Graceful Butterfly (Kanae X M...

By MrNexy7

346K 7.5K 10.4K

(Y/N) lost his family to ravenous demons that have also destroyed his hometown, because of this he promised h... More

Chapter 1 - A new start
Chapter 2 - Training
Chapter 3 - Meeting new people
Chapter 4 - Final Selection and Tragedy
Chapter 5 - Grief
Chapter 6 - Sword arrival
Chapter 7 - First Mission
Chapter 8 - A fight with an old friend
Chapter 9 - Bonding
Chapter 10 - Ara Ara Sayonara~
Chapter 11 - Hotpot
Chapter 12 - Strange Events
Chapter 13 - A Crazy Quiet Bizarre Town
Chapter 14 - Sadness and Sorrow
Chapter 15 - The Flame Pillar Enters the Scene!
Chapter 16 - Yesterday's Friend is Today's Enemy
Chapter 17 - The Mentor and His Disciple (Part 1)
Chapter 19 - Demon in My Head
Chapter 20 - Pillar Meeting
Chapter 21 - Sparring? More like Killing
Chapter 22 - Butterflies in My Stomach
Chapter 23 - Boys will be Boys
Chapter 24 - The Day I Got Kidnapped
Chapter 25 - Gruesome Training
Chapter 26 - Uwabami
Breath Style And Special Abilities
Chapter 27 - Hooded Mercenary
Chapter 28 - Death Is Inevitable
Chapter 29 - Oyakata
Chapter 30 - Aqueous Akuma
Chapter 31 - Bet
Chapter 32 - A Pleasant Christmas... (Lime)
Chapter 33 - Angry Old Man
Chapter 34 - Date Mission?
Chapter 35 - Gambling Queen
Chapter 36 - Tsuyuri Kanao
Chapter 37 - Catgirls
Chapter 38 - Kanzaki Aoi
Chapter 39 - Cooking Mastery
Chapter 40 - The Day When I Become a Senpai to an Airheaded Girl
Chapter 41 - Doki Doki?
Chapter 42 - Firework Festival
Chapter 43 - Confession
Chapter 44 - The Unexpected Happens...
Chapter 45 - Foresight
Kimetsu Gakuen: Valentine's Special!
Chapter 46 - A Traitor's Requiem
Chapter 47 - To You, 100 Years From Now
Chapter 48 - Revitalization
Chapter 49 - Vengeance
Chapter 50 - Sayonara...
Chapter 51 - Responsibility
Taisho Secret
Chapter 52 - Confrontation
Chapter 53 - (Y/N)'s Proposition
Chapter 54 - Playing God
Kimetsu Gakuen: Halloween Special!
Chapter 55 - An Old Friend
Chapter 56 - The Hunt Begins!
Taisho Secret 2
Kimetsu Gakuen: The Beautiful Girl in Class

Chapter 18 - The Mentor and His Disciple (Part 2)

4.8K 132 89
By MrNexy7

(Y/N) Pov

Your left eye feels like its burning, but the sensation is amazing, you felt stronger. You glared at Akio.

'Charging him head on is impossible as his stance has no opening, then I have to improvise'

'I'll use my surrounding!'

You brought your hands up and punch the ground making a giant hole as you went in.

3rd Pov

'He wants to attack me from under the ground?!' Akio thought.

He pulls out his blade and started stabbing the ground.

Suddenly he felt someone is behind him, but before he can turn around the ground under him started to tremor. (Y/N) came out from the ground with a huge blast and uppercut Akio. He flew and hit multiple trees as they break every time he hit them.

With intense speed (Y/N) is already behind Akio or that's what Akio thought. They were in the air, (Y/N) grab a hold of Akio and turn them both upside down and was about to do the piledriver on Akio. But Akio quickly kicks (Y/N) in the nuts and that made (Y/N) let him go.

Akio jumped in the air as he sticks his sharp claws on the tree and looks at the falling figure of (Y/N).

All of a sudden, someone gives him a nice kick on his spine from behind. Akio plummeted to the ground.

'How the hell' Akio thought as he looks from where he was before to find the individual. And that individual was none other than (Y/N).

'H-How did he do that?! He was falling! I saw him fall, how did he come from behind!' Akio thought as sweats rolled on his face.

(Y/N) move his mouth and said.

