
By EdsGryff

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𝐅𝐒𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐀 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐑𝐞 '𝐀π₯π₯𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞' π’πžπ«π’πžπ¬ Once upon a time, in a faraway land- well, ac... More

Chapter 1- Momentum
Chapter 2- Occursum
Chapter 3- Conjugium
Chapter 4- Si Vu Amari, Ama
Chapter 5- Adcessitus
Chapter 6- Profectio
Chapter 7- Aenigma
Chapter 8- Fissum
Chapter 9- Calfacio
Chapter 10- Haeres
Chapter 11- Filius
Chapter 12- Lux Lunae
Chapter 13- Regina
Chapter 14- Apsens
Chapter 15- Sentio
Chapter 16- Tutis
Chapter 17- Solum
Chapter 18- Protego
Chapter 19- Lente
Chapter 20- Salvus
Chapter 21- Patere
Chapter 22- Consone
Chapter 23- Liber
Chapter 24- Cupla
Chapter 25- Deliciae
Chapter 26- Exspectat
Chapter 27- Per Aspera Ad Astra
Chapter 28- Impetus
Chapter 29- Nuntio
Chapter 30- Amor Vincit Omnia
Chapter 31- Filia
Chapter 32- Beatifico
Chapter 33- Semper Ad Meliora
Chapter 34- Identitatem
Chapter 35- Amare
Chapter 36- Dignitas
Chapter 38- Officium
Chapter 39- Cunabula
Chapter 40- Vale
Chapter 41- Paene
Chapter 42- Proelium
Chapter 43- Postea
Chapter 44- Reconciliato
Chapter 45- Cineri Gloria Sera Venit
Chapter 46- Relinquere
Chapter 47- Volens Et Potens
Chapter 48- Revelare
Chapter 49- Sub Rosa
Chapter 50- Quæ Volat Sui Alas

Chapter 37- Experimentum

653 39 160
By EdsGryff





stand and face me, my love,

and scatter the grace in your eyes

This is honestly a completely filler chapter, and has only one scene and two characters and it's very mature (whispers: sexy scenes) so if you're uncomfortable, please skip to the end of this chapter and I'll summarise it.

Tritonia had done a lot of dumb things in life (the scar on her left cheek was proof of that), but this was quite possibly the stupidest of them all- and that was saying a lot.

"What-" Queen Susan was saying sternly, "do you think you're doing?"

Tritonia scrambled to her feet quickly, and looked everywhere except at the frowning Queen. "I was enacting a scene from a book Aeseus lent me."

"And that involved climbing up to my balcony and sneaking in?"

"Well, it involved climbing up a tall tower to rescue the most beautiful woman in all lands from an evil sorceress, but since there's a dearth of tall towers and evil sorceresses, I had to choose the balcony attached to the chambers of the most beautiful lady I know, who, fortunately enough- lives on the topmost floor of a castle with many towers." Tritonia said honestly, not seeing why she should mislead. "I thought it would be impossible, but I was proved wrong."

Susan willed the blush to disappear from her cheeks. The number of times she had been called beautiful was staggeringly high, but she'd never been called so in such a casual and relaxed manner, as if it was a simple fact of nature, and definitely never had the compliment been accompanied with such sentences.

"So you climbed like a monkey up till here- one of the highest floors, as you said- for research?"

"Indeed, Your Majesty. I'm good at climbing, anyone with a considerable amount of fae blood in their veins is- why, I've seen the young Prince climb trees better than a monkey- actually, that is probably why I managed to climb up here, which means the book was wrong- er, never mind that. I was just going to leave, not peep or anything, of course not, but- well, I guess I hadn't thought this as thoroughly as I thought I had."

Susan crossed her arms and surveyed the sheepish look on the soldier's face. "You ramble a lot, don't you?"

