Outer Banks Imagines

Od justasocalleddreamer

448K 4.4K 495

I never know what to write here, I mean the title says it all. Vรญce

JJ- "I don't want to be your charity case"
John B- "If I used that one we couldn't talk"
Pope- "your the smart one"
JJ- "Next time use a bit of common sense"
JJ- "hopefully"
Kiara- "I mean the guys said it was obvious"
Kiara/Sarah- "Other then her being a kook, none"
JJ- "Hopefully" (Part 2)
Rafe- "Also here's your money back"
Sarah- "hey stupid, I love you"
JJ- "Rafe Cameron isn't better then you"
JJ- "Rafe Cameron isn't better then you" (Part 3)
Rafe Cameron- "Jealous of John B?"
Rafe- ""It's my first step to not caring what he thinks"
John B- "Jesus we leave you alone for ten minutes
Pope-"As you said earlier I've changed"
Rafe- "Its my first step to not caring what he thinks" (part 2)
John B- "I didn't need my heart anyway. Who cares if it breaks"
Rafe- "It's my first step to not caring what he thinks" (Part 3)
Sarah- "Fucking Camerons"
Rafe- " "I wouldn't dream of it"
JJ " I don't want to be your charity case" (Part 2)
John B- "Your new boyfriend's an asshole"
JJ - "He wasn't just some guy"
Rafe- "I wouldnt dream of it" (part 2)
Pope-"As you said earlier I've changed" (Part 2)
John B- "I don't have much else going on"
Rafe- "you deserve better then friends who leave you"
John B- "I'm already involved"
JJ/Rafe- "I just don't want you to get hurt"
Cleo- "that's just Cleo"
Rafe- "you deserve better then friends who leave you" (Part 2)
JJ- "I thought I snoozed the alarm"
Rafe- "You deserve better then friends who leave you" (Part 3)
John B- "I promise"
Rafe- "But I'm your best friend"
Barry - "Just don't tell your brother"
Rafe - "So what do you want?"
Rafe - "I'm a terrible person"
Sarah -"Now why would you do that?"
Rafe- "All because I liked a boy"
JJ/Kie- "We met evil when we were only children"
Rafe - "I don't know how to love you..."
JJ - "They see right through me"

JJ- "Rafe Cameron isn't better then you" (Part 2)

11.7K 158 35
Od justasocalleddreamer

Description: y/n is a kook but she hangs with the Pogues and JJ isn't fond of her. JJ always picks to fight and bicker with her but one day he takes it too far.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of abuse.
I sat at the bench pulling my school cardigan down over my wrist as one of the girls spoke. I stared ahead as they carried on, my mind completely blank about what they were talking about. I watched as the breeze blew the leaves on the tree. I quickly came back to reality when someone put the arm around my shoulder. I pulled away turning to see Rafe sat with a confused look on his face.
"Did my brother scare you" Sarah laughed sitting opposite the pair of us, if only she knew. Rafe laughed at Sarah, I pulled the cardigan sleeve down again trying to cover the bruise on my wrist caused by Rafe. It had been just over two weeks since the incident and ever since then he acted like two different people, one minute he could be kind and loving the next he'd threaten to ruin me, my family, and he could. I was scared of him and what he could do. The only physical harm that Rafe caused to me was the bruising on my arms from pulling me or holding me, again I was scared that it could escalate. Over the last two weeks I had stopped hanging with the group, I stopped messaging them, I ignored them. I hated what I was doing but I was scared, there was nothing I could do.
"Your not scared of me right babe" he squeezed my shoulder I just forced a smile looking from Sarah to Rafe then back to her.
"Your a big teddy bear really aren't you Rafe" one of the other girls laughed.
"You know it" Rafe pulled me closer to him laughing.
"You sure your okay?" Concern on Sarah's face, I wanted to tell her, maybe she'd believe me, I know the Pogues believe me but there's nothing they could do if I had Sarah on my side then Rafe couldn't do anything.
"Sarah she's fine. Aren't you?" Rafe stared down at me looking quickly to Sarah then back. My gaze left the table and met Sarah's, I hope she can see the truth. "Come on y/n" again Rafe squeezed my shoulder forcing me to smile at Sarah and lie.
"Yeah I'm completely fine, we'll apart from having double science next" Sarah let out a laugh accepting my answer like the rest of the group.
"Like I said she's completely fine" Rafe removed his arm as the conversation drifted away from me.

