~My Mate~ ✔️

By Mentally_Not_Ok

126K 4.5K 1.6K

Blaise and Harry are both sub Veelas searching for their mates, once Blaise runs to Draco for help they both... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 ⚠️kinda smut⚠️
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 ⚠️smut⚠️
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 ⚠️smut⚠️
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 1

10.8K 226 152
By Mentally_Not_Ok

Hello! This is a new Drarry and Blairon Veela story I have been working on. It's similar to my other sorry in some ways  {Strawberry Tea} but this one focuses on more wizarding things and Veelas of course.

Blaise's POV

I was sitting at the dinner table with my Mother and Father when it happened. I was about to experience something life-changing. If only my "parents" had the decency to tell me.

11:50 pm- August 5th- Friday- Blaise's POV

I'm so excited about my birthdays in about 10 minutes and my parents said they had a life-changing surprise waiting for me. I have to admit I'm a little worried about what it is because they looked very concerned when they told me and they usually avoid me together when they're home, I'm turning 16 and I got my license with Dray last year.

At first, it was HORRIBLE. Dray complained the whole time, but I didn't blame him. We are purebloods we aren't meant to be driving silly little muggle vehicles. Although as we were forced to keep practicing we had a lot of fun. It was a way for us to be free and get out of the wrath of the adults who controlled our lives if we needed to.

My parents and Mr. Malfoy didn't like the fact that we were doing something muggle-related, but they wanted us out of the Manors'. I don't know why but it probably has something to do with the Dark Lord.

My parents haven't forced me to partake in anything related to him, but it's not hard to realize they're working for Voldy. Especially when your parents think your sleeping and they don't try to keep their voices down.

That was a rather unpleasant conversation to listen to. Especially at 3 years old. I ended up telling my friends about it the next day though and they helped me get my mind off it. Dray and Nio. Those were my two best friends.

Nio was a little older though so we couldn't hang out during our daily lessons we always found a way to see each other. Mostly by making Sev sneak him into the classrooms that we have in the Manor.

Dray and I have always been close. We needed to because we only had each other. It didn't use to be like that, but then Nio left. It was a little after I told him about the conversation I overheard. He was 6 and I think he understood more than he let on.

I was gonna ask my parents after he left back for Italy but that would be a bad idea.

Instead, Draco and I just ended up growing closer to one another. We didn't even have our parents to look after us. My parents are always busy and his... well that's for him to tell, but he has it a lot worse than me at home. The only adult who's ever cared for us was Sev.

Just then my Mother whispered something that brought me out of my thoughts.

"I'm so sorry, Blaise".

Feeling alarmed at her words I shot my head up and looked to see her with tears in her eyes I've never seen her look so caring.

Then again she's an amazing actress.

I quickly looked at my Father and seen him give me a pitiful smile, it made me cringe. This was not the Zabini household I grew up in.

Mother and Father are always fighting. Hearing screams and glass shatter on the floor was normal for me. It happened every night. Then the next day when I come down for breakfast my Father sits at the head of the table with a scowl on his face not even taking a glance as I walk down the stairs. My Mother who sits to his right glares at me then goes back to her work.

Not even five minutes after breakfast is served they both get up and go their separate ways to work. Father walks out the door and Mother apparates to her shop. No one ever says a word or gives any signs of affection to each other. Granted I'm not allowed to talk during meals. Normally that causes punishments. Anywhere I am, my Manor, Dray's Manor, even when I use to go to Nio's Manor.

It was mostly beatings by my Father, but if I was ever caught talking by Mr. Malfoy then it was the Cruciatus curse.

I and my parents normally don't talk to each other at all which is why I was really excited that they got me something. Now I'm just scared. I don't know what to do, should I answer or leave it be?

"I- is everything alright?" I mentally curse myself for stuttering. I look to my Father because normally that would cost me a slap or two, but he just scowls and looks away losing any signs of pity that I was shown just earlier.

That's how you know he was acting as well.

After a moment of silence or two, I look to the clock to see that it's 11:58 and my birthday is in two minutes my face lights up for a second but that's when my mother decides to speak up.

"Blaise, your Father is a Veela and the gene was passed down to you".

I was speechless as my Father continued what she started.

"This means that in a minute or so you will be in almost unbearable pain".

As a pureblood, Draco we were raised learning about creatures including Velas. Draco and I both took a liking to these specific creatures because of their beauty, strength, and brains. They are truly magnificent creatures.

I was kind of looking forward to being a Veela. I know there's a lot of pain I have to go through but I am willing to do that. What I'm not so happy about is how my parents kept this from me till the last minute... literally!

