Miraculous Salty September

By lwandile13

529K 7.6K 6.5K

Hey guys so I decided to start a new tradition. Please join me and come up with your own salty September book... More

Day 1-Musicians Revenge
Day 2-Fashion Week
Day 3- An old enemy
Day 4- You can't get rid of me that easily
Day 5- Princess justice
Day 6- Princess justice part 2
Day 7-My twin comes to visit
Day 8- It only took him a few words
Day 9- Miraculous soul mates
Day 10- I'm not going to do it
Request 1: When your boyfriend invites your class
Day 11- As cold as Ice
Request 2: The real me
Day 12: karaoke
Day 13: why wasn't I told of this
Day 14- Martha Wayne
Request 3: Be careful who you bully
Day 15: my parents are psycos
Request 4: Lila salt I just love it
Request 5: you messed with the crown
Day 17- Call me Mari-gold Ivy
Request 6:You picked the wrong side
Day 18- you chose to break up with me
Request 7: Moving to NYC
smartest decision ever
Day 19- fixing a broken melody
Request 8:I lost my job because of you
Day 20- Who's your favorite Wayne
Request 9: You messed with the wrong person
Day 21-tell me who sent you
On hold
Request 10: He's way too young for you
Day 22: Disrespect
Day 23: Disrespect part 2
Day 24: Melody
Request 11: Metropolis
Day 24: Homophobic
Day 25: Do I have to choose
Day 26: Cheating

Day 16- Getting told of by a bunny

11.6K 156 15
By lwandile13

3rd person POV

The class was sitting waiting for the familiar bluenette to burst into class with a lame excuse to why she's late. You would think there waiting to greet their friend but no they waiting to pay her back for what's she's done.

The strange thing is that Adrien is missing as well. Lila had turned all of Marinette's friends against her. She had lied, painting Marinette as the bad guy and the idiots fell for it.

Adrien soon saw that his high road idea was not working and apologized to Marinette. It was them against the world. They soon did a reveal and started to date. It's half way through the lesson and the two haven't arrived yet.

Today they had decided that they were in a good mood. This is because Hawkmoth had been defeated. They had decided on going easy on her today.

"Ma'am where are Marinette and adry" Rose asks.

A blue pottle opens up and a lady with Pink hair, who is dressed in a bunny costume hops out sitting on Miss Bustiers desk.

"They are gone" she says looking down at her nails.

"And how would you know" Ayla asks.

"Because I'm a miraculous user dah, wow you are stupider then I remember" she says looking up at them giving them a glare before starting to swing her umbrella back and forward.

"Who are you and what gives you the right to disturb my class" miss Bustier asks.

"I'm bunix and I disturbed your class to tell you your all idiots, well except for Chloe and Alex" she says going back to looking at her nails.

"Thanks" the two say at the same time.

"Hmmm who's first" she says eyes darting around the class "let's start with the adult shall we" she says looking back at Miss Bustier. "You are an incompetent teacher that has been pushing all her work load on Marinette. Your part of the reason she left"

"What do you mean" she asks.

"You really are dense" she sighs and a blue portal opens up"everyone step in" she says. Everyone does as she says afraid at what the hero would do. While 2 people have smug looks on.

"Where are we" Mylene asks.

"No where you should care about just don't touch anything" she says leading them to a screen and starts to play the video.

On the screen

"Look aunty h I just can't do it anymore" Marinette says. "Yes I promise, could you put Bridget on" she replies to something that was said "she's with Felix perfect" she smiles brightly putting the phone on speaker and pats the space on her side to motion for Adrien to sit next to her.

"How's my favorite cousin" a female voice says.

"Hey bridge he fe"

"Hello Marinette, how's my cousin treating you" he asked.

"Great I see Bridget is teaching you to be more polite" Marinette say jokingly.

"Yeah" he says laughing.

"So what is this about you moving here" Bridget says in a more serious tone.

"I just can't anymore" Marinette replies " we can't. Me and Adrien are moving to America as soon as Hawkmoth is defeated. Finding out that he was Adriens dad took a toll on both of us and we just can't. I can only be healed so much. The bullying is too much." She says fully sobbing into Adriens arms.

"It's ok cous we'll take you in" Bridget says.

"See you soon" she says hanging up.

"You and me" Adrien says.

"And Chloe, Alex, Kagami and Luka" she says smiling.

"But mostly us" he says.

"Yeah you and me" she says closing the gap between them "now and forever" she says resting her head against his chest.

- back to the class -

"What did she mean by she's tired of all the bullying" Ivan asks.

"Are you kidding me" Chloe shouts.

" Chloe calm down, I'm the one having fun here who is next" bunix says "Nino" she says looking at him on the eyes "you believed a complete stranger over your childhood friend just because she claimed to have connections. Marinette, the girl you used to have a crush on. The girl who fully supported you when you said you had a crush on Nino. Who never laughed at your childish behaviors. Your sister Nino. The one who insured you and Ayla spent time together. You believed a girl with a 'lying' disease over her"

Nino sighs and looks down guil written all over his face.

"I don't think you can put all the blame on him" Miss Bustier says.

"I don't, I blame you" she says "you stood there as she got bullied. Telling her she had to be the freaking bigger person. You watched as she suffered and instead of helping her you choose to pile her with your work. You should be ashamed"

"Why are you defending the bully" Ayla screams.

"I'm sorry but multi mouse is not a bully, she is the most powerful thing we have, she is part of the reason Hawkmoth was defeated. Because she is our spy. She is so tiny that not even cameras can detect her. She is our hacker. Our secret weapon. She can weld all the miraculous. She is the God of the God's, a well loved one. Mess with her, you mess with us" she retorts crossing her arms causing the class to gasp.

"Mul-mul-mult" Ayla stutters.

"Multi mouse and I'm glad you spoke up Cessair, your next" she smirks "they is too much to say to you so let me summarize it, you betrayed your best friend for a lier who claimed to have connections" she says "now for the class let me play a few videos"

She shows them all of Lila's lies. Her getting Marinette expelled, faking falling down the stairs, talking to Hawkmoth, working with Hawkmoth and many more incriminating things.

"Chloe and Alex you leave today, Mari is taking you in" bunix says smiling "the rest of you, enjoy your time in jail" she says pushing them out.


I'm sorry but I just had too. I mean bunix is too smart to be true. Yeah she is the all wise one😜😜😜. Anyway hope you enjoying and don't forget to vote and comment.

Jenny ❤️❤️❤️

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