My Akatsuki Academia: The Sto...

By BillMclaughlinJr

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In the aftermath of All Might's retirement, Hero Society now more than ever needs it's Heroes. As the threat... More

Chapter One - New Living Arrangements
Chapter Two - The Dorms
Chapter Three - Promising Lead
Chapter Four - New Challenges
Chapter Five - The Artists
Chapter Six - UA's Finest
Chapter Seven - Shisui Uchiha
Chapter Eight - An Odd Display
Chapter Nine - A Possible Lead
Chapter Ten - The Akatsuki VS The Disciples Of Wrath
Chapter Eleven - Interrogation
Chapter Twelve - A New Undertaking
Chapter Fourteen - The Cultural Festival
Chapter Fifteen - Reflection
Chapter Sixteen - Dead End
Chapter Seventeen - Zero Hour
Chapter Eighteen - Chaos
Chapter Nineteen - Taking A Stand
Chapter Twenty - True Display Of Art
Chapter Twenty One - Enemies On All Sides
Chapter Twenty Two - The Face Of Wrath
Chapter Twenty Three - Revelation
Chapter Twenty Four - Timely Arrival
Chapter Twenty Five - True Art
Chapter Twenty Six - The Hero Named Kisame
Chapter Twenty Seven - The Cavalry
Chapter Twenty Eight - Itachi VS Wrath
Chapter Twenty Nine - The Final Battle
Chapter Thirty - Rise Of The Akatsuki

Chapter Thirteen - Rehearsal

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By BillMclaughlinJr

As Class 1-A began to rehearse for their performance at the Sports Festival, Itachi was playing the Gretsch Chet Atkins Country Gentleman while Kisame was playing the Gibson Explorer. While they were rehearsing, Kisame chuckled. 

Kisame: Well this took an interesting turn! First we're hunting for Wrath and now we're rehearsing for a concert.

Itachi: As much as I'd rather be out looking for Wrath, there's nothing else we can do. We'd just be running around with nothing to go on. 

Kisame: Looks like it's on Nagato and Konan as well as the Zombie Duo to find some promising lead. I doubt Deidara or Sasori will be in any investigation to investigate. They'll be just as busy with the Cultural Festival as we are!

With that, Itachi and Kisame decided to keep rehearsing for the 1-A band performance. While this happened, Class 1-B decided to do a play. Deidara had been cast as Jareth the Mad Hatter. He was going over his scene with Yui Kodai who was playing Juliet. 

Yui(As Juliet): It's not fair...

Deidara(As Jareth): You say that so often, I wonder what your basis for comparison is?

Yui(As Juliet): You're truly mad, Jareth!

Deidara(As Jareth): Oh my dear, we're all a little mad.....

Deidara couldn't finish his line as he found the lines too cheesy and ridiculous. 

Deidara: Who the hell wrote this crap?! There's no way in hell I'm saying all this!

Monoma: It's in the play, Deidara! You want to be outmatched by Class 1-A?!

Deidara: You're really starting to really irk me with that whole class rivalry crap! It's always Class 1-A with you! It's getting old real fast!

Despite Monoma's desire to one up Class 1-A, Deidara had no interest in this. In fact, Deidara hated the whole play. To him, it was just one cliché after another. To him, such things were counterproductive to artistic expression. Deidara decided to take a minute to collect his thoughts. Kendo soon met up with him. 

Kendo: Are you all right, Deidara?

Deidara: This play sucks, Kendo! It's an affront to artistic expression! 

Kendo: Look, I know how much artistic expression means to you, but we need you on this! 

Deidara: Oh don't tell me you're going along with Monoma's Class 1-A rivalry! 

Kendo: Believe me, I'm not. I'm just as tired of it as you are, but we really have to work hard on this! The last thing we need is to half ass it!

Deidara was still not convinced. He still didn't want anything to do with the play. Kendo knew for a fact that Deidara was stubborn. Kendo then grabbed Deidara's hand which caught Deidara's attention. 

Kendo: Please, Deidara? I hate the play as much as you do, but we need you. Please, for me?

At this point, Kendo threw the puppy dog eyes trick at Deidara. At this point, Deidara was in a tricky situation. As much as he didn't want to be in this play, he didn't want to upset Kendo. Deidara lets out a defeated sigh. 

Deidara: Fine, but only because I'm doing it for you. 

Kendo smiles as she hugs Deidara. She then kisses him in the cheek which causes Deidara to blush. As they went back to rehearse their lines, Deidara looked upon Kendo with a smile on his face. 

Deidara: (This girl, I swear....)

With that, Deidara and Kendo resumed practicing their lines for their respective roles in the play. Meanwhile at the Support Course classroom, Sasori was working on a large bulky looking puppet with a scorpion like tail. As Sasori was working on the puppet, Hatsume walks in. 

Hatsume: Another puppet? Wow! You're on a roll!

Sasori said nothing as he dedicated his full attention on the puppet. Hatsume observed the puppet. 

Hatsume: Is that what you're gonna present for the Cultural Festival?

Sasori: Yes. I wanted to create something beautiful and innovative. I call this piece Hiruko.

Hatsume: So where's the strings? 

Sasori: That's the beauty of Hiruko. Hiruko circumnavigates the apparent weakness of a puppet master. Unlike most puppets, Hiruko can be operated from the inside much like a suit of armor. Hiruko's hull can withstand powerful attacks. I doubt Bakugo's Explosion Quirk would make even a dent in it. 

As Sasori began to talk about Hiruko, Hatsume became starry eyed. She could see Hiruko's beauty as Sasori did. She walked over to touch it, but Sasori immediately stopped her. 

Sasori: Hatsume? How many times must I tell you that no hands are permitted on my masterpieces unless I grant you permission?

At this point, a nervous smiled fell on Hatsume's face followed by an even nervous chuckle. Sasori's expression remained the same as he resumed working on Hiruko.

Sasori: You are a truly brilliant mind, Hatsume, but your....enthusiasm can be deeply insufferable at times. As your peer, I find your technological prowess to be among the finest in this academy. As a fellow student, your eccentricities can be most tiring at times. 

Hatsume smiled with that half comment. As she left Sasori's lab to work on her own inventions, Sasori continued to work on Hiruko. He smiled upon the potential Hiruko had.

Sasori: No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist.

With that. Sasori continued working on Hiruko to display it at the Cultural Festival. As Sasori did that, all the Akatsuki members of UA prepared for their respective displays for the Cultural Festival while the shadow of Wrath loomed ever so large over all of Hero Society. 

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