Miraculous Salty September

By lwandile13

529K 7.6K 6.5K

Hey guys so I decided to start a new tradition. Please join me and come up with your own salty September book... More

Day 1-Musicians Revenge
Day 2-Fashion Week
Day 3- An old enemy
Day 4- You can't get rid of me that easily
Day 5- Princess justice
Day 6- Princess justice part 2
Day 7-My twin comes to visit
Day 8- It only took him a few words
Day 9- Miraculous soul mates
Day 10- I'm not going to do it
Request 1: When your boyfriend invites your class
Day 11- As cold as Ice
Request 2: The real me
Day 12: karaoke
Day 13: why wasn't I told of this
Day 14- Martha Wayne
Request 3: Be careful who you bully
Day 15: my parents are psycos
Request 4: Lila salt I just love it
Day 16- Getting told of by a bunny
Request 5: you messed with the crown
Day 17- Call me Mari-gold Ivy
Request 6:You picked the wrong side
Day 18- you chose to break up with me
Request 7: Moving to NYC
smartest decision ever
Day 19- fixing a broken melody
Request 8:I lost my job because of you
Day 20- Who's your favorite Wayne
Request 9: You messed with the wrong person
On hold
Request 10: He's way too young for you
Day 22: Disrespect
Day 23: Disrespect part 2
Day 24: Melody
Request 11: Metropolis
Day 24: Homophobic
Day 25: Do I have to choose
Day 26: Cheating

Day 21-tell me who sent you

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By lwandile13

(Lila hires a an assassin to kill Marinette. But it backfires because Marinette turns out to be dating her/his king making her the princess)

3rd person POV

'this is the best idea I've ever had' Lila thought.

"Hello" she said talking to someone on the phone "yes I need your best assassin" she continues "the person is working with a terrorist in Paris" she says "I'll pay cash" she continues " really, I'll send you the details, thank you"

'I'll finally get rid of you Marinette Dupain-Cheng' she thought smiling evily "let's see how you survive an assassin, this is really the best idea in the history of ideas'

If only she knew how wrong she was. If only she knew that hiring a assassin to kill Marinette Dupain-Cheng will be the biggest mistake of her life.

It would lead to her downfall. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's have a little time skip and see what happens. Now for the person we've all been waiting for Marinette's POV.

Marinette's POV

I was walking back from a boring day at school. I still don't get why Thalia didn't let me go leave with Damian who is my betrothed.

So let me tell you my story. I wasn't born in Paris and Tom and Sabine are not my real parents. My real parents abandoned me as a child and I was taken in by the guardians. When the temple burned down Fu decided that our best bet for survival was to make an arrangement with the league of assassins.

So I was promised to their son because I was the great guardian. So I got betrothed to Damian, which is not a bad thing because it's like we were meant for each other.

Yeah so the temple was under attacked and I was sent to leave with Tom and Sabine while Damian went to leave with his farther.

We have keep in contact with each other and I was planning to wait until the year is over before moving to Gotham.

As I'm walking back home I feel a present in the shadows. I narrow my eyes and see nothing. I know they someone there. I decide to put my acting skills to use and shrug, acting like I'm letting it go.

I continue making my way back home. I had to my room. Upon entering, I feel someone is in there with me.

"Show yourself" I say snarling.

The person quickly pounces towards me attempting to tackle me. In a split second he is pressed against the floor.

"How dare you attach one of the future leaders of the league" I ask in a dark tone pressing him harder on the floor causing him to yelp in pain.

"I-i-i" he tries to explain.

"Who sent you" I shout pressing him really hard against the floor, he doesn't answer "your not answering, would you rather be confronted by Damian, Thalia or the demon head himself"

"No mam" he says.

"Then I advise to start talking before I start torturing" I say completely lying.

"Lila Rossi" he answers.

"WHAT" I shout "Maman, Papa"

They immediately make their way up stairs. They enter the room, take in the scene before asking.

"Are you alright" Sabine asks earning a nod from me.

"Do you need rope" Tom asks.

"Yes, I have a liar to confront tommorow" I reply.

I quickly tie the guy up, placing him on a chair in the corner of the room.

"Tikki, Plagg" I yell.

"Yes Mari" Tikki says flying out.

"*He he he he he he* the idiot tried to take you down *hehehe* I'm sorry dude better luck next time *hehehe* you an idiot kid *hehehe*" Plagg says laughing like a maniac.

"Are you guys hungry" I ask smiling at Plagg's antics.

"I could use a cookie" Tikki says.

"I'll be back in a minute" I say making my way towards the trap door.

"Hey how about my reply" Plagg complains.

"Your a floating stomach" I tease making him groan "make sure he doesn't escape, if he tries, your allowed to do anything to him, I'll be back with all your snacks, please let the others out"

After my speech, I make my way downstairs grabbing some snacks for the kwamis. I make my way upstairs.

"Hey guys" I say greeting my kwami friends.

"Hey/hello/hi" was heard from the kwamis.

"I got some snacks for you guys" I say putting it down on the table near my computer. I quickly text all my friends reassuring them that I'm okay.

Time skip
Lila's POV

Today I'm in a very good mood knowing that Marinette has been taken care of. I smile spinning another web of lies. Everything was going great until....

"LILA F*CKING ROSSI" I hear Marinette shout. Wait Marinette, I thought I took care of her. How did she survive.

"M-m-marinette" I say eyes widening as I see her dragging someone behind her.