I walked to science, Rafe and his friends ahead of me and Sarah. The girl next to me rolled her eyes as Kelce knocked the books out of a passing freshman's hands with a laugh.
"Do you have to be a dick?" Sarah called out as the freshman picked up his books.
"Hey I'm just doing what was done to me" the boy shrugged as Topped and Rafe joined in with a laugh.
"Assholes" Sarah muttered as we passed the freshman who stood up. "You really need to have a talk with your boyfriend" Sarah sent a glance my way. Yeah like I could tell him what to do. I didn't reply to the girl I just carried on walking down the corridor. The boys stopped when we finally reached the science classroom turning to look back at Sarah and I.
"I'll see you after school" Sarah pulled me into a hug.
"I swear your girlfriend loves your sister more then you" Kelce commented Sarah pulled away to flip him off. Rafe forced a laugh at the comment.
"You better move your ass before I slap you" Sarah warned Kelce who held his hands up. The boy quickly turned and started to walk down the corridor. Rafe stood watching me and Sarah while Topper held the classroom door open. "Like I said I'll see you after school" Sarah smiled walking over to Rafe and pushing him down the corridor. "You'll see her later" Sarah laughed pushing her brother as he looked over his shoulder at me. To her it may seem cute but it was really so that he could see if I do anything 'wrong', something he could have a go at me about.
"Come on y/n" Topper pushed the classroom door open allowing me to walk in. I walked through the classroom passing my peers and over to my table, Topper taking the seat next to me.

