Soul Eater x OC: Children of...

By OmegaWilliam89

16.9K 229 65

The Gorgon Sisters, three of the most powerful Witches in the world. Medusa, despite her cunning and near god... More

Fen's Bio
Fen's Faction
Chapter 1: Extra Credit (1)
Chapter 2: Extra Credit (2)
Chapter 3: Death the Kid
Chapter 4: The Strangers
Chapter 5: DWMA meets the Oozai
Zacharie vs. Death the Kid: Death Cannon vs. Oozai Cannon!
Chapter 6: The Demon Weapon Baku: A Matter most Dark
Chapter 7: The Return
Chapter 9: Celebration (1)
Chapter 10: Celebration (2)
Chapter 11: Celebration (3)
Chapter 12: Rebirth (1)
Chapter 13: Rebirth (2)
Chapter 14: Rebirth (3)
Chapter 15: Witch Hunt
Chapter 16: Normality
Chapter 17: Old Stone
Chapter 18: Improbable
Chapter 19: Return of the Oozai
Chapter 20: The Holy Blade

Chapter 8: Eternal Frost

250 3 0
By OmegaWilliam89


Atop a long bridge on a snowy night, Eternal and Fen watched as cars drove along below.

Fen: This spot is big enough for the battle, and the current weather will also assist you while using the artifact. You remember the plan, right Eternal?

Eternal: Easy-peasy! I just cause some chaos for awhile until the girl and her scythe boy show up and then activate the gem thing, it's not much of plan really. I'm still wondering what you get from watching me fight 'em anyway.

Fen: You don't have to worry about that detail, it will make sense later on. I'll be watching from afar, but just know that I will not assist you in this fight.

Eternal: I figured that, I mean, not like I can die anyway, heh!!

Fen: Yes, well before I go there's a word of advice. If you happen to kill somebody with an evil soul, do not consume it. I heard it does nasty things to immortal beings.

Eternal: Oh yeah? Well souls don't taste good anyway from what I've heard. Now, time to go to work!

The one-eyed Demon jumped down to the London bridge...only to get ran over by a truck just as he touched the ground, flattening his body down the middle.

Fen: ...Just where did he come from?

Two men got out of their vehicle and rushed towards Eternal's body.

Trucker 1: Oh shit! I-I hit somebody!

Trucker 2: The hell did he come from?? Was he trying to kill himself?! He...he...wait, the hell is that?!

Trucker 1: This guy, I don't know! He's got horns and-urk!!

Eternal suddenly got up and punched the man straight in the throat, crushing his windpipe like a cardboard tube.

Eternal: Sorry about that little accident, time to get serious...!

(Later, at DWMA)

Black★Star: What?! How come I gotta bring another team, they're just gonna steal my thunder!

Death: Well first of all, you've only acquired a single Kishin Egg over this entire year, and all of your previous attempts ending with your targets escaping. Secondly, the recent number of evil people on my list have been from the mysterious Fen's group, just one of them is dangerous enough to be considered a Witch-Level threat. So I've decided to pair you with Maka and Soul from now on.

Tsubaki: Um, I think it's a good idea if you ask ne...

Death: Good! Because if you don't bring them on your mission to London I'll expell you both.

Both: Eh?!?

Death: Hehe, just joking!


The four students walked along the ruined bridge, fires and ruined vehicles littered the area front and back.

Black★Star: Geeze, What could've caused all this damage? Maybe that Baku guy's back or something?

Soul: Whoever it is must be crazy strong, but where is the freak anyway?

Maka: Let me check, I'm getting a little better at sensing souls.

She closed her eyes in concentration, but a sudden crash got everyone's attention.

Eternal: Yo.

Eternal had landed on the small car, tossing the blue gem in his right hand.

Eternal: What took ya so long? I've been waiting for hours!

Maka: What's that thing in his hand? I can feel...a soul in it?

Black★Star: So you're the guy who caused this huh? You picked a bad time to mess with me, cuz I just mastered a new sword mode!!

Soul: You did?

Tsubaki: But, y-you still haven't really mastered it... We can only use it for thirty seconds.

Black★Star: Thirty's all we need to finish this guy off, Tsubaki: Uncanny Sword Mode!

The  Weapon took on the form of a black katana, as Black★Star's soul grew larger, and both he and it gained black markings around his face.

Maka: Whoa! When could they do that?!

