By chimmiiechimchim1013

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Fanfiction it's my first ever story that i would be making so please bear with me. Everything that i will wr... More



703 18 1
By chimmiiechimchim1013

Sammie's POV:

Today we'll have an intimate lunch with people who are close to the soon to be bride and groom. Tzuyu's parents will be attending as well. It's just 3 days before the wedding.

Everyone is there all of my members all of Tzuyu's members our managers and Bang Pd-nim is there and also the management team of Twice and JYP CEO Jung Wook-nim is also there.

Everyone seems to be in high spirit everyone is greeting everyone. Both of the companies CEO are long time friends and they have worked together for a long time before Bang PD-nim started Big Hit. We are all clustered in round tables. I am together with my members and Annie in one table.

We are in line at the buffet table to get some food. As my members loves to eat a lot we have two plates full of food on both of our hands. We don't really like to keep on standing and going back to the buffet table so might as well get everything we want.

Jimin, Tzuyu and their families are on the center table in front of the room facing their guests. Tzuyu's mom look's so fit and healthy she does not look like a person who has come from being ill. Well maybe that is another lie Tzuyu had told us.

So everyone is happy interacting with each other. Music playing in the background. At the side of the big function hall is a white screen where projectors are showing different music videos of Twice and BTS.

Then the Emcee called our attention. I didn't know that there is a program I just thought it would just be a socializing and eating event.

"Good afternoon everyone. We are happy that all of you are here to celebrate the upcoming wedding of our beloved Park Jimin and Chou Tzuyu. We are all joined by their respective families ,members, and their supportive label heads in this private lunch. Let us all watch some clips as a surprise for the soon to be wedded couple!" Emcee said.

The lights in the function halls dimmed and everyone's attention is now focus on the white screen which actually covered almost the entire wall on that side of the function room.

The projector shows videos and pictures of a young Tzuyu and young Jimin with spring day as a background song. The video is well put together and I can see the guests watching in awe.

In the middle of the clip the video suddenly change and a middle aged woman appeared on the screen. I am not sure who she is though " Hello my name is Lee Sumin, I am a striving small time actress trying to make it big in Seoul. I was contacted by one of the staff of JYP saying that they have an acting job for me. And yes I was hired to portray as an OB Gynecologist. The Talent fee is big so I agreed to it I was given a script and was advised to stick to it. At first I was wondering where are the crews and the camera's because there is none. And I was shock to see two Big Idols coming in the office that was rented for that day. As a professional and because I am already paid I did the job that was asked from me. The ultrasound is fake and is taped before hand same thing with the ultrasound results. The female idol is not really pregnant. After I did my role so well they ask me to sign a contract stating for me not to say anything to anyone. But my conscience is eating me up when I found out the real reason for the act. I was also told that the gag order that I signed has no validity so here I am now stating the truth. I sincerely apologize to whoever is the victim of this lie and I hope that by this I can in a way repent for my part on that ruse!" it was a statement from the gynecologists that Tzuyu hired to make Jimin believe that she is pregnant. Everyone is in shock. I can see Jimin looking at Tzuyu in disbelief.

Tzuyu then stand up and started to explain. "No no guys that is not true. I am really pregnant. I didn't know that she is a fake gynecologist. Jimin believe me I don't know what they are talking about!" Tzuyu said she is all in panic and crying and trying to hold on to Jimin but I can see how mad Jimin is right now.

The video change again. It is now a video of Tzuyu and me having an argument in front of the restroom at the night of the bachelorettes party.

S: "Unnie you shouldn't be drinking so much. Remember that you are pregnant!"

T: " I know! It's just wine it wont harm the baby. Don't be such a killjoy aren't you happy that I am enjoying this party that you prepare for me!"

S: "Well I am glad that you are enjoying. I just want to make sure that you still take care of yourself because wine is still harmful for the baby if it's too much!"

T: "Mind your own business. It's my body I know what is good and bad for me. You know what your problem is you always stick your nose to places where it's not suppose to be!"

