Not with a Fizzle, But with a...

By Sara_Reed

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Christian Clark has made it his mission to stay away from Emerson Sinclair in the office of his company, Harv... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 Part I
Chapter 61 Part II
Chapter 62
Chapter 63

Chapter 55

960 7 0
By Sara_Reed

As I walk Emerson around the house I say, "I think that might have been my Aunt and Uncles car, and if it was you're in for a surprise. My Aunt Carol is crazy."

She raises an eyebrow at me, "How crazy?"

I press my lips together, "Considering none of them have ever seen me with a girl, and their daughter has a child, out of wedlock I might add, it's going to be bad."

She frowns, "Don't you think they'll be more focused on Jude and Avery?"

I shrug, "It's going to be about fifty fifty." 

She shrugs back, "I think we can handle it Christian."

When we come around the corner the first people I see are my parents, and unfortunately Victoria. I squeeze Emerson's waist and say, "Just ignore her Em."

I smile and my mom and dad and my mother says, "Well hello you two."

My mother hugs me tight and my dad hugs Emerson.

"Jude called, he said he'd be here with Avery soon. Your Aunt Carol is sure excited. But I can't tell if she's more excited over the fact that Jude is engaged or that you're seeing someone."

I groan, "Mom you didn't?"

She rolls her eyes at me, "She would have seen anyway. The two of you look happy." 

I wrap my arm around Em's waist and kiss the side of her head, "Lets get something to drink."

As I lean on the bar the bartender says, "What can I get you?"

I glance over to where my dads friend stands and say, "Beer, and later tonight when that man gets a few round of shots, I'll change it to vodka, and I want water in my glass every time. Got it?"

The bartender nods and looks at Emerson, "And you miss?"

Avery throws her arm around Em and says, "We will take two cosmo's."

"Make that three, and three," Will says as he walks up with Jude and Jessica.

The bartender slides us our beers before making the cosmo's and Emerson nudges me, "Christian, who's that man?"

I look up to see him staring and I say, "Someone I want you to stay away from."

She looks up at me with an unreadable expression and says, "If you say so." 

After sticking the girls purses inside I come out to find my cousin talking to Emerson, I wrap my arms around Em and look at Meredith, "Hello Meredith."

She smiles, "Hi Christian."

"Where's Jemma?"

"I think Matea was playing with her. Her boyfriend is cute. But he's a bit old for her isn't he?"

I frown, "Not really," I look at Em, "He's a year older than you right?"

She nods, "Yeah, he's twenty-three."

I shrug, "That's only four years, there's two between Emma and I."

Meredith looks at Em, "Oh so then you must have just graduated right?"

Emerson presses her lips together, "Actually no. I dropped out after a year of college."

I kiss the top of her head and say, "Actually Em is going to be running EmmaVee Green Publishing for me in another month."

Meredith nods impressed as Jemma runs up to us, "Uncle Chris!"

I grin and pick her up, "Hey baby girl. How's my favorite cousin doing?" 

She wraps her arms around my neck and glances at Emerson, "She's pretty."

I chuckle, "I know." 

She tilts her head and asks, "What's her name?"


She smiles at Emerson and then turns to me and asks, "Is she your girlfriend?"

I press my lips together and Emerson rests her chin on my shoulder, "But he has cooties."

Her eyes widen and she looks at Em, "Really?!" she looks at me, "Uncle Chris you never told me you had cooties!"

I chuckle and say, "Well I try not to tell too many people. So shhh."

She nods and looks at Emerson, "You should'n kiss him then. You'll get 'em too."

Emerson scrunches up her nose, "I won't. And thanks for the tip."

Jemma looks at me and says, "Is his cheek safe?"

Emerson laughs and nods, kissing my cheek, "Perfectly safe."

Jemma kisses the other one and says, "I love you Uncle Chris."

"I love you too munchkin'."

I set her down and she runs off to find someone else. I wrap my arms around Em and say, "Nice save."

She presses her lips together, "She's a kid Christian, things like that matter."

"You were good with her," I point out.

She shrugs, "I like little kids. They're cute."

I bring her up against me and say, "Do you like kids enough to have any?"