Having thought this I looked to the clock just as it turned 12:00. I quickly whipped my head back to my parents with a look that screams "I'm scared" but all my mother did was give me another sad smile, which I was about done with because I've been given so many tonight, while she said "good luck" and headed for the door. I then heard my Father give a light chuckle and say "don't be too loud" right before the pain finally hit me.

I screamed as loud as I've ever screamed before as I fell onto the floor. I don't even want to describe this pain. This was worse than the time Father used the Crucio curse on me for talking back to him in front of Mr. Malfoy.

My bones felt like they were breaking and moving around my whole body before joining back up in different forms.

I started sobbing almost immediately after the pain hit me. I don't know how long I can take this. Then if almost on cue I felt wings spring out of my back which made me shriek as if I was being murdered, but the pain didn't stop there it just kept getting worse. After a few minutes, I lost all will to stay awake, and right before I blacked out I heard a tiny voice in my head.


9:08 pm- August 6th- Saturday- Blaise's POV
Italics = Ryker

I woke up later that day aching all over my body.

Wow, Happy Birthday to me...

I then rolled my eyes before I looked up and seen that I was in my room. I wonder how I got here. Last I remember I was on the dining room floor screaming my lungs out. Then my face lit up for a second I wonder if Mother or Father came back for me. That's when I heard a familiar voice.

Oh goody your awake, good morning Blaise and sadly I was the one who brought you here your parents left after you blacked out.

I jumped in surprise and quickly looked around the room. I probably moved my head too fast because I got very dizzy after that.

You don't have to do that I'm not in the room with you, silly. My name is Ryker and I'm in your head.

That's when I remembered one of the first lessons me and Dray went to.

So you're my Veela then?

Yes, I am, and I am very happy to be here. And oh my you should look in a mirror. You are very cute.

I physically jumped when I heard the word cute ringing in my head and I think Ryker could tell.

You are a very cute sub and our mate will be very lucky!

I paled at the word sub. I can't be. It's not possible. It's very rare to have a male sub. Why me?! My Father will be furious. I have to hide or run or something! But what if Ryker is just messing with me... yeah he's just fooling around.

I am not messing around, Ryker Pouted, go see for yourself.

I nodded my head and then quickly jumped up off my bed and almost tripped. Is my bed higher up or something? Ryker then chuckled giving me chills. I ran to my full-body mirror in the bathroom.

When I got there I screamed. What I saw before was not normal. I became shorter. A lot shorter. I was maybe now 5'4. And all my sharp features softened up. I look a lot more feminine and I actually have a butt! That's so embarrassing. But the most noticeable thing we're the beautiful white wings that had come out of my back. I couldn't take my eyes off them.

Do you like them? I think they're fabulous they really bring out your chocolate eyes.

"Yeah," I said out loud not taking my eyes off them for a second. Then I started thinking back to what my Father and Mother would say. I'm totally screwed.

It's known that male subs always have a male mate unless there's a dom female which is even more irregular and just the thought of being with a girl makes me sick.

Someone's coming to be careful they don't sound happy. Do you want me to take control?

I jumped at the sound of hearing Ryker's voice as I was lost in thought.

No thanks, I will deal with it.

Ok then.

I quickly hid my wings and left the bathroom. I got back in my bed and hid underneath the covers hoping whoever came in wouldn't see my body. Then I started hearing voices outside my door.

"I heard him scream. Dominates do not scream and they definitely don't sound like a pathetic little girl when they do." I heard my Father scoff. Then I heard my Mother.

"There is no way he's a sub, Mark. You and your Father were both dominant so there is a 0% chance that he is".

"And what if he is?" I heard my father say "I will not have some gay depressed teen walking around MY home with MY last name".

"Then we disown him.... he can leave". My Mother's words broke my heart. I didn't feel like part of the family anyway but they were still my parents and they were just gonna give up on me. I heard Ryker whine and I quickly started to reassure him because he was quickly becoming one of the only few people I cared about.

It's ok, we can go to Dray's he would never leave us hanging.

I heard Ryker purr and figured he was satisfied with that. But then the door busted open and I fell out of the bed. I assume my Father saw me and my new appearance because he immediately started shouting.

"I knew it! He's fucking gay". His loud, cold, and heartless voice made me shake with fear. I also heard Ryker softly weeping.

"Get out before I do something I'm going to regret." my Mother calmly said with no emotion in her voice.
I just nodded my head, grabbed a nearby shirt, and ran towards the window.

I need you to take control I don't know how to freely use my wings I only know how to put them away.

Ryker perked up a little bit at this and made a happy chirp.

I need to be able to have some control though because you don't know how to get to the Malfoy Manor.

Don't worry I will let you have control with me, Blaise, this will be so much fun!