Eternal: You're going first? Alrighty then!

The Demon ripped out a chunk of stone and flung it at Black★Star. The Tech's shadow morphed into a simple blade and sliced it in two.

Eternal: Ooh, that's cool looking!

Black★Star: Take this, my ultimate technique!! Shadow★Star...! Star...sta...zzzzz.

As he was just inches away from Eternal, Black★Star had returned to normal and fell asleep in a pile of snow.

Tsubaki: I told you it wouldn't work...

Eternal: Pfft! Ha! Is this guy really the one who beat up Baku?! That wasn't even ten sec-

While he was distracted, Soul had turned his right arm into his scythe blade and stabbed the Demon through the chest.

Soul: You let your guard down too easy buddy! Do you even know you're fighting??

Eternal: Oh, whoopsie doopsie! Guess it's just my nature. I don't really gotta be careful with taking damage!

Without the slightest sign of pain, Eternal removed the blade and the wound almost immediately sealed itself.

Maka: His chest healed...but how??

Soul: The hell's going on?! I know I got him in the heart!

Eternal: Forgot to introduce myself, name's Eternal, the Immortal Man!

Tsubaki: Immortal?!

Eternal: Yep! Now that your buddy's out of the way, time to use this handy dandy False Heart!!

He placed the jewel in the center of his chest, and a bright light enveloped the Demon.

Maka: His soul is changing now! It's unreal, how is he doing that?!

When the light diminished, Eternal now had cyan skin, a black eye and a white aura. The False Heart was also embedded in his chest, resonating with his massive soul.

Eternal: This magic, I can feel it rushing through me, this is gonna be good!!

Maka: He's about to attack! Soul, transform!

Soul: Yeah!

The boy fully transformed and landed in Maka's hands, only for a sudden shock that forced her to let go instantly.

Soul: What the hell was that?! What's going on??

Maka: I got burned the second my hands made contact... Does that mean, that our wavelengths aren't synchronized?!

Meanwhile, Fen was observing the bridge from a big mirror-like device.

Fen: That's right, my Black Blood he was given is altering his Soul Wavelength, making it incompatible with yours. The question is, can you somehow make it work again?

Eternal: Huh, guess you can't fight, but I can, Northern Light Knuckle Duster!!

He created two large gauntlets of ice around his fists and landed two blows, sending Maka into an ice pillar he made simultaneously, then shattering it as Maka dodged, sending shards of ice into his face.

Eternal: Haha! These ice powers are badass, who knew the Oozai could made stuff this powerful?

Soul: Oozai? So he is with that Fen!

Tsubaki: Maka, if you can't use Soul then use me instead!

Maka: Well, there's no other choice I can see.

Soul: I'll back you guys up, let's find a way to beat this guy!

Maka: Yeah, let's get him!!

Tsubaki transformed into her twin scythes as the trio rushed towards Eternal. Maka used one end to hook onto the Demon's head and used that to fling Eternal towards Soul, who cut deep into his abdomen as he landed and rolled across the ground. But just the his previous injuries, it all healed within seconds.

Eternal: Didn't you hear me before?! You can try everything, not even destroying my body will kill me!

He took a deep breath and let out a harsh cold gust of wind, nearly sending Maka flying over the bridge's edge. At the last moment, the Meister wrapped Tsubaki's chain around a nearby pole, using it to swing around and get back to safety. Eternal created several sharp icicles and fired them at her like missiles, then knocking her a few feet back with his gauntlet.

Soul: Maka!!

Tsubaki: Nothing's working...he's not even tired...!

Eternal: Had enough yet? I mean, you should see by now that ya got no chance of killing me, it'll be easier of you just stood there and died!

Maka: head is spinning.

Soul: Maka, are you okay?!

Maka: D-Don't worry about me, just hurry up and transform...

Soul: What? But you can't-

Maka: Just do it!!!

Tsubaki: Maka, what's going on with you? You of all people should know what happens if two Soul Wavelengths stay in contact for too long, it'll wear down on bith your physical and mental strength...

Reluctantly, Soul transformed and his blade was plunged into Eternal's stomach, even with Maka's hands visibly burning.

Eternal: Really, this again? You just don't know when to quit!!

He knocked them off my punching Maka in the jaw, causing her to let out curse after curse, very much unlike her.

Soul: Will you calm down already?! We're still getting nowhere!

