Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru...

By ScammerOne

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Inubozaki Shouichi was a boy without any memories of his past. He is now adopted at the inubozaki house and i... More

Noble Storm
Sword Maiden
Sword Maiden II
Shining Hearts
Shining Hearts II
Overcoming Adversity
Anticipation of Tomorrow
Anticipation of Tomorrow II
Anticipation of Tomorrow III
Idyllic Happiness
Idyllic Happiness II
Idyllic Happiness III
Idyllic Happiness IV
Blessing of the Gods
Blessing of the Gods II
Blessing of the Gods III
The Choice For A Change
The Choice For A Change II
The Choice for a change III
Those Who Know Grief
The Bonds of Love
The Darkness Of Despair
The Light Of Hope
A Brewing Storm
The Connected Past I
The Connected Past II
The Entrusted Future
The Entrusted Future II
Records Of the Agito - The Unknown Past
Records Of the Agito - The Lost World
Records Of the Agito - A New Beginning
Records Of the Agito - The Red-Eyed Devil
Records Of the Agito - What It Means To Protect
Records Of the Agito - Determination
Records Of the Agito - Determination II
Records Of the Agito - Transition
Records Of the Agito - The Two Girls
Records Of the Agito - Overconfidence
Records Of the Agito - Recovery
Records Of the Agito - Budding
Records Of the Agito - The Flowers Of War
Records Of the Agito - Exploration
Records Of the Agito - Exploration II
Records Of the Agito - Fleeting Days
Records Of the Agito - Sisters
Records Of the Agito - Loss
Records Of the Agito - Warped Minds
Records Of the Agito - Mad Thoughts
Records Of the Agito - Chikage's Choice
Records Of the Agito - The Future Of Mankind
Records Of the Agito - Warriors Of Shikoku
Records Of the Agito - Warriors of Shikoku II
Records Of the Agito - Ashikawa Shouichi
Records Of the Agito - The Passed On Feelings
Spectacular Days
Joyous Youth
Precious Memories
Precious Memories II
My Heart Aches When I Think of You
Concealed Intentions
Pure Hearts
Final Duty
Shinning Evolution
I'm Happy For You Are With Me

Inubozaki Shouichi

615 21 16
By ScammerOne


(Real World)

Togo woke up at the hospital where she and the others were treated before. 

Togo: Where am I......?

Yuuna: Togo-san!!! (Yuuna immediately hugged Togo who just woke up)

Togo: Yuuna-chan?...... Where are we?

Yuuna: We're at the hospital, right now.......

Togo then looked around the room when she saw the television.

News Reporter: The large scale mountain fire was now able to be controlled. 

Togo: I see...... It wasn't a dream........ That means....... Shouichi-senpai.......

Yuuna: ......

Togo: It's my fault...... I shouldn't have done that..... (Togo then began to cry)

Yuuna: Togo-san....... (Yuuna then hugged Togo again) Don't worry...... no matter how hard it is...... I'll be with you..... facing it......

Togo: Yuuna-chan...... thank you........

Not long after Fuu entered the room.

Togo: Fuu-senpai....... I...... I'm sorry........

Fuu: Don't be....... This is what he'd wanted. (Fuu said as she clenched her fist and held back from getting angry at Togo with everything she had) 

Togo: .....

Fuu: By the way Togo, how is your body feeling?

Togo: My body...... Huh?! (Togo then realizes that there's something with her) My legs....... I can feel it!!!!! I can move it!!!!! (Togo said as she tried to get off the bed and walk around, but falls not long after) OW!!!! 

Yuuna: Togo-san!!!! Are you okay???!!! (Yuuna in her wheelchair tried to help her up)

Togo: It's..... getting better?! It's really getting better!!!!!! (She said excitedly)

Fuu: Thank goodness...... but don't get off your horses. The doctor said that we will still need some rehabilitation. 

Fuu then exited Togo's room, to return to her room. On her way there,..... she met Itsuki who was searching for her sister.

Fuu: What's wrong, Itsuki?

Itsuki: O....... 

Fuu looked at her sister with shock.

Itsuki: O....... Onee........ Onee-chan...... 

Fuu then began to cry.

Fuu: You...... You really....... You really got your voice back........ (Fuu ran to Itsuki and hugged her) We're going to get better...... We're going to get better!!!!!!

Itsuki: Yeah........

Fuu continued to cry as they hugged each other.

Karin: Looks like....... everything's going to work out just fine........ Thank you Shouichi...... (Karin said as she walked to Fuu and Itsuki using a crutch to support her leg, an eyepatch to cover her left eye that was still not able to see)

(A few days later)

(Shouichi's funeral)

Not long after, as soon as the girls have recovered enough, the Taisha decided to hold a funeral ceremony for Shouichi.

