Pokemon: Shadow Hunter (Story...

By Frozenbeenie

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Story 2: previous story (Pokemon: Flower Trainer) watch for important stars on the chapters!) Shadow Series... More

*Seeing a Flower*
Chapter 1: Woods
Chapter 2: Knowledge
Chapter 3: Starters
Chapter 4: Examination
Chapter 6: Hospital
Chapter 7: N
Chapter 8: Metaphor
Chapter 9: Daycare
Chapter 10: Wisp
Chapter 11: Reunion
Chapter 12: Father
Chapter 13: Gengar
Chapter 14: Museum
Chapter 15: Skull
Chapter 16: Pokédex
Chapter 17: Castelia City
Chapter 18: Pain
Chapter 19: Victory
Chapter 20: Bianca
Chapter 21: Nimbasa
Chapter 22: Ferris Wheel
Chapter 23: Elesa
Chapter 24: Clay
Chapter 25: Lunar
Chapter 26: Celestial Tower
Chapter 27: Dragonspiral
Chapter 28: Birthday
Chapter 29: Pokémon League
Chapter 30: Looker
Chapter 31: Wish
Please read A/N

Chapter 5: Shadows

549 22 0
By Frozenbeenie

Wing's Pov

"The world was nothing, and then there became an egg!" I started telling Miss Professor about the things I knew about Pokémon existence "emerging from that egg, hatched the God of Pokémon, Arceus! Who holds all elements and created this world and it's Pokémon. For that to happen, it created the creation trio, Dialga: the being of time, Palkia: the being of space, and Giratina: the being of antimatter and shadows. With these three, they make up the universe, but it didn't stop there. More Pokémon were made with roles. Roles that create the land and guide humans. The three guardians of the lake were created to bring Willpower, knowledge, and emotion to humans living in a world that Groudon, who created the earth, Kyogre, who created the ocean, and Rayquaza, who make up our sky, created. Those created for the storms and sun were Lugia and Ho-oh" I held my chin to think of more Pokémon father told me about.

The longer I talked, the more people were watching me dumbfounded and widening their eyes in shock. I named as many legendaries as I could and ended with Mew and Regigias.

"Mew holds every DNA of every Pokémon, thus becoming the ancestor of all Pokémon of the world. Unfortunately, I never got to the point in knowing much about Regigias" I said, "My father is very acknowledgeable about these sort of things" Juniper came to hold my hands, surprising me.

"Is your father a scientist?!" Her eyes were shining "Is all this really true?! How does he possibly know about it?! I must know! Will you tell me?" I chuckled at her curiosity, but sadly I must keep father's secret.

"I am not sure myself. He taught me a lot, but I do not have the answer to that question" I admit. Juniper nodded and backed away, letting me see Blade frown at me, Bianca looking amazed, and Cheren looking annoyed.

"How does your dad possibly know anything about the start of the universe? What proof do you have to make this information valid?" Cheren asked.

"Father would not lie to me" I glared. Blade got in between us to stop Cheren from messing with me further. Juniper cleared her throat to get our attention.

"Let's just get back to where I was. I'm researching when and how Pokémon came into existence. This young lady opened more possibilities of research, which I'm excited for" she smiled at me "May I see your Pokémon I gave you?" She told Blade and the others, who sent them out to let Juniper examine them. Staring at them alone, I just knew they were excited and happy, just like how they battled back in Blade's room.

"Oh! That's unusual! You've already had a Pokémon battle!" Juniper exclaimed.

The idea of battles was very strange to me. I often see my Pokémon do something similar back home, but it was only to let out steam. In this world, people command their Pokémon to battle. I was frightened to see if they would get hurt or felt like this was forceful, but I'm glad they chose to battle and had fun.

"It feels as though your Pokémon have already begun to trust you!" Juniper smiled. Blade looked at me to confirm, which I nodded at while smiling. He smiled and picked up his Oshawatt to hug. What a wonderful thing to experience "As for why I gave you all your Pokémon..." Juniper began.

"It's for the Pokédex, right?" Cheren asked. Blade instantly became excited over the word while Bianca and I were confused. What's a Pokédex?

"I am astonished. Nice work, Cheren" Juniper smiled "You have already studied Pokémon extensively, haven't you?" Cheren fixed his glasses, feeling confident "Still, let me explain everything from the beginning for everyone's sake" she started talking while I got distracted by a strange presence. I left the group and looked around the lab, searching for this strange feeling.

"Are you looking for something?" One of the scientists asked me.

"I don't know. I feel like there's something here" I said.

"You're from Sinnoh, right?" I nodded, only using that region because it's where father was born and where Flora lived "Unova has a reputation for being haunted. It can be scary at first, but they're pretty harmless" haunted. Is that what Blade meant about the shadows? Is that what I'm feeling?