We were currently into the second period of science and I was ready to go home. The only thing that even made the lesson tolerable was Topper, don't get me wrong he was your typical kook but he was a friend, he truly cared about the people closest to him. I rested my chin on my hand as the teacher carried on talking, I really didn't care, I focused on doodling in the corner of my book. After finishing my small drawing my phone buzzed in my pocket. I looked around the room, the teacher fully occupied with writing on the board not paying attention to the class. My fellow classmates were either taking notes or messing around. I looked over at Topper whose full attention was on the teacher. After being sure the coast was clear I pulled my phone out unlocking it then checking my messages.
From: JJ
You okay? We haven't
seen you in a while.
Have you broken up with Rafe?
I looked at the text the back up and over at Topper whose attention was still on the teacher.
To: JJ
That's all I sent reply as I slipped my phone back into my pocket. No was the answer to both questions that he asked, my leg started to jig as I thought about the question, should I break up with Rafe? Could I break up with Rafe? He said he'd ruin me, and he could. I owed everything to him. I bite my lip and my eyes started to water, I was not going to cry in the middle of class. Another buzz pulled me from my thoughts. I reached into my pocket and did the same as before.
From: JJ
Why not? We need to
meet and talk about this.
I promise I can help just let me.
"What the fuck" I heard someone mumble, I turned to my side to see Topper leaning over a little so that he could see my phone. I could see the anger in Toppers face, I mean Topper was one of Rafes best friends.
"It's not what it looks like" I quickly argued as I slipped the phone back into my pocket.
"Really?" He spit trying to keep his voice down.
"Please Topper just let me explain" I pleaded as he looked away shaking his head. Before Topper could speak the school bell rang, Topper picked his things up and made his way to the door. I scrambled behind throwing what I could in my bag while carrying everything else. I pushed the door open and rushed down the corridor trying to catch up to Topper before he reached Rafe.
"Topper" I grabbed his arm pulling him off to the side and towards the lockers. "Just please let me explain" I quickly got out as my eyes watered. If he reached Rafe and told him about the texts I don't know what he would do. I had to tell him, he had to believe me right.
"There's nothing to explain" he tried to pull his arm out my grasp but I pleaded with him again.
"Please Topper" the boy looked down, his face softening when he saw my face. "Please..." the boy looked from me to the surrounding area then at a classroom near by. He walked to the door pushing it open, I followed.
"You have a minute to explain" he crossed his arms still obviously angry. I took a few seconds collecting myself.
"I know the texts look bad..." I trailed off.
"Look bad, I just read that your breaking up with my best friend for what, JJ" he walked around the classroom before stopping near the window crossing his arms.
"What? No!" I took a step closer to the boy. "I'm not breaking up with him for JJ" I just need to tel him the truth.
"But you are breaking up with him" he took a step closer shaking his head. "He worships the ground you walk on" I scoffed as the tears built up, I could stop it anymore, the tears fell as I looked back at Topper again his face softening.
"He doesn't worship the ground I walk on..." I looked down as the tears carried on falling, Topper remained silent. I sniffed as I turned to look back at the boy, his face still held some anger towards me. "His awful" my voice broke as I spoke, I raised my hand brushing the tears that were on my cheek. "He says really horrible things, his controlling..." I looked up at the boy in front of me, I could see the disbelief on his face.
"Controlling cause he doesn't want you hanging with Pogues?" I sniffed as I looked up and over at him.
"He doesn't want me hanging with anyone!" I had to make Topper believe me otherwise he'll tell Rafe, and thats the worse thing he could do. The disbelief was still on his face. "Fine don't believe me..." I started to unbutton my cardigan and pulling it off.
"What are you-" Topper started but stopped when he saw the bruise on my forearm and upper arm. Topper took a step closer as he looked at my left arm then towards my right, both the upper arms had matching bruises from when I tried to walk after another one of Rafe's verbal attacks, he pushed me against the wall yelling holding me as tightly as possible before snapping back and walking away as if nothing had happened. "Rafe did this..." it didn't sound like a question it sounded more like his was telling himself, telling himself that this was true, that his best friend did this. Silence fell over the two of us.
"You can't tell Rafe about the texts, you also can't tell anyone what I told you" Topper who was still fixated on the bruises looked quickly up at me, a confused look on his face.
"I won't tell Rafe but you need to tell someone, you need to..." he trailed off looking back at the bruises.
"I'm handling it. Plus who's going to believe me over Rafe Cameron" I took a step back from Topper pulling my cardigan back on.
"I do, obviously JJ does" he muttered JJ's name like it was poison. He was right but still my family against Toppers wouldn't end well, most likely my family would lose business.
"Like I said I'm dealing with it" I forced a smile as I grabbed a makeup wipe and held my phone up as I wiped my face cleaning myself up. Topper didn't say anything as I cleaned my face and made my self presentable again. "We should probably get going" I slipped my phone back into my pocket and threw the makeup wipe into the classroom bin. Topper just nodded, I could tell that he was still trying to process what I had just confessed to him.

