Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru...

By ScammerOne

36.3K 1.2K 479

Inubozaki Shouichi was a boy without any memories of his past. He is now adopted at the inubozaki house and i... More

Noble Storm
Sword Maiden
Sword Maiden II
Shining Hearts
Shining Hearts II
Overcoming Adversity
Anticipation of Tomorrow
Anticipation of Tomorrow II
Anticipation of Tomorrow III
Idyllic Happiness
Idyllic Happiness II
Idyllic Happiness III
Blessing of the Gods
Blessing of the Gods II
Blessing of the Gods III
The Choice For A Change
The Choice For A Change II
The Choice for a change III
Those Who Know Grief
The Bonds of Love
The Darkness Of Despair
The Light Of Hope
Inubozaki Shouichi
A Brewing Storm
The Connected Past I
The Connected Past II
The Entrusted Future
The Entrusted Future II
Records Of the Agito - The Unknown Past
Records Of the Agito - The Lost World
Records Of the Agito - A New Beginning
Records Of the Agito - The Red-Eyed Devil
Records Of the Agito - What It Means To Protect
Records Of the Agito - Determination
Records Of the Agito - Determination II
Records Of the Agito - Transition
Records Of the Agito - The Two Girls
Records Of the Agito - Overconfidence
Records Of the Agito - Recovery
Records Of the Agito - Budding
Records Of the Agito - The Flowers Of War
Records Of the Agito - Exploration
Records Of the Agito - Exploration II
Records Of the Agito - Fleeting Days
Records Of the Agito - Sisters
Records Of the Agito - Loss
Records Of the Agito - Warped Minds
Records Of the Agito - Mad Thoughts
Records Of the Agito - Chikage's Choice
Records Of the Agito - The Future Of Mankind
Records Of the Agito - Warriors Of Shikoku
Records Of the Agito - Warriors of Shikoku II
Records Of the Agito - Ashikawa Shouichi
Records Of the Agito - The Passed On Feelings
Spectacular Days
Joyous Youth
Precious Memories
Precious Memories II
My Heart Aches When I Think of You
Concealed Intentions
Pure Hearts
Final Duty
Shinning Evolution
I'm Happy For You Are With Me

Idyllic Happiness IV

320 15 4
By ScammerOne

(At the Inn)

When they return to the inn what waited for them a feast.

Shouichi: FOR REALLLLLL???!!!!!

Yuuna: What a meal!!!!!

Itsuki on sketchbook: Crabs!!! A lot of crabs!!!!!

Yuuna: It's not even an imitation crab. It's a real crab!!!! Long time no see, Yuuki Yuuna here (Yuuna said as she shook the crab's claw)

Shouichi: Fuu are you sure we're in the right room? (Shouichi whispers to Fuu)

Fuu: I thought about that and went to talk with the caretaker but she said there's nothing wrong. (Fuu whispers back)

Shouichi: If they say so......

Togo: We're really being pampered.

Karin: Well, this place is affiliated with the Taisha, I suppose they're just rewarding us for completing our duty.

Fuu: D-does that mean we can really eat all of this? 

Itsuki on sketchbook: But Yuuna-san......

Yuuna: *Hamp* (Yuuna ate one of the sashimi) The texture of this sashimi. It's irresistible.

Shouichi: You sure you're okay? 

Yuuna: What are you talking about. It's delicious!!!!

Shouichi: All right, but don't forget "thanks for the food"

Yuuna: AH! Sorry, I forgot!

Karin: She had to get a taste, no matter what it took.

Fuu: We're just no match for her.

Itsuki on sketchbook: I admire her! 

Togo: Okay, then

Everyone: Thanks for the meal!!!! 

Fuu then gorges down on as many Sashimi she could.

Shouichi: Eat slowly or you'll choke yourself.

Fuu: Don't worry(Fuu said with her mouth full) I'm overflowing with girl power, there's no way- (Fuu then chokes on the sashimi)

Shouichi: I told you so. Here, have some water. (Shouichi said as pass on Fuu some water) 

Fuu then immediately drank it all down.

Fuu: *pant* *pant* *pant* Thanks. (Fuu then gorges down on food again)

Shouichi: You never learn the lesson, do you?

Yuuna: Oh, right! We've gotta take some pictures. So we got something to brag about when we got home.

Each of the members then took pictures of their own. 

Shouichi: I'll take the picture now. (Shouichi said as he took a selfie using his phone) *snap* Now back to eating!!!

Shouichi then returned to his seat and took a piece of sashimi. But as Shouichi was using his left hand to use the chopstick it was hard he dropped the piece of sashimi to the floor. 

Fuu: Ah..... What a waste. This is the third time.

Shouichi: Well, it's hard to use a chopstick in your left hand you know. 

Karin then puts a piece of sashimi in front of Shouichi.