Special Form: Void Clones

A ton of clones appeared on nearly every tree branch. They were all glaring at Akio down below with their red eyes. Akio quickly got up. He brandishes his blade.

"You surprise me every time..." Akio said

One of the clones jump down and axe kick Akio's head, Akio immediately recovered and grab the clone's leg and throws him far away and he hit a tree. The clone burst like a bag full of blood.

'I see...' Akio thought

Another group of clones jump down and wanting to attack him.

Void Breathing, Sixth Form: Black Whirlwind!

He spun around and slash in a circular motion, the wind from his attack sucks the clones to him and he easily slices them all, and all the clones burst as well.

(Y/N) Pov

'He takes them down very easily, but I'm not surprised' You thought as you watch Akio killing your clones one by one.

You hopped down, you and Akio locked eyes with each other, as he is done with his killing.

Akio rushed at you, which surprises you since he never attacks first. He swings his blade from under wanting to slice you from the bottom up. But you can already predict what's going to happen so you easily dodge to the side.

He continued attacking you, but it's the same as before, you dodge him without breaking a sweat because you can see every move he's about to do. You did a quick punch to his face and he staggered as he holds his face and grunted

You pull out your own blade.

"I'm going to take you down right here, right now, I'll kill you as I kill myself." You said as you breathe in deeply. But you failed to predict the consequences of your action from what you are about to do...

Void Breathing, Eleventh Form...

A purple hurricane started whirling around you. You put your hands up blade in hand.

The hurricane started getting more wilder.


You swing your blade downwards and it releases a large slash projectile as everything around you get blown up.

The projectile mow everything down in its path, the forest now is ruined. Debris is everywhere, and trees and rocks fly all over the place. The ground is shaking like crazy. When the projectile reaches its climax it exploded like a supernova.

The shockwave blew away everything and you hold your ground not moving a muscle and close your eyes. The shockwave even reaches the village which causes disastrous trembling and the majority of the village was destroyed to oblivion.

-Back at Kyojuro-

Kyojuro Pov

I head towards the direction of (Y/N)'s location when the ground started shaking and stopped. I stop for a bit and run again. The ground started shaking again. I stumbled a little as this was more powerful than before.

Suddenly there's an enormous explosion happening right in front of me. I covered my face as I got blown away in the blast, my uniform and haori rip a little and I got wounds on my body and leg from the shrapnels. I take my sword and stick it to the ground.

"Ahhhhhaahahaha!!! This is exciting!!" I exclaimed exuberantly, then the deafening sounds hit me, and right after the shockwave, I got blown away again getting more injuries as I got hit by flying rocks and trees.

I am up high in the sky looking at the catastrophe below me, half of the forest is gone. No, more like 90% of the forest. The village is on fire, people were frantically running around and putting out the fire and helping the injured. Some are dead

"Such power!" I shouted. I started to fall really fast. My haori flow crazily in the wind as I'm falling with maximum speed.

"I have to come up with something or I will truly die!" I yelled and took out my sword.

Flame Breathing, Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation!

I spin my sword in a circular motion and hit the ground at the last seconds and that creates my own small explosion. I lay there for a while before I stand up slowly, dizzy as hell, but getting a few scratches, being dizzy, and not die is much better than doing nothing, I gave a thumbs up congratulating myself and gave a toothy grin. My teeth shining brightly. Then I remembered why I am here.

"Oh yeah, (Y/N)!" I then ran to where I think he was, avoiding all the hazard that is in my way, when I arrived I found him writhing in pain clutching his head, his eyes closed shut, blood is dripping from his closed left eyes. His clothes are tattered and ripped leaving only his uniform and his headband intact but even his uniform has holes everywhere.

"(Y/N)!" I ran to him, he looks at me with his right eye opened, he flinched when he saw me but relaxed when I got near him.

"(Y/N), My boy! What happened?"
I asked while holding him.

"Kyojur-" He didn't finish his sentence as he passed out on my arms.

I look up, I heard people yelling and they are coming right at us.

"Welp time to bail!" I pick up (Y/N) and vanished leaving flames particles behind.

-Back at (Y/N)-

-When Kyojuro is laying down-

(Y/N) Pov

You opened your eyes, everything hurts. You are still holding your sword that is sticking out of the ground. You let go of it and panted heavily.