"Father..." I whispered to myself "I wonder if there are a lot out there" I said to the scientist.

"I don't know how many there are, but it may be for the amount of people and Pokémon that have died, and their souls aren't where they're meant to be" shadows and souls are different. Though a soul is what makes a person live, a shadow is the background darkness of one's body. It cannot be wandering around like this.

"Thank you very much" I heard Cheren said "because of you, I can become a Pokémon trainer, exactly as I always wished"

"This is the opportunity of a lifetime! I won't waste it!" Blade said, holding something in his hands. Juniper nodded and looked at me walking back to them.

"Will you be going on a journey with them?" I nodded, knowing Cheren was against it from the beginning "if only I knew you were. I would have prepared you with everyone"

"No worries. I have another reason for this journey. It is not related to what everyone else is doing, but I appreciate that you thought of me just now" I smiled at her and everyone "I look forward to-" something flew right pass my face, making me freeze and look back at something shattering against the wall. I touched my cheek dripping something wet and saw blood... Everyone panicked and moved me away from the glass on the floor.

"Are you okay?!" Blade asked, holding me while I stared at the glass in shock.

"Where did that come from?!" Bianca gasped. Juniper hurried to look around where the flying object came from to see if something or someone threw it at me. Everyone started investigating what just happened while I felt like the room was filling up with heavy energy.

"Wing...?" Blade questioned me. I dug in my bag to grab the keystone father gave me and was immediately thrown off my feet and to the floor "Wing!" Black shadows emerged from the floors and grabbed hold of my body. I squirmed and tried getting them off me.

"Get off!" I glared, moving them away, but more kept coming back "Get off!" Everyone was looking at me confused and concerned, like they couldn't see what was happening.

In no time, they finally let go of me, but moved away to form a larger shadow everyone looked up at. It had the shape of a creature I didn't recognize with four legs. I was out of breath from moving around and grasped the keystone made for this moment. This is what father wanted me to do!

While the shadow was slapping things around and making things fly, hurting others in the progress with supplies making them seek shelter, Blade stayed by my side to block anything from hitting me while I finally lifted the stone and tried getting back on my feet to face it, but was knocked off and made the keystone move out my reach.

"No!" I gasped and looked at the situation. If I don't hurry, everyone is going to get hurt!

"Child..." Giratina's voice spoke. Father! "You must find light" light? "Shadows are created by light that shines people's hearts. These shadows are without their light. You'll need light to bring them down" I gulped and nodded.

"Litwick!" I shouted. Litwick came out of her hiding spot and came to assist me "Brighten your flame!" Litwick cheered and made her flame grow, making the shadow shrink and stop making a mess. While it was small, I hurried to grab the keystone and held it up to the shadow, watching it scream and get sucked into the stone. Finally.

"My first capture" I gasped, looking at the stone in shock.

"You did well" Giratina told me "This was an accomplishment; it will only get worse from here. Every area has these shadows you must pick up as much as you can. The shadow that held the most grudge was strong enough to collect the smaller shadows and seek destruction. It only went after you because you were the source of ruining their revenge" I bit my lips and looked over at everyone hurrying over to me, making sure I was okay.

"I am fine..." I said, feeling tired.

"What was that?!" Blade asked me, holding my arms to see if I was more hurt.

"Well..." how can I explain this without sounding crazy?

"Who are you?" Cheren glared at me "You come out of nowhere and somehow mysteriously started making these shadows emerge for the first time ever and made a mess! I knew you were sketchy. It'll be too dangerous to have her around"

"Shut up, Cheren" Blade glared "You're going to say that after what she did for us? At least let her explain herself! It's not like she asked for this! She got hurt and took care of the situation and you're yelling?!" Juniper separated them and walked towards me with a cloth to clean my face.

"Are you alright?" I frowned that she asked me that first instead of what just happened. I felt bad for scaring everyone because I was the source of the shadows showing themselves.

"Yes..." I said, looking down at the keystone in my hands while Litwick floated around it "I am sorry. I did not mean to mess up a day like this. Everyone was excited for the start of their journey, and I just showed up and made this happen" I showed Juniper the stone "My... father is a scientist who studies shadows" that was the best way to describe it "They are normal and a source of darkness that hide behind us. They affect our emotions often and most of the time corrupt them. There are roaming shadows of people and Pokémon out there that don't have a body attached to them. These shadows are the darkness that came from those who died, and many of them still seek darkness and revenge. The shadow that formed into that shape was most likely a Pokémon who wanted revenge, since it was angry enough to use other shadows to cause this much trouble. My father asked me to come to Unova and take care of them with this" I frowned at the stone "I must gather these shadows and take them to the Celestial Tower, where they can finally rest with the souls they were once attached to"

"If that's true..." Blade came up to me "Why did it attack you?"

