The Shy Kid(BoyxBoy)

By MampiReads

84.9K 5.5K 775

This is the typical story of your boy next door. Gulf is a shy one and thinks himself as the most imperfect b... More

The shy one
The stubborn one
Change of plans
Falling apart
The long awaited day
A new friend
Go with the flow
The Official Date
Coming out of the closet
Meeting his Family
I love you idiot
Whenever you are ready
Happy couples
My worst day
Getting there
I'm All Yours!!
You'll always have me
I don't wanna let this go!!!
Walking into my Death
Will you........???
Being together
Love is Love

You are Safe Now

2K 156 24
By MampiReads

This Sunday one of our family friend's daughter gave birth to a sweet little girl after going through a rough pregnancy problems, miscarriages and the after effects for years. But Alas!! The angel couldn't make it to more than 3 days and died on Wednesday morning. This week has been a devastating one for all of us.

May god rest her soul in peace.


Gulf is still unconcious. I picked him up bridal style and walked all the way to the room and Max helped me open the door. I placed him on the bed. They left after that. I closed the door and headed to the bathroom. I was so devastasted when I looked at him. He suffered a lot today. I tried to wake him up. But he didn't respond.

I finally decided to run him a bath. Then only I can treat his bruises. I took off his shirt and placed a towel before taking off the pant. He was covered with wounds all over his body. They must have bitten him hard. My jaws clenched thinking about that. I'm gonna deal with him after gulf recovers a bit.

I washed him carefully. He was still unconcious. So I was having difficulty. But somehow I managed. But I couldn't stop myself from staring at his body though. Let's face it. He has a great body even if with all the bruises.

After I finished washing him, I dried him off and applied some medicine on the bruises. I dressed him with the clothes we left the last time. Good thing that I forgot to pick it up that day. I placed him on the bed. Then I took off my clothes and got a quick shower not to leave Gulfie alone for too long. I got dressed and lied next to him. I placed him on my chest. He stired a little. I felt relieved. I kissed his forehead. I constantly patted his back.

My baby has suffered a lot today. I don't know how he is gonna react to all these after he wakes up.

He suddenly stired and opened his eyes. He was shocked to see me. I could see a panick in his face. He pussed me away from me suddenly. Gulfie started crying loudly.

I went to soothe him.

Me: Baby everything is fine. You are safe now. You are with me now. Nobody will harm you baby. Please calm down. Please baby don't cry. Please baby I beg you. Please.

Gulf hold me tightly. He buried his face in my chest. He cried his lungs out. He hiccuped from all the crying. I couldn't stop him. I was feeling so helpless. It's all my fault. I couldn't stop my tears from falling.

Gulf: Why did they do this to me??

Me:I'm so sorry baby. It's all my fault. I'm sorry. Please baby forgive me.

Gulf: It's not your fault.

Gulf cried his heart out. When he was exhausted he slept. I was awake all night. I couldn't sleep just seeing my baby in this state. Everything happened because of me. If I hadn't reached at that moment. God knows what had happened to my baby.

Ohhh goddd!!! I can't imagine this horrible thing. We were so happy yesterday. And today this happened. I knew all the way along Josh might have been planning something. But I had never thought he would go to such extent. I mean he would have took revenge on me directly. Why did he target my poor baby. He is so devastated right now.

I don't know how much time will he take to grieve. What if he pushes me away from him?? I can't live without my baby. I can't forgive myself ever for this day. Why everything goes wrong when I try to fix the previous damage.

It felt like yesterday when the whole slap thing happened and I regretted everytime since then. And now this. Will gulf forgive me ever? Will he be with me after this? Will he break up with me??

I stared at Gulf. He was sleeping peacefully like a baby. He is my baby. I won't leave his side from now.

I don't know when I slept but when I woke up, I didn't see Gulf beside me. Where did he go?? Has he already left.
But then I heard sound of water from bathroom, I let out a sigh of relief. I went to stand beside the door. I heard little sobs. I checked whether it was locked or not. Thankfully it wasn't.

Me: Baby I'm coming inside.

I got inside the washroom. He was inside the bathtub full with water. The tap was still on. He was crying his lungs out. Ohh godd!!

Me:Baby. Get up.

I leaned against him. I turned off the tap.He wrapped his hands around my neck. He buried his face and started crying again. Tears were flowing like it wouldn't stop anyday soon.

Me: Baby. Let's go out. Or you'll catch cold.

Me: Please baby don't cry. I have got to you. Please baby. Let's get you dried up.

He listened to me and left the bathtub.
I helped him dry. He put his clothes on. We went to the bedroom.

Me: Baby just sit here.

I sat him on the bed. He looked so tired with all the crying.

Me: Baby I'm ordering breakfast. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday.

Gulf: No, I don't want to. I'm not hungry.

Me: You'll eat something and then rest the whole day ok. No more arguments.