"How am I not dead?" You said as you look at your hands. Suddenly there's a shadow looming above you in the moonlight. You look up and it's the guy that you saw in your vision or dreams. He wore the same attire, which is his fancy suit and a fedora. He looks down at you and smiled.

"Amazing..." He said, his voice sounded like he is directly speaking at you in your ears even though he's in front of you.

"With a little of my blood and you are this strong, I'm impressed, you are a special case and I have taken an interest in you but sadly I'm not here to get you" He looks up and looks at what you have done. His smile grew wider.

"You have killed more people in one go than I do, I'm truly impressed."

'H-his aura is so menacing, that I'm going to puke.'

"Oh, you want to puke? Then do it"

'He-he can read my mind?!'

He looks at your left eye, his expression turns more into joy.

"Seems like the transformation had halted because of your blood and mine clashed with each other, so you are half of a demon that I thought you are going to be. This makes me taken a liking to you more."

You started to puke. Your left eye started twitching and squirming, you screamed in pain. You closed your eyes, hoping the pain would go away but it didn't, blood started dripping from your left eye.

"Seems like you are at your limit. Our conversation ends here, Goodbye, (Y/N) (L/N). We will see again soon." The man said.

"(Y/N)!" You opened your right eye and the man is still there, you flinched. Then Kyojuro walks through the man, and the man suddenly disappeared. I relaxed a little bit seeing Kyojuro.

"(Y/N), My boy! What happened?" He asked while holding you.

"Kyojur-" You passed out before you finish your sentence.

3rd Pov

Kyojuro ran full speed ahead with (Y/N) in hand, heading towards a Wisteria House for (Y/N) and him to recover.

The nearest Wisteria House is an hour away so he fastens his pace.

Nearly 10 hours after the Fight

3rd Pov

Villagers were cleaning up the mess that (Y/N) made, all of them were furious, their village was suddenly being attacked and some of their family died. Children were wailing and calling for their parents and guardian but no one answered, everytime they clean up, they always found a new dead body. It seems endless.

One villager was sitting on a log drinking water from a canteen, it was a hot sunny day, he wipes his sweat with a handkerchief.

"Hey get going will ya! The job ain't done yet!" Another villager said to him

"Yes, yes..."

He stood up and looks behind him, and the place that was filled with trees and wildlife is now an empty vast land.

'What monster that could have done this...' He thought as he is terrified.

Suddenly, he heard low grunting under the log that he just sat. He thought that there might be a person trapped under there.

"Wrrryyyyyyy...." He heard that low voice.

Abruptly, a hand shoots out from the log and grab his face, he wriggled and swiveled from left to right, begging for the 'person' to let him go. The 'person' pulled him in under the log. And the place looks normal again making it look like nothing happens.

(To be continued --->)

(1805 words)

New abilities:

Scarlet Orb
Enhanced Eyesight
- Will make the user 2X stronger
- Can predict people move by the slightest muscle movement
- Can see 10 seconds in the future (with someone's help)
- If used too much, it will put a strain on the user's eye, and make them lose their vision for a couple of hours or even days and even if used too much to break the limit point, the user will go blind

Special Form: Void Clone
- Clones are formed by (Y/N)'s blood.
- Can only be used when you activated your red eyes
- To differentiate between the fake (Y/N) to the real one, you have to look at their eyes, the fake one have two red eyes while the real one only has one red eyes.
- Is not actually a breathing form but a blood demon art, (Y/N) doesn't know that.

Breath of The Void

11th Form: Supernova!
- A form where the person takes in as much deep breath as possible and concentrate to circulate the oxygens to the entire body, this will absorb all the energy from the user, and the overflowing of energy will be seen as a  purple particle (but in (Y/N) case, a purple hurricane) whirling around them, the energy then will transfer to the user blade and the user have to slash the blade with full strength to release all of that energy in one go, the overflowed energy will be released in an explosion manner, the energy that was released from the user's blade will make an extremely powerful projectile energy, this projectile energy will destroy anything in its path, and in the end will explode as if it was the 'supernova', the blast and the shockwave can be seen from kilometers away from the original spot and the sound can be heard even more than that, this form can only be used when the user truly wants to end it all and resulting in the user's death, this form was made exclusively by (Y/N), the reason (Y/N) is not dead is because of Muzan's blood.


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