Young Justice Drabbles

By a-conglish

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Collection of drabbles for Young Justice. 1. Getting Lost Somewhere (Supermartian) 2. Patching Each Other Up... More

Getting Lost Somewhere (Supermartian)
Patching Each Other Up (Birdflash)
Drawing Each Other (Birdflash)
One is Sick (Birdflash)
Buying Flowers for the Other (Snaibsel)
Accidental Time Travel (Birdflash)
One Deages (Birdflash)
Accidental Time Travel Pt 2 (Birdflash)
Have to do What The Other Says (Birdflash)
Truth or Dare
Never Have I Ever
Fake Boyfriend AU Pt 1 (Birdflash)
Fake Boyfriend AU Pt 2 (Birdflash)
Fake Boyfriend AU Pt 3 (Birdflash)
Soulmate AU (Birdflash)
Soulmate AU (Snaibsel)

Power Swap (Birdflash)

731 24 1
By a-conglish

"Why don't you try this on for size? Flip alterius potentiae!" Klarion laughed before disappearing through a portal.

"Flip what?" Kid Flash asked.

"Not sure. He does magic differently than my dad and me." Zatanna shrugged.

Before anyone else could say anything the whole Team began to glow. "Woah, what just happened?" Kid Flash asked.

"Umm...Robin? You're vibrating." M'gann said, pointing at the younger teen.

"And you're no longer... you. You're a White Martian." Zatanna added.

"I think he flipped our powers." Aqualad said, floating in the air.

"KF, how do I stop it?" Robin asked before accidently smashing into a wall.

"Just don't move for now, Rob. Let's get you somewhere... Softer." Kid Flash laughed, picking up his boyfriend and carrying him to the Bioship.

"We should all head back to the Cave. Before we make a scene." Aqualad suggested.

"Are you going to head there too?" Superboy asked when they all realized he hadn't started towards the ship with the rest of them.

"I don't know how to move while flying. It seems I have M'gann's powers but not her control." Aqualad said, blushing slightly.

"I got ya." Artemis said, grabbing Aqualad's ankle and dragging him towards the ship.

When the Team made it back to the Cave they'd already radioed ahead to let Batman know what they thought had happened. Artemis pulled Kaldur into the Cave while Wally carried Robin bridal style into the living room and set him on the couch.

"Don't move, little bird, or you'll end up face first into a wall again. Even with my speed healing, that hurts." Wally said.

"What happened to you all?" Batman asked, coming into the living room with the rest of the Team for the debrief.

"Klarion." Zatanna shrugged. "We think he flipped our powers around but we don't know how or how to fix it."

"We also do not know who all got whose powers." Kaldur added.

"We know Rob got my speed and you got M'gann's powers." Wally said.

"That is true. But beyond that, we do not know." Kaldur relented.

"Umm... Batman, can you call my Uncle Barry? I don't want Robin to hurt himself." Wally asked.

"I can. The rest of you head to the training room and see if you can figure out who has what powers. And maybe you can teach each other how to use them well enough that we don't have Team leaders floating without control." Batman said.

The Team nodded and started heading towards the training room with Artemis still pulling Kaldur along. Wally stuck around the couch near Robin. "Batman? I can help with Rob."

Batman rolled his eyes, not that Wally could tell with the cowl. "I figured you would. Try to figure out what powers you got and don't destroy the living room."

"Thank you Batman!" Wally ran up and hugged the masked crusader.

"Umm... Walls, are you trying to die?" Robin asked from the couch, trying to hide his laughter at the looks on both Wally and Batman's faces.

"Whoops?" Wally jumped back and did a backflip over the couch to hide behind Robin.

"Well, I think we know whose talents you got." Batman said before turning away to call Barry and Doctor Fate.

"How'd I do that?" Wally asked Robin.

"I do flips all the time, B thinks you got my talents so it's possible you accidently flipped over the couch when trying to get away from him." Robin shrugged.

"Ok, I only got half of that. You slipped into speed talk, my man." Wally laughed.

"Sorry." Robin blushed.

"It's cool. Barry slips too and he goes much faster than me." Wally shrugged.

"What are we gonna do, Walls?" Robin asked, making sure to speak slowly.

"First, we're gonna take you to the gym so you can change into civvies without getting hurt, even if you tap into the speed a little." Wally picked Robin up again and started carrying him to the other room. "Then maybe you can talk me through using some of your badass moves?"

"Not sure how to do that. I learned most of my stunts as a kid in the circus. I just added some martial arts to what I already knew. Not sure how to teach that." Robin sighed.

"It's ok, little bird. I'm just missing my speed a bit. I know we're safe here but without my speed I feel very vulnerable." Wally looked straight ahead, refusing to look down at Robin.

"Walls, you can do so much even without your speed. Besides, if anyone attacks tell them you hugged Batman and lived and they'll be so scared of you." Robin laughed.

"Nah, I'll tell them I asked Batman permission to date his son and survived and they'll fear me." Wally grinned at Robin.

"I still can't believe you did that." Robin laughed, shaking his head.

"Yeah, yeah, now go get changed. I'll keep an eye out so go ahead and switch out of your mask too." Wally closed the door and leaned against it.

"How is watching me keeping an eye out?"

"I'm leaning on the door, Rob. Besides, wanna make sure you don't hurt yourself."

"Whatever dude. Stand outside and keep the others out." Robin ordered.