"I talk a lot, if that's what you mean- usually, young faes are taught to control their tongues, but since I had to run away from home when I was a child, I wasn't taught- of course, my mother was human, and I never knew my father, so I don't know who exactly would've taught me- anyway, yes, I talk a lot, and I tend to go off on tangents."

"You ran away from home? Why?" Susan was tempted to invite the soldier- Tritonia but she preferred going by Tree, she remembered- in for a hot drink.

"Oh, I used to live in Calormen. My mother was a noblewoman- she met my father when she'd gone for a picnic in the Dancing Wood- it's a very pretty place, and she knew a fauness who lived there- and well, I was conceived. Father died before I was born- or perhaps he went back to the Faerie Realm- so Mother raised me till I was around ten, though she was ostracised by the rest of the Nobility for having an illegitimate child- when Prince Rabadash- I'm sorry, was it something I said?" Tritonia was observant and she instantly noticed the tight look on the Queen's face.

Susan's jaw clenched, but she managed stiffly, "Prince Rabadash- isn't one of our better allies."

"Well, I don't like him either, though I don't know him well, of course- anyway, he decided that a child like me- any children like me- shouldn't be allowed to live in human society- I don't know whether he meant to lock us up or kill us, but I ran. Went to a fair few places, before I ended up here a few years back. Mother visits sometimes- but I've never gone there- I don't want to. Narnia's a much happier and better place for me- and I love fighting for it as a soldier." Tritonia shrugged, leaning against the balcony. She was actually just surprised that she hadn't been jailed yet for sneaking into the personal quarters of a Queen.

"I'm sorry to hear that- is that how you got your-"

Tritonia rubbed the faded scar and smiled ruefully, "Yes, it was. Mother had told me to get out as soon as possible, but I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to my cat- Shrubbery, his name was- and  well, one of the guards just managed to graze me with a dagger. It was because of Shrubbery that I managed to escape, he clawed the soldier's face- but he didn't manage to escape with me- or live."

"A brave and faithful companion." Susan smiled comfortingly at her, and was now tempted to give her a hug. What was wrong with her? She should be angry because- because- what was it? Oh- Tree had climbed up the castle walls and onto her balcony. "You've clearly had an adventurous life- though it doesn't excuse your act today- and I don't appreciate realising that any assassin could climb up here and kill me in my sleep."

"I told you, my Queen, it was only because I'm half-fae that I could climb up- though it's true that you shouldn't take any chances, your safety is of utmost importance." Tritonia said, nodding before feeling that she ought to start grovelling. "I do sincerely apologise, Your Majesty- I honestly don't know what I was thinking- you're just the only thing I could think of when I thought of the word beautiful- or radiant, or stunning or- other such adjectives, and you have no idea how much I HAVE to do something when I get the idea in my head- and I just HAD to see if this theory was right."

"Tree, are you trying to beg pardon for your act or flirting with me?" The Gentle didn't know what had possessed her to ask this- it was obvious that the answer was the former.

Tritonia's eyes widened, and she happily would've jumped off the balcony.

"I- beg pardon, Your Majesty, I just can't help that you are beautiful and that my mouth's filter is quite faulty."

Susan's head cocked to the side as she noticed that Tree's cheeks were as red as roses. Hm, when she'd first met her all those days back, sassing and annihilating the misogynistic Aeseus with her words, she couldn't ever have fathomed that Tree would be a rambling, blushing mess whilst conversing with her.

Susan rather liked that Tree was a rambling, blushing mess whilst conversing with her.

"I was just about to undress and get to bed- it seems that my bedtime is sooner than the soldiers', though you lot get up earlier."

"We're actually meant to be asleep by now- but I kind of sneaked away to-"

"Sneak into my bedroom."

"No- I mean, yes." Why- why had Queen Susan mentioned that she was about to undress? Tritonia had every single desire to see the woman naked, and hence even the thought of that was unbearably tantalising. "I'm sorry- you should head to bed- after undressing-"

"Would you like to help me?" Susan asked, and hoped that her face didn't give away the fact that her words were absolutely unthought and impulsive.