She looks a little surprised by my question and says, "With kids comes marriage. I can't handle that."

I kiss her gently and say, "I think you can handle more than you believe. You have too much self doubt."

She looks at me surprised and says, "When did you start soudning like Dr. Fallon?"

"Hey I think I sound pretty great."

We both look up and sure enough he stands next to us, "Dr. Fallon."

He smiles and Emerson says, "Hello Dr. Fallon, Mrs. Fallon."

His wife smiles and Dr. Fallon says, "Your mother called yesterday, reminded me about the party, and she said you were bringing a date and that I just had to meet the girl."

I groan and Emerson laughs lightly. I squeeze her waist and Dr. Fallon says, "So who was the cute little girl?"

"Ah that was my cousins daughter Jemma."

"Ah yes, your Aunt Carol's granddaugher right? I believe that's what your mother said."

I nod, "Yeah that's her."


I sigh, "Speak of the devil."

Fallon grins, "I'll see the two of you later. Have fun."

I turn to see my Aunt Carol and she smiles and pinches my cheeks, "Oh Christian, is this her?"

Emerson slips her arms around my waist and I kiss the top of her head once my Aunt lets go, "It is, Aunt Carol this is Emerson, and Em this is my Aunt Carol, she's my dads sister."

"Oh it's so nice to meet you Emerson."

Emerson smiles and says, "It's nice to meet you too."

My aunt turns to me and says, "Now I've heard your brother is engaged! You know you're the same age Christian, you have to grow up sometime."

"Ah Aunt Carol leave him alone," Jude says walking up, "He's just not ready."

"Well when you are ready I want to be the first to know!"

I sigh, "Of course Aunt Carol."

Emerson smiles and says, "Oh there's Matea, with Channing."

Aunt Carol's eyes widen and she says, "Oh I must meet that boy!"

She walks off and I say, "That was evil."

She rolls her eyes, "I did you a favor and you know it."

Jude chuckles and says, "She's right man. She did do you a favor."

I wrap my arms around Emerson and say, "Do you have any idea when dad is going to start the grill?"

Jude nods, "He just started it up with Andrew."

Em looks up at me and I clench my jaw, "Why is he here if mom invited Victoria?"

"Because he's dads best friend. My question is why you care so much?"

He glances at Emerson and I notice the look she's giving him, almost a pleading look, I turn her chin and she gulps as I say, "What did you tell Jude?"

Jude grabs my shoulder, "She didn't tell me anything, I'm not stupid Christian."

Emerson steps back from me as I turn to Jude, "What the hell do you know?"

Jude presses his lips together and looks around for a moment before saying, "Look, I had Victoria proposition me around the same time she did it to you. I turned her down and I should have told mom and dad but I didn't. I was a scared kid and I should have known better."

I clench my jaw and say, "What else do you know?"

He presses his lips together and looks at Emerson and says, "That she did the same thing to Emerson." He looks back up at me and says, "It's obvious because it makes sense why the two of you work so well together."

I take a deep breath and say, "Our relationship is none of your business Jude."

He shakes his head, "No, it is my business. You're messing with my fiance's best friend. I don't want to see you hurt her. Your relationship is fucking up her relationship with her own sister."

When he starts to go on Emerson cuts him off, "Drop it Jude."

"Emerson don't-"

She shakes her head, "No, my relationship with Coraline has been screwed uip for a long time, way before Christian. And it's honestly none of your business Jude. I know you're trying to watch out for your brother. And I know you're trying to be a good friend, but my choices, his choices, our choices, aren't any of your business."

Jude looks back up at me and says, "Don't fuck up Christian."

As he walks away Emerson looks up at me, "He figured it out the night Kierra showed up."

I shake my head, "Why the hell didn't you tell me?"

She gulps, "I had other things on my mind Christian. Don't you dare blame me for this."

I roll my eyes, "I am not blaming anything on you, I'd just like to the know why the fuck you opened up to my brother instead of me?"

She presses her lips together and crosses her arms, "Because the way you talked to Kierra scared the shit out of me Christian."

My eyes widen, "What?" I ask in disbelief.

