Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru...

By ScammerOne

36.2K 1.2K 479

Inubozaki Shouichi was a boy without any memories of his past. He is now adopted at the inubozaki house and i... More

Noble Storm
Sword Maiden
Sword Maiden II
Shining Hearts
Shining Hearts II
Overcoming Adversity
Anticipation of Tomorrow
Anticipation of Tomorrow II
Anticipation of Tomorrow III
Idyllic Happiness
Idyllic Happiness II
Idyllic Happiness III
Idyllic Happiness IV
Blessing of the Gods
Blessing of the Gods II
The Choice For A Change
The Choice For A Change II
The Choice for a change III
Those Who Know Grief
The Bonds of Love
The Darkness Of Despair
The Light Of Hope
Inubozaki Shouichi
A Brewing Storm
The Connected Past I
The Connected Past II
The Entrusted Future
The Entrusted Future II
Records Of the Agito - The Unknown Past
Records Of the Agito - The Lost World
Records Of the Agito - A New Beginning
Records Of the Agito - The Red-Eyed Devil
Records Of the Agito - What It Means To Protect
Records Of the Agito - Determination
Records Of the Agito - Determination II
Records Of the Agito - Transition
Records Of the Agito - The Two Girls
Records Of the Agito - Overconfidence
Records Of the Agito - Recovery
Records Of the Agito - Budding
Records Of the Agito - The Flowers Of War
Records Of the Agito - Exploration
Records Of the Agito - Exploration II
Records Of the Agito - Fleeting Days
Records Of the Agito - Sisters
Records Of the Agito - Loss
Records Of the Agito - Warped Minds
Records Of the Agito - Mad Thoughts
Records Of the Agito - Chikage's Choice
Records Of the Agito - The Future Of Mankind
Records Of the Agito - Warriors Of Shikoku
Records Of the Agito - Warriors of Shikoku II
Records Of the Agito - Ashikawa Shouichi
Records Of the Agito - The Passed On Feelings
Spectacular Days
Joyous Youth
Precious Memories
Precious Memories II
My Heart Aches When I Think of You
Concealed Intentions
Pure Hearts
Final Duty
Shinning Evolution
I'm Happy For You Are With Me

Blessing of the Gods III

358 22 18
By ScammerOne

(Hero Club Room)

Shouichi having learned the real reason behind the Mankai, the truth about the world, and the reality that they've been destined to be a sacrifice for the sake of the selfish adults.

Shouichi: This is......This is the reality...... This is...... our destiny...... Don't mess with me!!!! There's no way this is true! This is too cruel...... and too unfair. (Shouichi said as he breaks down in tears) 

Sonoko could just watch as the man she loved crumbling down in the face of reality.

Sonoko: Shouichi-san....... but this is the truth, the truth that you've been looking for..... The truth is not always looking for......

Shouichi: Sonoko-chan....... Are you going to just accept it?! 

Sonoko: It can't be helped, Shouichi-san. This is my destiny....... 

Shouichi: This..... This CRUEL FATE!!!!! Are you going to just say "It cannot be helped" and just sit still until your whole body breaks down on you?! 

Sonoko: ......

Shouichi: I won't accept it and I'll never accept it!!! (Shouichi said as exited the room)

Just as Shouichi was about to exit the club room, a long spear extended from his left side. 

Shouichi: What the?! (The spear then knocked Shouichi pinning him down to the wall) S-sonoko-chan?! What's this all about?! (Shouichi said as he tried to get loose from the spear)

Sonoko: I told you to not do anything rash..... I'll have you to fulfill your side of the promise.

Shouichi: But-!

Sonoko: Please!!! (Sonoko cuts in before Shouichi could say anything) Shouichi-san....... I'll be the one to tell this to them, and they'll decide what to do with this.......

Shouichi: .......

Sonoko then disappeared as fast as she appeared. The world then returns to the world that was and began to move again. Shouichi then entered back to the classroom again drained of all happiness that once filled him. Not long after that Fuu, Itsuki, and Karin return back to the club room.

Fuu: We're back......


Fuu: We're back, Shouichi!

Shouichi: .......

Fuu: Hello!!!! Earth to Shouichi!!!! Are you listening?!

Shouichi: Ah!..... W-welcome back, how'd it go?

Karin: It went...... pretty well.....

Shouichi: What's wrong with you guys? (Shouichi realized that Yuuna and Togo isn't at that group) By the way, where's Yuuki-chan and Togo-chan?

Fuu: What happened to them happened to just like you before. They were at the location you told us before.

Shouichi: Seto...... great bridge....... Sonoko-chan.....(He whispered under his breath)

Fuu: What's wrong? You looked depressed......

Shouichi: It's the reason you know the best(Shouichi whispered under his breath before gritting his teeth.) 

Fuu: Did you said something.

Shouichi: It's nothing. Can I go home first? I'm feeling a little bit unwell........

Fuu: Are you sick?

Shouichi: No, I'm just feeling a little bit unwell...... 

Fuu: O-okay...... get well soon.

Shouichi then gets up and proceeded to exit the room all depressed. 