"Took you long enough" Sarah laughed as I walked out the school door and towards her. She threw her arm over my shoulder as we walked down the school path and out the gate.
"I'm so glad schools over" I leaned into Sarah as we walked.
"I know right" she smiled as we walked, some students passed us in a hurry to get home. "Oh I heard there's a pogue party at the boneyard tonight" she smiled as we carried on walking. I didn't feel like parting but I knew I would have to go.
"See I told you, your sisters trying to steal your girl" Kelce pushed past us with a laugh both me and Sarah and flipping him off.
"She wishes she could" Rafe walker over to us putting his arm over my shoulder pushing Sarah's arm from around my neck. Topper walked next to Sarah looking between me and Rafe, he wanted to say something but didn't.
"So you guys going to the party tonight?" Kelce asked walking backwards so that he could see us.
"I mean obviously, gotta show these Pogues who's boss" Rafe laughed, Kelce joined in, Rafe looked from him to me then over to Topper who wasn't participating. "What's up?" Rafe removed his arm from around my shoulder before walking over to Topper.
"Nothing" Topper tried for act normal but it was just making it more obvious that there was something wrong.
"Usually if there's a party your all up for it but it seems like you couldn't care" Rafe nudged Topper as he spoke, Topper just shrugged playing it off. Before Rafe could go on my phone went off, I pulled it out my pocket hitting answer.
"Hello" I answered, I looked over at Rafe who tilted his head as I spoke.
"Hey y/n where am you" my dads voice came over the phone, a relief washing over me. If it had been JJ Rafe would have lost it.
"Just walking home from school, I'm probably about five minutes away" I turned from Rafe and carried on walking catching up with Kelce who had stopped.
"Okay hurry up, I'm heading to Heywards" Heywards was Popes dads place, my dad brought things from there to help out, my dad has know Popes dad from growing up being a Pogue. I usually went to see the group.
"Just go without me" I carried on walking as a presence stood by me, I turned to look to see Rafe looming down at me.
"No it's fine, I'll wait. See you in a bit" my dad ended the call, I let out a sigh as I slipped my phone back into my pocket.
"Who was that?" Rafe quickly questioned.
"Why don't you just check her call history" Topper snapped from behind us. I turned glaring at him. Rafe looked from me to him then back taken aback by Toppers comment.
"It's was just my dad" I tried to defuse the tension that was building up. Rafe looked down at me not convinced by my answer. "He just wants me to hurry home" I added, it was the truth.
"Well I'll walk you home" Rafe put on a fake smile, I knew what that smile meant. I chewed the inside of my cheek.
"We've got things to do before the party" Topper spoke up walking closer to the pair of us.
"What?" Rafe looked over at Topper.
"Yeah you said we had to get something, something from someone called Barry" Rafe seemed to be thinking about it before a light bulb went off behind his eyes.
"Shit yeah..." he looked from Topper to me. "I'll meet you later." The way he said it told me whatever he was going to do was going to happen later. Rafe turned walking to Kelce, Topper lingered looking back at me, I quickly gave him a thankful smile before he turned and followed the others.
"Boys..." Sarah rolled her eyes as we walked.

"Come on" my dad opened his door as we pulled up outside Heywards. I took a breath in getting out the car and making my way into Heywards.
"Well if it isn't my two favourite customers" Mr Heyward, Pope's dad smiled at the two of us.
"Hey" me and my dad said at the same time. I looked around and couldn't see any of the group.
"There outside" Mr Heyward spoke as if he read my thoughts. I turned to look back  at him then to my dad.
"Go on" my dad urged like I was a little kid who needed encouragement to make new friends. I didn't say anything I just walked making my way out the building and down the dock. The group were right at the end in John B's boat, Pope was the only person not in it. JJ had his back towards me speaking to John B.
"I'm just concerned" I overheard JJ speak as I got closer no one seeing me yet.
"Two weeks ago you were at each other's throats and now..." Kie trailed off, were they talking about me. It sounded like it.
"That was before..." again JJ trailed off not finishing what he was speaking about. "Maybe I should call her" John B looked up from JJ at Pope before he finally looked across seeing me.
"You won't need to call her" John B nodded towards me causing all the group to look at me.
"Where the hell have you been?" JJ instantly got out the boat surprising the group and myself.
"School..." I looked at the boy who's face was full of worry. If you would have told me a month ago that JJ would look at me like this I would have laughed at you.
"What the hell is happening?" I heard Kie ask, I looked over JJ's shoulder at the girl who was turned to John B with a confused look. John B just shrugged not knowing what to say.
"I've messaged you and you didn't message back" the boy crossed his arms grabbing my attention back.
"I did" I argued back, I did to the first one and then couldn't because of the situation with Topper.
"You just answered no and then didn't reply to the next one. Do you know how concerned I was" I looked over to Pope who was as confused as John B and Kie.
"Okay can someone tell me what's going on? Kie spoke catching JJ's attention, JJ turned to look over at me waiting for me to speak, to tell them but I didn't. "You two not going to tell us" Kie added as Pope got into the boat next to her.
"It's not for me to say" JJ said putting it on me, thank you JJ. The groups attention on me. Here we go...