She nods, "I couldn't do that for you Christian, I can't act like that. Those girls are like fucking zombies."

I shake my head, "Em I don't expect you too. Fuck I thought you knew that?"

She bites down on her lip and I pull her into my arms drag her into the garden. After a few twists and turns I pull her down on a bench with me, setting her on my knee, "Have I ever treated you like that? Do you honestly think I would by choice?"

She presses her lips together, "I watched you do it with Kierra twice Christian."

I sigh, "I was trying to protect you. All those girls responded to me differently Emerson. Just like you. Some didn't need as much guidance, so there was less chance to punish them, less chance for pleasure. Those girls didn't renew their contract by my choice. Some of them, like Kierra needed guidance. They needed a stern hand. But Em you give me the perfect amount of both."  I cup her face and kiss her lips gently, "You're so good, and you know when to cross that fine line between us. You know  when to tease me and when to play."

She slips her hands onto my neck and says, "You had me act like that in front of her."

I shake my head, "Em I was trying to protect you. I need to protect you. You're my priority right now."

She nods and shifts in my lap, "I know. I'm sorry I just..."

I cut her off and say, "You have nothing to be sorry for." She chews on her lip and I frown, "Stop that. You're going to make it bleed again." 

She sighs and brushes her nose against mine, "I'm sorry for opening up to Jude and not you, it was wrong. But he just knew."

I kiss her gently and as she slides her legs around my waist we hear giggling. Emerson pulls back and says, "That sounded like Jess."

I frown and shrug, "How about we find our own spot in this garden?"

She grins and wiggles into my lap, "I like that idea."

I pick her up in my arms and set her down before dragging her through the garden. I grab hold of her waist and bring her up against me, "You beautiful little devil," I groan pressing my lips to hers.

She wraps her arms around my neck as I tangle my hand around her braid, "Christian," she says breathlessly.

I grin and start sucking on her neck as I lean her against the brick wall, "Fuck Em," I moan.

She gasps and mutters, "Christian come on I'm wearing white shorts."

I pull back and glance down, mentally cursing her, "Well that isn't helpful," I mutter, "Plus girls hardly ever wear white..." I trail off and look up at her a little worried, " started the birth control a month ago right? When was the last time you had your period?"

She looks at me a little surprised, "I'll be getting it tomorrow. Why?"

I sigh and say, "The whole point of birth control is so we don't have to worry about...that."

She nods and brushes off her shirt and shorts, "I know that. And if I thought for one second that that was a possibility I'd tell you."

I nod and when I hear, "Ah fuck, of course you two are back here," I jump.

Emerson sighs, "Hi Will, hey Jess."

Jessica smiles and says, "Hi you two."

Will frowns, "You know who is here right?"

I nod and say, "Yes, and I already told Emerson to stay away from him."

Em frowns, "Wait, that Andrew guy?"

"He's not just a guy Em," I sigh, "He's Victoria's ex husband. And if he realizes you're with me, or that you're Emma Cooper he'll use you against me and your father. It's important that if he talks to you, that you're polite but that you keep it short and exucse yourself. Understood?"

She nods and tangles her fingers with my own, "Understood."

Will looks at Jessica, "Same goes for you. Stay away from him." 

Emerson smirks, "What are the two of you doing back here?"

Will narrows his eyes, "The same thing you were doing."

Something suddenly clicks and I say, "Wait...that means all weekend?"

She nods with a smirk, "Yes."

I groan and Will says, "You know there's ways to work around...that."

Jessica looks at him like he's crazy, "Never happening."

Emerson slips her arms around my torso and looks up at me, "Ditto."

I frown, "It's actually not that bad."

Her eyes widen, "No way!"

I shrug, "When you have a contract with a girl that only lasts six months and she's only at your place on the weekends, that stuff can take away a significant amount of time if you let it."

Her jaw drops, "That is not happening."

"Christian? Emerson?"

I groan at the sound of Victoria's voice and Emerson looks irritated, "What the hell does she want?" she mutters.

We all walk around the corner and Victoria says, "Oh there you are, your father is looking for you. He wants you to help with the grill."