For once, Tritonia didn't speak, but her mouth gaped open.

Once she found her voice, she said, "Help you...?"

"Undress, of course." She took instant charge of the situation, even though she'd never been in such a situation, especially not with someone who she'd spoken to only once before, and never with a woman. "Unless you'd prefer to go back to the barracks and have a night with Aeseus-"

"No." Tritonia said at once, before swallowing. "Aeseus- he likes me, I know- but I- I prefer- I mean, I like- I don't like men. Haven't liked them or been with them yet, at least- I prefer women- though, of course, I've never been with a woman either-"

"We can remedy that, if you like." Susan said silkily before saying, "I'm going to be frank with you, I've been with men, and lots of men over the years. But my experience hasn't been good- romantically or even sexually, in recent times. So this escapade, if you agree to it, would be research for me- to see if being with a woman is more satisfactory or not. Do you understand, Tree?"

"Toni." Tritonia spoke rather softly. "I find that I would prefer that I be called Toni- by you, at least."

A smile spread across Susan's face and she extended her hand to her.

"Shall we?" She asked, with a look in her eyes which made Tritonia want to undress her right then and there.

"Absolutely- never been more enthusiastic about anything." She said, and she didn't even curse her words- it had been one of the most truthful things she'd ever accidentally said. Suddenly, climbing up to the Queen's balcony seemed to be one of the smartest things she'd ever done.

"It's a good thing you're not in your armour, that is a bother to take off." Susan said, shutting the doors of the balcony and turning around to face the soldier. This wasn't how she'd expected her night to go, but she wasn't complaining.

"It is, actually- rather heavy to walk around in, too, but after years, you get used to- oh." Tritonia's sentence ended abruptly as Susan's fingers worked at unlacing the thread which held her gown together. "You're going to-"

"Yes." She replied, her attention on the piece of string. She wasn't self-conscious, but something about the novelty of the situation made her slightly shy. "You can undress too, if you like- or I can undress you after I'm done."

The faster they would start would be the faster that Tritonia's growing lust would be satisfied and so she went to work on unbuttoning her tunic and pulling it off, before undoing her belt and taking off her breeches as well. Her underwear, though, she felt a bit strange at taking them off, so she left them as they were.

"I never thought that I'd be happy for Orieus's rigorous training." Susan commented teasingly as she looked up and saw a mostly-naked Toni stand there awkwardly. "I'm almost done, don't worry."

Susan could have taken all the time she'd wanted because the end result was so fucking sensuous and gorgeous that Tritonia wanted to weep.

"Well?" Susan asked, her gown and chemise bunched around her feet, absolutely naked, her arms crossed under bare breasts. "Am I as desirable to you as I am to men?"

"My Queen, if I knew how to, I would ravish and worship every single inch of you, from your lips to your-"

"Clitoris." Susan helped, seeing that the woman in front of her really was quite unsure of herself. "That's good, because-" her fingers went between her legs- Tritonia's knees weakened more than the sight of the most formidable weapons would've caused- and when they came out, they were glistening with something wet "I'm definitely up for being ravished."

"But- but I don't know how to." Tritonia said again, quite sure this night would end up with the Queen being disappointed and also that her knickers were absolutely soaked and she hadn't even touched Susan yet.

"Nor do I, not with a woman. We'll learn together." Susan smiled her patient and comforting smile, and walked to the soldier, and asked, touching her brassiere, "May I?"

Tritonia could only nod.

Her hand slid to her back and, after fumbling a bit, she managed to unclasp the flowy material, which promptly dropped to the floor.

"Lie down, Toni?" Susan asked, though she'd already started pulling her towards the bed.

"Yes. Yes." There was no way she would be refusing the Queen- though calling her Goddess would be more accurate right then.