I don't know how Ryker can be so happy after getting yelled at like that but I will try to stay positive for him.

I grabbed my Hogwarts suitcase which was on my nightstand by my window and shrunk it with my wand. I set it in my pant pocket then I opened the window and right before I jumped out I heard my father yell.

"Your new name is Blaise Reed don't ever use the name Zabini again you traitor".

I flinched at the words my own Father was saying to me and I know it got to Ryker too because I heard him whimper right before our wings burst out and we flew off.

9:38 pm- August 6th- Saturday- Blaise's POV
Italics = Ryker

We were about halfway to Malfoy Manor and I know Ryker still felt sad because I could feel the negative energy coming from him and I heard his soft whimpers. I then remember one of the last lessons I had on Veelas about how to make them happy, sad, angry, and excited. I thought back to how you were supposed to make them happy and remembered talking about mates.

"Who do you think our mate will be," I said aloud. I realized if anyone was in the area I would probably sound like a crazy flying swan but I didn't care I just need to comfort Ryker. And it worked because just at the mention of a mate the negative energy was gone.

Then he started rambling on about mates and how nice it would feel in their arms and the rest of the way was spent talking about our awesome mate and I couldn't wait to meet him. Him. A guy. A guy with another guy. A guy with me. Wow. When did I become so ok with that?

I was brought up learning how disgusting gays were... but here I am excited about mating with a guy. In fact, I can't wait. How long till I can see my mate. I'm very impatient and I don't want to wait any longer... I really hope this is the Veela in me because I sound so desperate. I really do want to meet him though. I'm pretty sure Ryker sensed what I was thinking as he replied quickly.

When are we going to Hogwarts?

"In about a month, why?" I answered. He whined a little bit then answered.

Because that's where our mate is going to be. I can sense it. He's not there right now, but he's been there in the past. I feel his energy, do you?

I shook my head no and heard him make an "oh" sound.

I didn't want to wait a month but it's better than having to search the world for them so I'm pretty satisfied. I knew you were trying to make me feel better so I quickly said "thanks Ryker" and heard you hum. Then I saw a huge mansion come into view and got very excited.

That's it, Ryker! That's where Dray lives. I can't wait for you to meet him he's amazing!

A couple of minutes later we landed at the door of the Malfoy Manor. I hid my wings and took back full control of my body which made Ryker sad but he can go flying some other time.

The thought of this made him happy again.

As we knocked on the door a house-elf immediately opened it as I was on the list of people allowed inside. But that was as a "Zabini" so I don't know how long I'll be allowed to stay here. Knowing this, and not wanting to get kicked out, I ran as soon as he opened the door to Draco's room. I ignored all the elves telling me to stop running.

What if Draco is our mate?

This makes me stop running and think. What if he is my mate? Would that ruin our friendship? Our friendship. Friend... he's not my mate. He can't be.

I finally reply as I start walking again.

No, he's not, he's like my brother. I don't feel any romantic connection. Sorry, Ryker.

Surprisingly you don't seem to upset so I feel like you sensed it too.

After a few minutes of running around I make it to his room I throw open the door and jump into Draco's unsuspecting arms.

"Blaise? Merlin, is that you? What happened? Why are you here? No way are you a Veela? Did you meet your mate already?" I heard Dray say. I chuckled. Like I said Draco and I really liked learning about Veelas.

I then get off of him take my suitcase out of my pocket, unshrink it, and set it on the floor. I pull him off of his desk chair from where he was working on summer homework. I lay down on the bed and pull him to me.

He sits against the headboard and lays my head on his lap and starts playing with my hair. I heard Ryker squeak from the sudden affection but I know this is normal. Dray and I don't get affection from our parents so we always turned to each other. We act and cuddle like a couple but we're just best friends that only have each other in their lives.

I hear Ryker whine when I replay my words to him in my head but then go back to purring when Draco continues petting me.

"So what's going on Blaise. I love the surprise but I'm kinda freaking out because you've shrunk like 3 heads." I hear Draco say and it makes me chuckle. I nuzzle my head into his stomach and start my story.

"Well as it turns out I'm a Veela and I look like this cause I'm a... sub," I whisper the last part but then continue, "my Veelas name is Ryker, he's really nice. Anyway when Mr. and Mrs. Zabini found out about my inheritance they disowned me because they didn't want a homosexual in the family".

My voice cracks slightly when I have to refer to my parents as Mr. and Mrs. Zabini but I know if I call them Mother and Father aloud that I would be punished if they were to find out. I explain the situation with more details and through my story, me I see his face shift from worry, to anger, to sadness, and hatred.

".... so now my name is Blaise Reed".

  No this is not a Blaise x Draco story 😂

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