Miraculous Salty September

By lwandile13

528K 7.6K 6.5K

Hey guys so I decided to start a new tradition. Please join me and come up with your own salty September book... More

Day 1-Musicians Revenge
Day 2-Fashion Week
Day 3- An old enemy
Day 4- You can't get rid of me that easily
Day 5- Princess justice
Day 6- Princess justice part 2
Day 7-My twin comes to visit
Day 8- It only took him a few words
Day 9- Miraculous soul mates
Day 10- I'm not going to do it
Request 1: When your boyfriend invites your class
Day 11- As cold as Ice
Request 2: The real me
Day 12: karaoke
Day 13: why wasn't I told of this
Day 14- Martha Wayne
Request 3: Be careful who you bully
Day 15: my parents are psycos
Request 4: Lila salt I just love it
Day 16- Getting told of by a bunny
Request 5: you messed with the crown
Request 6:You picked the wrong side
Day 18- you chose to break up with me
Request 7: Moving to NYC
smartest decision ever
Day 19- fixing a broken melody
Request 8:I lost my job because of you
Day 20- Who's your favorite Wayne
Request 9: You messed with the wrong person
Day 21-tell me who sent you
On hold
Request 10: He's way too young for you
Day 22: Disrespect
Day 23: Disrespect part 2
Day 24: Melody
Request 11: Metropolis
Day 24: Homophobic
Day 25: Do I have to choose
Day 26: Cheating

Day 17- Call me Mari-gold Ivy

10.7K 174 125
By lwandile13

Chloe's POV

"What did you say" Marinette screamed in an angry manner.

Well the idiots have done it. They have pushed her over the edge. Five years. Five years of bullying and it only took them a few words to push the wrong buttons.

Lila came lying with every breath, turning everyone against my Mari-bug. They bullied her both mentally and physically, believing a lier over her.

Well she didn't mind that much because she had me, Kagami and of course Luka. But what pushed her over the edge was when Lila insulted her mother and the idiots followed her lead.

Let me recap. The class had won a trip to Gotham thanks to Mari. Not that the class knew that. We were planning on using this as an excuse and staying here. Kagami and Luka were with us of course.

So we were at the airport waiting for the bus, okay let me be honest with you. The MPS and Mari were waiting for Mari-bugs childhood 'friend'to pick us up. All was good until...

"I personally know batman"the lier said.

"Really how did you meet" Rose asks.

"I was visiting my boyfriend Damian Wayne..." At the mention of his name i could see a flash of anger and disgust in Mari's eyes "... I was out walking around when poison Ivy attached me. Batman came to save me and has seen me as a niece ever since"

"Poison Ivy" Mylene asks.

"Yes she's one of Gotham's villains" the lier replies.

"Yeah she's horrible" Ayla supports and some of my classmates agree with her, throwing insults at Ivy.

At this point a green aura is surrounding her. Her eyes glow green, twitching. The last comment must have pushed her over the edge.

"She is the worst of villains. A heartless monster" Lila comments giving the final blow.

"What did you say" Marinette asks venom dripping in each word. She takes a step forward. "I dare you to say that again" her voice is dangerously calm. Me, Luka and Kagami share a worried look.

"Ivy is a cold hearted monster" Ayla says looking her dead on the eyes.

"Melody don't" Luka tries to reason with her while I grab her phone.

"My mother is not a villain and I refuse to hear these bullies talk about her like this" she screams before turning back to them.

Vines sprout out of the group rapping themselves around the now frightened class. She raises her hands causing the vines rapped around Lila to move towards her.

I quickly open Marinette's phone calling the one person I know can calm her down.

"He-" the voice says.

"Where the f*ck are you" I shout cutting him off.

"Tt who are you" he asks.

"I'm Marinette's best friend"

"Why are you calling me"

"Mari" I simply state.

"What happened is she hurt" he asks clearly worried.

"Your girlfriend is ok, it's what she going to do to my classmates I'm worried about"

"What do you mean"

"Long story short, the angered her. Now bring the whole team they I is no way for us to escape and transform"

"Team, how did... Transform"

"No questions, oh we need Damian not Robin" I say hanging up.

I look back to see Marinette shouting at the class. From what I can make out it's about believing a lier over her and that no one bad mouths her mother.

I head over to Kagami and Luka who have pulled out a blanket setting it down on the floor. Luka is sitting cross legged strumming his guitar with Kagami laying on his lap reading a book.

I take a sit next to them pulling out a few papers for my latest case.

"Are those for Melody's case" Luka asks looking a the now pale class.

"Yeah pretty much" I say as I look into the evidence.

"How did the call go" Kagami asks.

"Great" I say. A few minutes later Damian comes running into the airport with nightwing and red hood following him.

"Your late" I say looking up from my paperwork. "She's almost done and not going to kill anyone" I continue yawning as I put my stuff away.

"The vigilantes can go" Kagami says.

"Thanks" Luka says smiling at them as he was the second nicest in the group.

"Uhh ok" red hood says beginning to leave.

"See you in a few" I say as the exit. I see a glimpse of shock written in their faces before the disappear out the door.

"Hey Dami" Marinette says kissing his cheek.

"Hey angel I missed you" he says smiling.

"Now I know for sure pixie pop is back" a voice comes from behind us.

"Damian is smiling the world is ending" the sleep deprived boy shouts.

"Relax Tim he's just happy to see his girlfriend" the eldest says.

"Dicky bird, Jay-jay" Marinette squeals hugging the two.

"Ok what is happening" the blonde asks.

"Hi" Marinette says beaming.

"How is she Damian's girlfriend" the coffee addict says. "I need more coffee" he mumbled.

"I really have no idea" the guy with the white tuff in his hair.

"Jason you still on that" she asks crossing her arms.

"You're my sister, he is my brother, you see what I'm saying" he says making most of us sneaker.

"*Eye roll* are they still frozen in fear" Mari asks changing the subject.

"Yep" Kagami says popping the p while grinning like a maniac.

"Who who are you" Kim asks coming out of his shocked state.

"I'm Mari-gold Ivy. Poison Ivy's biological daughter" she states.

"And you all need lawyers" I add grinning.


Yes I did it. I just had to. I mean these , okay I can't call them idiots. But I have a feeling that most of them are fake friends. I don't know why. Oh and I hate Lila, sorry Lila fans. So please vote and comment.


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