Black Butler x modern reader

By vasachirock2005

54.4K 1.3K 1.6K

Read and find out. 😁 More

Description of you
Chapter one: WTF
Chapter two: Dexter
wierd questions that pop into my head.
chapter three : Shit. Shit. Shit.
chapter four: little blueberry
chapter five: lady Elizabeth
chapter six: Training?
chapter nine: An unexpected aliy
chapter ten : The white tiger.
chapter eleven : ghosting
Halloween special
chapter twelve : Hide and seek with Dex.
chapter thirteen : UT!!!
chapter fourteen : What happened before the Ball.
Chapter fifteen : Vice count pervert.
chapter sixteen : The Book.
Chapter seventeen : GRELL SUTCLIFF
Chapter sixteen : A GIRLS RAGE.
chapter seventeen : The hidden secrets of our dreams.
chapter eighteen : No more lies...sure... that's definitely not happening
chapter nineteen : Friend or foe?

chapter seven : Fillers

2.4K 54 23
By vasachirock2005

A/n: That's Dexter. 😸


Your pov~

" I'm.... " For some reason I felt my words slipping.... "uhhh... From... "

Don't tell him anything!!!

I immediately stopped speaking and looked around me. 'Who said that!?' I than looked at Sebastien who was waiting for my confession.

"Did you hear that? " I asked.

"Hear what? " he said sounding genuinely confused about what I was saying.

(Y/n)!? Don't tell him anything. Keep your mouth shut!

" There it is again." I said standing up. I looked around and didn't see anybody else besides us outside.

I furrowed my brows. But for some reason I felt chills rundown my spine. Almost as if my mind is saying. 'Do as it says.' and I also had a gut feeling that if I didn't do it. Something bad might happen.

" How about we push this conversation to a later time since the sun is gonna rise at its peak soon. " I said as I was clearly brushing off the subject.

As if on cue the sun rose over the mountains which meant that it was soon time to begin work. He noticed and seemed to get the jist. But I had a feeling this conversation is not over just yet. There's a lot of questions he wishes to ask. I can see it through he's gaze.

" Your right. It seems our time had run out. " he said as he was checking he's (designed) watch. It was actually quite unique up close. In a way it was retro style. Old but cool. I walked to the door and noticed Dexter... Just.... Sitting there. Looking at me with an intent gaze.

" Dexter? " I called out.

He seemed to be looking at me with a quizzical gaze. Which is pretty normal for any cat. But it's never this intense. He seemed to look over and noticed Sebastian behind me and immediately ran to him. I raised an eyebrow at the action.








Why was he just waiting like that...





Almost as if something dangerous was about to step inn.

I looked over and noticed that he was playing with Sebastian. I rolled my eyes and kept walking till I reached my room.

"I'm being paranoid. " I muttered under my breath as I reached my room and stepped in to get ready for the day. By get ready I mean wash up and put on my maid uniform.

Don't tell them anything!

I stopped mid way as I was tying my hair. The voice spoke and I couldn't help but wonder as to where is it coming from.

"Who is it?" I called out.

Nothing called back. I just shook it off and placed my headphones along with my phone in my secret safe pocket. I'd listen to music while cleaning sometimes. I had a feeling everybody was getting ready but since Sebastian already assigned me to my chores.

I was just gonna get started. I stepped out and went to the storage unit to grab the cleaning supplies. My first location was the ballroom. And Ciel was gonna use it for he's lessons in an hour so I had to be extra quick.

I had already grabbed the soup and added it to the water along with the mop. I walked to the ballroom at a quick but careful pace. I placed my headphones in and played the song :

Vijay Bhava

(a/n: I'm a bit of a Indian song fan. Sorry not sorry. But this song has a certain battle tune to it.)

I dried the mop and begin. I'll admit that I might have snuck in some training moves in my cleaning movements. I moved to the beat of the song. Making sure that nobody saw me. Cause I'm shy when it comes to an audience. So it's better to freestyle alone then with somebody else.

When I sang with Grell it was different since I was not doing it alone. So it was easer. I grabbed the feather duster and dusted off the instruments in the room that where probably used for special ball's. I added a few dance moves in-between.

In a way I was technically montaging. Cause thirty minutes I was done. I noticed Dexter watching me finish. These past few days he's been following me around and it's become normal but I didn't want Ciel to find out that I was harbouring an animal without he's notice. So it was a hassle to hide him.

But sometimes he'd get the messages and hide while he wasn't looking. For a cat he was really smart. Our bond is very strong. I smile at the thought. I stepped out and headed to the next location. It being the guest rooms.

Three of them to be exact.

After that I was allowed to take a ten minute break. I usually just use it to catch up on my Whattped stories. And sometimes just check out YouTuber videos of popular YouTubers. (That I downloaded but forgot to watch). Judging by how long I've been here. It's been technically a week at most.

When's the Jack the ripper ark gonna begin?