I sigh and kiss Emerson's forehead, "I will find you okay?"

She nods and I squeeze her hand, "Okay."

When I find my dad he's standing with Jude and Andrew. My dad pats my back and says, "I see you brought Emerson. Have the two of you made things official yet?"

I press my lips together, "Not exactly. We're working on things."

"Well who is that beauty that Brady has with him?"

I turn and see who Andrew is talking about and sure enough he's walking in with Coraline. I internally groan as Emerson heads over to them, she hugs Brady and I say, "That's the girl he just started seeing. Her name is Coraline."

Andrew frowns, "Coraline as in Coraline Cooper?"

I clench my jaw and my father says, "I believe that is her. You better not take anything out on David's daugthers Andrew. What happend between you and Victoria is between the two of you. Emerson and Coraline are innocent."

I hand my dad a plate as Andrew says, "Emerson? I thought the girls name was Emma."

I clear my throat, "It is."

I shoot my dad a look and he misses it completely, "She changed her name. Emerson is Emma, the girl Christian is seeing. She's a bright little thing. Very sweet."

Andrew glances at me and nods, "Hmm finally getting serious Christian?"

Jude rolls his eyes, "I hope so, if he doesn't someone else is going to snatch up Emerson."

"Not going to happen," I snap.

My dad shakes his head, "Christian your brother is right. Some guy who is more willing to commit is going to come along and sweep that girl off her feet."

"She's just as hesitant as I am. That won't happen."

Avery comes up with Matea, Channing, and Emerson. Jude immediately wraps his arms around Avery and I tug on Emerson's hand, pulling her into my side. She kisses my cheek and I cup her chin when she pulls back, "What's wrong princess?" I ask quietly.

She bites down on her lip and glances behind us, "Someone you don't like very much is here, and just yesterday he was telling us, or well me, that he wouldn't be back for a week."

I turn and there stands Cole, talking to my baby sister, "Why the hell is he talking to Matea?"

"Because he's trying to get to you," Emerson says quietly, "And you're letting it work."

I look her in the eye and say, "Can you blame me? He wants you and he's talking to my baby sister."

She sighs and lays her head on my shoulder, "He's not going to do anything Chrisitan."

I shake my head at her, "You may have been the one to initiate things but he let you. You were a kid."

"And so were you!" she hisses.

I pull her away from the grill and over by an empty table, "Don't start that Em."

"I'm not starting anything," she spats, "You're being difficult because whether you like it or not Cole intimidates you. And it's only because he was almost my first instead of you!"

My jaw drops and I say, "That's not true."

She presses her lips together and shakes her head, "It is true. You know it's true. If it wasn't you wouldn't care."

"He hurt you," I growl.

She shakes her head and looks at me exasperated, "Why can't you just admit it? Why do you have to be so fucking stubborn?!"

I clench my jaw and say, "I'm not being stubbor Emerson. I'm looking out for you. That man is older than you."

"So are you einstein!" she quips back.

"By two years!" I argue, "Not by seven! And I've never been your teacher!"

She rolls her eyes, "No but you are my boss, and if I remember correctly I believe you've said several times that you don't sleep with your employees."

"Don't throw that in my face Emma!" I snap.

She seems to realize her mistake and presses her lips together, "I'm sorry." she whispers with her eyes wide, "I know you're right it's just when you lecture me about Cole, you're making me feel like a kid. It's a relationship you know nothing about. He never pressured me Christian, he was good to me."

I shake my head, furiously, "He was about to have sex with you when Victoria walked in on you Emerson."

She shakes her head, "No. He was telling me we had to wait. I wouldn't lie about something like that."

I shake my head, "I don't give a shit Emma. He was with you, in a way he shouldn't have been."

She holds her head for a moment and says, "I'm done with this conversation. I am not arguing with you over this."

I hear a faint, "Thank you."

And when I turn I see none other than Cole walking towards us, he looks up and immediately his gaze drifts to Em, "Mr. Clark, Emma. I didn't know you were back."

I give him a hard look and say, "Yes, well I'm certainly surprised to see you here. I thought you weren't coming back until next week?"