Karin: What's wrong with him? It's the first time I've seen him this depressed.

Fuu: I-i don't know..... It's the first time for me to see him like this..... 

Shouichi then made his way home and immediately threw himself on top of his bed.

Inner Shouichi: What am I going to do? I'm the only one that doesn't have any of that risk

As Shouichi ponders on that question he fell asleep.

(A few days later)

Fuu: Looks like that day is here. Shouichi!!! 

Shouichi: ......

Fuu: Oi, Shouichi!!!!

Shouichi: Ah!..... S-sorry.... what is it?

Fuu: Do you know what day it is today?

Shouichi: It's Sunday.

Fuu: That's not it!!

Shouichi: Then, what is it?

Itsuki on sketchbook: It's your birthday.

Fuu: To be exact,..... it's the day you were adopted to us. So with that in mind, what would you eat today? We'll invite the rest of them too.

Shouichi: Anything's fine..... I'll leave it to you guys.......

Shouichi said as he entered back to his room.

Fuu: Shouichi....... *sigh* Itsuki can you go ahead and call them? I'll go and buy some groceries

Itsuki on sketchbook: You got it......

Fuu then went out and to get some groceries. 

(Shopping District)

Fuu: Let's see, what will Shouichi like?

Butcher: Fuu-chan!! Come here!!! We got some good meat laying around!!! 

Fuu: A meat, huh? Speaking of meat, you've definitely gotta have it with udon. Oji-san!!! Give me 5 pounds of that. (Fuu said pointing at the pork meat)

Butcher: Good choice, Fuu-chan. We just laid them out! You're getting quite the meat today. Did something good happen?

Fuu: Well, it's Shouichi's birthday.

Butcher: I see, if it's Shou-chan's birthday then you've gotta do it grand!!! Here, I'll give you an extra pound for free.

Fuu: Really? Thanks for the meat, Oji-san.

Butcher: No problem!!! Just make sure you make something delicious out of that.

Fuu: You got it!!!

Fuu then went around to different stores to get the ingredients for udon.

Fuu: If I got this many, there's no way this is not enough. (Fuu said as she carried the ingredients back home)

(Inubozaki Household)

Fuu: I'm home..... Huh?! (Fuu realized that there are more shoes than usual) Looks like they've come. 

Itsuki on sketchbook: Welcome home, Onee-chan. Everyone's already here.

Yuuna: Welcome home, Fuu-senpai.

Togo: Excuse us, Fuu-senpai.

Karin: Y-yo, Fuu.

Everyone greeted Fuu with a few doubts in their face.  

Karin: Everyone thanks for coming here. Now,....... let's get this party started!!!!!

Everyone: Okay!!!!!

(After Fuu and Togo are done with the cooking with Yuuna, Itsuki, and Karin is done with decorating the living room.) 

Karin: We're done here. What about you guys?

Fuu: We're almost done with the cooking. Yuuna, can you call Shouichi out from his room? 

Yuuna: Okay, Fuu senpai.

Yuuna then went to Shouichi's room.

*Knock Knock*

Yuuna: Shouichi-san..... The dinner's ready! 


*Knock Knock* 

Yuuna: Shouichi-san..... I'm entering your room..... (Yuuna then opened the door to find a dark room without anyone inside.) Shouichi-san..... Where did you go?

(Meanwhile Shouichi's Location)

Shouichi just got down from his motorcycle and was texting Fuu.

Shouichi's message: I'll be late tonight, eat dinner without me if you got to......

Shouichi: *sigh* Let's get this over with. (Shouichi then entered an abandoned building)

When Shouichi was walking around the building, he discovered the body of a girl who was already dead. Her body has been badly burned like a sudden case of human combustion. Shouichi then squatted down and looked at the girl before paying his respects to her. 

Shouichi: I'm sorry....... I couldn't save you. Now rest peacefully, I'm going to go and defeat who or whatever done this. (Shouichi said as he closed her eyes) 

Just as Shouichi was standing up he saw a movement on the left corner of his eye. 

Shouichi: There you are!!

Shouichi then went after the shadow until he chased it down on top of a nearby dam. The Lord realized that it could never get away from Shouichi decided to turn around and face him.

Shouichi: So you're the one who did this to her! I'm never going to forgive you for what you've done!!!! 

Shouichi then crossed his left and right arm on the left side of his waist a light then appeared on his waist forming his belt before extending his right arm forward.

Shouichi: HENSHIN!!!!!

Shouichi then formed a cross with his hand before pressing both of the buttons on his waist. A light then enveloped him, when the light died down Shouichi has transformed into Agito.

Shouichi: I'm in a bad mood today..... So don't make this longer than it has too!! (Shouichi said as he charges at the lord.)

Shouichi then began to punch at the lord which the lord counters by summoning a bolt of lightning towards Shouichi. The battle with the lord was a hard one, as the Lord called upon lightning after lightning in hopes to kill Shouichi. Shouichi then pressed the left side button of his belt. Out came the storm halberd and changed him into the storm form.

