By chimmiiechimchim1013

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Fanfiction it's my first ever story that i would be making so please bear with me. Everything that i will wr... More



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By chimmiiechimchim1013

Sammie's POV:

We are now in Bangkok Thailand for our Wings tour. We will have a two day concert in their IMPACT Arena starting tomorrow. Today we visited the arena to check the stage and practice our performance.

For the past few days before going here was spent practicing in our studio in Korea to make sure our minds and body would be prepared for this leg of our tour. Jimin has been unreasonably impatient and hot headed. He easily looses his temper on small things but we all try to understand him. He usually looses his temper when I am involved. I dunno why I feel that all his anger and resentment is directed towards me.

The other members always tell me to be patient and to be more understanding which I am doing because I know that he is also in great pain after what had happened to him. Though sometimes I don't understand why he can talk normally with other's but when it comes to me he is more of a jerk.

So as much I could, I stay out of his way so I wouldn't ruin the mood. I always tell myself to be calm and be patient. I promise his Mom that I would be more understanding. But there are times that I can't help myself get hurt. So when I am in the comforts of my own room I cry. I don't want the other members to see me crying because they already worry about Jimin and I don't want them to worry about me too so I always put on a brave face no matter what.

On the rehearsal day in Bangkok we did the sequence practice where we have our practice done basing on the sequence of the show to make sure that everyone will be prepared for tomorrow. Of course we wanted our fans to have a flawless performance and for them to enjoy.

We are practicing our dance break for Save Me I accidentally bump into Jin as I miscalculated our positions and distance. "Sorry sorry I was not able to calculate the distance. Let's do it again!" I told them apologetically.

"We have been doing this a dozen times and you still get it wrong! Everyone is tired so do your job right!" Jimin said to me I look at him and I can see anger again in his eyes. "Sorry!" I said again and he just roll his eyes at me.

"Jimin chill!" Tae said sarcastically I can see that he is getting impatient with his attitude. Jimin look at him " Chill? We are paid to work and get things done she needs to get her act together!" He snarled st Tae.

"Oh so you are so perfect then? So you never made a mistake? That's why we practice to correct mistakes because we are not perfect!So if one of us commits a mistake will you shout at us like what you did to Sammie? I don't think so!" Tae said again his voice full of sarcasm. I hold Tae's arms and he look me. I look at his eyes as if telephaticaly telling him to stop and let it go.

Jimin just look at us with his cold stare. The director then shouted for us to standby to start the practice again. I made sure to be focus so I would not make any mistake, because I can see my other members loosing their patience with Jimin and I don't want to have a full blown argument between my members right now because it would affect our performance.

We finish our performance in Thailand and Indonesia. Jimin never change towards me he is now okay with other members but when it comes to me he is still ill tempered. I try my hardest to be patient to just accept every hurtful things he is telling me. I don't know and I don't understand where his anger is coming from. I am being affected emotionally but I am trying my hardest for my members not notice.

I am reaching the point that I am getting tired of his actions. How much of this I could take. I am holding on to the promise I gave to his Mom but when will all these end.

We are now on a plane bound for the Philippine we will be performing a two night concert in the Mall of Asia Arena. We have two days free before the concert so I wanted to take this time and read the book that I bought back home. Of course on the plane I am sitting beside Jin as always my plane buddy. But right now I am emotionally tired to even be scared for the take off.

JN: "Is there anything bothering you?"

S: "Huh? No of course not I am just tired?"

JN: " Would you really want me to believe that? Even if you were dead tired you never forget to hold my hand during take off. This is the first time that you didn't. So tell me what is bothering you!"

S: " Seriously Oppa nothing is wrong I am okay?"

JN: " If you're okay then I am Superman!"

S: "You are my Superman Oppa!"

JN: "I am being serious princess. Do you think that I don't notice how you are being affected by Jimin. Do you think we don't notice how he is being extra rude to you? I know you are affected by that so don't even try to deny it!"

S: " Oppa we know that he had gone through a lot. So we just need to be more understanding and patient!"

JN: " I know but until when will you accept that kind of treatment? I normally don't want to impose or say anything when he is being rude to you because I know you wouldn't like it. I understand that he had gone through a painful experience but when will he move on from it? And what have you done to make him angry. Suga is the one who planned everything but he treats him okay!"

S: " Because I found out first. Our relationship had been pretty tight before the revelation happened. He always goes to me and tell me his plans and what is on his mind. He even talk to me about the names he could have for his child. I was one of his anchor when he was going through that. And maybe he felt betrayed that when I found out I didn't even try to talk to him and tell him the truth!"

JN: "Why didn't you try to tell him?"

S: " I got scared!"

JN: "Of what?"

S: "That he wouldn't believe me. That he might think that I am making up stories to ruin their marriage because he knew that I like him!"

JN: "Why would you even think that he would think of you that way? Jimin knows you are not like that!"

S: "I dunno maybe I let Tzuyu's words get to me. She said Jimin would never believe me because he knows that I like him and he might just think that I am about to ruin their relationship. I don't know really I just got scared!"

JN: "Whatever his reason is I still think that what he is doing right now is going overboard. He is taking it to a whole new level. I don't know until when can I hold back when I see him mistreat you!"

S: "Please Oppa hold back for me. If he is getting ill tempered towards me no matter how hard it is do turn around and walk away. Please promise me!"

JN: " I promise to hold back and turn a blind eye. But the other members might not sit still and watch. You know how protective we are of you. They were just being patient but I can see that they also have reached their limit. Most specially Taehyung we were together yesterday and he is so furious with Jimin he is not even talking to him!"

S: "I'll try to talk to Tae later!"

And with that we ended our conversation. I try to look the other way and pretend to sleep. I can't have Jin worry more.

I know for a fact that Jimin just need time. I am hoping that we can get the chance to talk without him being mad. Because every time I come near him he gets irritated or mad so I dunno when can I talk to him to sort things out so we can set this aside because everyone is being affected already.

We landed in the Philippines and the fans and reporters  are waiting for us at the airport.

Our security is yet again overwhelmed by the crowd. The crowd is drawing near us and the space  to walk  through became real tight.

I saw a fan fell down and the others are oblivious and doesn't notice that they are stepping on her. I break out from the security and try to help the girl stand up the other fans gave her space to stand up. "Are you okay?" I ask her and she is just starring at me in shock and didn't even reply. The other fans try to get closer to me to take pictures that they sometime accidentally grab me or pull my hair. One of our security tried to block them and I felt someone grab a hold of my arms and pull me and when I look who it was it's Jimin. I felt really happy because even if he is mad at me he still cares.

"Stay close! You know how dangerous for us to be in a crowded place. Don't be stupid enough to wonder around don't make a scene!" He whispered angrily as he gently push me between Jungkook and Jin who put their arms around my shoulder.

The happiness I felt immediately vanish. I wasn't making a scene I was just trying to help  a fan. I am starting to get upset from his words so I tried my very best to calm down.

We safely reach our van. I went in first and sit near the window. "Gwenchana?" J hope ask me and I just gave him an assuring nod.

I stayed quiet through our whole journey until we reach the hotel.


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