He smirks, "My plans were unfortunately canceled."

He looks back over at Emma and concern fills his face, "Emma are you okay?"

She glances at me and nods, "Yes, I'm fine."

He presses his lips together, "I was guided this way for the restroom?"

I nod and step aside, "Down the hall to your left, first door on the right."

He heads past us and I say, "Let's just go eat Em."

She nods and leads me back to the party.


Things had been tense between Christian and I for the last three hours. I'm sipping on my second cocktail of the day when someone taps on my shoulder, I turn to my left and see Cole standing there, he gives me a half smile, "So how have you really been Emma?"

I sigh as he sits down across from me, "I've been busy."

He nods, "I can see that. Dating Christian Clark."

I sigh, "That's not what I'm talking about Cole. I'm not discussing my relationship with Christian with you."

He takes a sip of his beer and says, "Alright, what about work?"

I shrug, "I'm a secretary at Harvey Inc. I also work part time for Vocal doing interviews."

He nods, "I suppose you already know I'm working for your dad."

I nod and say, "Yes, but which company are you working for?"

"I'm running his chain of clubs actually."

"Hitlanes right?"

I look up to see Christian and Cole nods, "Yes, that's it."

Christian sits down next to me and says, "You do know that Mr. Cooper wants to open our clubs in one building right? To add diversity?"

Cole nods, "He mentioned that on our conference call this morning. He said he discussed it with you last night. Although I'm going to guess you didn't know you'd be working with me."

Christian shrugs, "He may have mentioned it. But it's business, I really don't care."

Cole nods and glances at me, "You have investments in your fathers company don't you?"

I nod slightly and look at Christian, "I do actually. But as soon as I move a few things around in my life I'll be cashing those investments. Perhaps I'll use the money to invest in something else."

He nods and Christian says, "You have investments in your dads companies?"

I nod biting my lip, "Yes, I invested when I was sixteen. I imagine it's quite a bit of money."

Christian nods with a frown, "Yes I imgaine it is."

I watch as Christian takes a sip of his beer and I'm almost saved from conversation when Christian's mother walks up, "Well I see the two of you have met Cole."

Christian raises his eyebrows and says, "We have."

His mother smiles, oblivious to the tension, "Since your club won't be open here in Seattle in time for the anniversary party we'll be holding it at Coles club."

Christian nods, "Good choice."

Ella smiles and says, "You know he works for Emerson's father."

Christian nods, "I know."

I clear my throat, "Actually Mr. Simone use to be my teacher back in Paris."

Ella looks surprised, "Really? Oh Paris is lovely isn't it?"

Cole nods and Christian takes hold of my hand mouthing, "Are we okay?"

I nod placing a kiss on his cheek and whispering, "Just remember, I'm here with you and I'm leaving with you."

He sighs and pulls me into his side, "I'm sorry Em."

I wrap my arms around his torso and he smiles down at me, "You know pretty soon you're going to need a dress for the ball."

I scrunch up my nose, "I know."

He brushes his nose along my jaw and says, "Hmm what color?"

I shrug, "I'm not sure yet. It depends on the dress I suppose."

"We need to look at Channing's pieces and then decide on a color theme so Victoria can order everything."

"Weren't we suppose to do that today?"

He nods, "I forgot to call him. I was going to when you were shopping but then I remembered you wanted to come with."

Channing sits down next to Cole and says, "Come with where?"

"To help me pick a piece," Christian says.

Channing clears his throat, "Uh give me a day to clear out my stuff and you can come Sunday."

I frown, "Why?"

Channing shrugs and says, "There's some pieces you might find..."

I glare at Channing, "Wait a second, did you use those head shots?!"

He shrugs uncomfortably, "Maybe?"

My eyes widen, "Why?! Why would you do that?"

"Wait, some of the pieces are of Em?"

He nods, "A few of the paintings are. But I have other sculptures I want you to look at. Not the paintings. Em would kill me."

"Damn right I'll kill you," I mutter.

Christian frowns, "I'd actually like to see those pieces."

I frown at him, "No way."

He rolls his eyes, "I won't pick them as the piece Em. I promise."