Priest: Today,....... we came to express our condolences. At this moment....... we bid farewell to our hero with the deepest regrets. Minowa Tetsuya-sama or Inubozaki Shouichi-sama was someone who was born with a great gift. With these gifts, he carried out the duties to protect the world despite not having the responsibility to do so. The brilliance of his service will remain with us forever. May he find peace in the Shinju-sama and continue to guide and protect us. 

The priest made a speech as Yuuna, Togo, Fuu, Itsuki, and Karin sat nearby Shouichi's coffin. Even though the after-effects of Sange was getting better by themselves, Togo and Yuuna still need to use a wheelchair to go about, Karin was still using her crutches, Fuu was still wearing the hearing aid for her right ear, and Itsuki was still using an arm cast on her right hand.

Togo: Shut up....... you were just using him for your own good (Togo whispers to sarcastically offend them)

Yuuna: Togo-san...... (Yuuna said as she was trying to calm her best friend down)

Karin: Togo.........

Priest: Even though...... it was in the line of duty, losing the precious life of a child is a difficult thing for a family and friends to bear. It is hard to imagine the amount of anguish the bereaved family is going through. Inubozaki Shouichi- sama's achievement and good deed will also be remembered to our heart forever. 

Another priest then walked in and continued the speech as the one before returned back to the backstage.

Priest: Begin the flower offering ceremony.

The five of them then walked near Shouichi's coffin to place the flowers that were given to them.

(Meanwhile Inside Shouichi's Dream)

Shouichi was walking around in a very dark place until suddenly, a bright white light appeared in front of him as if calling for him........

Shouichi: Looks like......... this is it for me......... I'm really dead, huh? (Shouichi said as he began to walk to the light) 

Just as he was about to reach the light he heard a voice calling for him from behind. 

???: Are you sure about that?

Shouichi turned around to see Kaoru still standing behind him.

Shouichi: EHHHH?????!!!!!!!(Shouichi screamed in surprise) Why are you still here? Aren't you supposed to be dead, Kaoru-san??!!

Kaoru: Well....... you did kill me....... So yeah, I'm in the same state as you as a dead man or a spirit as you may prefer it.

Shouichi: Eh?!..... Well, that...... Ummmm........ I'm sorry..... (Shouichi immediately performed a 90-degree bow to Kaoru.)

Kaoru: Don't be....... (Kaoru said as he patted Shouichi's shoulder) You just did what you had to do....... If I'm in your place, I would've done the same thing......

Shouichi: But....... I don't want to see you die...... Even though, you've lied to me throughout most of my two-year life as Inubozaki Shouichi..... You were a kind man who doesn't want his fellow man to suffer. Although your method is questionable though...... 


Shouichi: Eh?! Did I said something wrong?!

Kaoru: No, don't worry about it...... You're not wrong there...... 

Shouichi: But...... Kaoru-san...... if you died first then shouldn't you enter that light first? (Shouichi said as he pointed to the light in front of him)

Kaoru: That's for you if you really want to enter it.....

Shouichi: What do you mean?

Kaoru: I still have some connection to this world. That's why I still can't enter it till now. I guess this is what people call regrets.

Shouichi: Connection?

Kaoru: That's right. And that involves you.......

Shouichi: *sigh* Again with the riddles...... Can you please get to the point....... Cause, you know what....... (Shouichi pointed to the light)

Kaoru: Alright Alright, get off your horses...... Ahem........ Did you really think that after all, I said about entrusting things to you, you'd go that easily?!


Kaoru: After all that talk, you still really going to keep silent about it?

Shouichi: It can't be helped....... I've paid with everything I got,...... and now it's up to the living-

Kaoru: That's where you're wrong!!! To me, that's just a pathetic excuse...... You're just lying to yourself...... You're just running away from them again!!!!

Shouichi: Then,....... What am I supposed to do???!!!! It's not like you or me could bring the dead back to the living!!!!!

Kaoru: Except I can though......

Shouichi: As expected- EH?! 

Kaoru: Of course I can, what do you think I'm here for?! I promised everything to you, there's no way I'll make some one-sided promise that'll only benefit me. 

Shouichi: FOR REALL?????!!!!!!!

Kaoru: Of course I can but, I'll have to tell you about two important things first.

Shouichi: What is it? I'm listening!!!

Kaoru: All right then,..... the first is the reason I chose you to gain power from the Shinju-sama. The reason behind that is because the power of Agito....... is the power to evolve indefinitely.

Shouichi: Evolve..... indefinitely.......

Kaoru: That's right....... That means that the power of Agito will one-day surpass that even of the heavenly god. 

Shouichi: And...... you want me too?

Kaoru: I'm not telling you to push yourself and force it to evolve or anything, but just remember why the heavenly gods are so afraid of us. 

Shouichi: Afraid?

Kaoru: They are afraid of the hidden infinite possibilities within the human, that's why we were on the verge of extinction.......