"Yes, sir." Wally mock saluted Robin and went outside the door to wait.

"Hey Wally!" Flash called, running towards him. "Batman was vague, what's going on? And uhh.. Who's throwing things in the gym?"

"Well, Klarion hit us with a spell and our powers got all mixed up and Rob got my speed and that's him trying to change into civvies." Wally pointed over his shoulder to the closed door. "You good, babe?" He called through the door.

"Maybe?" Robin called back.

"Uncle Barry is here if you want us to come in." Wally let him know.

"Umm.. Still trying to get on pants. Give me a minute."

Wally laughed and turned back to his uncle. "Before we realized what had happened, Robin ran straight into a wall and Kaldur was floating but unable to move in any direction. Everyone else is supposed to be in the training room figuring out what powers everyone has and teach each other how to use them enough that there are no more incidents like those." He explained.

"And what did you get in this fun exchange?" Flash asked.

"Batman thinks I got Robin's skills." Wally shrugged.

"And why does he think that?" Flash pressed.

"I might have back flipped over the couch to get away from him after I hugged him." Wally blushed.

"You hugged Batman?" Flash laughed.

"Yeah... I didn't mean to but he was being nice and it just happened. Anyways.." Wally turned back towards the door. "You decent, Rob?"


"We're coming in then." Wally warned before opening the door.

"I can't find my sunglasses." Robin pouted.

"It's ok, Rob. I'll help you look later." Wally suggested.

"Why don't we all go to Central City or the Batcave so you don't have to hide?" Flash suggested.

"He can come to my house!" Wally exclaimed.

"Better my house, kid. Your parents probably don't want a fresh speedster in the house. Iris on the other hand, is at work." Flash said.

"Umm.. Walls, how do I move without running?" Robin asked.

"Focus on going slow. Like you did with talking. You'll get the hang of it in no time." Wally grinned.

"Do we have to know how long this will last?" Flash asked.

"No. I think Batman called Doctor Fate though to see if he could reverse it." Robin said.

"Do we want to stay here instead in case he figures it out soon?" Wally asked.

"Probably should but I want to have my sunglasses then." Robin pouted.

"Well, did you have them in your room last or with your civvies?" Wally asked.

"I don't remember."

"That's helpful, babe."

"You two are cute together." Flash grinned at the pair. Both boys turned towards Flash quickly, too quickly in Robin's case, he fell over. They seemed to have forgotten he was there.


"Dude I said focus." Wally laughed at his boyfriend before helping him up. "We'll meet you in the training room, Uncle Barry."

"Sure thing, boys." Flash ran to the training room, leaving the two boys alone in the hallway.

"I'm trying to focus but it's hard. Is this what you do all the time?" Robin asked.

"Pretty much. I'm used to it now. I have to be super extra careful while at school and such. But going fast and going fast carefully are two different things. You're going fast and don't know how to control yourself while going fast. That's why you're running into things and falling over. For now, focus on going slow. Hopefully you won't be a speedster for long enough to have to figure out how to go fast carefully." Wally explained.

Robin leaned against the wall. "Will you go check my room for my sunglasses?"

"Sure." Wally smiled and walked towards Robin's room. He came back a few minutes later with a pair of sunglasses hanging from his fingers.

"You found them!" Robin ran into Wally. "Whoops."

"Ok, that's painful without speed healing. And yeah, they were on the desk."

"Sorry, Walls." Robin switched his mask for his sunglasses, shoving the mask into a pocket.

"I thought you bats were all about focus or something." Wally laughed.

"Technically robins are birds, not bats."

"Really? Technicalities?"

"Let's just go to the training room. I miss flipping over shit."

"I still wanna learn how to do that. Even if you teach me after we're all back to normal." Wally told him.

"Sounds good, Walls. We have an awesome training room at the manor that'd be perfect. Just.. uhh... we'll need to either hack the cameras or make sure no kissing." Robin blushed.

"I think I can manage not kissing you for an afternoon or two. As long as we get a movie night together too." Wally grinned.

"Cool. Now, if I focus, you think I can run to the training room without hurting myself? Or you?" Robin asked.

"Maybe?" Wally didn't trust the mischievous look on Robin's face.

"Let's try. Hop on." Robin crouched down to let Wally on his back like Wally does for him.

"I'm going to regret this." Wally muttered, climbing on his boyfriend's back.

Robin took a deep breath to focus like he does when trying a hard move on the trapeze and ran for the training room. "Hey, I did it!" Robin laughed before immediately tripping, falling, and dropping Wally on the training room floor. "Or not. Forgot to ask how to stop I guess." Robin smiled sheepishly at Wally.

"That was pretty good though, babe. I should have remembered to tell you how to stop." Wally smiled.

"Umm, you guys? Doctor Fate figured out how to switch us all back." M'gann told him.

"Sweet." Both boys said together.

"Now that you're all together, Ad normalis." Doctor Fate said over them.

Nothing happened for a few seconds then they began to glow again. "Did it work?" M'gann asked.

"Yep." Wally said, zipping around the room at top speed. "I missed this."

"Wanna head to the Batcave today, Walls?" Robin asked.

"Really?" Wally asked.

"Let me ask B first but it should be fine." Robin grinned, pulling his phone out of pocket.

"You going over to Robin's?" Flash asked.

"Rob said he'd teach me some of his moves and they have a great gym for it at the Batcave." Wally told his uncle excitedly.

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