Cole butts in and says, "Wait, you took portraits of Emma?"

Channing frowns, "Yes."

Cole looks at me, "You use to do things like that yourself."

I bite down on my lip and say, "I don't do photography anymore. I stopped after graduation."

He looks surprised by this and asks, "Why did you stop?"

I shrug, "It wasn't an interest of mine anymore. I like writing better."

"And painting," Christian says quietly.

I nod and he kisses the back of my hand and then kisses my wrist before pulling me into his lap. I giggle as he trails his finger down my back, he looks at me a little surprised and he says, "Tickelish today baby?"

I squirm and says, "It's the fabric on my shirt. I can feel it through my tank top."

He grins and kisses my cheek, "Good to know."

I lean back against his chest and Channing gets up to find Matea as I take a sip of my drink, Christian frowns and says, "Be careful with those."

I give him a look, "Christian I'm not stupid."

He shakes his head, "I'm being serious Emma. Later my dad and his friends will be dragged into a drinking game and if you're sitting next to me with Andrew there you need to be as sober as possible." 

"Wait Andrew as in Victoria's wife?" Cole asks.

I nod slowly and he curses under his breath, "You've met him?" Christian asks.

Cole nods, "He uh paid me a visit in Paris. He's the reason I'm working for Emma's dad."

I frown, "Wait...what?"

Cole nods, "He was going to rat me out Emma. Your dad saved my ass while he had every right not too."

Christian nods and hugs me tight, "Unfortunately."

"Christian," I scold.

Cole shakes his head, "No Emma, he's right. I could have hurt you big time. You were a kid, and I knew better."

I look at Cole a little surprised and say, "Where on earth is this coming from?"

He presses his lips together, "Your father told me what Victoria did to you Emma. It's my fault and if I hadn't pursued a relationship with you..."

I shake my head, "Then I would have gone after another older guy."

He looks at me a little shocked and Christian says, "Do I even want to know Em?"

I bite my lip and say, "Well Cole wasn't exactly the first teacher I went after..."

"Wait...let me guess. Mr. Jones?"

I nod, "Yeah."

He shakes his head, "He got fired for getting caught sleeping with one of the girls. He slept with several of them from what I know."

I nod and say, "Yeah I know. I walked in on him."

Cole nods and says, "What I did to you was wrong and I should have turned myself in."

"Nothing happened."

He closes his eyes and sighs, "But it could have and it's because of me Victoria used you. That women is nuts."

"You have no idea," I mutter.

Right before it's fully dark I sneak inside to use the restroom. I fix my braid and as I walk down the hall I'm blocked by a very tall man, I look up and meet the eyes of the one man Christian had warned me to stay away from.

"Emerson? I persume. You're Christian' thing right?"

I narrow my eyes, "I have no clue what you're talking about. Now if you'll excuse me."

He grips my upper arm and shakes his head, "Oh no, sweetcheeks. You and I have a few things to talk about."

I pull my arm from his grasp and say, "I have nothing to discuss with you. Now move."

He pushes me into the wall and says, "We can do this in a nice way, or we can do this a little roughly. It's all up to you."

I gulp as he presses me into the wall with his body, "What do you want?"

He chuckles darkly and strokes my cheek, "I want you to behave. Christian took what's mine, and I'm ready to take what's his."

He slides his hand up my leg and hooks it into my shorts, immediately I fly into frantic mode, I push on his chest and when I start to cry out in panic he covers my mouth with his hand, "You're going to behave Miss. Sinclair."

His hand snakes up my top and I try my best to shove him off, but I fail miserably, he uses one arm to hold me up, along with his upper body as he works at his jeans.

When I hear laughter at the end of the hall I realize it's Cole and Christian. I bite down on Andrew's hand and before they turn the corner I manage to croak out, "Christian!"

He turns on his heel and his eyes widen, he barges for us as Andrew starts backing up. Cole runs up too and wraps his arms around me, pulling me away as Christian slams Andrew into the wall.

"You fucking bastard!"

Andrew throws a punch and Christian clenches his jaw, long enough for Andrew to get away. But Christian goes after him, and I go after Christian.