Shouichi kept charging forward using his increased speed and ignoring the lightning strikes down his body with each step he took closer. Shouichi managed to close the distance between him and the lord. 

Shouichi: I got you!!!! HAAA!!!!!

As the lord didn't have any weapon to defend himself from the storm halberd, Shouichi was in a clear advantage against the Lord. After the strikes from the storm managed to hit the lord followed by continuous strikes to surely defeat it. After the strikes from Shouichi finally stopped a blue ring appeared on the Lord's top before exploding. 

Shouichi: *pant* *pant* *pant* It's over......

Or Shouichi thought it was but from smokes of the defeated Lord and the rain that happens to fall because of the repeated lightning bolts a figure came out from behind it. 

Agito: Who are you?! What are you?!  (Shouichi shouted as he felt a similar power between him and the figure.)

The figure didn't respond and began to attack Shouichi. Shouichi tried to fend it off but Shouichi was caught off guard and didn't stand a chance against it. Shouichi was easily overpowered by the punches and the kicks that were thrown at him. The figure waited for him to be vulnerable before lifting him up using his right arm on his neck. Shouichi tried to struggle free from it's grip but the wiseman's monolith on the center of it's chest then began to shine flowing power to the other arm. The figure then placed it's hand on Shouichi's face and began to flow some of the energy to Shouichi.

Shouichi: W-what is this???!!!! (Shouichi said as he was getting flashes of his memories)

The figure then loosened his grip on Shouichi before pushing him back. Shouichi who appeared disorientated then began to stumble around.

Shouichi: W-what was that?!

The figure then opened it's mouth and a giant symbol resembling agito's symbol began to form on it's leg before absorbing itself to the figure's leg. The figure then jumped and perform the assault kick on Shouichi's chest causing him to fall down to the lake.

Shouichi who was still conscious was forcefully reverted back to his human form then swam out from the lake trying to get away from the figure. When Shouichi made it to the shore he looked up to see the figure was already gone. Shouichi then tried to process what he just saw.

Shouichi: What was that? (Shouichi then felt a sharp pain on his head.)

Shouichi could see the flashes came back to him again. It was the flashes of the same girl he saw in his dreams but this he could clearly see the picture of her face.

Shouichi then could only make out one word.

Shouichi: Gin......

(A few hours later)

(Inubozaki Household)

It was already nighttime as the girls waited for Shouichi to come home.

Itsuki on sketchbook: Onii-chan sure is late.

Fuu: I've been calling him, but he hasn't answered my phone and or any of my texts.

Yuuna: It's Shouichi-san........

*Door Opens*

Fuu: Shouichi!!!!!

Fuu screamed at him as he saw him entered the apartment.

Fuu: What took you so long? The udon's getting cold you know.

Just as Fuu took hold of his hand she realized the beat-up body and the wet clothes.

Fuu: What happened to you?! Why are you so beat up?!

Shouichi: ......

Shouichi immediately ripped his hands-free from Fuu's grip and went straight to his room.

Fuu: Wai-! Shouichi what's wrong with you?!

Yuuna: Shouichi-san!!!!

In his room, Shouichi immediately took out his bag and packs up his clothes and his essentials.

Fuu: Where are you going, Shouichi?! Hey! Wait up for a bit. (Fuu then grips down Shouichi's shoulder to hold him down) Answer my question!!!!

Shouichi: I don't know...... but there's one thing that is certain...... I won't be returning here anymore.......

Fuu: Ha???? What are you talking about?!

Shouichi: Don't act dumb with me!!!! I know everything!!!! The battle againts the Vertex and the lost of bodily functions!!!!! Does that sounds familiar to you???!!!

Fuu's face paled as Fuu realized what Shouichi was talking about.

Shouichi: I'm the one who caused it!!! I'm the one who made you fight!!!! I'm the one who ruined all of you!!!!!! I..... I don't deserve to be right here......

Fuu: Explain it properly to us!!! Or we won't understand a thing!!!!

Shouichi: .....

Shouichi just walked away from the apartment but Yuuna then ran forward and held his hand.

Yuuna: Shouichi-san, please...... Hero Club Five Tenets Number four..... Talk if you have a-

Shouichi: There's no need for something like that. (Shouichi cuts her)

Yuuna: Eh?!

Shouichi: Heroes..... can just go to hell!!!!!

Yuuna's heart came crumbling down as Shouichi violently ripped his hand apart from Yuuna. So hard that Yuuna fell down.

Fuu: Yuuna!!!

Togo: Yuuna-chan!!!

Karin: Yuuna!!!!

The four of them rushed to Yuuna's aid as she began to shed some tears.

Shouichi: From this point on...... we are strangers, I don't know you and you shouldn't know me.

Shouichi then walked away as the five of them looked at him with shock. Shouichi then turns to stop on his tracks for a bit.

Shouichi: I'm sorry.....

Shouichi then continued to walk leaving the five of them behind.

To Be Continued

I hope you guys liked the new chapter of my story

Author Notes (A/N)

I do not own Kamen Rider Agito and Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru because they already have their respective owners

All images belong to respective owners.

I only own OCs and synopsis of the story.

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