" Nah who cares? I'll just worry about it when I get to it. " I said as I was shrugging.

(Time skip brought to you by lazy author.)

" And I'm finally done!" I said as I finished brushing up the last room.

I placed my headphones on and played AJR songs I played 'Burn the house down' and lightly sang only loud enough for me to hear. I was heading to the garden. I might have taken a few wrong turns. But that's not the point.

I noticed Sebastian's shadow up ahead and for some reason I felt the need to hide my ass. As if on instinct I ran into the nearest closet and shut the door...








He seemed to pass by and not notice a thing. Or maybe he was pretending to not notice. I mean come on. He's a fucking demon for god sake.

Than it hit me...

Why the fuck am I hiding!?

For some reason this reminds me of the time I was hiding from my principle cause I kinda graffiti'd the school walls. And yes. I'm a female delinquent. I liked causing trouble sometimes. Only cause the principal was a real prick.

The surprising thing is. I never got caught. I never really showed my face so it was kinda hard for the cameras to show my face. Some of my peers who respected my boldness called me the prank master. Cause I sometimes rigged the school with paint balloons. And caused a paint explosion.

And yes. I'm just that awesome.

I than stepped out and just decided to randomly look around the place and see if there was anything to clean. Or dust off. As long as I look like I'm busy. Since.... I have to look like I'm busy.

I passed through the kitchen and noticed. Nothing much. Just the usual. Finny, Mey-rin watching Bard holding the flame thrower....













I took my headphones off in panic.

As if in slow motion this happened.

"BARD!?" I literally jumped in. " NOoooooooooo..." I grabbed the meat (I think) just in time. And immediately jumped behind the counter. And just to clarify about what happened in the background. Finny and Mey-rin were gwaking at the situation and I'm not really sure about Bard.

And as if on cue the hole kitchen blew up. And since I was behind the counter the blast didn't affect me at all. But my ears...well.... I wish I could say the same for them. After the blast . I couldn't hear anything but a ringing sound in my ears.

But that still didn't distract my rage. I stood up with the tray of meat in my hands. With an eyebrow raised and a very furious expression. The ringing wouldn't stop. But it would eventually ware off....

I noticed that everyone was covered in black ash cinders.

"Bard? " I said with a very annoyed tone.

He was speaking to me. But all I noticed was he's lips were moving and the ringing was still going. I noticed them looked to the left. I than saw Sebastian with a very annoyed smile on he's face along with he's gaze fixed on Bard.

I saw Finny and Mey-rin scatter. And Bard sweat dropping at the lecture that Sebastian was giving him. I then heard him nod and went to step out. I noticed him turn to me. I was still trying to get the ringing to stop. And Sebastien was saying something and I couldn't hear Shit.

"Sorry Seb's! I can't hear a word your saying! I think I'm temporarily gone deaf from the explosion!" I said a bit loudly.

He seemed to realize and placed he's hands on both my ears. I don't know how that was Suppose to work but for some reason... It was helping. Besides the fact that my face was close to he's. I brushed it off and waited. Five minutes later I started to hear everything around me again.

"OK. I can hear you now. " I said simply.

He seemed to get the jist and let go of my head and I noticed that I could hear once again.

" I don't know what you did. But it worked. Thanks." I said as I was checking my hearing.

" Your welcome. " he said with one of he's usual fake smiles.

" Now if you'll excuse me. I have to finish the rest of my work. Bye." I said technically running away like sonic himself. But was immediately stopped. "Yes?" I said turning around slowly.

" The young master would like to speak with you in he's study." he said with the usual poker face.

" I got ya. See you later. " I said as I was technically skipping away.

After about thirty minutes I managed to reach he's office. I didn't even bother to knock I just. Stepped inn like a boss bitch.

"Yo." I said casually.

He seemed to be shocked at my sudden stepping inn. After a second he looked annoyed that I just stepped in.

"Didn't anyone teach you to knock?"

" Yeah. Well... I only use that notion when I need to. Which is mostly... Not much really. " I said with a non concerned face.

He swiftly face palmed.

" Just take a seat. I was beginning to think you weren't coming. It took you an hour. " he muttered under he's breath but loud enough for me to hear.

" Huh? I thought it was thirty minutes. " I said checking my phone. " meh. Who cares. I accidentally got lost on the way anyway. It's not my fault your manor is technically a maze. " I said openly.

He seemed to be surprised as to why I'm being so casual. Cause everyone is so formal with him. But guess what shorty. I ain't that type of bitch.

" So what you call me for?" I said simply.

" I just wanted to ask you a few questions about yourself." he said timidly.

" Oh? " I said raising an eyebrow.

" Well than. Let's begin. "


A/n: And I'm done. I'll post the next one on Saturday. If I feel motivated. I might even update a little more earlier.

Don't forget to vote and comment I love to hear your feedback.

Vasachi Rock is out 💟


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