Percy Jackson- The Cursed Hero

By Darkgamer08

119K 1.9K 467

At the end of the battle of Manhattan, Percy kills Luke, thus destroying Kronos. But while fading , Kronos u... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
A/N ( please read )
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Rewrite final
Rewrite released

Chapter 15

3.8K 69 27
By Darkgamer08

Metis POV

"That would be us, niece."
Came a mysterious voice from behind us. We turned around and saw three old ladies with silver hair and purple eyes. Their eyes held pure wisdom. Each of them had a mean looking club in their hands. Nervousness hit my system as I realized who they were. This was the first time since the announcement of Atlas's titles that the old ladies had come down on Earth.

I went to a deep bow and said ," Lady Fates. It's a pleasure to meet you." The others followed my example and bowed before the triplets of Ananke. The Morai just smiled and gestured for us to stand. As we stood , aunt Rhea asked in a polite voice," May we know why are you here miladies?"

" We have come here to inform you that things have just gotten harder for your side in this upcoming war. As you know that Kronos knows about his future and thus has decided to disrupt fate itself. This is why we are going to support you in this war. While we cannot interfere directly, we will surely help you in other ways ."

" That's great. Thank you so much for this." Said Hestia excitedly. The Fates cracked a small smile but immediately turned serious.

" The grave news is that Kronos has recruited Typhoon for his cause and is going to unleash him on you after about a month. He knows that with Perseus's help, you will defeat the storm giant, but it will also severely weaken you. This will only make it easier for him to crush you. "

I gulped and saw that everyone had faces as pale as Hades's . "So this means that this is a hopeless war. There is no chance of winning." Demeter said sadly.

"Do not give up hope, dear goddess. We have decided to give you an upper edge in this war. We would like to bless your weapons. Our blessings will ensure that any immortal lesser than a primordial when killed by your blades will not go to Tartarus, they will simply fade and go to the void. "

My eyes widened to the size of those huge dishes in which Kronos ate humans ( don't even ask. That dude can seriously eat anything). " you miladies. That's a huge gift. "

Hera was next to ask," Can you do something about his condition?" She pointed towards Percy. His wound had still not healed completely and his face was still a little pale. The Morai nodded and asked her to get away from Percy's body. Then they encircled him and started chanting in a language I didn't understand. But I somehow knew that this was the language that the creator Lady Chaos had made for the primordials.

They rose in the air while chanting. A purple sphere of power encircled Percy and he stared floating in the air along with the Morai. As the Fates finished the chant, the sphere shrunk in size and went in through Percy's mouth . The wound suddenly closed , leaving a golden scar. The colour returned to his face. Even though I had my eyes on Zeus, I had to accept , Percy was hot. His physique was incredible. I couldn't help but snicker when I heard Hera sigh sadly as a new chiton appeared on his body, covering his muscular chest.

"We have healed his injuries. But we can't restore his powers . He will need to rest for that. "  Hera sighed in relief and gave them a grateful nod. "Also, since your home has been destroyed, we will help you set up a new home on Mount Olympus, about three days journey from here. Or two flash travels away, seeing your depleted strength levels right now. We will make sure that the Titans don't detect the place before you fully recover."

The Fates gave me one last nod and climbed through a portal, heading back to Planet Fate , their home planet. We all looked at one another and shrugged . The cyclopes and hundred handed ones had already dissolved in the mud to rest . They had assured us that they would appear when we needed them and called for them. As the Titans wouldn't detect our presence, might as well flash travel. It would reduce our energy, but we had enough time to regain it when we reached Mount Olympus.

As Rhea was more experienced, she grabbed Percy's hand and flashed with him. The others followed suit. The mountain was really beautiful. At the top, was a big  but modest house. As we entered, we saw that the house had nine bedrooms for all of us. I decided to take a short nap. As soon as I landed on my bed, the day's events came flashing back to me and I realized how tired I really was. I fell asleep before I even knew it.

Percy POV

Darkness. That is all I saw around me. My first thought was that I had over exerted my powers and died. But I had seen Tartarus first hand and the surroundings in the pit were not black. They  were a horrible shade of crimson red. Then I started to panic feeling that I had faded and entered the void. I couldn't even feel my own hands. The
only part of my body that I could control was my face . The strange thing was that my body did not have the stab wound that I had got during my most recent battle.

I was seriously thinking that I had faded when I felt a sudden outburst of power behind me. The sheer amount of power that was coming from behind me made me feel like an ant beneath it's foot. I was really scared by this time. I was surprised that I hadn't wet my pants. A Stern, but melodious voice entered my ears. " Hello Perseus Jackson. It is nice to finally meet you in person . " Suddenly, I got back control over my body. I turned around and almost drooled over the person before me.