Maka: Shut up!! I'll get stronger...I won't be weak anymore!

Soul: And how's screaming your head off gonna make you strong!?

From the back of Evans' mind, he could hear the familiar voice of that slug creature.

Black Zai: Don't you see it, Evans? That man knows the power of an Oozai, that's the power you need! Let me give you that power!!

Maka: I thought you wanted me to be stronger, well you're acting like a sissy worrying about me so much!!

Soul: Why shouldn't I be worried about you?!?


Everyone was now quite, the sudden outburst from Tsubaki even stopped Eternal in his tracks.

Eternal: Whoa, y'all got some issues over there or something?

Tsubaki: You two are being really stupid right now and I've had enough of it! You guys need to work together, or else you'll just keep arguing about trivial things!!

Soul: ...Uh, but didn't Black★Star ignor what you told him?

Tsubaki: I won't lie. He's an idiot by nature, but I like that about him in a way, that's our team style.

Maka: ...Yeah, yeah! I've been wanting to make myself stronger this whole time, but I never tried making US stronger, have I? No matter what, even if I have to risk my hands...

A faint glow appeared around Maka's soul, and what looked like a small pair of wings sprouted from her chest.

Maka: ...I want to get stronger with you, Soul!

Soul: Damn, I'm not even that strong...but who's to say I can't get stronger too?! Hey, Black Zai!

Black Zai: Yes?

Soul: You said you got the right kinda power right?! Well give me some of it real quick!

Black Zai: Ah, I knew you'd come around, let Eternal feel the burning might of the Oozai!!

Soul/Maka: Soul Resonance!!!

Maka's soul grew larger and stronger, even bigger than Black★Star's earlier.

Fen: Looks like he's finally figured it out, lovely...

Maka: This's unlike anything we've had before!

Around her soul, a semitransparent projection of Black Zai's head appeared, cackling like a mad man.

Soul: Sh-Shit! This energy's intense, I can barely keep it from overflowing!! But, I'm not losing it here, not today...!

Maka: Witch-Hunt!

Just like with their fight so long ago, Soul became the bright blade, shaped like the moon. But this time, they weren't going to mess up again, they were going to finally win for a change.

Eternal: Nice looking letter opener ya got, but it won't work!

He created a massive thick wall of ice just as the blade clashed.

Maka: We can do this! We can do this, we won't fail...!

With all of her might, the wall shattered and instantly melted from the heat of Soul's blade, and was about to hit Eternal as well.

Eternal: Huh?! Well, I'll just make another and- Wait...

He just remembered an important detail Fen told him about the False Hearts. He told him that their power only last for about ten minutes, which at that point the gem would lose its magic amd he'd return to normal.

It's been exactly ten minutes.

Eternal: Uh oh...

With no way to defend himself, Maka cut the Demon clean in two, sending his upper half over the bridge.

Soul: Did...did we get him?

Maka looked over the edge, seeing noticed but the water below.

Maka: Yeah, he's not coming back this time. We finally got hi-whoa!

To her shock, Eternal had somehow caught himself from falling and hid under the bridge. Now he grabbed the Scythe Meister by the ankle and nearly pulled her off, as Soul grabbed her arm just in time and was trying to pull her back. The pole he was using to keep himself from falling with them wasn't up to the task, bending so far that it would snap and any moment.

Soul: C'mon...I won't let go..!

???: Shurikin!!

Suddenly, a small ninja star sliced right through the hand Eternal was using to grab Maka, and he began falling down.

Soul: Huh?! That voice, that was...Black★Star?!

Finally, the blue haired Meister regained consciousness at the last moment to save them, a strange miracle indeed.

Black★Star: Sorry to keeo you guys waiting, what'd I miss?

Eternal: Shit! You still haven't won yet! Legs! Get up and kick 'em off! They're to the left!

After a few moments, he could see his lower half on the other side flailing around as they fell down with him.

Eternal: You dumbass! I meant my leeeeeeft...!!

With that, he hit the water, and didn't come back up.

Maka: Ok, NOW we finally beat him! hands are a burned pretty bad...

Soul: Guess I'll be cooking for a while now, it'll just be nori though, hehehe!

Maka: Hehe...koff!

She suddenly coughed into her hands, she did remember taking some body shots during that fight so it didn't worry her. What did worry her though, is what she saw on her glove, a little dark stain, a very dark stain.

Maka: Is this...Black Blood...?

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