"Anything you're uncomfortable with-" Susan began, after Tritonia had been laid down in bed- though the soldier had been careful and hesitant- it was a Queen's bed after all- and had climbed on top of her.

"You can do whatever you want to me."

Susan's smile turned wider. Though she had absolutely no clue on what to do, her sex throbbed and she wanted the woman in front of her more than she'd ever wanted another man. And- just because she had no idea, it didn't mean that Toni had to find out that out. Susan could be a cocky bastard sometimes, and this was one of those times.

"Is that so?" She whispered, pressing herself even closer to the soldier- gosh, she could practically feel the heat from Toni's cunt, and she turned desperate, though she refused to show that. "Anything?"

Feeling as much trepidation as no soldier ever should, Tritonia nodded.

"And here I thought you were going to ravish me." And Susan's lips graced her neck, before she bit the soft skin there, and Tritonia let out a gasping breath. Susan knew that her power, the dominance she was showing was making the soldier under her even more wet, and there was no way she was relinquishing that power. "Do you want to ravish me?"

If Susan could touch and see how wet she was, she would know just how affirmative the answer to that question was.

Susan placed her legs on either side of her- the Queen smirked as she saw that her pupils were so dilated she could no longer identify the iris and then whispered, "Do you want me to ravish you?"

"Well?" She asked as there was no answer, but a little moan, pressing her chest to hers, and Toni honestly whimpered- she couldn't take it anymore, she just wanted to be fucked so hard that she wouldn't be able to walk already, and the most unbearable part was that Susan knew it and she was tantalising her. "I want to hear you say it. Say it."

"I want to ravish you." Tritonia said, hardly able to speak as she looked up into the Queen's sinfully seductive face. "I want to ravish you- and I want you to ravish me."

"Your wants shall be considered- but mine first." Susan said, her voice practically purring, and said, "Go lower- and go inside."

Tritonia stared.

"Rub me- and then fuck me so hard with your fingers that I forget my own name." Susan raised an eyebrow, before lifting up one of Toni's hands and placing it on her wet and throbbing sex. "Understood?"

She nodded, and Susan left her hand, which started rubbing slow on the mound, which was so wet and oh, Toni just wanted to feel it with her tongue, lick it, drink it- of course, she understood, but she wasn't sure if she believed this was actually happen. "Yes."

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, my Goddess."

Susan blinked- she'd been expecting 'Your Majesty' but this worked even better.

"That's right."

And then Susan's mouth found Tritonia's- both moaned into the kiss- and one of Tritonia's hands found her hip, and Susan pulled down the soldier's knickers before reaching up and caressing her breasts, and Tritonia's other hand continued its arousing stroking of her royal clitoris as she'd been told to do before finally sliding inside her and she could've sobbed at how good it felt- Susan could've orgasmed thrice from how pleasured she felt- and, as Tritonia ecstatically learned soon enough, the Gentle definitely wasn't as gentle as her title proclaimed.

-✧・: °*✧*°:・✧-

So, basically: the half-fae soldier from last chapter, Tritonia, climbed up to Susan's balcony as part of an experiment and after Susan's initial admonition, they got to talking, about their life and their individual pasts with Rabadash (Tritonia had been chased out of Calormen because her father was a faerie), and then Susan's disappointments with men, and so on and on until Susan visibly propositions for her own 'experiment', and they have sex and begin a affair.
*deep breath*
(seriously speaking, I just think she's pansexual- anyone who's pretty goes)

CORRECTION in regards to what I said above this: Susan is NOT pansexual, she is a lesbian. A complete, women-loving lesbian, who has unfortunately been into comphet all her life, but has finally taken the step to realising her true identity.
You want a pansexual character, that's Edmund.
(As I have mentioned several times in different fics, and as is confirmed in the sequel to ‘Alliance’, ‘The Heirs’)

And, as always, I humbly and unashamedly ask you to vote (and hopefully comment) on the chapter, please.

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