"Next time I see Rafe Cameron I'm going to kill him" John B spoke as I sat on the edge of the boat pulling my sleeve top down. Over the two weeks I had to pick long sleeve tops to wear to hide the bruises.
"His not worth the jail time" I looked down at the boat floor as John B stood up walking around the boat.
"She's right..." Kie spoke up, I smiled over at the girl. "Plus you being in jail won't help y/n especially if you mess up" Kie looked over at John B.
"We have to do something" JJ sat next to me his hand on top of mine something that happened when I told the group about Rafe.
"You guys don't need to do anything, I do" I looked between the group, JJ squeezed my hands giving me a smile.
"Well we're with you" JJ looked between the group each person nodded.
"Thank you guys" I smiled.
"Y/n" I turned as my name was called, my dad walked down the dock with a bag. "I'm heading home, you coming?" He questioned looking around the group then at me. I looked from my dad to the group. I was meant to meet Rafe but I didn't want to.
"I'm going to stay here" I turned to face the group.
"Okay just don't be back late" my dad started to turn away.
"Hey Mr y/l/n theres a party at the Boneyard can y/n come" JJ spoke up getting my dads attention, I completely forgot about the party, the party Rafe, Sarah, Kelce and Topper were also going to. My dad looked from JJ to me.
"No later the one" I smiled at my dad nodding his head.
"Thank you Mr y/l/n" JJ thanked my dad who just nodded his head before turning and walking up the dock and away from us.
"I don't know about this party" I said out loud to the group. John B started the boat up pulling away from the dock and making his way to his.
"Why not?" Pope spoke looking over at me, I sighed.
"Rafe and everyone's going" I messed with my sleeve, JJ placer his hand on top of mine.
"We'll all be there" he smiled at me.
"Yeah he'll have to go through all of us" Kie looked at me with a smile like JJ's.
"It's not just that but after, he'll ruin my life." The group shared a look. "He said he would. He'd turn everyone against me."
"Fuck everyone else" JJ stood up walking around the boat running a hand through his hair. "You can't stay in this relationship" he turned to look back at me.
"You make it sound so easy but it's not" I looked up at JJ biting the inside of my cheek.
"I know" JJ huffed our looking away. His answer filling me with curiosity, the rest of the group falling quiet. 

I stood looking out over the water, the sun giving it an orange tint. I let out a breath.
"Space for one more" JJ sat not waiting for my response.
"What was the point of asking?" I questioned the boy who's gaze was on the water.
"I just wanted to seem polite" he turned to me with a smile.
"Please, you lost the right to seem polite along time ago" I laughed, the boy pulled a face before playing fully shoving me. Silence fell over the two of us.
"Are you okay" JJs tone serious, more serious then I've ever heard it.
"I'm just nervous about the party tonight?" I replied honestly looking ahead at the orange tinted water.
"It'll be okay. Rafe will have to go through me and the others" JJ placed his hand on top of mine. I turned giving the boy a smile. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm glad he's here.

So I'm making this a part three series.
Also I don't think Rafe would be like this.
Nor the Actor.
Anyway your girl moved into university accommodation and has already started developing a crush on a guy she can't have, also he lived in the same accommodation as me. Ugh why, send help. But like seriously any advice leave it for me please.
Also another of my roommates reminds me of Tom Felton/ Draco Malfoy, I may just be too deep in dracotiktok at the moment and just randomly seeing similarities. Also he like Harry Potter as well.

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