"You hired an assassin to kill me" she shouts anger flashing in her eyes.

"What are you talking about bullying" Ayla says defending me.

"Shut up harlot" she says taking out a katana and pointing it at her.

Chloe, Kagami and Luka enter at that very moment.

"Oh I want to join in" Kagami says taking out her sword.

"Us too" Chloe and Luka say taking out their swords.

'what's up with this group and swords'

"Weapons are not allowed at school" I say trying to save myself.

"We are champion fencers, we are allowed to bring swords and katanas for training" Kagami says pointing her sword at me.

"Kagami down" Marinette commands "now HOW DARE YOU SEND AN ASSASSIN TO KILL ME"

"I did no such thing" I lie making her angrier.

Marinette's POV

She did not just say she did no such thing. Ok she's dead.

"Tell them what you told me", I say taking out the assassin's gag. He refused to talk. "I am your princess, one of the future leaders of the league, do you really want to define me" I shout making him gulp.

"Lila Rossi sent me to dispose of Marinette Dupain-Cheng" he says making most of my classmates gasp.

"You may go" I say releasing him causing him to scramble and leave. I see Chloe take out a stack of papers beaming ear to ear.

"These are for you and you and you" she says handing them around "and last but not least you" she says handing the thickest in the pack to Lila.

"What" the whole class shouts.

"See you in court" she says before skipping into school, probably to give Miss Bustier Mr damocles their papers.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself" I ask pointing my katana straight towards.

"I uhh" she says.

"You know what save it" I say taking out my phone "you want me gone so bad then so be it" I say calling Damian.

"Hey angel" he greets

"Dami I want to leave Paris" I say.

"What why" he asks.

"The liar sent an assassin after me"

Damian's POV

'the liar just sent an assassin after me" she says making me panic.

"I'll be there in 2 minutes" I say hanging up and making my way to the batcave.

I rush in and to my luck everyone is in there. They immediately snap their attention towards me.

"Woah little d where the fire at" Grayson says.

"I'm using the tubes" I state.

"Woah you can't do that" Jason says holding me back.

"Why do you want to use them Damian" Bruce asks.

"I bet he's gonna let him get away with using them" Tim says.


3rd person POV

Everyone was so stunned that they froze in shock. Damian used this as his opportunity to make his escape.

"What just happened" Stephanie asks.

"Demon spawn is married" Jason says.

The family decided to do the only logical thing, follow him. Imagine their surprise when they found Damian hugging a very petite but beautiful and well built girl.

Marinette's POV

"Are you okay Angel" Damian asks.

"Yeah it's not like the guy even came close to taking me down" I say rolling.

"Who is he" he asks.

"I'm not telling you" I huff pouting.

"Who are you" Lila asks.

"Her husband" Damian replies.

"You too young to get married" Ayla shouts making me roll my eyes.

"Oh please I was raised in the league with him" I say "it was an arranged marriage. Tradition, to keep piece between two nations"

"Oh please, stop acting like your some kind of princess" Lila says rolling her eyes.

"I am" I say "strongest and most powerful that ever lived"

"OMG, she's your wife" a blond says rushing "she's so cute" she says hugging me "you'll make a perfect little sister"

"Tt Stephanie put her down" Damian warns.

"Hey" a girl with black hair and blue eyes greets. She doesn't seem like someone who speaks a lot.

"Jason, most handsome and fun of the Wayne brothers" a guy with black hair, with a bit of white, and blue eyes introduces himself.

"Dick, I'm Damian's favorite brother" the eldest with black hair and blue eyes says.

"Tim, the coffee edict" the sleepy guy with black hair and blue eyes says.

"I'm Barbara" the girl in a wheelchair with black hair and blue eyes says smiling up at me.

"Okay are blue eyes a necessity in your family" I ask making them snicker.

"Neh the serial adopter just loves children with black hair and blue eyes" Jason says.

"You'll feet right in" Stephanie says.

"Now, who tried to kill her" Damian says facing my classmates making me face palm.

"Damian" I warn glaring at him.

"Can I at least sue them" he asks.

"No way I'm the family lawyer, that's my job demon" Chloe says.

"OMG another blonde, can we keep her" Stephanie squeals.

"No more adopting" the rest of the family shouts.

"Let me see how are things at home" Bruce asks.

"Oh no" Jason says.

"I'm their mother" Chloe says pointing at the three of us.

"And she is neglected" Kagami says.

"I'll arrange everything" Bruce says.

"I'm married to your son, you can't adopt me.

"Believe me he can, Stephanie and Tim are dating but he adopted them" Dick says sighing.

"Let's please go home" Tim says.

"Bring your wife and her friends with you" Bruce says before leaving.

"Weird family just keeps getting weirder"Cass sighs before leaving.

"I hope y'all have a good lawyer" Chloe says before leaving followed by Luka and Kagami.

"Now we have musicians, designers, models, gymnastics, fencers, skaters, dancers and a lawyer in the family, I need more coffee" Tim grumbles before walking out.

"Did he do a background check on us" I ask.

"Yep" he says as we head for the door.

"When,How" I shout.

"That's Tim for you" he answers "at least you have people to relate to" he says smirking.

"Oh boy" I huff running ahead of him.


Yeah so you must know that I haven't forgotten about any of your request. I'll be working on them from now on and pause on my stories for awhile. So yeah please vote and comment.

Jenny ❤️❤️❤️

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