SLYTHERIN QUEEN (draco malfoy...

By itsyagirlhaha

747 34 16

"He hurt you, Draco...and its ok to cry about it. Expressing your feelings doesn't make you weak---it makes y... More

the first day
chapter 4- Pansy Parkinson
chapter 5-the stupid, stupid skirt
chapter 6- the ball
chapter 7: Blaise...Zabini
chapter 8: driving draco wild
chapter 9: Saving Pansy
chapter 10-Blaise is punished
chapter 11: a day with Malfoy
chapter 12- Dress Shopping with Draco
eve, the slytherin queen


154 7 10
By itsyagirlhaha

AUTHOR'S NOTE: so, I know the first chapter might be a bit boring...but I promise that it will help you understand future chapters! also...listening to music while you read makes it feel like a movie...kinda...sorda...anyways, tootles!

Eve's Pov:

I have arrived at Hogwarts and I have to admit I am quite disappointed in the school's ability to place me correctly. While the school is quite beautiful, and I am sure that the teachers and classes will be thrilling and educational; I am disappointed about a matter that is far worse than classes. I am disappointed because I am a Slytherin.

I simply know I am not a Slytherin at heart...although I am a pureblood, and your blood seems to matter greatly to the people in this house. I would much rather be a Gryffindor...or a Hufflepuff...or even a Ravenclaw! I just want to get out of this dreadful house!! A Slytherin...can you actually believe it?!?!

Besides my complaining, I don't think my classes will be all that bad. I'm taking all the usual...Transfigurations, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, and Herbology and I am taking two electives...of which I haven't quite chosen yet since I'm new and I haven't a clue where to go or who to talk to.

This is my first year attending Hogwarts...but I am technically a fourth year. I have practiced magic somewhat with my parents...I guess I was considered homeschooled, but I wanted to get out and explore more of what I was missing so I am now attending Hogwarts. I've heard we have a special surprise for the year ahead, something about a man named Dumble-door...quite an odd name actually, but I take that he's a pretty big deal around here. I am currently deep in thought as to how one is supposed to make friends? How on earth do you do such a thing? Anyhow...I-

My thoughts were interrupted, I am somewhat enraged...and somehow I feel tingly in my stomach...what is that??!!!!

Knock. knock. knock.

Whoever could that be? It was nearly seven p.m. I have only arrived and unpacked to an extent...maybe it's my roommate!!

I hurriedly threw my bag onto my bed and ran to fetch the door.

As I squeaked the door open, I saw a girl and two boys behind it. They walked in, seeming oblivious to me standing in front of them.

"What classes are you taking this year, Hermione?" an orange-headed boy asked.

The girl gently set her books on the bed and turned to face him, "I haven't looked yet, Ron...would you lay off for a moment please?"

The boy sighed, rolling his eyes...suddenly he caught sight of me standing by my bed.

Ron's pov:

Hermione was being a pain today...she wouldn't talk to me much of the day and when she did, she was short and snappy. She had no problem talking to Harry...I'd say they've gotten rather close with each other all in all.

We're walking to her room, now, she has a new roommate this year...I believe I heard some rumors of her being a Slytherin...why would Hermione be partnered with a Slytherin? Bloody hell! Hermione was the last person who ought to be bunking with a girl like that.

Anyways, we're standing in front of the door now, waiting for her to let us in. Perhaps I'll try to speak to Hermione again...maybe I'll get an answer instead of mumbles and stern glares.

"What classes are you taking, Hermione?" I asked, trying to be as sweet as possible. Why was she being such a prude today? Honestly.

She set her books onto her bed as she turned back around, her fluffy locks of hair floating around her head, "I haven't looked yet, Ron...would you lay off for a moment please?"

I sighed in anger...what was her problem? It's not like I've been the sweetest guy to her like EVER or anything. Well, I did put a frog in her pudding last year...and kicked her cat earlier on the train...

I'm rolling my eyes now so Hermione can see how completely upset I am with her. She's really hurting my feelings, well maybe not my feelings...but my ego is considerably bruised. 

I completely forgot about the new girl! Wow! There she is...standing in all of her Slytherin glory...I'm sure Hermione is quite vexed about this.

"Oh...hello-" I greeted, noticing her watching us from her bed.

She really did portray the looks of a well-known Slytherin...and well-known idiot...Draco Malfoy...

"Hello," she pepped, sending me a slight smirk.

"Are you the new Slytherin?" I asked quickly, I am quite curious to see as to how she responds to my question. This will determine what house she truly belongs in...I find that questions are a good way to get to know people.