It was a lady about 6'1 in height. She was wearing a black dress that complimented her curves. She was the proper definition of perfect . Her body and face would make Aphrodite combust with jealously. But the most striking feature about her was her eyes. They were the darkest shade of black I had ever seen, even darker than my hair. But they also had white and silver spots inside them , making them look like mini universes.

I had a small guess on who this lady was. And if I was correct, I would be the first non primordial being that would have seen her. I was staring right into the eyes of the creator of the universe. I dropped to a bow. Unlike the fake bows that I gave to the Olympians and the Fates ( don't tell the old hags this), this was a genuine bow, with respect and fear . I knew that the being in front of me made all the primordials together look like babies in front of her . "Lady Chaos" I said.

A small smile graced her lips. "Stand up child. You do not require to bow to me. I have simply called you here to have a small chat. " Her smile changed to a sly smirk. " Wonder how the Fates will react to knowing that you bowed to them mockingly."

I paled knowing that she had just read my mind. I knew that the last thing I needed was the three old hags who controlled fate itself, angry at me. She laughed loudly as she read my mind again. " Oh. Don't worry child. I am just joking. Now let us get to the point. I know of your condition. I have also seen your determination of saving your loved ones. For that, you have gained my respect. Trust me when I say that you are the only being that I have gained respect for. Well there was another, but he does not exist anymore."

I was seriously shocked when I heard the creator of the universe complimenting me. The freakin creator said that I was the only being she respected. Pride swelled in my heart and my smile grew so wide that I thought it would crack my face.

" You must understand child , that right now , you have minimum chances of defeating the Titans. Add to that the fact that Kronos has freed Typhoon and you will see that you are doomed. But I have seen the Titans rule. They are very bad at ruling and are slowly destroying the Earth. The Earth is my favourite planet, as it is the embodiment of my first daughter, Gaia. I want to help you with your battle. So, I have decided to make you my first, and hopefully only champion. That is if you except."

I took a moment to grasp all that she had said . The creator had just offered to make me her champion. " Seeing as there is no other way to defeat the Titans , I graciously accept your offer, milady."

She smiled and said , " Enough with the milady stuff Perseus. But there is also an issue. To make you my champion, I will have to adopt you, basically making you a primordial without his titles. Only that way will your body be able to handle the power that you get by my blessing."

I nodded my head in understanding and said ,"Okay......mother."
She grinned and placed her hand on my shoulder. " I , Chaos adopt Perseus Jackson, thus making him a future member of the primordial council."

My eyes widened at this news. " The primordial council, as in  the council of primordials?" I asked stupidly.

She looked at me strangely and her eye twitched slightly. Then she burst out laughing. "Oh my God . You are even dumber than Aether. I think you will make good friends with him."

I was still dumbstruck by her sentence. Becoming a god and getting blessed by Chronos was surprising enough. But this took surprising to a whole new level. My expression must have been obviously readable, because she explained kindly, " Well you are my son now , aren't you? So you get a place on the council. Once this war is over, you will take Chronos's place as the primordial of time . "

I nodded my head and said ." Yes Mom."

"Good. Now I need to train you in using your new powers and also your powers over time and electricity. Ouranos has  decided to personally teach you those powers. Pontus will be assisting you in your water powers. I will teach you your time powers and the powers you got from me. Sword training will also be taken by me. "

" But won't this training take a lot of time?"

"No. We are going to train in this dimension. You will train here for 10 years, whereas only ten days will have passed  in the real world. Your real body will stay in coma for that time. So should we start?"

I nodded and before I knew it , Chaos had changed to a pitch black armour and charged at me with her sword. I had barely enough time to summon nightmare and riptide to block the strike. We fought for about two minutes , before she used a very complicated manuever and disarmed me. I slowly picked up my sword . She snapped her fingers and nightmare merged with riptide. It glowed a pitch black colour. I could feel that it had grown as strong as Kronos's scythe , if not stronger.

The next two hours were spent training, which was basically her wiping the floor with me.

By the end of the second hour, I was sweating like a pig, while she wasn't even breathing heavily. I thought that I was going to collapse with exhaustion. She just laughed and said, "  Come on , your training has just started. You still have three hours of time power training followed by three hours with Pontus. Then tomorrow we will train you with a spear and your electric powers . Finally I will train you in your powers that you got from me. That will be six hours."

'Man. I won't even survive the first week. '
Was the only thought that came into my mind before I fell and passed out.

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