Karin: Here,....... (Karin said shyly)

Shouichi: What?!

Karin: Here! D-don't get the wrong idea I'm feeding it to you so you don't have to waste such good food too much.

Shouichi: Alright Alright. (Shouichi then ate the sashimi that Karin fed him) Thanks, it's delicious.

Karin: Y-you think so?

Shouichi: Yes, it's- 

Before Shouichi could finish talking another piece fly to his mouth.

Fuu: HERE! SHOUICHI! This one's delicious too.

Itsuki on sketchbook: Open your mouth, Onii-chan

Itsuki then pushed some food to Shouichi's mouth too.

Shouichi: Wai-?! (Not long after Togo and Yuuna was also joining in)

(After a while)

Shouichi was already laying down and covering his eyes using his hand to recover from the sheer number of food that just entered his mouth.

Shouichi: Whoa...... I'm full. 

Fuu: Me too...... I know I already say this now and again, but I sure wish that in the future I can afford to eat something like this every day. Maybe, I'll make a ton of money or marry some rich guy. (Fuu said as she looked Shouichi)

Itsuki on sketchbook: Not enough girl power for the latter.

Fuu: You think so? Can't you smell it emanating from me when I pose like this in my yukata? (Fuu said as she poses in her sexy pose) 

Yuuna: We've run out of food too. Itsuki-chan, what's next on the agenda?

Itsuki on sketchbook: We're all going to the bath!

Shouichi: You guys go first..... I'll rest here catch up later.

Fuu: Okay, but don't fall asleep here.

As the rest exited the room and went to the hot springs, Shouici immediately turns on his phone.

Inner Shouichi: I still can't get it off my mind.

Shouichi then typed in one number and pressed the call button.

Shouichi the sound of a phone ringing before a familiar voice picked the phone up.

Sonoko: Ah~~~ Hello, Shouichi-san~~~~~

Shouichi: Hello, Sonoko-chan. Sorry for calling so late.

Sonoko: Don't worry, Shouichi-san~~~~ I'm also felt bored~~~ 

Shouichi: Sorry, I couldn't be there recently.....

Sonoko: Don't worry, I've heard what happen. You've finished your duty right?

Shouichi: Yes, the Taisha even treated us to this nice vacation. I wish you could come to Sonoko-chan.

Sonoko: I see, the Taisha did.......

Shouichi: What's wrong Sonoko-chan?

Sonoko: Oh, nothing's wrong Shouichi-san~~~~~ So why did you called Shouichi-san?

Shouichi: Yeah right. I've got a question for you, Sonoko-chan. 

Sonoko: Yeah, what is it, Shouichi-san?~~~~

Shouichi: Do you know of a Minowa Tetsuya?

Sonoko: Eh?!........

Shouichi: Sonoko-chan?

Sonoko: ......

Shouichi: Sonoko-chan?! What's wrong, are you still there?!

Sonoko: Why..... Why do you remember that name? And why would you ask me about that? (Sonoko's voice turn from playful to serious)

Shouichi: To be honest with you, I felt like you were familiar to me. I felt like I've met you before and It seems that no matter I wanted it or not, I'll regain my memories.

Sonoko: ...... Minowa Tetsuya is-

The call ended even before Sonoko could answer Shouichi's question.

Shouichi: Sonoko-chan?! 

Shouichi then tried calling Sonoko again and again only to no avail. 

Shouichi: *sigh* What's going on.

Distraught Shouichi then decided to take bath to refresh himself and went to the hot spring.

(At the hot spring)

Shouichi: *sigh* Sonoko-chan......

A bucket then was thrown from the other side of the wall and hit Shouichi's head. 

Shouichi: OW!!! Hey! don't throw the buckets!!

Fuu: OH! My hand slipped!! (Fuu said as threw another bucket)

Shouichi: Alright! Alright! Don't throw another bucket! Jeez.....

After the rowdy bath, the Hero club returns to their room while Shouichi stayed a little bit more to soak himself. When Shouichi returned to their room, they already lay out the futon to sleep.

Shouichi: What we're sleeping early? 

The girls of the club then turned their gaze towards Shouichi.

Shouichi: W-what is it? 

The girls look at him with a red face just like they just talked something embarrassing. 

Fuu: N-no! I-it's nothing! By the way, Where do you want to sleep? 

Shouichi: Oh, I'll sleep at the chair. You guys probably wouldn't want a man sleeping next to you guys anyway. 

Shouichi then take a blanket and made his way towards the living room chair.

Fuu: There's no problem sleeping with us. Besides, It's not comfortable If you sleep in that kind of place.

Shouichi: I-if you say so...

Shouichi then walked to the only futon that was empty. Just as Shouichi laid down and was about to close his eyes, he felt the gazes that were staring at him. 