"Yes...sadly...if I am so much a Slytherin then why didn't they even give me a room with a Slytherin roommate? I would much rather be spending my time in a different house..." she huffed, "...and what house are you three in?" she questioned.

Such a Slytherin thing to say. I wondered to myself.

"I'm in Gryffindor," I stated promptly, gently moving my hair out of my eyes. It was my go get em factor, you know? The one that pulls all the ladies...although I haven't pulled many ladies here at must be because of my stupid brothers, Fred and George...they've set quite a reputation at this school...a bad one might I add.

"I'm in Gryffindor as well," Hermione said, still crossly spoken, "-that's why I thought I would be getting a...different...roomate."

I glanced at Hermione with a stern glare, then turned to see the girl with a confused look covering her face. I'd say, ' can't be so hard on her...she's only new.

"Uh-well-um-I'm in Gryffindor too," Harry flashed a small smile, shyly standing behind us all.

"Well, I would much rather be a Gryffindor than a stupid Slytherin," she mocked, "As much as I've begged...they will not let me switch houses for the life of me."

She released a deep and pinned-up sigh, looking down at her feet.

"That is such a shame," I said, grinning, "But since you are roommates with Hermione here," I wrapped my arm around her jokingly, "-I'm sure we can all be friends."

Hermione pushed my arm off of her shoulder and made a face.

"We can't be friends with a-" she looked at me, disgusted, "-a...a...Slytherin, Ronald."

The girl looked as if she was about to was quite obvious she didn't want to be here in the first place...why was Hermione acting like this? Honestly woman, it must be the hormones talking right about now. At least, I think that is what hormones are...I don't quite know really...Fred and George said they made girls act all mean...I guess Ginny's full of them!

Eve's pov:

"Oh..." I said, trying not to choke on my tears rising in my throat, "-that's ok...I wouldn't really want to be friends with me, either if I were you."


"Glad you understand..." she turned back around and began loading her clothes back in her bag, "I'm going to ask Professor McGonagall if I can switch dorms...let's go."

She shot me a disgusted look before she picked up her bag and threw it over her shoulder...with the two boys following closely behind her.

I sighed as she walked out the door, watching as it closed...leaving me in silence.

I plopped my body on my bed, crumbling up into a ball of dread and loneliness, a few solemn tears escaped my eyes...not now, Eve, not now! I wiped them away, leaving streaks of glimmer across my face.

It was September 1. I had arrived at Hogwarts from the carriages after a long and dreadful ride on the train. I had attended the Sorting and the Feast in the Great Hall...but still hadn't spoken a word to anyone, who do you suppose I talk to? It would certainly not be that stuck-up girl that barged in...I've set my eyes firmly on the fact that she's unnecessarily rude.

As I lay there in my sorrow, I heard a knock on my door...if that evil little twit came back to insult me once more I swear I would slam her frizzy little head into my door!

I huffed as I jumped up from my bed and stormed over to the door, opening it quickly with an odd amount of force. I couldn't help but congratulate myself on my strength.

I stood in a shocked sort of way as I stared at the person in front of me.

Ron's pov:

I felt horribly sorry for the poor girl, but I followed behind Hermione...she had been my friend since the first year...I couldn't just abandon her or Harry.

I walked down the corridor, following Hermione as she practically bolted to Professor McGonagall. Was it really that big of a deal to be involved with a Slytherin? Especially if they are as sweet as the one I had just met. I suddenly felt overcome with guilt, this wasn't normal...

Hermione and Harry continued farther down the hall, but I knew my little heart couldn't bare to leave the sad girl all alone. So I made a plan...I would linger in the hallway until Harry and Hermione were far along, then I would sneak my way back to her room. It's not like they would miss me anyway...acting all chummy as they were.

I executed my plan perfectly and waited until my friends were out of sight...then I ran as fast as my Weasley legs would take me...straight back to that girl's room.

I really do need to get her name...I must admit I am tired of just thinking of her as 'girl'.

I rapped on her door, it was time to make amends.

Eve's pov:

I can't believe that filthy little curser could bare to show his freckled face in front of me again!

I simply cannot believe this! The orange-headed freak had actually come back for me! Well, wait until I tell him...I am not a second want to be friends with me, I would love nothing more, although I wouldn't show it...I have now learned to trust NO ONE at this curs-ed school, and instead, fly alone like the eagle I am destined to be!

Although I had my speech thoroughly prepared in my tousled mouse for mouth responded with something different. I mean...can you actually believe it did that to me! Even my own body is a traitor to my mind!

