The Shy Kid(BoyxBoy)

By MampiReads

89.7K 5.6K 775

This is the typical story of your boy next door. Gulf is a shy one and thinks himself as the most imperfect b... More

The shy one
The stubborn one
Change of plans
Falling apart
The long awaited day
A new friend
Go with the flow
The Official Date
Coming out of the closet
Meeting his Family
I love you idiot
Whenever you are ready
Happy couples
My worst day
You are Safe Now
Getting there
I'm All Yours!!
You'll always have me
I don't wanna let this go!!!
Walking into my Death
Will you........???
Being together
Love is Love


2K 136 4
By MampiReads


Mew is constantly saying sorry from 3 days straight now. When that day Wat said about the fight,I was so terrified that I didn't waste a single tym to go to Mew's room after he messaged. He even lied to me casually.  What would have the guy said that Mew got so angry.I think he is short tempered. I have to be careful around him.I mean I haven't seen him angry at all. But my friends told me that he looks scary and scold people for everything.

I already forgave Mew that night. I mean he thought I would get worried which is true. I was so worried that evening. Thankfully he didn't get a  injury. But I won't forgive him next time if it happens again.

Today Mew told me that his mom called him to come home. So he came to say goodbye and left. He also told me to be careful and I should stick to my friends all the time. I don't know why he is so worried. Who would harm me? Right now I'm heading to our classroom absentmindedly as usual. My friends already left to save me a seat because I was running a little thanks to Mew who was reluctant to leave me. He hugged me for what felt like days and then left.
I was about to trip over the edge when someone grabbed me by my waist.

Me: Thnxxxx

Unknown:It's ok. Next time be careful.

Me: ok.

I was about to turn around when he said

Unknown: It's Josh by the way.

Me: I'm gulf. Sorry but my class has already started. I should leave.

Josh: ok. Bye.

I then headed to our classroom but thankfully the proffessor wasn't there yet.

After finishing all the classes we headed to the cafeteria. We ate lunch. Then I went to the washroom when I met him again.

Josh: Hi gulf.

Gulf: hi

Josh: So you finished your classes?

Gulf: yeah!!

Josh: where do you live? Which faculty are you in?

Gulf: condo. Science.

Josh: oh!! Grt. My brother is coming here next year. Is it a bad thing if i need your help sometime? Actually I don't know anyone from your faculty. That's why. Would you help me a bit??

Gulf: umm...

Josh: please. He really needs some help. Like what to focus more or how much to learn etc. If you could help me then it'll be grt.

Gulf: umm.. Ok.

Josh: Grt. So can I have your number? As I'm not from this faculty, I won't know where to find you.

Gulf:Yeah! ! Ok.

I asked him for his phone and typed my number. He was really happy. Why???!?!?!? May be his brother is having serious problem. Otherwise he wouldn't have asked this much. Never mind.

We had classes till afternoon. After all the class ended we headed to our condo. I freshened up and started studying.

Not long after my phone buzzed. I know Mew must have called or messaged. When I checked it.....

Unknown: Hiii

Me: Who is it?

Unknown: It's josh. Remember u gave me ur no.

Me: yeah!!!

I immidiately saved it.

Josh: Am I bothering you?

Me: No.. Is ur brother need help now?

Josh:umm.. No. Actually I was checking if you have given me right no. or not.

Me: why would I give u wrong number?

Josh: I don't know. May be you wanted to get rid of me at that time.

Me: No. I don't do that with anyone.

Josh: Good to know.

Me: Do u want any help now? If not then text me when you need any. Ok?

Josh : umm...ok. Are u bsy?

Me:yeah!! I have to study.

Josh:oo!! Sorry to disturb u. Bye. We'll talk later.

Me: It's ok. Bye.

I waited for Mew's message. But he didn't. It's very unusual. He always messages me since he got my number. Is he alright? Is everything okay in his home? Thoughts were swirling in my head constantly. I didn't even realise when I fell asleep.

Next morning when Mew didn't texted, I was a little sad. But I messaged him anyway.

Me: Good morning.

I waited for his reply but nothing.I think i am thinking too much. He must have forgotten about me after seeing his parents. Everything will be fine.

When next day came and still I didn't get a single message from him. I got worried and decided to ask his friends. So in the evening I went to his room. I knocked on their door and Max opened it.

Max: Hey!! Come in.

Me: ummm....Have you heard anything from Mew?

Man: why? What happened? Is everything ok?

Gulf: umm... He hasn't messaged me since he left. So I thought may be he has messaged you.

Mild: He didn't message you???!!?! Well that's odd. Let me try.

They called him but it was switched off.

Man: Don't worry. I have uncle's no. I'll call him and ask him ok.

They called his father but nobody answered. Oh my god!! Is he okay? Why is this happening? He just went to his home. Why isn't anyone answering the phone?? Has he met with an accident? Is he in the hospital? My head started spinning thinking about it.

Mild:Gulf please sit down. You are looking pale.

He brought a glass of water for me.

Man: Don't worry little brother. I'll call his neighbour. He is also our friend. May be he knows. Just relax. Everything will be fine ok.

After what felt like hours they cantacted everyone possible who might know about Mew. Atlast we came to know that infact Mew's sister was admitted to hospital. So they all rushed and Mew must have forgotten about charging his phone. I felt relaxed. I was so worried.

After sometime I returned to our room. My friends all watched me as I stepped inside.

Wat: So... Where were you man??

Gulf: I went for a walk.

Run: ooo..But are you alright. Do you have a fever?

Gulf: No. I'm fine. I just have a headache. I should sleep.

I don't know when I slept. But next morning when I woke up I had a severe headache. So I decided to skip the classes and take rest. In the evening I went to Mew's room but got  no news about him. It made me even more sad.

I was checking my phone more than usual. I could feel the constant stares of my friends. They were worried about me. But I can't help it. I'm missing Mew so badly.

That evening Josh texted again and asked about the subjects and the probable questions. It became a routine.

It's been 6 days since I last saw or talked to Mew. I'm definitely looking like a mess. I'm silent  more than usual. I'm doing everything but rather  unwillingly.

I met Josh on my way today. He talked to me a lot and even asked to go to his house to guide his brother. But I refused as I was not in the mood for anything now. He even asked me if I was ill!! But I said that I'm fine as I'm saying to everyone now.

I never thought that someone's absence would make such a void in my life. I think this is called true love. I can't live without Mew. I don't know what will I do if I can't see him ever. It's like my life has stopped.

In the evening I was sitting on my bed  and studying when Run started the conversation.

Run: Tell me!! What happned?

Me: umm.. Nothing. Just not feeling well.

Wat: Then let's go to the hospital.

Me: No. I'm fine.

Green: what the hell man!!! Just tell us your problem ok.

Me:  It's nothing. I'm more than fine.

Wat: Do you think we are fools? Mew dissappeared suddenly and you are acting weird since then. What happened? Just tell us ok.

Green: Did he bully you? Did he scolded you? What did he say? Should we go complain to our head about him.

Me: Nooooooo.... He hasn't done anything.

I think I have to tell them. I can't keep it anymore. I'm loosing all my shit. My head is exploding. The way they are questioning, I doubt they would go to Mew's room. I think It's time that I should tell them. I'll deal with the consequences later.

Wat: Tell us gulf. What is it??

Me: I want to tell you guys something. But promise me you won't get angry. I can't keep it anymore.

Run: What is it bro?

Wat: Don't worry gulf. We'll be with you.

Gulf:ummm..... I'm gay.

So how about a little cliffhanger!!!

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Stay home
Stay safe.......

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