Drarry One-shots *TW* lots of...

By sargentart

6.2K 97 8

lots of angsty one shots. I will put trigger warnings on ones that need it. Comment if you want any made into... More

So Do I
C'mon baby
Never Again
Merry Christmas babe
The Words I Never Wanted to Hear.
The Reveal
Addiction (pt.1)
Let's start over
dangerous perfectionism, and the weight of the wizarding world-WIP
Addiction pt.2

The Twins

120 3 0
By sargentart

A/N this isn't Drarry but it's great. I highly recommend reading. I will most likely make a part two eventually.

Harry James Potter was a bisexual disaster of a human being. With an upcoming war hanging over his head, his recent breakup weighing on him and the overall dark and depressing energy that draped the burrow he figured a little fun was in order.

He concocted a genius plan to rile everyone up and get the conversation off the war and onto something more interesting.

It started by him asking the twins for help, his plan was simple really. He planned to start sneakily adding hints into everyday conversations that he was with someone new. Once people caught on a little, that's when he would need the twins' help. Mostly Fred in this case but George would need to be on board as well. They laid out the plan and had everything planned perfectly.

Harry couldn't deny the thought of being involved with Fred was exhilarating; he chalked it up to excitement for the prank.

After a week or so of conversational hints things started to pick up. It started with long glances across the table and progressed to Harry sitting next to Fred at breakfast then followed the increase in time spent alone with the twins. In the beginning all they did was play games with the door cracked. This was when Ron started to question it.

'Harry you seem to be spending an awful lot of time with the twins."

"Yeah I invested a lot into their business so they like to keep me updated."

"Then why do you sit next to them at breakfast?"

"I've always liked that side of the table more. I can see everyone from that spot."

Ron let it go for a while after that.

Two Saturdays after the encounter with Ron, Harry kicked it up another notch.

When Fred got up to put his plate in the sink, Harry got up, when he passed Fred he brushed his arm with his hand knowing Ron's eyes were firmly latched onto his back as he did so. Fred smirked in reply and continued on his way.

Ron was hot on their trail now, Fred was enjoying it just as much as Harry was. Evening drew around and Fred, closely followed by George, came into the room. This was not planned but Harry welcomed it.

"Would you like to go ride brooms with me and George, Harry? I have some Quidditch and business stuff I need to discuss with you."

"Of course Fred." Harry started grabbing Fred's wrist on the way out of Ron's room.

They both turned over their shoulders briefly to look at Ron. His face was priceless. They managed to get outside before they burst out laughing.

Laughter settled and they hopped on brooms and began to fly. Aways from the house they stopped and began their mini game of quidditch. "Ron will be joining us soon I guarantee it." Fred stated, tossing Harry the quaffle. Sure enough Ron joined the bunch a few moments later.

When they decided to head back in, Ron was clearly frustrated and Fred and George were clearly enjoying it. They sat at the dinner table excited to talk to Bill and Fleur again. The unplanned visit front he two was welcomed and the dinner conversation focused on the very pregnant Fleur. The conversation was ending and dishes were being hovered into the sink when the fun began. Ron had been distracted enough throughout dinner that Fred and Harry were able to discuss the next step.

The Weasley family piled into the living room and Harry took this as his chance to plop down in-between the twins leaning heavily on Fred. Fred was more than happy to take it a step further by wrapping his arm around Harry so subtly you'd have to be looking to see it.

The majority of the family was distracted with the couple across the room. Harry wasn't quite sure why his heart was beating so quickly nor why this stunt felt more intimate than any of the others. He tried not to squirm when Fred began rubbing his thumb along Harry's hip. Harry turned his head up to look at Fred and was shocked when they locked eyes. They both blushed and smiled at each other.

Ron caught this, which Harry had not intended. He stood suddenly and excused himself from the conversation.

Harry trailed up the stairs an hour or so later still not able to shake the strange feeling the night had left him with. Ron was sitting on his bed reading quietly. When he saw Harry he slammed his book closed, "What in the bloody hell is going on with you and Fred?"

"What are you talking about Ron?"

"You just broke up with Ginny and now your fucking my older brother?!"

"We're not fucking were just friends."

"Whatever Harry." Ron said, ending the conversation and flopping over on his side. Typical Ron.

Harry was beginning to worry that Ron was genuinely upset with him but at the same time he enjoyed spending time with Fred too much to stop. Fred was kind and calm, nothing Ginny had ever been. Harry was beginning to feel a worm of doubt in his stomach, what if this wasn't just a prank anymore. He thought about it as he drifted off that night. He could sit with Fred and discuss moving this from just for fun to a serious thing.

The "Prank" continued over the next few weeks only deepening Harry's feelings for the older brother. They now sat together at every meal and Harry was spending equal amounts of time with the twins and Ron to try and keep Ron at bay. He had gone from wanting Ron to find out to dreading it.

It became too obvious to hide from the rest of the family and questions started getting asked. Harry just kept denying it; he didnt want to admit to anything now.

Several weeks of confusion and thoughts later Harry made up his mind. Around 1 am that night Harry crept out of Ron's room and into Fred and George's. Fred, being a light sleeper by nature, woke up and looked over at Harry. He smiled softly and opened the covers for Harry to climb in. This was not part of the plan nor had they discussed it. But Harry didn't mind and Fred didn't seem to either as he snaked his arms around Harry and pulled him close falling back asleep quickly. Ignoring the thought nagging at Harry he drifted off to sleep.

Much to his dread Molly had decided today they all needed to be up early and barged into the twins room bright and early. Harry sat up quickly, thanking his XXL t-shirt as he did. Fred and a very confused George sat up moments later.

"Morning mum." Fred stated simply quickly accepting his fate.

"Well I'll let you boys get ready for a chat and meet me in the garden in a few moments." Molly started shaking her head and closing the door.

Harry turned to Fred. "Shit." He said simply.

"You guys are fuuuucked." George said standing to leave.

"What's our story babe?" Fred asked standing to get dressed. Harry's heart hammered strangely at the nickname.

"Well I don't know. What do you want our story to be?"

Fred pulled his pajama shirt off and Harry really did try not to stare. "Well we can deny deny deny or we can just admit to dating."

"Well we're not actually dating so either way we're lying." Harry said standing and without his own shirt to change into, accepted the red shirt Fred held out.

"Well those are our options. And besides, we need to have a chat as well after we get through this."

Harry began to panic. He knew this was coming eventually and he dreaded every second of what was to come.

Finally dressed and ready the boys headed down the stairs out to the garden where Molly and Arthur sat on the lawn chairs. "So boys explain."

"Well I guess when Ginny and Harry broke up we got closer and things just happened." Fred said, leading the conversation for Harry.

"Well we wish you would've told us and the family but we realize that this is a unique situation and all we request is you stop torturing Ronald."

Harry's heart sank as he realized again how this was going to affect Ron; he had nearly had a stroke when he and Ginny started dating.

They nodded in agreement and went directly back up to Fred's room to talk.

"You wanted to talk to me, so what is this about?" Harry asked knowing fully well what this was about.

Fred replied by grabbing Harry's face and pressing his lips to his ina  desperate and hungry kiss. Harry kissed back eagerly he didn't realize how much he was craving this.

"I like you Harry. I like you alot."

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