Shouichi: I see....... and the what's the other one??!!

Kaoru: The second one is the reason why I tried to become a god in your place. There's a saying in my family. That saying has bound me to a curse to become a god but now, I know that I should entrust these words to the next Agito. As my family did for the last 300 years.

Shouichi: What are those words? 

Kaoru: Humans are different from animals. We're supposed to respect the lives of others. And yet, we adults have caused pointless bloodshed. Not only that, but we also devoured this world's resources. Now more than ever, Humanity must control itself and regain its dignity in order to revive the hope that was born three hundred years ago. Through- 

Shouichi: Through the possibilities that lay within, we will demonstrate the power and compassion of humanity to the world. Humanity alone possesses God. The power to transcend the now. The inner god called "possibility". Huh? What is these...... words? Why does it feel like...... a very old memory........? 

Kaoru: I see that you've remembered those words. Now I've become sure of it. 

Shouichi: Eh?! What is this?! 

Kaoru: One day you'll understand the meaning of those words and you'll understand the origin of that power but now is not the time. Now for the last one......... 

Shouichi: Kaoru-san?

Kaoru then walked over to him and patted his head.

Shouichi: Wait?! What are you doing?! I'm not a brat!!! (Shouichi said as tried to get Kaoru's hand off his head)

Kaoru: No matter, how frustrating or miserable things are waiting for you in the future........ you must never give up!!!! That's one of the things you must never forget......

Shouichi: To never give up...... I promise you!!!! I'll never give up!!!! 

Kaoru: Good...... now I can rest easy..... (Kaoru's hand then began to overflow with light as the light then entered Shouichi through his head)

Shouichi: What is this light? Whoa?! What's going on???!!!! (Shouichi then began shine and float)

Kaoru: I've entrusted you with my pseudo seed of Agito, the rest of it I'll leave it to you........

Shouichi: Kaoru-san....... Thank you......

Kaoru: You're welcome....... now go!!!!!!

Shouichi: YES!!!! (Shouichi then began to fly at high speed towards the dark endless sky)

(Back to the real world)

Yuuna and the others were just about to be finished telling their last words to Shouichi. As Fuu began to walk away she was also followed by the others.

Shouichi: *Yawn* (Shouichi began to wake up) 

Fuu: Hm?! 

All of them then heard the strange sound and turned their head around to check out what is it.

Shouichi: I really took a nap back there(Shouichi said as he started to stretch his body), it was really comfy too. (Shouichi commented on his coffin) Huh? Where am I? Why are there so many people dressed in black? 

 The whole hall was silent as they couldn't believe what they were seeing with their eyes.

Shouichi: Ah! G-good morning, everyone!!!! (Shouichi nervously waved at the rest of the crowd)

Everyone in the hall: EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

The whole crowd was in an uproar as a miracle has happened and the boy had risen from the dead. The Taisha priest was also really shocked and confused as they didn't know what to do because this kind of thing has never really happened before. 

Fuu: Wait! Ummm..... EH!!!!!! Are you a ghost?????!!!!!!! (Fuu said as he began to poke at him)

Shouichi: Ow!!! Quit it, I'm still alive you know! 

Itsuki: O...... Oni...........ONIII-CHAN!!!!!!!! (Itsuki screamed to the end of her lungs as she cried with her hearts out)

Shouichi: Itsuki...... Looks like you got your voice back after all.


Shouichi: Ow!!!! (Shouichi turned around to see Karin hitting him with her crutch) 

Karin: Idiot!!!!!! Stupid!!!!!! Don't you dare do something really stupid again!!!!!!! (Karin also began to cry in front of him)

Shouichi: Karin...... (Shouichi then felt a sudden hug) Togo-chan......

Togo: Thank goodness..... Thank goodness, senpai. (Togo said as she hugged her as strong as he could)

The red-haired girl then pushed her wheelchair as fast as she could and when she had arrived close enough, she used all of her strength to jumped and hugged Togo and Shouichi.

Shouichi: Uh-oh....... 

*THUD* Yuuna was still strong enough to pushed both of them until the coffin fell down, while Yuuna landed on top of him. 

Shouichi: Ow ow ow ow ow......

Yuuna: SHOUICHI-SAN!!!!!!! (Yuuna said as she began to cry as loud as she could) 

Shouichi: Yuuki-chan......

Yuuna: Please...... don't break your promise anymore........ I...... I'll get angry if you do it.......

Shouichi: *chuckle* Alright alright...... I'm sorry.......... (Shouichi said as he patted her in her back trying to calm her down.)

To Be Continued

I hope you guys liked the new chapter of my story

Author Notes (A/N)

I do not own Kamen Rider Agito and Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru because they already have their respective owners

All images belong to respective owners.

I only own OCs and synopsis of the story.

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