Percy Jackson- The Cursed Hero

By Darkgamer08

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At the end of the battle of Manhattan, Percy kills Luke, thus destroying Kronos. But while fading , Kronos u... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
A/N ( please read )
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Rewrite final
Rewrite released

Chapter 17

3.4K 59 13
By Darkgamer08

Percy POV

"Hey Hera." I croaked out.
She just hummed and buried her face in my chest. I tried to chuckle ,but it came out as a strained cough. My body must have undergone some serious damage by the little stunt I pulled off against the two Titans. She slowly pulled back and looked at me with a mixture of emotions. Happiness, relief , worry and something that I couldn't identify. That was when I felt the cold breeze on my stomach. I looked down and saw that I was shirtless. Hera too seemed to realize this fact and turned a bright golden colour. "I w..w..will leave Freshen up and meet us o..outside." She hurriedly left the room, slamming the door shut while doing so.

I turned to the mirror and saw that my face was also ...SILVER???? What the hell?! I tried to calm myself down and then think about why my face had turned silver when I was flustered a little while ago. I headed towards the washroom . While taking a bath, my hand scraped against the tap. As I went to wipe the blood, I was shocked to see that instead of the normal golden ichor that I was used to by now, it was a bright shiny silver colour. I was seriously freaking out now. That's when I heard a voice say,
"Hey cuz, don't put your panties in a twist. The reason your blood is silver is because you are a primordial now. Choas's blessings made you one of us. "

I almost jumped in surprise when I heard the voice . But I knew who the voice belonged to . ' Hey Aether. Thanks for the information. But how the hell are you speaking to me in my mind?'

"Yeahh, about that. We primordials can speak to each other using our minds."

' Ohh, good to know dude. Now please leave my head . It feels really wierd you know.'

Once the air -headed primordial of light left my mind, I got up and dried myself. I flashed on some clothes and exited the washroom. I left my room and walked towards the direction from where I heard voices. I reached a dining room where the others were having lunch. They turned to me and sent me huge smiles. Smiling back, I took my place in between Hades and Hera.

I explained to them about me being adopted by Chaos and technically becoming a primordial. By the end of my explanation, they were all staring at me with mouths agape. I couldn't control myself from laughing out.

This snapped them out of their dazed state.
The room was filled with new found hope for winning the war against the Titans. They told me their part of the story, about how the Fates visited them and helped them by providing them a home on Mount Olympus.

I got to know that while I had trained for ten years in the mind realm, only ten days had passed in the real world. During the whole time, I noticed Hera staring at me in a funny way. Even I had been having strange feelings about her during my stay in the mind realm. I shrugged it aside at first, but then the feelings got stronger. This was similar to the feelings I had about Annabeth during my first life. I couldn't be falling for her, could I?

I decided to speak to mom about it later. Right now, the first thing that we had to do was be ready for any assault sent by Kronos. The Fates had assured us that the Titans wouldn't sense our presence for ten days, but that dead line had passed out. So now Kronos will not hesitate in sending his forces in an attempt to capture us or kill us.

As I was thinking of this, I sensed the presence of a strong immortal moving towards us. No, it wasn't just one immortal, it was a minimum of three Titans. Before I could scream for the others to take cover, there was a large blast that shook the foundations of the house. I knew that this was the work of a major Titan as only the six elder Titans could cause a blast so big.

As we got to our feet, the door to the living room broke open.

Third POV

As the nine residents of the house came out, they instantly paled. Standing before them were three male Titans , two female Titans, and an army of about five hundred monsters. Not even a primordial could take five Titans and five hundred monsters at the same time. Percy was seriously starting to doubt their chances. He knew that this was about one tenth of Kronos's forces. He recognized the three male Titans as Iapetus, Koios and Epimetheus. The first female was holding koios's hand , so she was Phoebe, thought Percy. The last female was standing beside Iapetus. This was Klymene, the daughter of Oceanus, wife to Iapetus and mother to Atlas. Percy turned to his comrades.

"Poseidon and Hades, you two take on Koios. Zeus and Metis, go after Phoebe. Hestia and Demeter, take on Klymene. Lady Rhea, you take Epimetheus.
Hera, you eliminate the monsters with the hundred handed ones and cyclopes. I will fight the Piercer. The others nodded on agreement. With a battle cry, they charged the enemy. Percy knew that even if he was technically a primordial, he was only at the power level of two major Titans right now. So, the match between him and Iapetus would be pretty much equal.

Percy's sword met Iapetus's spear with a loud clang. They started exchanging and blocking each others blows. After about ten minutes, neither of them were tired, nor were they unscathed. Iapetus had a nasty scar on his left cheek and a slice on both his knees. Percy on the other hand only had a small wound on his right shoulder.

As they separated, Percy looked around the battlefield. The monsters had been taken care of. The hundred handed ones and cyclopes had returned to the Earth. Hera had joined her brothers in fighting Koios. The fight had now turned in the favor of the three gods. Rhea was clearly wiping the floor with Epimetheus. That wasn't really surprising, considering the fact that even though she was peaceful, she was still powerful, being a major Titan.

Hestia and Demeter were holding their own against Klymene. They were also winning. Finally, Zeus and Metis were working as a perfect duo and tiring Phoebe out. Percy then turned back right in time to block a jab from Iapetus's spear. He then used a complicated manuever taught by Tartarus and disarmed Iapetus. Before Percy could deliver the finishing blow, Iapetus used his power to blow him backwards. He laughed," foolish god, this fight was not what you thought it to be. This was for suppressing the other gods by capturing one of your comrades.

Look around you, the monsters have already slain the hundred handed ones and cyclopes. And Epimetheus has also completed his job. Right on cue, Epimetheus jumped forward towards Rhea. Rhea stabbed him through the heart, but as he was dying, he grabbed her shoulder and used up the last of his energy to flash her away. The other Titans just nodded to each other and flashed away.

The other gods noticed that their mother was missing and started freaking out. I calmed them down and explained to them what had happened. They visibly slumped . " So what should we do now?" Asked him Demeter.

" Now, we fight the big bastard." I said through gritted teeth . I knew how it felt to lose someone close to you. I knew how the gods were scared about their mother dying. And I decided that the time had come that I make Kronos fade for good.

Now, we would wage war on the Titans, and Mount Othyrs would fall.

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