Shouichi: What are you guys doing? 

Togo: Don't mind us. 

Yuuna: We'll be right here trying to get some sleep.

Shouichi: Of course I will mind! What are you trying to pull?! *sigh* Whatever you guys doing, just don't go overboard. 

Shouichi then went to sleep not long after. 

Fuu's whisper: He's asleep, now's our chance. Just like we talked before.

Fuu then pulled the Futon right next to Shouichi's futon followed by Yuuna, Itsuki, Karin, and Togo until their sleeping position became like this.

Togo, Karin, Yuuna, Shouichi, Fuu, Itsuki.

Fuu: Then, good night everyone. (Fuu said as she closed her eyes.)  

(Near the morning)

Fuu was a very bad sleeper and was moving and kicking a lot. She then rolled over and her hand hit Shouichi's hand that was still in a cast.

Shouichi: OWWW!!!!!! (Shouichi screamed from the bottom of his heart to prevent anyone woke up)

Shouichi who couldn't sleep anymore because of Fuu's action then decided to wake up. Shouichi then looked at his surroundings and realized what was going on.

Shouichi: Ah..... I see what were they talking about last night.

Shouichi then realized that Togo and Yuuna were missing from her bed and went looking for her. Shouichi then saw Togo and Yuuna were sitting at the chair near the balcony.

Shouichi: Good morning, Togo-chan, Yuuki-chan. *yawn* 

Yuuna: Good morning, Shouichi-san

Togo: Good morning, Shouichi-senpai. You're up early. 

Shouichi: Well, I was just taught that Fuu was a very bad sleeper. (Shouichi said as he pointed at his right arm)

Togo and Yuuna: *chuckle* 

Shouichi: By the way, what were you guys doing? 

Togo: We were thinking.

Shouichi: About what?

Yuuna: About Vertexes.

Togo: The vertexes are based on the twelve constellations of the zodiac, aren't they?

Shouichi: That's what I heard.

Togo: But there are constellations other than those.

Shouichi: Yeah, a lot of them.

Togo: Shouichi-senpai, do you think that the fighting is over?

Shouichi: That's what I'm hoping for, but...

Togo: But...?

Shouichi: But..... something inside me is screaming that this will continue very long... I hope it's just my overreaction though.

Togo: I see.

Shouichi: Ah! That got me thinking. Togo-chan, what do you think about the lord?

Togo: The lord?

Shouichi: Yes, unlike the Vertex that needs to enter through Jukai the lord can enter and exit from Shikoku. Why didn't they attack from both sides?

Togo: Maybe......., it's because of you, senpai.

Shouichi: Me?

Togo: Senpai is the only one who could felt the presence of the lord right?

Shouichi: Yeah, that's right.

Togo: The lord is probably isn't as reckless as we thought. or......

Shouichi: Or what?

Togo: Somebody is purposely letting the Lord's in.

Shouichi: Somebody, huh?!

Togo: I hope it's nothing, but I can't help but think like that.

Shouichi: Let's hope it's not true then.

Yuuna: There's no point worrying about it now. We'll deal with whatever happens when the time comes. Taisha also said that it shouldn't be a problem. Besides, we have Shinju-sama to protect us.

Shouichi: Yeah, you're right. There's no point in worrying about that kind of thing. (Shouichi said as if he is trying to convince himself)

(A few hours later)

Fuu is staring off to the sea in front of her while the rest is waiting for a ride home.

Fuu: The waters...... are restless. 

Yuuna: So, what brings that up, senpai?

Karin: Come on. what's the pose supposed to mean?!

Shouichi: It's just her usual eight-grader syndrome.

Fuu: Shut Up!! Before going home isn't there should be one last thing we need to do?

Karin: Is there? Fireworks, maybe?

Itsuki on sketchbook: I bet she wants someone to hit on us.

Fuu: Not that!!! Well, I've been thinking about that for a bit as well.

Karin: Have you now?

Fuu: This is just like the Hero club's summer camp. We need to talk about something meaningful to the club. Like the cultural festival, the cultural festival, and the cultural festival.

Itsuki on sketchbook: She said it three times.

Shouichi: But she has a point, the story is not even finished. 

Togo: Looks like we'll be talking about the casting on the way home.

Fuu: Listen up! What's the point of defeating the Vertexes if our lives are gonna get messed up in the aftermath? We need to keep to our everyday schedules and keep going for the total victory!

Karin: I guess I can agree with that.

Itsuki on sketchbook: The vacation only ends when we get home.

Yuuna: All right! Let's make this cultural festival a huge success!

Everyone: Yeah!!!!

To Be Continued

I hope you guys liked the new chapter of my story

Author Notes (A/N)

I do not own Kamen Rider Agito and Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru because they already have their respective owners

All images belong to respective owners.

I only own OCs and synopsis of the story.

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