"It knew I was going to keep it from staying around, so it got angry and did all this" I looked around the messy lab "They see me as a threat. This is something I must do. Forgive me for making a mess" I frowned and looked down "Father asked me to do this. He protected me for this long, so I was capable of doing this for him"

"Wing..." Blade reached out to me.

"This is something only I can do" I looked at him stopping "I will do my best to stop them from harming everyone. I will not let them hurt anyone. I will protect you" Blade frowned at me "I will protect everyone" I bowed to everyone "I must be going. I do not want to frighten you any longer" I left the lab on my own with Litwick to make sure no one was uncomfortable.

"Saying stuff like that must have made them uncomfortable" They don't know anything about shadows or anything, thinking they were harmless when in reality they are dark and mischievous. They can do anything, especially with me around. It will be dangerous to follow Blade around. I will need to leave as soon as possible and learn things on my own.

"I really wanted to travel with Blade and learn more about this world from him, but that should not be an option"

"Lit..." Litwick frowned. I looked back at the town and hurried to find any exit.

"I hope Blade does not mind" I took out the dictionary I was reading in his room "I need to learn as much as possible" I opened a page and just walked forward, not really knowing where I was going.

"There are so many words... luckily I know enough from copying knowledge" I looked around the area at many brown trees around me and tall grass "This place is beautiful, but..." I shivered at how cold it was "I think it is winter. I have never been this cold, I think" Litwick came to me with a brown leaf to give me "It is brown, because it is winter" I frowned "It is a bit strange, but I knew my colors even before meeting Blade. Flora wore pink, and I knew that. What is strange about it is that that color was not in the distortion world, so why do I know my colors...?" I squeezed the leaf and watched it crumble and crunch, making a satisfying sound "I have a lot of things to learn. About myself included"

I decided to get dressed in the clothes Bianca gave me and felt warmer than I did before, but it wasn't enough. Ignoring it, I continued forward and admired my surroundings long enough before feeling shadows roaming the place again.

"Father said they are in every area..." I looked around. "Let us go look" Litwick nodded and followed me into the trees to find any signs of shadows lurking. The farther I walked, the more it started to smell "Where is that coming from?" Litwick took the lead and guided me to an open area where I saw a horrific sight and a foul smell coming from a decomposing corpse next to a baby Pokémon laying close to it.

"Oh no..." I held my aching heart, feeling that this little one lost its parent due to something and is staying by their side. "You poor baby" I kneeled. It looked up at me with tears in its eyes. It was also scared "Are you okay?"

"Bli..." I opened my arms to it.

"Come here, you will be safer here" its heart moved to feel secure and wanted to come to me but got frightened instantly and ran off at the same time I felt a shadow behind me. I gasped and moved out the way as a human figure swung at me and scratched my arm deeply. I screamed in pain and held onto the flowing blood.

"That hurt!" I shouted, struggling to take out the keystone while the shadow lunged at me. Litwick blocked it by shining her flame, making it smaller. This shadow felt more dangerous than the last one... This human's shadow had completely corrupted their body before they even died. Why would a person want to hurt others like this...?

The sky started to darken, and thunder erupted in the sky. I had taken out the keystone already and watched it vibrate while making me feel like a shadow I captured already was trying to protect something. I looked behind me to see that four-legged baby Pokémon by the corpse before, watching me from behind the tree.

"Leave this place and go where you rightfully deserve to go! Father will be waiting for you!" I shouted at the shadow watching me before it was absorbed into the stone. I lost balance and fell on the grass, laying there with blood still leaking everywhere. The baby Pokémon came to me and cried.

"You had the same shape as the shadow back in town. Was that your mommy?" I smiled weakly "Do not worry, you are safe now" I looked around for Litwick, but she was nowhere to be found. Where did she...?

"Wing!" I heard Blade's voice. Blade...? Is Litwick bringing him to me...? My eyes were growing heavy. I felt exhausted, especially after capturing a shadow for the second time today. I did not have the energy to cry out to him. I was half asleep by the time I heard him reach me. He sounded concerned, but I could not respond.

"Hey! Hey! Stay with me!" Blade softly slapped my cheek and applied pressure on my bleeding arm "Don't go to sleep on me! You're losing a lot of blood!" I managed to look at him panicking and talking to his thing on his wrist "Yeah! I found her! She's bleeding! It's bad! I'm heading your way to Accumula Town!" I looked over at the baby Pokémon hiding behind the dead corpse again, crying and scared for me.

"That shadow will not mess with you anymore. You must leave your mommy. She would not want you to stay near danger. She told me that" The baby flinched while Blade lifted me in his arms and ran me somewhere. I laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep, ignoring what he was yelling at me.

Edited 2/20/23

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