As I run after them Cole says, "Emma just stay back!"

Chaos erupts as Christian runs outside intent on catching Andrew. When we catch up Christian is actually on Andrew. Will, Channing, Jude, and Brady are all over him attempting to peel him off. His father shouts at him, "Christian what the hell are you doing!?"

Will is the one who succeeds at pulling Christian back, he whispers something in his ear and Christian stands up after giving one kick to Andrews legs. Will and Brady pull him back completely and his father stands in front of him.

"Why the hell are you going after my friend Christian? What the hell is wrong with you?"

Cole holds on to me as I attempt to slip from his grasp, Christian tries to pull away from Will and Brady but fails, "He went after Emma!" Christian growls.

His father looks over at me and then so does Christian, his eyes widen and Cole fails to keep a hold on me this time. As Christian wraps his arms around me he picks me up in his arms, "Oh Emma," he murmurs into my hair holding onto me for dear life.

I sob into his shoulder and he rubs my back, kissing my hairline, "Christian," I breathe.

His lips brush against my skin as he pulls me back and cups my face, his eyes widen and he looks up to where I know his parents are watching, along with Andrew.

I meet his gaze and I hear, "Get the fuck off my property Andrew!"

Christian looks up startled and Ella stands off to the side close to us with Victoria. Davis slides up next to Christian and Christian says, "Get rid of him Davis, please."

Davis nods and Fallon walks up beside us, he touches my shoulder and when I flinch Christian pulls me closer, "What did he say to you?" Christian asks quietly.

I gulp, my mouth is dry, Fallon hands me a bottle of water, Christian makes me drink part of it before I say, "He said that you took what was his so he was going to take what was yours."

I bury my face in his chest and I hear Andrew protest while Davis and Fallon drag him out. Christian's lips graze my jaw and he tilts my head up, "Let's go sit okay?" he says quietly. I nod and he keeps holding me as he walks us over to a table. His arms tighten around me as he sits down and holds me in his lap, "We can go home if you want angel."

I shake my head, "I want to be here with you."

He tucks a strand of hair behind me ear and I say, "Can you help me undo my braid?"

He nods quietly as I pull at the elastic, I pull out bobby pins as he unravels the braid. Once it's out he brushes the hair out of my face, "Beautiful," he murmurs. I kiss him gently and when I pull back her brushes the pad of his thumb over my lips, "Let's get you a drink okay?" 

I nod and Christian looks up as his mother walks over, "Christian, your father wants to talk to you."

Christian's gaze hardens, "I will talk to him when I'm ready. Right now I just need to stay right here."

She nods worriedly and glances at me, "I'm so sorry Emerson. I know Andrew beat Victoria once before their divorce and I know he was mad because I sent Christian there and he walked in on it but I never imagined he'd do anything like this."

Christian hands me the bottle of water again and says, "If you see Davis can you have him find me?"

She nods, "Of course sweetie."

I start scratching at my arm as Christian closes the water and he says, "Let's get a couple of drinks and find a place to sit down for the fireworks alright princess?" he asks.

I nod say, "Okay."

After getting a couple of beers for Christian and a couple of wine coolers for myself Christian grabs one of the large blankets sitting out and finds a open spot out in the yard. After sitting down he pulls me up to him, right between his legs letting me use his back as a head rest. He kisses the top of my head and I frown at the feeling of my shirt, "It's actually hot out."

He sighs, "I know," and his fingers brush against the buttons on my shirt, "You have a tank top on right?"

I nod and he works the buttons until he pulls it off my shoulders and tosses it to the side, he then slides the strap on my tanktop down, "You're so beautiful baby."

I sigh as he sucks on my skin, when I let out a little moan he says, "I'm going to take good care of you later baby. I promise."

I move into his hand as he trails his fingers over my shorts, "Please," I plead.

He groans and says, "You have on your bikini bottoms right?"

I nod, "Yes."

Will sits down next to us and Christian says, "Pool?"

I nod and he kisses my cheek before helping me stand up, Jessica gives me a wicked smirk and says, "Enjoy the water," as Christian peels off his shirt.

I was definitely going to enjoy the water.

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