I ordered a english breakfast. I was checking my phone. Everyone messaged about Gulf. I told them about his state. Wat insisted on coming here. I told them to go to classes. Gulf would probably sleep whole day. They said okay and told me that they will visit him in the afternoon.

After a while we ate the breakfast. I told him to take some rest. He was hugging me like his life depended on me only. I placed him on the bed. He just stared at me.

Me: Baby I'm so sorry this happened to you. They will pay for the price. I won't let them live in peace.

Gulf: Nooo... You won't do anything. Don't you realise what has your rebellious side bring us. You have no idea how I felt when they said they will rape me. I was begging them so much. But they wouldn't listen. Just because I'm your bf, that doesn't mean they should do such thing. I was so frightened at that time. If you hadn't come at that time, they would have raped me already.

He said these all between cries. His every word broke my heart into pieces. What have I done to him!!!!!

Me: I'm sorry. Please forgive me baby. Please.

I cried so much. I can't bear the pain. I can't feel how much pain he has felt from all those molestation. This is all beacuse of me!!!

Me: I'm so sorry baby. Please. Please forgive me. I can't bear it.

Gulf: Don't cry please. I'm not angry at you. You haven't done anything. All I want is you should stop being rebelllious. Let the police do all the work. Promise me you won't meddle with Josh again?? Promise me pleease.

Me: How can I not react baby?? After all these they did to you, how can I be all quiet. You have no idea how much angry I'm right now. I want to rip their head apart.

Gulf: have to promise me. Please.

Me: Okay.

Gulf: Promise me that no matter what happens you won't fight anyone. Please promise me. I don't want to see that side of yours. Please promise me.

Me: Okay. I promise.

He felt assured. I couldn't deny that promise. Afterall my baby asked something for the first time. But how can I stop myself from hurting them who hurt my baby!!?!?!

After we talked and consoled each other for a bit we were lying on the bed. I was about to order some food in the afternoon when we heard the doorbell. I opened the door and saw our friends. They brought us dinner.

I let his friends to talk to him. They have known him better. They can console him better. Afterall it happened because of me in the first place. I don't know how much his friends know about the men. I don't even know after knowing everything how would they gonna react?!!!?!

I told gulfie to take his time to talk and I would be out for a while. He was infact somewhat relaxed around his friends. I felt assured.

I also wanted to know everything about those junkies. I needed to talk to my friends about all these. So I left for outside. After a while we are in the nearby park which is infact a good place to talk about all these as it was somewhat empty.

Me: So what happened??

Mild: Don't worry bro. We have got it covered. He will be in jail for a while. After recording a proper statement from gulf, he is gonna charged and also he has a record of smuggling. I think he may end up in jail for a few years.

Me: I don't know what will I do. I have promised gulf that I won't fight with anyone in future. I'm afraid that how can I manage to keep that promise.

Man: Seriously bro??

Me: Yeah!!!

Man: I told you all he is whipped.

Me: Shut up. I'm damn serious. What will I do now?? What if josh gets bail? He will definitely be more vicious. And now he is sure Gulf is my weakness. I can't risk his life. It's already dangerous. And one of those people I remeber I had a spat with a few years ago. Ohh god!! It's all my fault.

I started crying suddenly. They tried to console me. I cried for a while and then somehow managed myself to calm down.

Max: You are the most unpredictable guy I have ever seen. Why you act like all tough all the time when actually you are so soft.

Me: You won't understand as you aren't in love. I fucking promised him I can't fight again. I can't just let Josh go everytime we pass each other. After all those things he has done to my baby. He would have raped him if I was a minute late. My baby is in trauma. He is crying everytime. How am I gonna manage myself everyday? How am I gonna make him forget everything. I don't want him to suffer more than he already did. I'm so helpless for the first time in my life.

Man: Don't worry. I have talked to my brother. He will sort out everything. We are gonna make a strong case against him ok. He won't dare to look at gulf again. Don't worry. I have got everything covered bro.

Me: Thank you so much all of you guys. I'm so grateful to you all. I'm not in a state to manage anything now. Thank you for always helping me out.

Mild: we'll always be here for you bro. Don't worry about anything ok.

After a bit of talking we all headed to the room. When I entered the room, I heard gulf laughing. I was so happy for the first time since yesterday. I'm so grateful to each and everybody in this room. We all talked for a while and they all left.

After eating our dinner silently,We then headed to the bedroom.
Gulf was again in his silent mode. But his crying was a little less than before. I didn't force him much to talk.

What felt like hours i finally managed to sleep after seeing gulf sleeping peacefully. I embraced him and pulled him into my chest and we slept like that all night.


Thank you for all your votes.

I'm happy to know that some of you are taking your precious time to read my story in daily basis.

I have just published another story a few days ago. Though it's not about mewgulf, i think some of you might find it interesting.

Till then
Wear your mask😷
              Stay safe

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