be quite."

"It's only because I don't really know you but I guess that's what you today was for."

"Yea," he nodded.

"So August," I smiled, "I have some more questions."

"Here we go," he smirked and I just smiled.

"Do you have a girlfriend, wife?"

"No," he shook his head and I rolled my eyes.

"What was that look for?"

"I already knew the answer to that."

"Then why'd you ask."

"You got to ask these days, boys are shady."

"And so are females. Male or female you always got to watch ya back."

"Good advice," I smiled.

"So I would ask if you had a man, but I already know the answer."

"I'm single as a dollar bill."

"So what about that dude at the club last weekend."

"Terrance, he's just my friend."

"You sure?"

"Positive," I nodded.

"Good," he nodded sitting back in his seat looking at me.

"Any kids," I asked.

"No, someday I hope."

He smiled and I smiled as well. He was about to say something but was cut off by his phone going off and he looked down at it before answering. From my end I realized that everyone was bored and they were ready to head over to the theater. 

Me and him headed there ourselves and once we got there we waited and were joined by everyone else. As a group we all agreed on a movie and the boys paid and we waited in line at the concession stand. August insisted on paying but I told him I had it and paid for myself, besides only thing I got was some candy and a slushie. 

By the time we made in the theater it wasn't crowded because the movie didn't start for another twenty minutes. We sat in the top row and I was sitting on the end and August was to my right. 

"You want some popcorn," he asked me and I frowned and shook my head.

"No," I declined, "I hate popcorn, you want some candy."

He shook his head as I slipped my slushie. 

"Can I have some," he asked and I looked over at him.

"Some of what?"

He motioned to my drink and I frowned.



I wrapped my lips around the straw and took another sip and he wasn't subtle with the way he was looking at my lips. I pulled my lips away from the straw and licked them just to fuck with him.

"What about a kiss?"

I laughed in his face, "Hell no."

"A peck?"

"Your pushing it."

I let my guard down for a second and soon my drink was snatched out of my hand and before I could snatch it back, his lips were on my straw.

"August," I complained and when I finally snatched it away he laughed at my face.


"I just wanted a sip."

"I don't know what you've been doing with that mouth of yours or who you've been using it on for that matter."

"My mouth is clean."

"I doubt that, you got a stadium of hoes."

"Yeah, but I don't kiss em' and I sure as hell don't do that to em'."

"How can you not kiss them?"

"Dont need, I fuck em and duck em."

I shook my head at his language.

"You have a nasty mouth."

"Like you dont."

"I don't but you do sir."

"It aint like you aint used to it and besides, you aint no angel ya'self."

He smirked and I rolled my eyes and faced forward just as the room dimmed. The movie kept me half entertained, and August kept me entertained the other half. He stole my drink so much I made him get up and get me another one. Then the rest of the time he was just messing with me. I played like i was annoyed but that didnt stop him. 

Once the movie was over we all walked and planned to go our separate ways. As everyone said there goodbyes August and me walked away from everyone else to talk. Even though I was nervous about this, it was fun and I was glad that I did agree to come out with him. 

"So did you have fun?"

"Yes," I admitted.

"Enough fun we can do this again?"

I was just trying to get though the night, I never expected him to want to hang out with me again. 

I hesitated on giving him an answer and he noticed.

"As friends."


"Yea," he nodded. 

"Have you ever just been friends with a girl before?"

"One or two but I'm serious, I had a good time, you had a good time and we should do it again." 

I sighed and nodded, "Just friends?"

"Yea, you can never have to many friends."

He sounded convincing and even though I still wasn't sure what to make of him and this 'friends' situation I decided to go ahead.

"Friends," I nodded and he smiled and he stepped closer to me.

"Can your new friend get a hug goodbye?"

I decided to be nice and give him one. I was going to make it quick but he wrapped his arms around me tightly and held on to me for longer than needed but I wasn't complaining. 

I pulled away from the hug and smiled up at him, "Bye friend."


And with that I walked off to go and join the girls with a smile on my face. 

--------------------------------------------Pic of Danielle

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