"What do you want?" I snapped, quickly turning my feelings off to protect my heart. I learned this trick years ago when my parents began controlling me and using me for my magic. You see, they had their powers stripped from them...bad people...that's all I can say, and all I know, matter-of-factly.

"I felt awfully bad, leaving you like that, Hermione has been a pain today...and I thought you should know she doesn't normally act like this-," he apologized, inviting himself into my room.

I looked into his brilliant, blue eyes...scanning them for any sign of truth to his emotions.

You can learn a lot about people through their eyes...their confidence levels, their weakness levels, if they are brave or weak, if they are lying, or possibly...if they actually do feel sorry for their actions...or possibly their friend's actions.

I can't believe the little weasel is telling the truth!

"I accept your apology-" his lips creased up into a smile, "-I guess."

I couldn't let the little freckled rat become too happy with me, otherwise, he might see me as a weak, and I cannot be seen as weak...even if I was a bit in all honesty.

"Perfect!" he laughed, "Tomorrow, sit next to me in Charms class."

His offer did seem rather genuine...and I haven't another person who I could sit with...I suppose he wouldn't be the worst person to spend class with, seeing as I don't know anyone else here yet.

"I will take you up on that offer..." I hesitated for a moment, realizing that I hadn't a clue as to what his name was.

"Oh!" he noticed, "My name is Ronald Billius Weasley...but you may call me Ron...or Weasley...whichever suits you better."

"Ron Weasley...a unique name indeed..." I grinned, "-I shall call you Weasley, I suppose...I like the sound of it," I responded...and I happened to be telling the truth. I really liked the sound of it: Weeeeaaaassslllyyyy. A very appropriate name for the boy's looks, I shall say.

Weasley interrupted my thoughts, "And what is your name?"

I blinked rapidly, focusing on him once more, "My name is Eve Mangleberry," I stated shyly, "You better not laugh at my name, Weasley, otherwise I'll show you the door with a swift kick-"

"No, no," he interrupted me with his stupid smile, "I like your name too, Mangleberry...perhaps I'll call you Mangle since you happen to have such mangley hair," he joked, laughing a little too heartily at his own joke.

"I'll have you know, Weasleberry...that I have hair the color of a beautiful mermaids who live deep in the ocean! And yours is the color of a rotten carrot!!"

I purposely spoke his name incorrectly, but I sorda kinda like the way it sounds. Weasleberry. Ah yes, a knew word to use against him.

Ron's pov:

Did this girl really just call me Weasleberry?

As if Draco didn't make fun of me enough...good thing she will be meeting him soon enough. Although her hair did look familiar to his...honestly they were rather similar...creepy, if you ask me.

Anyway, I kinda like the name Weasleberry...I think it's a swell name to call me that no one else does, I really like it, actually.

"Matter-of-factly, Mangle, I like the name Weasleberry!" I retorted, crossing my arms over my chest matter-of-factly.

She shook her long locks in fury, "Of course you do! You know why? Because you look like a little weasel!" her voice was raised in anger, although I could tell she enjoyed a good argument.

I like to think of arguing as flirting, many girls flirt with me...perhaps I could intensify the moment with a wink...oh goodness...I just winked at her.

She stood, speechless for a moment, then her voice rose with utter disgust...although her face already showed the amount of awkwardness...and anger... she felt.


I laughed, cockily, "Did I ruin the moment, Mangle?"

"Quite quickly-" she couldn't help but laugh at me. Did I just get a Slytherin to laugh at me? Ron Weasley? 

"You know, you should really laugh sounds very delightful," I complimented.

She stopped quickly, concealing her laughter and standing up straight, smoothing out her clothing, "Sorry, didn't mean to do that."

"Do what?" I asked, staring into her enchanting violet eyes. You know, I have never seen a girl with violet eyes before...they looked like purple gems were placed into her eyes and are now glimmering in the sun....

As I imagined the whole gem thing, I forgot the whole Slytherin part of Eve...she really has quick reflexes...

Eve's pov:

I must have smacked the life out of poor Weasleberry...I did feel a little, tiny-bit bad...but after he held his face in pain and laughter, I knew he wasn't angry at me. What kind of boy laughs at everything? I have never met a boy like Ron Weasley before.

Ron's pov:

Eve Mangleberry is really growing on me. I'm glad she's agreed to sit with me in Charms...I took a sneaky look at her paper...I needed to know her classes. Turns out, we have a great deal of classes together, I'm perfectly happy with that...I'm sure I and Mangle with be great friends if she would ever stop acting like a stuck-up Slytherin and allow me to hypnotize her with my charms and wit.

And the red hair...can't forget the red hair!!!!

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