S: "Of course it's my business because you are carrying the baby of my beloved member Jimin remember? Unless...."

T: "Unless what huh?"

S: "Unless you are not really pregnant!"

T: "What did you just say? Are you out of your mind?"

S: "Don't scream to loud other people might hear you! Now tell me the truth you are only pretending to be pregnant because you don't want Jimin to break up with you right? You made up this lie so you would not loose him?"

T: "So what if I lied?!! What is it to you?! No one will believe you Jimin wont believe you because I already have prepared everything. A fake ultrasound test and even paid a fake gynecologist. So no one will believe you even if you tell them the truth. It's your words against mine!"

S: "You are a lying piece of crap. You are selfish you make up this lie just to force someone to be with you? What kind of woman are you?"

T: "I am the kind of woman who loves someone so much. That I will do everything it takes for us to be together?"

S: "You call that love? That is not love that's being selfish. If you truly love Jimin you wouldn't force him to a situation that he is not willing to be in. You would not ruin his life his career that he has built. You would not hurt him!"

T: " So what?? You think that you are the best person for him? That you love him more? I know everything Sammie! I know that you are in love with Jimin but sorry you would not have him because he is all mine!"

S: "Hahaha so pathetic. Jimin is not an object that you own. He is not a thing that you can keep. He has his own mind and freewill which is something that you are robbing off because of your lies!"

T: "You know what I don't care what you have to say. I will marry Jimin whether you like it or not. He will never believe you because he knows you like him and he knows that you will do everything to keep us a part so he will never believe you. So you can keep fantasizing about him but you will never have him. Do you understand?!!"

I saw Jimin look at me and shake his head off. I can see how confuse and mad he is right now and I pity him.

Tzuyu still tried to reason out with Jimin but he is not really listening to her. "So you lied to me? You make me look like a fool and a lot of people know that you are faking everything! For what because you think you own me? You are very despicable. Don't even try to talk your way out of it!" Jimin yelled at Tzuyu his temper is off the roof at this moment. He then walk towards Tzuyu's parents and bow at them " Mr and Mrs Chou, this is the first time that we have met and I apologize for the circumstances but I will not be marrying your daughter. The wedding is off?!" Jimin said as he walk out the venue followed by his parents.

Tzuyu is now in a crying mess at the table. Her parents walked out as well disgraced by their daughters actions. Some of her members tried to console her.

I look at Suga who is watching everything as well. "So this was your plan?" I ask him and he just nodded. "I told you to trust me. It might be a bit over the top but we need to have a lot of witness so she couldn't lie her way out of it. I know it's bad to say this but she only got what she deserve!" Suga said and in a way I agree with him. Tzuyu dug her own grave when she started lying and now she will get buried with it.

"Oppa I am worried about Jimin though he looks so mad!" I told Suga I am very worried about him what is he feeling and thinking right now. "Well he will be mad at the world after this. He might get mad at us for not telling him soon. He will be unreasonable for the next days but we just need to extend our patience and understanding. What he went through with Tzuyu's lie is not a joke at all!" Suga said.

Well I have a feeling that he will be mad. Because we needed to reveal it in this way instead of talking to him. But he wouldn't believe it anyway if we tell him directly so this is the only option that we have.

I am just hoping that he can get over this soon.

Everyone of our members and Bang PD-nim left the venue together. JYP's Ceo cannot say sorry enough in the way that her talent behaved and the lies she committed. Our CEO accepted the apology and told them that it wouldn't affect their relationship but he cannot control Jimin and would not in anyway meddle with his personal affairs. And Jung Wook-nim understands.

"Okay guys let's head home and prepare for a raging Jimin!" Jin said to everyone and we all laugh a nervous laugh as we all head home for the dorm!

I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Tell what you think give me feedback give me comments I'll be more than happy to read them and answer them. Thank you for the support. There are still a lot that will happen so continue reading the story.


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